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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Welp, we've reached a discussion about sticking dicks in dicks.

It's been a good OT everyone. Thanks for playing!
That's not how it works but yeah...time to go to bed.
Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~ 8

Boobs boobs boobs, because that's all you read these for.
So some guy comes to ask for help, main guy refuses to, so they end up dead. Makes sense.
Not much else happens. It's mostly a set up for what's going to dominate the next arc, which seems to be all about Uzume, not unlike pretty much every other arc so far... Though this one seems more focused entirely on her.
Uno demonstrates once again that it's the leader in ruining friendships.


The Skull Man Episode 0

Live action setup for the anime that's kinda rough. Ugly digital sets, bad CG sfx, and some awful acting knock this down to something of a post-anime novelty (if that) rather than the pre-watch episode it could have been.

It's similar in tone to the earlier eps in that it sets up the world and it's general somber feel but at the same time ruins a couple surprises the main show has in store. However, tt was neat seeing some repeated props like the
winged pendants, cult masks, gagou plan document, and Skull Man himself
At least nothing is really revealed about The Skull Man and so he comes across as the same sort of enigmatic force of nature he's introduced as in the anime.


Oh yeah, the Skull Man is awesome.
I plan to watch every BONES show I missed in the next few weeks, so I got Angelic Layer, Heroman (lol), Hiwou War Chronicles, Mars Daybreak, Ouran High School Host Club and No.6. And yeah, I plan on watching them all. :(
What do I watch first?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Well I actually somewhat disagree with this but not for any factual reason really but more because I feel visuals always take the precedence when it comes to any visual medium, other than writing which I feel is crucial for any work. You can get away with mediocre audio if the visuals are impressive enough. That said, audio can both enhance and also detract from an experience if they're exceptional in one way or another on the quality scale.
Spoilers for E.T.


I seem to be in a buying mood again. How often do the Hellsing Blu-rays go on sale? I see that the first set and second are around $40ish each. First set having 1-4 and second having 5-8. I've only seen the first "movie" or whatever you want to call them.

I see Rightstuf has the Infinite Stratos Blu-ray for $26 (I've seen it) and Towa no Quon Blu-ray for $16 (Haven't seen it)

Man I really need to start watching One Piece again. I finished watching after Skypeia.

Buy the Infinite Stratos blurays. do it for Charles. Charles is worth it.

Magi 7: I don't know about the manga, so I watch this anime merely for the "Morgiana - hnnng!" moments.

This is a fairly legitimate reason to watch Magi. Mor is some high tier goddess moe.

Question I've been meaning to ask but for some reason haven't yet: is pulling down your eyelid and sticking your tongue out at somebody the Japanese equivalent of flipping somebody the bird?

Also, watched the first two episodes of Cowboy Bebop last night, and it was totally rad. Can't wait to see more!

Oh, also, how's Wii U, to those who have it?

WiiU is pretty fun but I still have the pesky problem of not enough time to enjoy it. I really enjoy the screen switching thing and NSMB U is a lot of fun, like a mix of SMW and Mario 3. Havent played Nintendoland or Epic Mickey 2 yet. I love that I could turn the system on and play this morning as soon as I woke up without disturbing my brother who is literally sleeping next to the TV.

OS is slow, transferring stuff from Wii to Wii U takes a long time, but games that aren't ports run well. :) Haven't had enough time to use it because football.

Yeah pretty much football got in the way but thats to be expected on a Sunday lol.
Speaking of which, playing some NSMB while watching football on the same TV is an incredibly cool experience.

Are its connected services up, how does anime look on the controller screen, i guess it has hulu support? (does it?)

Anime looks really good. Very clear and crisp. I watched Canaan on Netflix as an example. Hulu+ is also there but Im not sure if it works yet.

I've never gotten the ridiculous appeal Rei has to some people. I mean, I suppose it's endearing that she slowly develops into a human being, and her
refusal of Gendo in EoE
was something I'd been waiting a long time to see, but otherwise, I dunno. I don't see the appeal.

