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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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He seems much less whiny and more self assured. I still don't like him, but I like him way more than in the original show. I really need to rewatch all the eva stuff now to make sure I'm right, haha.

Man, all this Eva 3.0 talk has made me dig way deeper into all the theorycrafting that goes on. Sure 99% of it is total BS, but it's so much fun to just think on.


I really, really don't see how that's "clear". Rebuild has done some visual allusions to the original series, but most of them (like the red sea) have received explanations that aren't tied to the events of the original series at all. Personally, I think that the official material isn't lying or hiding anything here. This is a new standalone story, not a sequel of any kind.

I feel like there are way too many allusions. Also, from what I've heard from 3.0, it's more clear to me.
In 3.0, it's been said that the lance of longinus+another lance can rebuild the world. You wouldn't mention rebuilding the world if it didn't relate to the show somehow.

EDIT:Damn, meant to edit not doublepost. Got carried away. Sorry about that.


He seems much less whiny and more self assured. I still don't like him, but I like him way more than in the original show. I really need to rewatch all the eva stuff now to make sure I'm right, haha.

I don't think (?) you'll hear anyone argue that his character isn't different, however there seems to be a step missing which explains why different=better.



Shinji 1.0 never stands up for himself ever. By the end of ReBuild 2.22, Shinji 2 is doing something because he wants to do it. That's something the first Shinji either fails to do or is prevented from doing. I don't want Shinji to be all hot-blooded, but seeing him stand up for himself, and
actually cause Gendo to recoil in fear/surprise just before the end of 2.22
is, I don't know, better. By End of Evangelion Shinji's a wreck, and seeing it all happen again in ReBuild was getting sad. To see him break free for once and do things of his own accord is refreshing.

I really, really don't see how that's "clear". Rebuild has done some visual allusions to the original series, but most of them (like the red sea) have received explanations that aren't tied to the events of the original series at all. Personally, I think that the official material isn't lying or hiding anything here. This is a new standalone story, not a sequel of any kind.

Then how do we explain
The two Lilliths?
If that's explained in 3.0, don't tell me, because, well, haven't seen it yet.


I don't think (?) you'll hear anyone argue that his character isn't different, however there seems to be a step missing which explains why different=better.

Someone who is more confident and less whiny is inherently more likable to me. That=better for me. It's a subjective term, I realize. I guess I don't expect it to be the same for everyone.




Chitose Get You! 21

this explains alot


this may be out of rentons league

Nothing can "save" that show. The only hope is to salvage the maximum amount of entertainment value out of what is left. It needs great mecha action, something the series has lacked, and some crazy, eva level of batshit insanity.


Someone who is more confident and less whiny is inherently more likable to me. That=better for me. It's a subjective term, I realize. I guess I don't expect it to be the same for everyone.

Okay, so we're going down the likeable = better route. Just checking, but that seems to be the most popular line of reasoning.


Shinji being different is part of the appeal of it being a reboot, along with every other change
if they just followed everything to a tee it wouldn't be worth watching


Okay, so we're going down the likeable = better route. Just checking, but that seems to be the most popular line of reasoning.

I realize I should stop using such quantitate terms like better when talking about subjective ideas. It's something I'll try to avoid going forward.

To clarify, I don't believe main characters need to be likable to be a "good" or interesting main character. It was just me using bad phrasing.


Then how do we explain
The two Lilliths?

Waiting for the explanation? The series hasn't ended yet not everything has to be explained based on what we already know.
Maybe there were three seeds of life in the rebuild universe?
I just don't think the way these movies are going the answer will be tied to the old tv show.

In 3.0,
it's been said that the lance of longinus+another lance can rebuild the world. You wouldn't mention rebuilding the world if it didn't relate to the show somehow.

That doesn't actually support some kind of tie in to the original Eva tv show though.
They only had the lance of loginus in the original series, and this movie itself showed that they couldn't rebuild the world just with that lance. They didn't have the missing lance in the original tv show either, so, this new device introduced can't be used to explain the tv show's reality somehow becoming this new one.


For me I think it's also that better=healthier. Shinji was a pretty unwell kid, and by the end of ReBuild 2, he seemed to be getting over that.


Question I've been meaning to ask but for some reason haven't yet: is pulling down your eyelid and sticking your tongue out at somebody the Japanese equivalent of flipping somebody the bird?

