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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Honestly I don't remember Zeta all that well, but I don't remember Mu having the worst secret identity ever, or Char being even half as friendly/open as Mu was. They both fit the supportive veteran role but I at least vaugely recall them going about it differently.


Honestly I don't remember Zeta all that well, but I don't remember Mu having the worst secret identity ever, or Char being even half as friendly/open as Mu was. They both fit the supportive veteran role but I at least vaugely recall them going about it differently.

Char warms up to the others. I'd say he's just as friendly as Mu, just not the same kind of charm.


Jojo 07

Hory sheeeet. ZEPPELI. ;_;

JoJo is my anime of the year. Manly, epic, everything. Even with low, shitty budget, David Production can make this anime so fucking good.

The BD's can't come soon enough.


I'm tired of all the cheaply animated shit. I need something real, and classy - (nsfw) Sophisticated panchira, that I can sip wine to.

I now imagine you as a disginguished british gentleman with a monocle
"these panties are quite delectable, good sir!"
"indubitably so, old chap!"
"none of that wishy washy cheaply animated codswallop"
Hmmm you mean Riroland? Wow, that actually kinda takes me back... sadly, nothing I've seen of Medaka Box has convinced me to watch it. Shenanigans and other merits aside, I wish there were more quality ecchi shows around. By quality I simply mean shows which are better animated and drawn. It kind of feels like most of them are either low budget or just lack the right kind of touch.

Medaka Box is a battle series first and an ecchi show second. Would probably be better to pass anyway.

Though you should know the main character has exhibitionist tendencies.


Sigh, Char is not always the Char of 0079. He's not always the masked villain. Zeta turns him into the rival ally. That's what it means to be a Zeta char clone, what Mu is.

That's a pretty broad concept of Char-clone, then. I was lead to believe to be a Char Clone you either piloted the red mobile suit or wore the mask, and that was that. If it's just the rival ally, Jeez, that's a huge and expansive list of guys.

And hell, Mu isn't even a rival to Kira. If anything, he's a mentor to the kid. He's more of a big brother than a rival thus far. I mean, I'm only 30 episodes in, but rival doesn't describe Mu at all thus far. The purpose of Mu in the plot so far has mostly just been to show that HEY KIRA YOU CAN GROW UP TO BE A SOLDIER AND NOT BE A MALADJUSTED FREAK.

I'd have to say that I'd have a harder time describing his character now. It feels less pronounced.

For me it feels less over the top. One of the things I didn't like about Shinji 1 is that sometimes his meltdowns felt exaggerated. Like his first one in the first episode. I mean, sure, he had grounds to get pissed off and upset over being asked to pilot the EVA, but I felt like they played it up too much.


That's a pretty broad concept of Char-clone, then. I was lead to believe to be a Char Clone you either piloted the red mobile suit or wore the mask, and that was that. If it's just the rival ally, Jeez, that's a huge and expansive list of guys.

And hell, Mu isn't even a rival to Kira. If anything, he's a mentor to the kid. He's more of a big brother than a rival thus far. I mean, I'm only 30 episodes in, but rival doesn't describe Mu at all thus far. The purpose of Mu in the plot so far has mostly just been to show that HEY KIRA YOU CAN GROW UP TO BE A SOLDIER AND NOT BE A MALADJUSTED FREAK.

Rival is probably a bad term. Just watch Zeta, you'll see. Haha. That's the exact role Char plays with Kamille.

As for the term Char Clone, typically it does refer to the masked pilot a la 0079. I was just saying Mu was too much like Zeta Char for me to really enjoy him.

As you watch more Gundam, you'll see a good portion of the male characters derive from Amuro or Char. Lack of originality is what's making Gundam boring. I really hope they go crazy with the next AU series like they did with G.