Like, Misato I get, because she's overtly sexual, and the only adult woman in the series to so be, in addition to the one person who actively and consistently tries to show Shinji love throughout the series. Asuka is obvious if you've got a thing for Tsunderes, or the Ms.Badass, which make sense.

But Rei? Like, I dunno. In ReBuild, sure, because Rei's development is more obvious due to being compressed, but in the TV series, until EoE, she's a very shallow love interest and an uninteresting character. I mean, she's an interesting part of the show, but as a character Rei is incredibly dull (and 99% of all Rei clones are worse) for the major part of the show. It's only really at the very end that there's any reason to care.

So why, exactly, have so many people latched on to Rei? The only thing weirder would be to find out there was a deranged cult following for Ritsuko's mom.

Rei is just otakubait in the worst way. shes like Shiina from Sakurasou pet girl or the catgirl from Mayoi Neko Overrun. That is to say she has no personality so a person could project whatever personality onto her they choose.

How awesome is Kirito? So awesome that everyone wants to be him.

He sucks, but I dont see any Lisbeth or Silica in that picture.

Completely random question: is the "How can you say you love her if you can't even eat her poop?" pic real? If it is, what is it from, so I can avoid it?

Sorry for the random questions. Not watching anime tonight.

Night Shift Nurses.
Sorry, can't agree with you there. Even more than other Char clones, Mu desperately reaches for the Char mantle and so utterly drops it. If he wasn't trying to live up to one of the most amazing mechs hero/villains of all time, he might be cool, but he feels more like a Char knockoff than usual.
damn i went to sleep after the miiverse incident and missed this awesome discussion.
i think mu is fine when viewed as stand alone..he is made even more acceptable that crauset is there .. If you view seed and only seed , mu is a competent character that moves the plot correctly.
Now if you add destiny to the discussion it's horrible and i agree with you ..i try to judge the characters on their action and merits rather than their place in the franchise..
in seed , mu actually does things only him could do and provide and decent experience to the viewers ..awesome and that's all i ask.

Yeah, I didn't know that Destiny was a sequel until Kira showed up. And by then it was too late. It was pretty jarring to start in SEED and see a completely different side of Kira.

But yes, he's mad haxxor. I'm tempted to say even the ridiculously broken Wing Zero wasn't that broken.

But Mu La Flaga is where it is at. Loved the scene where he patted the Captain on her back and she's all "Careful commander. That's harrassment!"
Lady's man !!
That made his actions and the late destiny part even more stupid..

Orignal series Mu is Zeta Char. In almost every aspect. The only meaningful personality trait they changed was that they made him a charming lady's man.

And yeah, what they did to him in Destiny just took not a terrible character and completely destroyed him, like most of what Destiny did.
Destiny destroyed every good thing about seed , except lacus & kira ... and they really tried to destroy lacus .. one of my tiniest moment of joy was meer death.

As far as Gundam masked men go, Crusset is a-ok. He's one of the better ones outside of UC. The reason for his mask may be a bit contrived, but he still looks/acts pretty awesome.

That being said, the Gundam Masked Man trope is something that's so overdone at this point and needs to die.
Given what they did to it with Gundam AGE i can't agree more.

You know, this bothered me insomuch as how pathetic must your life be if, even in a video game, the only thing you can decide to do is faun over some jack ass while wearing very little clothes.
i think that is because they are in another "world" that they can do all out ..i'm also pretty sure those 2 girls on the floor are something the studio added ..i honnestly can't remember anything of the sort in the book and other medias

Are there no NPCs in the game?
There are plenty but given the circustances they won't use the quest system much .

I like her design but she doesnt seem to have much of a personality
you'll love the next episode then.

Buy the Infinite Stratos blurays. do it for Charles. Charles is worth it.
IS is dead ..not even blu rays will save it...


Awesome! Ready to watch :)

Hmmm pantsu on top of leggings?? If that's the best it has to offer then... might have to pass. I need quality pantsu porn. I'm tired of all the cheaply animated shit. I need something real, and classy - (nsfw) Sophisticated panchira, that I can sip wine to.

