I guess now would be a bad time to mention that I worked at Saban.
why because you said so?
I love Novid's posts. It's like having our very own Alex Jones.
Theres also Izaya's dick (nsfw img there)
Have you visited your local doctor recently?blah
Have you visited your local doctor recently?
There's still the question of what relevance your rants are to anime, except for your irrational hatred of Crunchyroll which is roughly equivalent to wanting Chad Hurley et al jailed for popularising YouTube by allowing (and, in many cases, continue to allow, which is something Crunchy USED and in some cases still does do) unauthorised versions of everything to be uploaded and hosted.
Theres also Izaya's dick (nsfw img there)
Theres also Izaya's dick (nsfw img there)
I love Novid's posts. It's like having our very own Alex Jones.
Diebuster 1 & 2
I guess it's too early for me to offer any kind of real impressions... so uh..
A Letter to Momo
Finally watched this today and it was pretty goo-- err... what's happening guys? Why's everyone over there staring blankly into.... oh. I... see.
One, English is my native language.
Two, It wasnt irrelevant - I have the same feelings about the North American Industry as Hosana has for anime. And yes, the American Buisness is linked to anime ever since the day HANNA BARBERA asked a Japanese dude to draw the designs for the original Scooby Doo back in 69, ever since Rankin Bass has used Japanese animators and set piece directors for there christmas specials and the Thundercats etc do i need to go on?
Ok...Three. What Jewish conspiracies? You know how offensive that is to me that every fucking god damn thing I say in your and others eyes is considered that? IT WAS A FACT That Vince McMahan stated that the PG Rating in a confrence call to his shareholders was becoming a hinderance to the product. two days LATER, Saban and the new "Saturday Morning" Block, Vortexx stated they were going to do a WWE TV show on the CW. What happend? Still PG, stilll sucking the life out of the wrestling fan. Is that a conspiracy?
Or how about how Saban tried to screw Gene Simmons Over when they tried to have a Kiss animated series? And his overblown worry about the Passion of Christ when it came out? lets not forget Saban may have hired bigots conserning the Power Rangers in its first season who called one of the rangers the other f word.
Calling my major conserns about Saban a jewish conspiracy is a god damn sham and any of you should be ashamed - because one - my father and familes best friend is jewish, two his brother defended Paul Robson back during the 30's which Robson is a hero of mine. To call me a anti-semite is rude and inconsiderate.
And the last thing about Mandoric working in the industry? Ok, fine. I just got a message for his bosses.
I hope you racist, sexist, literate, supporter of pirates, union busting sons of bitches go down in flames. You bit the hand that fed your asses and now you must pay the price. You bastards should go plumb lines and sweep floors for a living. You cant run a business, and you folks dont know how to even speak to a audience so desperate for something better. Im sick of you folk who go to some video game folk who say "They know anime" when they cant even WRITE A ENDING FOR THEIR OWN VIDEO GAME! You and your companies are a god forsaken pus ridden stain on the rest of the entertainment business (Expecially Crunchyroll, how i wish and PRAY, that their CEO's go to jail like they did with Kim Dotcom).
Thats all the need to be said.
Oh yeah, Happy Thanksgiving animegaf!
Thanksgiving is already over as Black Friday as already started!
Rikka is by far the weakest part of Chuu2Koi; at this point, she feels more like a puppy Yuuta has to take care of than like a real character.
Sankusugibingu omedetou
One, English is my native language.
Two, It wasnt irrelevant - I have the same feelings about the North American Industry as Hosana has for anime. And yes, the American Buisness is linked to anime ever since the day HANNA BARBERA asked a Japanese dude to draw the designs for the original Scooby Doo back in 69, ever since Rankin Bass has used Japanese animators and set piece directors for there christmas specials and the Thundercats etc do i need to go on?
Ok...Three. What Jewish conspiracies? You know how offensive that is to me that every fucking god damn thing I say in your and others eyes is considered that? IT WAS A FACT That Vince McMahan stated that the PG Rating in a confrence call to his shareholders was becoming a hinderance to the product. two days LATER, Saban and the new "Saturday Morning" Block, Vortexx stated they were going to do a WWE TV show on the CW. What happend? Still PG, stilll sucking the life out of the wrestling fan. Is that a conspiracy?
Or how about how Saban tried to screw Gene Simmons Over when they tried to have a Kiss animated series? And his overblown worry about the Passion of Christ when it came out? lets not forget Saban may have hired bigots conserning the Power Rangers in its first season who called one of the rangers the other f word.
Calling my major conserns about Saban a jewish conspiracy is a god damn sham and any of you should be ashamed - because one - my father and familes best friend is jewish, two his brother defended Paul Robson back during the 30's which Robson is a hero of mine. To call me a anti-semite is rude and inconsiderate.
And the last thing about Mandoric working in the industry? Ok, fine. I just got a message for his bosses.
I hope you racist, sexist, literate, supporter of pirates, union busting sons of bitches go down in flames. You bit the hand that fed your asses and now you must pay the price. You bastards should go plumb lines and sweep floors for a living. You cant run a business, and you folks dont know how to even speak to a audience so desperate for something better. Im sick of you folk who go to some video game folk who say "They know anime" when they cant even WRITE A ENDING FOR THEIR OWN VIDEO GAME! You and your companies are a god forsaken pus ridden stain on the rest of the entertainment business (Expecially Crunchyroll, how i wish and PRAY, that their CEO's go to jail like they did with Kim Dotcom).
Thats all the need to be said.
Thanksgiving is so moe.
Pilgrim-chan likely pioneered starvation moe and smallpox moe the subsequent winter, too.
Nothing like a warm used blanket offered to native friends.
Once again proving that Mari Okada is great at hammering out adaptations, even ones with bad source material!I don't know how it feels when a show about an autistic nudist girl written by Mari Okada handles it better.
Well, I guess it feels bad.
The name of the icecream we saw that day... :secretbase