Also, watched the first two episodes of Cowboy Bebop last night, and it was totally rad. Can't wait to see more!

Oh, also, how's Wii U, to those who have it?


Waiting for the explanation? The series hasn't ended yet not everything has to be explained based on what we already know.
Maybe there were three seeds of life in the rebuild universe?
I just don't think the way these movies are going the answer will be tied to the old tv show.

That doesn't actually support some kind of tie in to the original Eva tv show though.
They only had the lance of loginus in the original series, and this movie itself showed that they couldn't rebuild the world just with that lance. They didn't have the missing lance in the original tv show either, so, this new device introduced can't be used to explain the tv show's reality somehow becoming this new one.

Honestly, this is Eva. I don't think it'll ever be answered. I'll choose to believe my own theory unless directly contradicted. I'm willing to bet the way this ends will be left open enough that you can interpret it in almost any way you want.

It's just that the
Imperfect time loop makes too much sense with what's there to pass up. The world at the end of EoE is left to be rebuilt in whatever way Shinji desires. This is called "Rebuild of Evangelion".
. I'm willing to listen to other theories if this is contradicted by the future, but as of right now I subscribe to it because it makes sense.


I really feel like the show is holding something very important back from the audience.
Havent seen episode 08 yet, but its giving me a vibe that there is some kind of major conspiracy going in behind the scenes and the reveal of what it is could be close.
Then again Im probably way off and it will just continue to meander. Im enjoying it though.
Based off what was revealed in episode 4. I'm clearly thinking they are going pull a fallout. And they'll be a
faction with high-tech modern technology
hell they might even be
tied to the village somehow

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
People finding Shinji a much better character in Rebuild keep on ignoring the fact that he is still an
egotistical coward
at the end of 2.22. He's just going about it in a roundabout way.


Waiting for the explanation? The series hasn't ended yet not everything has to be explained based on what we already know.
Maybe there were three seeds of life in the rebuild universe?
I just don't think the way these movies are going the answer will be tied to the old tv show.

That doesn't actually support some kind of tie in to the original Eva tv show though.
They only had the lance of loginus in the original series, and this movie itself showed that they couldn't rebuild the world just with that lance. They didn't have the missing lance in the original tv show either, so, this new device introduced can't be used to explain the tv show's reality somehow becoming this new one.

Wasn't the TV lance thrown into space, where it drifted to who-knows-where beyond human reach? Maybe whatever's sending the Angels wasn't satisfied with the TV ending either.


Question I've been meaning to ask but for some reason haven't yet: is pulling down your eyelid and sticking your tongue out at somebody the Japanese equivalent of flipping somebody the bird?

Also, watched the first two episodes of Cowboy Bebop last night, and it was totally rad. Can't wait to see more!

Oh, also, how's Wii U, to those who have it?

I don't see it as something as extreme as flipping the bird, but it's a similar "haha, screw you" idea. I think it's just a childish gesture people do. Heck, I've seen kids in the US do it.

You're watching Bebop for the first time? Congrats. It's my favorite show of all time. I'm in the middle of my yearly rewatch. Make sure to post your thoughts as you keep going. Love to have some fresh opinions.


he hasnt watched it
but there are spoilers?

He read the spoilers, got angry, and ranted about them.

Man, this is just the type of reaction that Anno wants. People should know better than to get fanboy obsessed with Eva by now. That's the attitude Anno hates and wants to destroy. Of course he'll make you angry if you go in with that attitude.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
He read the spoilers, got angry, and ranted about them.

Man, this is just the type of reaction that Anno wants. People should know better than to get fanboy obsessed with Eva by now. That's the attitude Anno hates and wants to destroy. Of course he'll make you angry if you go in with that attitude.
All it needs is some tumbling down music.


It's just that the Imperfect time loop makes too much sense with what's there to pass up. The world at the end of EoE is left to be rebuilt in whatever way Shinji desires.

That wasn't set up at all by EoE though. By the end of the movie,
Shinji was outside of instrumentability so he didn't even have any real powers or anything. The only choice that he made was not allowing the unified entity to exist and giving everyone else's the chance to come out of the LCL too. EoE by itself doesn't really support anything else. There's nothing there indicating some godly entity rebuilding the world after the ending.