Hmmm you mean Riroland? Wow, that actually kinda takes me back... sadly, nothing I've seen of Medaka Box has convinced me to watch it. Shenanigans and other merits aside, I wish there were more quality ecchi shows around. By quality I simply mean shows which are better animated and drawn. It kind of feels like most of them are either low budget or just lack the right kind of touch.

What is this you speak of?

Extollere, you've seen
Sora No Otoshimono
, correct?

Jojo 07

Hory sheeeet. ZEPPELI. ;_;

JoJo is my anime of the year. Manly, epic, everything. Even with low, shitty budget, David Production can make this anime so fucking good.

The BD's can't come soon enough.

Yeah, JOJO is definitely going in my permanent BR collection as soon as possible.

Or by badass spaceship captains.


All the best Gundam moments are whiny main characters getting slapped.

That is truly horrific character design.

Lost-bet-in-Manga-GAF.png >_<

Bug girl is a cutie. Whoever she is.

Would somebody, anybody, please God, would somebody slap Yzak? I've changed my vote. Flay's a psychopath, but she's pitiable at least. Yzak is a . . . a . . . a not anything polite! Good grief! "Here's our chance to get revenge for
Nichol, Yzak! And you're scar!"


As a matter of fact, it isn't Kira's fault, nor is it Athrun's that Nichol even dies! I mean, yeah, Kira killed him.

A spoiler warning on the character death would have been nice, i'm still running through it and hadn't reached that point and to have it in all caps even :(
That only makes sense, right?


no no no no no

orihime is a weird girl that fall in love with the hero ( because of an event most of us have forgotten ) and gain haxxor healing powers on the way.

Mor is a girl that get captured as a kid and forced into slavery and when freed , will manage to :
-take decisions for herself
-kick ass in various ways ( too numerous examples and i don't want to spoil )

Mor is an actual character with motives, decisions and a personality that slowly open up because she spent so many years in such a difficult position.Also she is stand alone... she exist by herself in the story.

Orihime is the weird girl that have a haxxor power but can't fight by herself and only move because she's in love with the hero.
Jojo 07

Hory sheeeet. ZEPPELI. ;_;

JoJo is my anime of the year. Manly, epic, everything. Even with low, shitty budget, David Production can make this anime so fucking good.

The BD's can't come soon enough.

Totally agree with you. It's definitely going to be near the top for me when it's all said and done. I think the production value even kind of adds to the charm. But watching this does go perfectly with me watching Votoms.


Nichijou -3

Being Yukko is suffering! Being the headmaster is suffering (that scream is incredible)! Meanwhile, Mai is content to mercilessly torment everyone, or in this case, just Yukko.

I'm guessing that Yukko will continue to have misfortune? Especially as she has such a wide range of goofy reactions. And I hope that the professor segments will become a little more entertaining, as they're the only parts that I haven't really enjoyed. Although saying that, Sakamoto may be the answer.


Totally agree with you. It's definitely going to be near the top for me when it's all said and done. I think the production value even kind of adds to the charm. But watching this does go perfectly with me watching Votoms.

Yeah the horrible production values just work for Jojo, it's just one cog in the things that make it work, another series trying to replicate this would be lolz.
Oh yeah, the Skull Man is awesome.
I plan to watch every BONES show I missed in the next few weeks, so I got Angelic Layer, Heroman (lol), Hiwou War Chronicles, Mars Daybreak, Ouran High School Host Club and No.6. And yeah, I plan on watching them all. :(
What do I watch first?
No.6 is the one you should watch first, of those listed it's the best one, on character interactions alone, then ouran, then heroman.


Yeah the horrible production values just work for Jojo, it's just one cog in the things that make it work, another series trying to replicate this would be lolz.

