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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Man, you guys put way too much energy into deciphering Eva.

Aw. Eva is one of the few shows with enough ambiguity that you can go into a deep, de-constructive analysis. That's why it's fun. Yeah, you could do a theme analysis of most shows, but most shows are only skin deep. They really don't have much meat to dig into. Cowboy Bebop is one of the few other anime I could put as much energy into deconstructing as eva.

In conclusion, we need more ambiguous anime. It's way too fun.


Shinji is a messed up, repressed teenage boy. It's easy to miss that watching the show if you don't want to see it. The women in his life are sex objects mostly. Anno really makes the most of that fact to the horribly disturbing conclusion. After Shinji did what he needed to do, he no longer "needed" Asuka. He's a psychological mess by the end of that series.

But these are my interpretations from seeing that show years ago. I really need to rewatch it all and see if I still think the same thing.

I just watched EoE yesterday, so I have to agree. I mean, I know why it happened, but it's pretty scary. I think we can all relate to feeling awkward about sex at Shinji's age, but it's like his teenage crush on Asuka, his hormones, and all the horrible damage Gendo's done to him kinda combine in one very crazy scene.

Rebuild in general has been very explicit with references though. Including even direct name references to other franchises, so referencing the past Eva visually isn't that odd.

Also, regarding the giants of light... Anno had compared the Evangelions to the Japanese super hero "Ultraman" and his various successors in interviews before, but Rebuild basically took it to another level. The four giants of light are apparently tied to some big Ultraman references in Rebuild.


That's also another reason I don't think this is all tied back to the original tv show.

I dunno, man. There's frequent shout-outs and there's deliberate mass-guess fuel, and given the nature of Evangelion, I have to lean toward the latter.

Man, you guys put way too much energy into deciphering Eva.

Eh. It's fun nerd talk. That's all.


I just watched EoE yesterday, so I have to agree. I mean, I know why it happened, but it's pretty scary. I think we can all relate to feeling awkward about sex at Shinji's age, but it's like his teenage crush on Asuka, his hormones, and all the horrible damage Gendo's done to him kinda combine in one very crazy scene.

I dunno, man. There's frequent shout-outs and there's deliberate mass-guess fuel, and given the nature of Evangelion, I have to lean toward the latter.

Eh. It's fun nerd talk. That's all.

I always took Shinji as Anno's cry against the creepy, female character obsessed, fanboys who never grew out of those awkward years. He's trying to hold up a mirror to them and how creepy they're being, maybe in hope they'll change. He's trying to point out just how creepy this fanboyism can be.

And as a persona fan, I can say he's completely right about that.


Aw. Eva is one of the few shows with enough ambiguity that you can go into a deep, de-constructive analysis. That's why it's fun. Yeah, you could do a theme analysis of most shows, but most shows are only skin deep. They really don't have much meat to dig into. Cowboy Bebop is one of the few other anime I could put as much energy into deconstructing as eva.

In conclusion, we need more ambiguous anime. It's way too fun.

Eh. It's fun nerd talk. That's all.

To be honest, I had no idea 'til now that it was possible to delve so deep into Eva. This discussion is actually quite enlightening to me.

This is a movie that people are getting audio rips for (a bad bad thing that should never be condoned). Srs bsns

They couldn't even wait a few days for the cam rips? lol
Code: breaker 7

Yuuki rises on my chart for favorite characters in this, liked his scenes and his own special way of caring for Ogami. Beyond that solid episode all around good parts, though I now dislike Sakurakouji even more though this makes me want to read the manga once I finish Yu Yu Hakusho.
Lost form
Toki is incredible, more.

Her having that ability is so annoying and infuriating, so she will be in the forefront for now on, why?! what even.

I liked the setup all code breakers on the scene using their abilities, Yuuki was so flashy and Toki Ogami team up was what I wanted, more of that too. I guess theres two routes for the story the Sakura and Hitomi or Hitomi and PM, unless the two are linked?

K private scene and interview 2 & 3

That Yata Misaki and Saruhiko Fushimi was the best of the three, the two are hilarious and probably friends back in the day (well with their sharing of milk and vegetables, foods each other didnt like), with the interview, (fushimi is yata obsessed) then their bonding moment at the hero show.

Munkata Reishi and Mikoto Suoh's one was alright, just Suoh sighing all the time tired like but the scene was good, just the two at a sauna.

All three worth listening too...


Has he not seen EoE? Has he not seen what Anno is capable of making his characters do? We already have
Shinji molesting and masturbating to and unconscious girl
. That scene was super disturbing. It still creeps me out every time I see it. Honestly, I don't know how you remain a fan of Eva, while discarding all the insanity, anti-fanboy stuff Anno brings to it.

That's only because Anno was taught by the master himself.

