Kids on the Slope
Goddamn massacre in here. >_<
Magi should not be considered a duckroll hyped show. He was only 1 of many hypers.
man this page is kinda depressing
i need to watch some Girls Und Panzer.
Magi should not be considered a duckroll hyped show. He was only 1 of many hypers.
Lets not rewrite the history books here, duckroll was the prime mover in thay hype.Magi should not be considered a duckroll hyped show. He was only 1 of many hypers.
Jesus this is the worst kid ever. I would sooner spend a day with Shinji.
It's already off the rails.I mean if From the New World goes off the rails it's perfectly fair to blame my hype even though I'm far from the only one. I made the thread after all.
It's already off the rails.
No, you changed your avatar! I was just purging my hentai collection when I came across your avatar in a book. An animegaffer, in my hentai! It's funny because when I deleted that book, your avatar switched... the fuck is happenin!?
Still my favorite show this season honestly. Despite it's direction issues in the past couple of episodes, the writing and storytelling is still very strong imo. And I'm really excited about tomorrows episode, based on a spoiler I heard about.It could get considerably worse.
Still my favorite show this season honestly. Despite it's direction issues in the past couple of episodes, the writing and storytelling is still very strong imo. And I'm really excited about tomorrows episode, based on a spoiler I heard about.
It's already off the rails.
Lupin was totally 7th.
If it wasn't thanks to duckroll for hyping up Magi then I wouldn't have checked out the manga as early as I did so I can't hate him for that. :>
One Piece - Thriller Bark Arc (326-381)
There was one thing I was sure of in my life: a shounen would never be able to make me cry.
Welp, so much for that. I guess you did warn me, Mad Pierrot, haha.
At first, this arc was a bit weird, specially coming off the Ice Hunter filler arc. Why? Well, Ice Hunter was aboutAnd, coincidentally, Thriller Bark semeed to be island that roamed the Grand Line capturing smaller ships to sell the pirates who owned them for their bounties.Obviously, then came the revelation thatAn island that roamed the Florian Triangle capturing smaller ships to sell the pirates who owned them for their bounties.and thatescalatedquickly.jpg. Still, the first part of the arc turned me off a bit.Moria was actually a ShichibukaiIt dragged on and on and on and on... Shit seemed straight out of Kaizoku Musou, hahaha. Non-stop running and fighting weaklings, w00t. The haunted theme was funny and surprising (despite already knowing about the "Thriller" part in this arc's title, I never saw it coming), but the novelty wore off the moment that random awkward zombie dance number showed up. Also, the fact that Oda decided to pair Chopper with Nami and Usopp as "the weak guys" annoyed me a little. I mean, did he read Enies Lobby?
Then the secondary face-offs started, and the only one who was actually enjoyable wasBut, overall, the confrontations in the first half were really disappointing.Zoro x Ryuma... And it only lasted half an episode. Well, I guess Usopp x Perona was neat because of Usopp's trolling antics.Absalom was crap and got beat like a sack of meat, Perona barely fought... But the worst part was the hyper-hyped Chopper x Hogback clash that never happened. I'm ok with the fact that the doctor wasn't actually a fighter, but Chopper couldn't even deliver that glorious suplex? Come on, Oda.
But then...
The second half was pure shounen hype.
But before that,Brook! What an awesome fella. I was afraid that this would finally be the time they'd introduce a nakama I didn't like... But, nope. Guy's simply awesome.
And soOf course: Oda again managed to make everything much more interesting with a sudden twist.Oz stops being 100% stupid Luffy and becomes a 50-50 between stupid Luffy and awesome Luffy, and shit starts getting real. Moria and Oz weren't really remarkable in any way, but their absurd power was enough to satisfy me. Yes, the "Luffy chases Moria and gets bitten by Brick Bats" mini-arc was very aggravating, but what happened after all that crap made me forget about it. I won't describe those episodes in detail, but holy shit, this show needs more team fights. Hopefully with Pirates Docking Six showing up, too, alongside the ingenuity and actually good animation from the team attack that downed Oz.Kuma the Pacifista blew my mind a little. He also blew Moria's mind, haha. "You gon' die, mang."