This is also why I dont really care much about production values. If a show is fun and entertaining, it just is. It doesnt matter if it looks like donkey ass.
Slapping solves all Mecha pilot problems ever. Slapping is so universally proven to help people that doctors the world over slap people as soon as their born in a preemptive strike.


The Bright Slap is one of the greatest things to ever come out of Gundam. Certainly needed slapping in SEED and even more especially in AGE. I think the solution would be to work Bright Noa into EVERY Gundam series whether he actually belongs there or not :D.
The Bright Slap is one of the greatest things to ever come out of Gundam. Certainly needed slapping in SEED and even more especially in AGE. I think the solution would be to work Bright Noa into EVERY Gundam series whether he actually belongs there or not :D.

in age slapping wouldn't work.

PILOT1 : vegan must die raaaaaaaaaaah
PILOT2 : ZEHART !! ZEHART ... ZEHART ! Also , why can't i pilot better than my father ?
PILOT3 : Why do people fight ? why does war exist ? why should people die ?everyone should be friends !!!
MAIN BAD GUY : i'll wage war for 80 years when i could finish it in 5 ..because ...well because ... nevermind that my people are dying.

Even with slapping ..they are just too dumb... Even the EXA-DB need a slap
in age slapping wouldn't work.

PILOT1 : vegan must die raaaaaaaaaaah
PILOT2 : ZEHART !! ZEHART ... ZEHART ! Also , why can't i pilot better than my father ?
PILOT3 : Why do people fight ? why does war exist ? why should people die ?everyone should be friends !!!

Even with slapping ..they are just too dumb

Perhaps they would get an even more epic Bright Slap that would give them all concussions. At least Kio.

Or maybe we could just unleash Chirico into that universe. Granted, I'm only a few episodes into Votoms but that is how you do a mecha protagonist.
in age slapping wouldn't work.

PILOT1 : vegan must die raaaaaaaaaaah
PILOT2 : ZEHART !! ZEHART ... ZEHART ! Also , why can't i pilot better than my father ?
PILOT3 : Why do people fight ? why does war exist ? why should people die ?everyone should be friends !!!
MAIN BAD GUY : i'll wage war for 80 years when i could finish it in 5 ..because ...well because ... nevermind that my people are dying.

Even with slapping ..they are just too dumb... Even the EXA-DB need a slap

You just made me realize that Durandal's Destiny Plan was actually a better idea than what Ezelcant had cooked up. Whew.

...And I also just realized that Durandal's Destiny Plan leads to PSYCHO-PASS. Lol.
You just made me realize that Durandal's Destiny Plan was actually a better idea than what Ezelcant had cooked up. Whew.

Another reason AGE was such a stinker...it even borrowed weak ideas from other crappy series and managed to make them worse. Quite an achievement, I must say.

...And I also just realized that Durandal's Destiny Plan leads to PSYCHO-PASS. Lol.

Perhaps PSYCHO-PASS is a Gundam AU? :p.
You just made me realize that Durandal's Destiny Plan was actually a better idea than what Ezelcant had cooked up. Whew.
i have no words ...the destiny plan was indeed much better ..

and what annoy me more is that the celestial beings plan , despite the outcome it had ..was a much better plan .that ultimatly worked.
...And I also just realized that Durandal's Destiny Plan leads to PSYCHO-PASS. Lol.

Now i need to watch more psycho-pass..



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
It probably feels like sounding* for the men, if they're in a female avatar.


*Cock-stuffing, or "sounding" as it is called in the S&M community, involves inserting smooth, long, and thin surgical steel rods called "sounds" (hence the name "sounding") into a man's urethra.

First post I've read upon waking up. :lol


Nichijou -3
And I hope that the professor segments will become a little more entertaining, as they're the only parts that I haven't really enjoyed. Although saying that, Sakamoto may be the answer.

Hakase involvement centers greatly around just being an unapologetic brat/jerk (which is why I like the character).

Sakamoto is a cool cat. I give props to his voice. It works great with his role in the Shinonome house. He's a matured man stuck inside the body of a cat, stuck inside a house with a robot and an insensitive child.
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