Those things are all covered under existing spoiler policies though. I think people know that, and any such post with such spoilers would be removed and people banned. It's nothing new!
I would say it's pretty clear from most of the replies that people in general like things as they are, but would appreciate it if some posts cut down on showing cooler moments of an episode in embedded screens, especially gifs of all the cool action or visual gags in a current series.
Maybe what we can do is try to be more mindful of that moving forward.
Well, this show's certainly off to a good start. I'm pretty much checking this out 'cos y'all wouldn't shut up about it and it's alright so far, it had some nicely animated sequences and I'm always a sucker for art school weirdos.
Well it was maybe more a verbal comparison. Along the lines of how people might compare their heights or shoe sizes or something. The conversation for some was about bust sizes sometimes instead. Nothing guys weren't privy to or anything.
That reminds me of the anime Kampfer. It's another show you'd probably like if you haven't seen it. I'm not sure if SDBurton's seen it but I think he would basically be a real world, male version of the character Sakura, haha. At least how she is later anyway.
As a thought experiment: How many people here would be in favor of there being a blanket ban on embedded images from all impression posts? Which means everything has to be linked instead, nofunallowed, etc.
I don't want to get rid of anything, it's a thought experiment. Since people are complaining about spoilers again, and this is like the second time in a week, I think it's worth having a talk about it even if nothing happens.
As for the quality of discussion, I think it's about as good these days as a thread like this can ever get. People actually reply to each other, sometimes impressions get discussed, heck, even cajunator is using multi-quote now! Progress!
I always use multi quote.
Thing is when Im at work on mobile ( like right now) multi quotes do not work very well so I prefer to respond to a couple posts
at a time. Also if I try to quote on multiple pages with mobile it loses the quotes and I have to redo the whole post.
MUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Also, Badgiruel's death is fitting. She was a hard lady, but cool enough for me. Shame to see her go, but at least it was after totally taking down sissy villain extraordinaire. Still, Muuuuuuuuu! He was too cool for this sinful show.
Well they have been with each other every single day for over three years now in that same apartment with dedication and devotion for one another even understanding each other with with unspoken words, so it is the perfect situation for experiencing youth.
Having Shujin getting married was one of the biggest blunders in this entire series.
Yeah, but with that said, I like having a image or 2 embedded just to show a context of what I'm going to be talking about. I just try and make sure the images aren't of anything to important.
in case some people don't know ( you probably don't) Ah my godess is one of the thing that made me watch anime. i have the dvd, the VHS , several edition of the some manga and many copies .. more ah my godess is always good for me.
in case some people don't know ( you probably don't) Ah my godess is one of the thing that made me watch anime. i have the dvd, the VHS , several edition of the some manga and many copies .. more ah my godess is always good for me.
Watching the series now (amongst others), and I'm enjoying it a bit more than I thought I would. So, I guess I'm happy, though I still have a ways to go with the series, so I'm okay for now.
Now that's more like it! This episode was far more enjoyable thanks to all the action and silly hijinks that've been fairly toned down in the past two episodes. The next episode looks like it's gonna be awesome!!!!!!
Five "depressingly" though wish it was in the actual training stuff. Shunsuke adds a new amount of entertainment for this and really works well with Kakeru even with a bit of comedy there in the plane minor moment.
Teamwork take down of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X was good as well as the Mazda Roadster and a Subaru Exiga. I cant wait to see Eraser -01, hope he got a cool design
So I've now finished the series proper of Gundam SEED. I . . . don't know how that quite connects to where things pick up in Gundam SEED Destiny, but there are apparently two movies here for me to watch part way through?
All in all, I can see why the series was so popular. It really isn't half-bad, and while I'm not as big a fan of Kira and company as Mu and the older characters, I can see the appeal of Lacus and Kira and all (well really Athrun because he's the coolest of their lot, but that's normal for a guy in a red mecha.). As to animation, the faces were abominably done, the show makes frequent and egregious abuse of stock animations, and everybody has weird baby hands, but the mecha themselves were nice, and did not appear to be as sloppy as the characters and were thankfully not CG. CG mecha is something I'm not a big fan of, though I somehow don't mind it in Zoids. Whatever the case, hand-drawn mecha and monsters are always going to be better for me than CG ones.
That said, I really did enjoy the ride. The last couple of episodes really heat things up, and the show improves a lot after the half-way point. It maybe doesn't explain some things I felt it should have, and
never seeing Rau Le Creuset's face
was a little annoying, and
I'm still undecided on whether or not I liked Flay after her character unraveling in ZAFT's hands,
but I really did like the show over all, and while Kira pales in comparison to Mu, he's not exactly a bad character or protagonist.
Next up in my queue are Gundam SEED Destiny (I need to rewatch it to see if actually seeing SEED changes my opinion or not) The Big O (I wrote it off as a dumb Batman rip-off as a kid. I was a dumb kid.), and Gurren Lagan so I can see what all the fuss is about.
So I've now finished the series proper of Gundam SEED. I . . . don't know how that quite connects to where things pick up in Gundam SEED Destiny, but there are apparently two movies here for me to watch part way through?
All in all, I can see why the series was so popular. It really isn't half-bad, and while I'm not as big a fan of Kira and company as Mu and the older characters, I can see the appeal of Lacus and Kira and all (well really Athrun because he's the coolest of their lot, but that's normal for a guy in a red mecha.). As to animation, the faces were abominably done, the show makes frequent and egregious abuse of stock animations, and everybody has weird baby hands, but the mecha themselves were nice, and did not appear to be as sloppy as the characters and were thankfully not CG. CG mecha is something I'm not a big fan of, though I somehow don't mind it in Zoids. Whatever the case, hand-drawn mecha and monsters are always going to be better for me than CG ones.
That said, I really did enjoy the ride. The last couple of episodes really heat things up, and the show improves a lot after the half-way point. It maybe doesn't explain some things I felt it should have, and
never seeing Rau Le Creuset's face
was a little annoying, and
I'm still undecided on whether or not I liked Flay after her character unraveling in ZAFT's hands,
but I really did like the show over all, and while Kira pales in comparison to Mu, he's not exactly a bad character or protagonist.
Next up in my queue are Gundam SEED Destiny (I need to rewatch it to see if actually seeing SEED changes my opinion or not) The Big O (I wrote it off as a dumb Batman rip-off as a kid. I was a dumb kid.), and Gurren Lagan so I can see what all the fuss is about.
As a thought experiment: How many people here would be in favor of there being a blanket ban on embedded images from all impression posts? Which means everything has to be linked instead, nofunallowed, etc.
Ah, I see Pizzaroll has been ranting about this for a while. Sorry, I haven't been on GAF all day long, I'll be happy to take a look and see if I can find that source for you.
the majority of anime openings are just random jpop that you could go listen to in your own time, mixed with sporadic visual elements often containing spoilers and no stylistic integrity.
Other than a bump in the quality of animation and no more stupid jello-eyes, the HD remaster to Gundam SEED's last episode looks identical. The choreography of the fights isn't even any different.