Given that some anime barely make the deadline each week (bluray updates), I can only imagine that hour weekly anime would start basically being storyboards.
Come on guys, Hosoda is an up and coming director who already enjoys commercial success. He will continue making movies regularly for the foreseeable future, and the best is yet to come. Okiura on the other hand might never direct another movie again after this. It's now or never. Have some pity!
You just wait, I have great expectations for the surely raving impressions of today's/yesterday's representation of Mr. Yamaga's Das Rheingold ( that will confirm them as a true artsy powerhouse. Long life new-old GAiNAX!
Gurren Lagan episode 6 is the most amazing use of fan-service in my entire life. An entire episode in which the vast majority of the cast is buck-naked or near to it.
Oh, and one unwelcome child's uncensored genitals.
Also, the Yoko-Kamina shipping is in full-swing in this episode, and I welcome it with open man-arms.
Highschool of the Dead has the most horrifyingamazing use of fanservice i've ever had the misfortune of seeing. My tiny mind exploded at the sight of Zombie panty shots. Then there is the rest of the show.
Gurren Lagann was such a blast to watch when it was airing. Manly tears were shed for my main man.
To boil it down to it's barest essence, there was really nothing I enjoyed in FLCL apart from a few of the battles.
I didn't like the characters. I didn't like the vague elements of story that were present. The randomnity of the whole series didn't settle well with me. The creators themselves have said that they did it just for the sake of doing that, so it's not just me "not getting it". From the impressions I've seen of people who did enjoy FLCL, it generally was either that the entirely random occurances that are strewn throughout the show amused them/had some sort of meaning for them, or else they felt some sort of bond with growing up in a small town with nothing to do. That aspect of the show really annoyed me, though. The MC is always complaining about how there's nothing to do, yet all sorts of cool stuff goes on around him. Before people start jumping on me for how I just didn't get it, since that seems to be what usually happens in these cases, there's a difference between missing the point of it all, and realizing that the point isn't particularly interesting or worth my time. Same deal with stuff like Hyouka.
I'd certainly be interested to know why you like it, however!
Sorry it took me so long to reply, been traveling most of the week. Anyway I suppose I can break it down to three areas really.
1.The artstyle and animation-
The show really was full of fun animation and creative visual gags. The off-the-wall artstyle was a joy to watch and it was full of life. It added to the zany comedy and made the world feel alive.
Each of the core characters had a developed personality but also were fairly interesting in their own light. They also had their own arcs and progressed over the series. Ninamori for example was handled extremely well and her chemistry with the other characters was fun to watch.
At its core, it's a story about growing up. I think it handled this theme fairly well and showcased multiple aspects of this. The audience can see Naota grow and develop over the course of the series. The series not only successfully developed this theme but also provided fairly decent closure. It was one of the few Gainax shows that provided a solid ending of its own.
1. Psycho-pass: egoist ftw
2. Blast of Tempest: it is a happy ending theme animation indeed
3. Medaka Box: Abnormal: Paradox, Here's a paradox: the things you want to protect, might be the ones holding you up
4. K : could do without the neko
5. JJBA: all the different ways it cuts in and etc
6. Shin Sekai Yori: its addicting
Highschool of the Dead has the most horrifyingamazing use of fanservice i've ever had the misfortune of seeing. My tiny mind exploded at the sight of Zombie panty shots. Then there is the rest of the show.
Gurren Lagann was such a blast to watch when it was airing. Manly tears were shed for my main man.
I keep hearing about Highschool of the Dead and its infamous bullet dodging boobs. Also panty-shots have never been my thing.
But I got a good laugh out of Yoko's "Is that what you wanted to see? Why didn't you say so? I could've shown them to you any time you wanted!!" And also, especially, the constant teasing of Kamina "I'll remove the censor blocks!" I almost died when the towels fell and they were still wearing bathing suits.
Why does he keep hitting the ground with his sword?
Saint Seiya Omega 33
This show has been pretty cool for quite a number of weeks now, particularly the last few episodes. I really enjoyed this one though, the visuals were solid, but what I really liked was the villain. Gemini is a pretty crazy gold saint, and one of the few villains in this show that has had an good personality and backstory that I could actually get into. Plus the VA was pretty much killing it, a lot of her delivery was excellent. Seventh sense seems like some random shit, but whatever.
That's terrible and you should feel terrible. Simone is like a brother to him. Yoko and Kamina at least a part of the show.
I keep hearing about Highschool of the Dead and its infamous bullet dodging boobs. Also panty-shots have never been my thing.
But I got a good laugh out of Yoko's "Is that what you wanted to see? Why didn't you say so? I could've shown them to you any time you wanted!!" And also, especially, the constant teasing of Kamina "I'll remove the censor blocks!" I almost died when the towels fell and they were still wearing bathing suits.