Rau Le Crueset is an awesome antagonist. Some of his lines in the last arc are just amazing.
He's a good scenery chewing villain, which makes him different from most Gundam masked men. It made him interesting to watch, though the revelation surrounding him was a bit lame. At least he gets the best mobile suits

isnt that the phantom of the opera mask wearing guy?
what was the purpose of that, again?
Partly because it's gundam and every gundam needs a masked character. The other part to hide the revelation that he's
Mu's test tube brother/clone of his father


So I seen you guys mentioned Seikon no Qwaiser in a couple of posts back. I decided to watch a couple of episodes and I don't understand. The
13 yr old boy has to protect the breasts of the innocent girl and he powers up from sucking on the breast of the nun to fight the bad guys. Also why is scar not visible all the time?
Is that show popular in Japan because I see it had a 2nd season.


Tragic victim of fan death
He's a good scenery chewing villain, which makes him different from most Gundam masked men. It made him interesting to watch, though the revelation surrounding him was a bit lame. At least he gets the best mobile suits

Partly because it's gundam and every gundam needs a masked character. The other part to hide the revelation that he's
Mu's test tube brother/clone of his father

It was much more than that. Reading his background profile in his material works and stuff I got the feeling that it was much more symbolic in nature. He hated who he was, what his face looked like, what he represented and what he stood for. As a result he covered his face out of anger and shame.

Anyway, I forgot to post this last week I think.

Gundam Seed Remaster Final

If you haven't watched the last episode of this HD Remaster you really should. Nearly all the fight scenes have been changed to something original and the whole episode is a thrill ride. Heck, the last arc is freaking amazing. This last episode is a must for everyone though.


Saint Seiya Omega 33

I know, it's still full of stock animation and shit... but seriously, the battles in this series compared to the classic ones are much, much better.

Paradox is the best gold saint until now. Not because she's a girl, but because she's fucking crazy, just like any Gemini saint I've seen so far.

Fucking great episode. Cliche, Seventh Senses, Fucking Hyaku Ryu Ha!

It's like I'm back into 90's again! @__@


It was much more than that. Reading his background profile in his material works and stuff I got the feeling that it was much more symbolic in nature. He hated who he was, what his face looked like, what he represented and what he stood for. As a result he covered his face out of anger and shame.

Anyway, I forgot to post this last week I think.

Gundam Seed Remaster Final

If you haven't watched the last episode of this HD Remaster you really should. Nearly all the fight scenes have been changed to something original and the whole episode is a thrill ride. Heck, the last arc is freaking amazing. This last episode is a must for everyone though.

If you want the reasons the character wore the mask, sure, that's what it was. If you want the real nitty gritty plot reasons, it's simply they wanted the revelation and needed a masked dude.


Tragic victim of fan death
If you want the reasons the character wore the mask, sure, that's what it was. If you want the real nitty gritty plot reasons, it's simply they wanted the revelation and needed a masked dude.

Yeah. Crueset looked awesome though. His design was pretty solid.


Yeah. Crueset looked awesome though. His design was pretty solid.

As far as Gundam masked men go, Crusset is a-ok. He's one of the better ones outside of UC. The reason for his mask may be a bit contrived, but he still looks/acts pretty awesome.

That being said, the Gundam Masked Man trope is something that's so overdone at this point and needs to die.


Why did he wear the mask? For Crueset it was something symbolic.

I thought his face was messed up? I dunno. Everybody's face is messed up in this show. Good God their faces are like gelatin, all the features sloshing around and stuff.

Rau Le Crueset is an awesome antagonist. Some of his lines in the last arc are just amazing.

My problem with Rau Le Crueset is his incredibly childish outlook on neutrality. "Ooooh, Heliopolis was manufacturing weapons for the UEFA, that tooooootally means they were taking a side and therefore justifies nearly killing an entire colony of people which is the entire reason my nation is even at war!"