Anno: Everyone understands that it's a fiction, but precisely because it's a fiction you have a pure feeling, you fall for the character to an even greater extent. You assume that an anime character will not betray you. [Kunihiko Ikuhara] said [to me], "in the last episode, please have Rei Ayanami get married and become pregnant. Just please betray the Ayanami fans. The Rei Ayanami they are thinking of is not real. The real Rei Ayanami gets married, and her belly..."

Oguro: (laughs) Ah, if Ayanami really existed.

Anno: He told me something like, "please, make them realize that, If she were real, she would get married, become pregnant, have a child, and grow older." I was thinking, "we don't have to go that far..." (laughs).

Oguro: (laughs) Iku-chan is a wicked man.

Ikuhara is also a heavy influence on Kaworu's design.


To be honest, I had no idea 'til now that it was possible to delve so deep into Eva. This discussion is actually quite enlightening to me.

They couldn't even wait a few days for the cam rips? lol

Oh man, Evangelion TheoryCrafting is the best. So much stuff to just BS about. Most of it only has tangential evidence, but it's just so interesting. It's part of why I need to rewatch that show.

My favorite theory, and one most everyone knows, is that EoE and the last two episodes are two sides of the same coin. It's an idea I came to while watching the show originally and went to the internet to see if I could corroborate it. Of course, it was well entrenched in the discussion already. It was that revelation that lead me deep into the insanity that is Eva fan theories.

One of my favorite super insane ones is this. http://wiki.evageeks.org/Theory_and_Analysis:Rei%27s_Ghostly_Appearances_and_Quantum_Mechanics

There is little evidence for most of this, but too fun.


That's only because Anno was taught by the master himself.

Ikuhara is also a heavy influence on Kaworu's design.


That interview is brilliant. It expresses everything I always thought Anno would be. I had no idea the other guy was as deranged and amazing as Anno himself. I have to say, what Anno did to Rei and Asuka feels a million times worse than having her get married. But I guess the fact he was taking Rei out of fanboys reach may have been more psychologically damaging to them.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
One Piece - 572

Fuck yeah!

Tashigi is a Captain now! And Smoker an Admiral? YESSSSSS!

I'm really hoping this development will lead them to squaring off against the Strawhats again just like the good ol' days. More importantly, I want an awesome fight between Zoro and Tashigi that leads into the whole "You look like my dead friend" plot that should've happened years ago.


That interview is brilliant. It expresses everything I always thought Anno would be. I had no idea the other guy was as deranged and amazing as Anno himself. I have to say, what Anno did to Rei and Asuka feels a million times worse than having her get married. But I guess the fact he was taking Rei out of fanboys reach may have been more psychologically damaging to them.

Hmm, familiar with some of the other Iku-chan/Anno interviews?

[Ikuhara] Apparently stuff like unnecessary hair, or nose hair, isn't absolute.
Of course, in pictures the characters don't actually have nostrils (laugh).
I bet everyone would start hating pictures of girls if we drew nostrils on

One Piece - 572

Fuck yeah!

Tashigi is a Captain now! And Smoker an Admiral? YESSSSSS!

I'm really hoping this development will lead them to squaring off against the Strawhats again just like the good ol' days. More importantly, I want an awesome fight between Zoro and Tashigi that leads into the whole "You look like my dead friend" plot that should've happened years ago.

Bah thats the episode?! Im still behind two.
Capt Smoker is one of my favorite antagonists


Honestly, as much as I love the trolling of Eva, I've never sought out interviews or information on the creators. I don't know why.

I love interviews/retrospectives/etc from the creators themselves, for anything. It's just a nice glimpse into the process and the craft.


I love interviews/retrospectives/etc from the creators themselves, for anything. It's just a nice glimpse into the process and the craft.

I do it for films, but not for anime. I have no clue why. Now I'm going to spend this break looking up cowboy bebop/eva/studio ghibli retrospectives and interviews. Haha.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Bah thats the episode?! Im still behind two.
Capt Smoker is one of my favorite antagonists

Not really haha.
They show up at the very end.

Capt. Smoker is alright, I just know that whenever he shows up it means Tashigi is there as well. I would really like for them to explore her character a bit more and make her a relevant and challenging obstacle for the party to overcome. And I don't want her to be lumped up with Nami in the 'girl fight scenario' when they do throw down. Tashigi is a badass. Zoro tier in my book so she deserves to go toe to toe with him.


I do it for films, but not for anime. I have no clue why. Now I'm going to spend this break looking up cowboy bebop/eva/studio ghibli retrospectives and interviews. Haha.