We'll see, I guess, but I really don't think we're heading to some kind of timeloop tied to the original show especially considering (Eva Q spoiler for one of the basic elements of the movie, but which was hidden by the trailers and marketing)
the timeskip between Eva 2.0 and Eva Q. If it were some kind of loop, you'd think they'd have stayed around the timeframe of the original series rather than going on to 14 years in the future.


Waiting for the explanation? The series hasn't ended yet not everything has to be explained based on what we already know.
Maybe there were three seeds of life in the rebuild universe?
I just don't think the way these movies are going the answer will be tied to the old tv show.

But isn't it just a little TOO convenient? I mean, I'm almost positive that Kaworu
says something along the lines of Shinji again
, and having
two Liliths, one whose eyes resemble the eyes of the merging Rei-Lillith from EoE, the other the same Lilith from the TV series. The circle on the globe looks exactly like the one from EoE and unless my eyes were playing tricks on me, wasn't above Antartica. It's all just a little TOO much. Nevermind the similarities between the Rei-clones from EoE and the energy beings Misato saw during 2nd Impact this time around.


Having read a small portion of the spoilers and some fanboy explosion, I could not be more excited about Eva 3.0. Anno has outdone himself. He literally does not give a shit about fanboys and wants to destroy them. He may even outdo EoE levels of trolling with 4.0 if this pace keeps going. He is a master troll, and it is wonderful.

Why the hell can't they find a way to simulcast this to US theaters? haha.
Space Brothers 29:
Freddy's family is absolutely hilarious. Between their antics and Nitta trolling Mutta, this episode had some great comedy, as well as some good character introspection for Mutta as he compares himself to Hibito and thinks about the way he views him. I liked the scenes with the Nanba family the night before, as they went about their anxiety in different ways.

I can't say I was particularly invested in the ending, though. That just seems like a pointless thing to throw in.


That wasn't set up at all by EoE though. By the end of the movie,
Shinji was outside of instrumentability so he didn't even have any real powers or anything. The only choice that he made was not allowing the unified entity to exist and giving everyone else's the chance to come out of the LCL too. EoE by itself doesn't really support anything else. There's nothing there indicating some godly entity rebuilding the world after the ending.

We'll see, I guess, but I really don't think we're heading to some kind of timeloop tied to the original show especially considering (Eva Q spoiler for one of the basic elements of the movie, but which was hidden by the trailers and marketing)
the timeskip between Eva 2.0 and Eva Q. If it were some kind of loop, you'd think they'd have stayed around the timeframe of the original series rather than going on to 14 years in the future.

Maybe timeloop is too specific a term. I just mean that Shinji caused this world to be created at the end of EoE.

As for 3.0 contradicting the theory, it doesn't. The changes are what makes the loop imperfect. The actions of the new Shinji have thrown the train off its rails. We're in uncharted territory now and anything can happen.

Whether you subscribe to the sequel theory or not, I think that was the point of 2.0 in general. It's a "this isn't the eva you know anymore" thing. Anno is specifically throwing everything out the window so now no one knows what the hell to expect.

In all honesty, I'm not all that obsessed with the sequel theory as some. I just choose to believe it because it's so insane. It's the kind of insanity I want and expect from Eva. If it's just a parallel world, that's far too simple and kind of bland for a series built on insanity.


I don't see it as something as extreme as flipping the bird, but it's a similar "haha, screw you" idea. I think it's just a childish gesture people do. Heck, I've seen kids in the US did it.

Seriously? I've never seen this before, or at least I don't think I have. Seeing it pretty often in anime though.

You're watching Bebop for the first time? Congrats. It's my favorite show of all time. I'm in the middle of my yearly rewatch. Make sure to post your thoughts as you keep going. Love to have some fresh opinions.

Yep, first time. Don't expect it to be anything but amazing based on what I've heard. That moment in the first ep where
Asimov was on that Red Eye while they started raiding the bar
was fucking surreal. Also, a corgi.

OS is slow, transferring stuff from Wii to Wii U takes a long time, but games that aren't ports run well. :) Haven't had enough time to use it because football.