I mean 1) Historically speaking manufacturing and selling weapons to belligerents is something that neutral powers do. For someone so educated, Rau must be a complete moron not to know this. It was one of America's biggest foreign policy factors during the Napoleonic Wars, and also one of the Union's greatest causes for frustration with Britain during the Civil War when it reversed. Manufacturing and selling weapons to an enemy is not a betrayal of neutrality. It's neutrality's biggest selling point if anything. 2) His incredibly shallow excuse catches on and becomes the rhetoric of the ruling ZAFT council, so is it any wonder that ORB later offers aid to the UEFA's Archangel? Rau Le Creuset's hamfisted approach to neutrality and ORB in general is going to backfire in his face. He took a neutral nation and painted it as an enemy, forcing it into his enemy's bosom. And 3) In doing all of this, he made the PLANTs guilty of the very wrong they set out to war over. "Heliopolis is nothing like Junius 7!" is as shallow as it gets, because ultimately it wasn't very different at all.

Rival is probably a bad term. Just watch Zeta, you'll see. Haha. That's the exact role Char plays with Kamille.

As for the term Char Clone, typically it does refer to the masked pilot a la 0079. I was just saying Mu was too much like Zeta Char for me to really enjoy him.

As you watch more Gundam, you'll see a good portion of the male characters derive from Amuro or Char. Lack of originality is what's making Gundam boring. I really hope they go crazy with the next AU series like they did with G.

I dunno, I still think that Athrun and Rau are more the Charchetypes than Mu. Athrun's the rival who pilots the red suits, and Rau's the antagonist with the mask. I think you have to draw the line there because otherwise you chalk everything up to being like Char just because Char was many different things.

It's a bit like becoming disillusioned with Vader clones when they start showing characteristics of Young Anakin.


I dunno, I still think that Athrun and Rau are more the Charchetypes than Mu. Athrun's the rival who pilots the red suits, and Rau's the antagonist with the mask. I think you have to draw the line there because otherwise you chalk everything up to being like Char just because Char was many different things.

It's a bit like becoming disillusioned with Vader clones when they start showing characteristics of Young Anakin.

I think Athrun is part of a new archetype sort of derived from Char, but so far removed at this point to be its own thing. The friendly rival is never what Char was. If you want a Gundam character much closer to 0079's Char, it'd probably be Graham from 00. He's a bit more extreme in his obsession than Char, but that's more of Char's rival archetype.

Just watch Zeta and tell me that Char is not the exact same role as Mu. It's just kind of a fact. The problem is, that Char is also the best Char. It's so hard to live up to it when the thing you're derived from is that good. It's the same problem most Gundam masked men have.

If you haven't watched the UC gundam stuff, you don't really have a good view of what a Chartype is. Sorry. You just need to watch that stuff. At least 0079, Zeta and Char's Counterattack. They are the very best Gundam has to offer. They make all the AU stuff look like crude imitators. It's the sad reality of modern gundam. Modern gundam can have a lot of great ideas, but it typically has vast flaws and way too much baggage holding it back from true greatness.
Gintama' 246


All that action was a sight to behold. The story part was lost on me for a bit but all that action. At least this arc is ending soon so I can put it behind me.


Who got slapped by whom?


Would somebody, anybody, please God, would somebody slap Yzak? I've changed my vote. Flay's a psychopath, but she's pitiable at least. Yzak is a . . . a . . . a not anything polite! Good grief!
"Here's our chance to get revenge for Nichol, Yzak! And you're scar!"


As a matter of fact, it isn't Kira's fault, nor is it Athrun's that Nichol even dies! I mean, yeah, Kira killed him, but fucking Yzak is the one who DEMANDED they rush into battle to avenge his stupid ass scar. Good God I hate this character so much. Dearka's cocky and annoying, but Yzak is a right pain in the ass, and I wish he'd been the one to die. I wish he died in this series PERIOD. So pathetic! "Waaaaaah I have a scar that's manly and doesn't hurt me in any real way! PPPIIIIIITY MEEEEEEE!"