And the language barrier contributes too, I guess. I can't just go to a website and access dozens of in-depth interviews or commentary at will for anime. Pity but what can you do?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ikuhara has a kind of interview in the book on Kaworu that was published a few years ago. The reason is that Ikuhara is universally believed by Japanese fans to have been an inspiration for Kaworu (it's stated, for example, on both Kaworu's and Ikuhara's wikipedia pages), and the bath scene between Shinji and Kaworu is thought to have been based on a conversation Anno and Ikuhara had at a hot spring.
Art imitates life.

No wonder Kaworu is my favorite EVA character.


I've never gotten the ridiculous appeal Rei has to some people. I mean, I suppose it's endearing that she slowly develops into a human being, and her
refusal of Gendo in EoE
was something I'd been waiting a long time to see, but otherwise, I dunno. I don't see the appeal.

Like, Misato I get, because she's overtly sexual, and the only adult woman in the series to so be, in addition to the one person who actively and consistently tries to show Shinji love throughout the series. Asuka is obvious if you've got a thing for Tsunderes, or the Ms.Badass, which make sense.

But Rei? Like, I dunno. In ReBuild, sure, because Rei's development is more obvious due to being compressed, but in the TV series, until EoE, she's a very shallow love interest and an uninteresting character. I mean, she's an interesting part of the show, but as a character Rei is incredibly dull (and 99% of all Rei clones are worse) for the major part of the show. It's only really at the very end that there's any reason to care.

So why, exactly, have so many people latched on to Rei? The only thing weirder would be to find out there was a deranged cult following for Ritsuko's mom.


I'd also like to add that, partially because of the ambiguity, I think trying to understand the fundamental mysteries of Evangelion is a fool's errand for people with too much time on their hands. Nothing I've seen or read has indicated that Anno has any coherent plan for it, and even if he did it wouldn't matter to any of the important stuff in the show (the characters and their development). May as well spend time theorizing about zombie apocalypses.

It's fanboy bait the same way the characters are.


I've never gotten the ridiculous appeal Rei has to some people. I mean, I suppose it's endearing that she slowly develops into a human being, and her
refusal of Gendo in EoE
was something I'd been waiting a long time to see, but otherwise, I dunno. I don't see the appeal.

Like, Misato I get, because she's overtly sexual, and the only adult woman in the series to so be, in addition to the one person who actively and consistently tries to show Shinji love throughout the series. Asuka is obvious if you've got a thing for Tsunderes, or the Ms.Badass, which make sense.

But Rei? Like, I dunno. In ReBuild, sure, because Rei's development is more obvious due to being compressed, but in the TV series, until EoE, she's a very shallow love interest and an uninteresting character. I mean, she's an interesting part of the show, but as a character Rei is incredibly dull (and 99% of all Rei clones are worse) for the major part of the show. It's only really at the very end that there's any reason to care.

So why, exactly, have so many people latched on to Rei? The only thing weirder would be to find out there was a deranged cult following for Ritsuko's mom.


I've never gotten the ridiculous appeal Rei has to some people. I mean, I suppose it's endearing that she slowly develops into a human being, and her
refusal of Gendo in EoE
was something I'd been waiting a long time to see, but otherwise, I dunno. I don't see the appeal.

Like, Misato I get, because she's overtly sexual, and the only adult woman in the series to so be, in addition to the one person who actively and consistently tries to show Shinji love throughout the series. Asuka is obvious if you've got a thing for Tsunderes, or the Ms.Badass, which make sense.

But Rei? Like, I dunno. In ReBuild, sure, because Rei's development is more obvious due to being compressed, but in the TV series, until EoE, she's a very shallow love interest and an uninteresting character. I mean, she's an interesting part of the show, but as a character Rei is incredibly dull (and 99% of all Rei clones are worse) for the major part of the show. It's only really at the very end that there's any reason to care.

So why, exactly, have so many people latched on to Rei? The only thing weirder would be to find out there was a deranged cult following for Ritsuko's mom.

I think a lot of otaku are into the submissive nature of her character. It's creepy, yes, but it's one of the few explanations I've heard for the vastness of her fandom.

I'd also like to add that, partially because of the ambiguity, I think trying to understand the fundamental mysteries of Evangelion is a fool's errand for people with too much time on their hands. Nothing I've seen or read has indicated that Anno has any coherent plan for it, and even if he did it wouldn't matter to any of the important stuff in the show (the characters and their development). May as well spend time theorizing about zombie apocalypses.

It's fanboy bait the same way the characters are.

Eh, I know it's a fool's errand. I know a lot of the mystery has no answer. It's just fun to nerd out about and think on. Same reason I loved Lost while it was on. It's just Eva has a much longer lasting appeal.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I'd also like to add that, partially because of the ambiguity, I think trying to understand the fundamental mysteries of Evangelion is a fool's errand for people with too much time on their hands. Nothing I've seen or read has indicated that Anno has any coherent plan for it, and even if he did it wouldn't matter to any of the important stuff in the show (the characters and their development). May as well spend time theorizing about zombie apocalypses.