Hmm. wonder if they'll fix the slowness as they continue to release updates. Busy watching football too; took me a couple hours to come down from Bucs comeback elation. :)


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Hmm. wonder if they'll fix the slowness as they continue to release updates. Busy watching football too; took me a couple hours to come down from Bucs comeback elation. :)

Seems like a case of unoptimized code imo. If Nintendo wants to spend the time/resources, I think they could fix it.


"This is the worst fucking thing that has happened in anime history."

Has he not seen EoE? Has he not seen what Anno is capable of making his characters do? We already have
Shinji molesting and masturbating to and unconscious girl
. That scene was super disturbing. It still creeps me out every time I see it. Honestly, I don't know how you remain a fan of Eva, while discarding all the insanity, anti-fanboy stuff Anno brings to it.


Has he not seen EoE? Has he not seen what Anno is capable of making his characters do? We already have
Shinji molesting and masturbating to and unconscious girl
. That scene was super disturbing. It still creeps me out every time I see it. Honestly, I don't know how you remain a fan of Eva, while discarding all the insanity, anti-fanboy stuff Anno brings to it.

whats next
people chastising urobuchi for killing off characters?


whats next
people chastising urobuchi for killing off characters?

It's like watching someone watch a Tomino Gundam series, and get upset that every character they grow to like is killed horribly. Fanboys are capable of closing their eyes to anything I guess.


Has he not seen EoE? Has he not seen what Anno is capable of making his characters do? We already have
Shinji molesting and masturbating to and unconscious girl
. That scene was super disturbing. It still creeps me out every time I see it. Honestly, I don't know how you remain a fan of Eva, while discarding all the insanity, anti-fanboy stuff Anno brings to it.

The weirdest part of all that for me wasn't even that. I mean, yeah, that was terrible, but it was Shinji's insistence that he needed her before that.


The weirdest part of all that for me wasn't even that. I mean, yeah, that was terrible, but it was Shinji's insistence that he needed her before that.

Well of course he needs her. Do you have any idea how hard it is to run out for Kleenex when the UN black helicopters are circling over your dad's fortified compound?


The weirdest part of all that for me wasn't even that. I mean, yeah, that was terrible, but it was Shinji's insistence that he needed her before that.

Shinji is a messed up, repressed teenage boy. It's easy to miss that watching the show if you don't want to see it. The women in his life are sex objects mostly. Anno really makes the most of that fact to the horribly disturbing conclusion. After Shinji did what he needed to do, he no longer "needed" Asuka. He's a psychological mess by the end of that series.

But these are my interpretations from seeing that show years ago. I really need to rewatch it all and see if I still think the same thing.


But isn't it just a little TOO convenient?
I mean, I'm almost positive that Kaworu says something along the lines of Shinji again, and having two Liliths, one whose eyes resemble the eyes of the merging Rei-Lillith from EoE, the other the same Lilith from the TV series.

The circle on the globe looks exactly like the one from EoE and unless my eyes were playing tricks on me, wasn't above Antartica. It's all just a little TOO much.

Nevermind the similarities between the Rei-clones from EoE and the energy beings Misato saw during 2nd Impact this time around.

Rebuild in general has been very explicit with references though. Including even direct name references to other franchises, so referencing the past Eva visually isn't that odd.

Also, regarding the giants of light... Anno had compared the Evangelions to the Japanese super hero "Ultraman" and his various successors in interviews before, but Rebuild basically took it to another level. The four giants of light are apparently tied to some big Ultraman references in Rebuild.


That's also another reason I don't think this is all tied back to the original tv show.


Rebuild in general has been very explicit with references though. Including even direct name references to other franchises, so referencing the past Eva visually isn't that odd.

Also, regarding the giants of light... Anno had compared the Evangelions to the Japanese super hero "Ultraman" and his various successors in interviews before, but Rebuild basically took it to another level. The four giants of light are apparently tied to some big Ultraman references in Rebuild.


That's also another reason I don't think this is all tied back to the original tv show.

Just because the Giants of Light are Ultraman references doesn't mean they don't have some larger meaning. They aren't there just for reference sake.

Honestly, I don't think the sequel theory stuff is accidental. Whether it's just there to be hints for people to read into if they want or just more trolling so that Anno can pull the carpet from underneath people remains to be seen. Personally, I doubt any of this will actually be resolved.


Ixion Saga DT 7

Yeah, this episode was even worse than the one with the shitty Mascot character. On the bright side, next week looks like it has potential.
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