Surprisingly, though, everything that happened after the "conclusion" of the arc were its best parts.
- First, episode number mother fuckin' 377. Also known as the best episode in the series yet. I mean, OH MY GOD. You guys know what I'm talking about, so I don't have to say anything else here. Just, wow.
- And second,This is the part where the tears come in. The initial revelation led me to this, and then...Brook's backstory.The blend of feels was too much.Those three flashback episodes killed me. Sanji's backstory was sad, yeah. Nami's was sadder. Chopper's was sadder than Nami's. Robin's, of course, was also sad as hell. And so was Franky's. But Brook's, oh man, let me tell you: this shit makes Romeo's trajectory look like a Dora the Explorer episode. First they had to abandon Laboon. Then their captain died. And then... Wow. It's been a while, but I just couldn't hold back when they decided to record Bink's Sake and all of Brook's nakama started dying.
So: first half = bad, second half = One Piece. Overall, I liked it. Also, what the fuck.
Oh, yeah! It seems they're finally reaching the future events and things in the series that the universe spoiled for me:
(Spoilers for future arcs... As in, future for me)
--No, Luffy, Ace's not gonna be ok. I'm getting kind of nervous now that the time is almost here...-They mentioned Hancock! Cool.Kaizoku Musou starts off with Luffy, Zoro and Sanji destroying Pacifistas like they're nothing. That's kind of funny. Obviously they're most definitely not as strong as Kuma, but still.
Previous impressions: Arabasta, Jaya + Skypiea, Davy Back Fight, Water 7 + Enies Lobby.
I love One Piece.
I wanna watch something, but I have absolutely no idea what. Someone name some random anime that doesn't have romance as a major focus or revolve around cuteness please.
I was thinking about watching Boogiepop Phantom, but I dunno...
I live vicariously through your hentai collection.
I wanna watch something, but I have absolutely no idea what. Someone name some random anime that doesn't have romance as a major focus or revolve around cuteness please.
I was thinking about watching Boogiepop Phantom, but I dunno...
I was thinking of spoiler tagging that too.>_>Telling people a spoiler exists is a spoiler.
Haibane Renmei.
boogiepop phantom? so you like dark, moody shows?
try ghost hound, maybe
I dunno, Shinji would be cool. Pretty much any kind comment would result in a bath together as he furiously tries not to look at you. Then he'd listen to his SDAT player while fantasizing about the budding friendship.
From the New World was very bad for 3-4 episodes, fortunately last week was back to being interesting again, hope it stays like that this episode and for the rest. I can deal with it looking very ugly now (man, it looked great at first) as long as story delivers.
I was thinking of spoiler tagging that too.>_>
Hey guys, remember that fucker duckroll? That asshole hyped the shit out of Psycho-Pass, posting news and updates about it every goddamn day. He even made an OT for the piece of shit show. What a goddamn loser. I'm never buying into that duckroll hype again. The guy has shit taste. This is what happens when we listen to scrubs.
Lets not rewrite the history books here, duckroll was the prime mover in thay hype.
I wanna watch something, but I have absolutely no idea what. Someone name some random anime that doesn't have romance as a major focus or revolve around cuteness please.
I was thinking about watching Boogiepop Phantom, but I dunno...
I'll never forget the duckroll I saw that day.
Robotics;Note 7
I need to stop coming here before watching stuff. I'm waiting the whole episode, waiting for it to get crappy, but nothing. Didn't find anything wrong with it.
Sort of a transition episode, giving more development to the presumed villain. Not much progress in the case itself, but that's fine. We can assume a few motives here which I found pretty interesting. Also highlights more problems with the system itself.
Looking forward for what's to come.
I'll never forget the duckroll I saw that day.
I feel like this impression isn't aligned with the right series.![]()
You are correct. Fixed now. Fuckin Noitamina.
Especially if you've only just met! First dates with Shinji Ikari go great, but I'm lead to understand the relationship just goes downhill from there.
Shinn Asuka isn't so different, except the first impression is crap and it just gets worse from there. So much worse.
I'll go with door number three and choose Roger Smith. He's so noir.
Lol. Are the shows really that similar?
Lol. Are the shows really that similar?
Cue shrine scene.
Both suck.