It's fanboy bait the same way the characters are.
Anno-sama's not one to care for details.


I guess maybe I can understand her being submissive as appealing, inasmuch as I can understand the inverse to be true and through that come to make my peace with it.

But still, Rei's submissive like a pillow's submissive. She only even seems to be alive like, thrice in the entire show. When she talks to Gendo, when she smiles at Shinji, and when she
refuses Gendo in the end.



I guess maybe I can understand her being submissive as appealing, inasmuch as I can understand the inverse to be true and through that come to make my peace with it.

But still, Rei's submissive like a pillow's submissive. She only even seems to be alive like, thrice in the entire show. When she talks to Gendo, when she smiles at Shinji, and when she
refuses Gendo in the end.


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I guess maybe I can understand her being submissive as appealing, inasmuch as I can understand the inverse to be true and through that come to make my peace with it.

But still, Rei's submissive like a pillow's submissive. She only even seems to be alive like, thrice in the entire show. When she talks to Gendo, when she smiles at Shinji, and when she
refuses Gendo in the end.
Why do you think dakimakura is so popular?


You can't discount the infinite range of emotions displayed by her blank face, as well. I think it's something that only Real Fans can appreciate though.


I guess maybe I can understand her being submissive as appealing, inasmuch as I can understand the inverse to be true and through that come to make my peace with it.

But still, Rei's submissive like a pillow's submissive. She only even seems to be alive like, thrice in the entire show. When she talks to Gendo, when she smiles at Shinji, and when she
refuses Gendo in the end.

If you want to read into Shinji's lack of experience/inability to relate to women as a representation of otaku culture, it's not hard to see why someone like that would gravitate to Rei. Her lack of emotions and personality make her really non-threatening.


freckles are great but wtf @ the nose (and the mouth)
you can give characters details without making them unattractive

personally, little symbols for facial features lack personality and end up being uglier than not


Look at those red eyes, that pale skin, the blue-grey locks of hair.


I can't stand Kaworu.

And I agree with Uchip. You can put nostrils on someone without having them have crazy Marceline Bat Nostrils. I wouldn't even call those ones realistic, because they're just Voldemort nostrils. On my face, at least, my nostrils are on the bottom of my nose and are horizontal, their opening facing DOWN. Not vertical, facing OUT.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
One Piece - 573



New outfits for the girls. <3

The crew have finally left Fishman Island and now make their way up to the surface of the New World. It's funny, I was getting absolutely fed up with how long this arc was taking to wrap up that when it finally did I was a little sad to say goodbye to Shirahoshi and her kingdom, not to mention Keimi and her starfish friend too. And man, that final goodbye was incredibly LuffyxShirahoshi. I'm surprised they didn't run along with it and have her confess her love for the guy. One thing that kinda bothered me was that they never made an opportunity for Nami to have a conversation with Shyarly (Arlong's sister). In my opinion it would've made it a more powerful scene if Shyarly was present when Nami and Jinbe had that one on one conversation about Tiger Fisher and what eventually led to Nami's terrible ordeal with Arlong's gang. Oh well. Ridiculously long arc with some great moments and awesome fights. Bring on the New World!

How awesome is Kirito? So awesome that everyone wants to be him.

That is incredibly depressing to see and I feel embarrassed for them. Wow.


How awesome is Kirito? So awesome that everyone wants to be him.

they're about as uninspired as the plot of Sword Art

One Piece - 573

The crew have finally left Fishman Island and now make their way up to the surface of the New World. It's funny, I was getting absolutely fed up with how long this arc was taking to wrap up that when it finally did I was a little sad to say goodbye to Shirahoshi and her kingdom, not to mention Keimi and her starfish friend too. And man, that final goodbye was incredibly LuffyxShirahoshi. I'm surprised they didn't run along with it and have her confess her love for the guy. One thing that kinda bothered me was that they never made an opportunity for Nami to have a conversation with Shyarly (Arlong's sister). In my opinion it would've made it a more powerful scene if Shyarly was present when Nami and Jinbe had that one on one conversation about Tiger Fisher and what eventually led to Nami's terrible ordeal with Arlong's gang. Oh well. Ridiculously long arc with some great moments and awesome fights. Bring on the New World!

That is incredibly depressing to see and I feel embarrassed for them. Wow.

for some reason Brookes "but what about bone?" was much funnier than intended


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
for some reason Brookes "but what about bone?" was much funnier than intended

Oh yeah I forgot about that bit. When
those little mermaid girls decided to give him some love and said a farewell his reaction was priceless.
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