I really, really wanted Mu to slap Kira in episode 30, too. Everybody should just slap everybody in these shows and get it over with. Captain Ramius should slap Lieutenant Badgiruel for being an annoying witch. Badgiruel should slap Ramius for being such a wishy-washy captain. Mu should slap alla that because he's MU LA FLAGA. Sai should slap Kira for stealing his girl. Kira should slap Flay for being a manipulative bitch. Flay should slap herself to see if it makes her less crazy. Lacus should slap Athrun for not actually loving her. Athrun should slap Lacus to see if it makes her realize the world isn't all sugar and rainbows. Rau Le Crueset should slap all of his subordinates in one fell swoop. Cagalli should be slapped once an episode until her face doesn't look like a Jack-O-Lantern anymore. The Gundams should slap each other until they grow wings and I don't know.

The point is, there should be more slapping in this show. Mecha anime is best when people get slapped. Case in point: Marie Meia getting slapped by Relena. Shinji getting slapped by the entire cast. Sosuke getting slapped by Mao. Nobody's slapped Bit Cloud but for the love of God they really should.

Slapping solves all Mecha pilot problems ever. Slapping is so universally proven to help people that doctors the world over slap people as soon as their born in a preemptive strike.
Or by badass spaceship captains.


All the best Gundam moments are whiny main characters getting slapped.
Gintama' 247

Ok, this was a really nice end to this arc. Despite the fact I wasn't feeling it one bit, the ending was still really nice, the action was awesome and hilarious. I can probably overlook one annoying fat character for the sake of liking the entire arc.

Really nice ED recap too.



Would somebody, anybody, please God, would somebody slap Yzak? I've changed my vote. Flay's a psychopath, but she's pitiable at least. Yzak is a . . . a . . . a not anything polite! Good grief! "Here's our chance to get revenge for Nichol, Yzak! And you're scar!"


As a matter of fact, it isn't Kira's fault, nor is it Athrun's that Nichol even dies! I mean, yeah, Kira killed him, but fucking Yzak is the one who DEMANDED they rush into battle to avenge his stupid ass scar. Good God I hate this character so much. Dearka's cocky and annoying, but Yzak is a right pain in the ass, and I wish he'd been the one to die. I wish he died in this series PERIOD. So pathetic! "Waaaaaah I have a scar that's manly and doesn't hurt me in any real way! PPPIIIIIITY MEEEEEEE!"


I really, really wanted Mu to slap Kira in episode 30, too. Everybody should just slap everybody in these shows and get it over with. Captain Ramius should slap Lieutenant Badgiruel for being an annoying witch. Badgiruel should slap Ramius for being such a wishy-washy captain. Mu should slap alla that because he's MU LA FLAGA. Sai should slap Kira for stealing his girl. Kira should slap Flay for being a manipulative bitch. Flay should slap herself to see if it makes her less crazy. Lacus should slap Athrun for not actually loving her. Athrun should slap Lacus to see if it makes her realize the world isn't all sugar and rainbows. Rau Le Crueset should slap all of his subordinates in one fell swoop. Cagalli should be slapped once an episode until her face doesn't look like a Jack-O-Lantern anymore. The Gundams should slap each other until they grow wings and I don't know.

The point is, there should be more slapping in this show. Mecha anime is best when people get slapped. Case in point: Marie Meia getting slapped by Relena. Shinji getting slapped by the entire cast. Sosuke getting slapped by Mao. Nobody's slapped Bit Cloud but for the love of God they really should.

Slapping solves all Mecha pilot problems ever. Slapping is so universally proven to help people that doctors the world over slap people as soon as their born in a preemptive strike.


0079 pretty much invented the trope. Everyone gets slapped in that show at some point. Bright Noa makes copious use of it. Zeta may have perfected it, though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckUbAykOt3M

6 minutes of Zeta slapping and its sister tope, the correction punch. If SEED made better use of this, it'd be a much better show. I agree, most of the characters in that show need a good smack.


It's not like Shinji doesn't deserve it.

Out of context, this entire sentence sounds Tsundere.

0079 pretty much invented the trope. Everyone gets slapped in that show at some point. Bright Noa makes copious use of it. Zeta may have perfected it, though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckUbAykOt3M

6 minutes of Zeta slapping and its sister tope, the correction punch. If SEED made better use of this, it'd be a much better show. I agree, most of the characters in that show need a good smack.

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