I seem to remember there was a big fuss over episode 6 when it aired which may or may not have led to someone being fired.
Yoko and Kittan are the best pairing, which is fitting seeing as Kittan is the best character on the show.
Honestly HotD is a terrible show, i couldn't recommend it to anyone.
Makes me sad that the song was used in such a cheap-ass show. Imagine a really well animated JoJo ED with that, it might even have beat the Paradise Kiss ED.
This is super shoujo to the max. Not that it wasn't enjoyable with the little humorous bits, the supersweet romance and of course the all for his oniichan character. Being 10 minutes as well works for it too.
Oh yeah! Kittan is best. One of the best things to come out of TTGL, aside from the show (speaking of which are we EVER gonna get BDs??), are the parallel works, especially Kittan Zero
I made my sister watch the first two episodes of JoJo and she said about Roundabout, and I quote, "I really like this song even if it's full of Engrish". LOL
Here's an October 2012 Sakuga MAD featuring an AMAZING fight scene from Tanken Driland that I think no one in the thread has seen yet.
No, seriously, wonzo, DTL, R_thanatos, firehawk12 and whoever else is watching - you need to see this, or maybe not, since you'll spoil yourselves, but seriously, shit got me so hype, god damn, can't wait to watch that episode. Holy shit, it's so good!
Frau is really the best female character, all of her comments, desires, and then the images on her computre, wish they went in closer for the middle monitor, only a small part of the 1TB BL folder.
I still struggle with the whole Rei Ayanami thing, okay? Don't ask me to understand incest shippers. If I can't take basic concepts like men being into uber-submissives, how will I ever get people who dig incest?
I seem to remember there was a big fuss over episode 6 when it aired which may or may not have led to someone being fired.
Yoko and Kittan are the best pairing, which is fitting seeing as Kittan is the best character on the show.
Honestly HotD is a terrible show, i couldn't recommend it to anyone.
I wonder if the person was fired over the fact that Kamina runs around with a mole on his dick the whole episode, or the fact that I just saw Simone get um, something put somewhere I never expected to see in an anime of this kind, or the uncensored little boy balls.
Certainly it couldn't be the buxom women, since the best part of the entire episode is that in spite of running around "naked" the entire episode, the viewer is subjected to Kamina being naked the entire episode while the women turn out to have been dressed all along.
I thought it was funny for that reason, mostly. Also, I know it's stupid, but I cannot believe women behave the way that anime claims they behave at hot springs. I just can't.
Because no matter the show, be it Full Metal Panic!, NG Evangelion, or Gurren Lagan, The Hot Springs Episode, which I assume is the anime equivalent of The Beach Episode (but it can't be, can it, because anime has those, too?) so maybe it's some kind of Sister Episode. Anyway, no matter the show, The Hot Spring episode is inevitably going to contain the following: 1) The Big Sis molesting the moe or younger girl or whatever while the boys listen with nosebleeds. Whether it's Mao/Tessa, Misato/Asuka, or the big blonde one messing with Yoko et al, it is gonna happen. 2) The big bro coaxing the younger guy to try and get over the wall. Kurz + Shinji + Ono D, Kamina and Simone, etc. 3) The boys all dying from, as Shinji put it in NGE, "thermal expansion." 4) Ridiculous challenges and rousing speeches along the inevitably doomed path to "Mountains and Valleys" as Kamina says. Whether it's a gigantic fence, or laser guns. I swear Tenchi Muyo did something like this, too.
Really, The Hot Springs episodes all have this stuff in common, and while it's funny, it does beg the question of whether or not any of it is rooted in reality, or if it's all one massive reference to something I don't get because I'm from the West and we just don't do bath-houses over here.
Or is it just something that people do in Japan? Like, is this the Japanese equivalent of trying to see the mythical showers of the Girl's Locker Room (before you realize that the reality will never live up to the hype.)?
Why in the hell have I just spent the last ten minutes trying to make sense of The Hot Spring Episode? I mean, nobody questions Beach Episodes.
Anyway, I'm a sucker for main pairings and not beta pairings. It's all about Sosuke/Kaname, and not Sosuke/Tessa/Nami/Kyoko/Gauron or Cecil/Rosa, not Cecil/Rydia/Kain/Terra Branford.
Terra x Sabin or Terra x Jecht. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES.
I feel I am this way because Official Couples actually have relationship development, whereas beta pairings are just, I dunno, usually out of left field for me. Six episodes in the following is clear: 1) Yoko likes Kamina, for whatever reason. 2) Kamina likes Yoko, especially her big butt, but is too stupid to admit it. 3) Nobody likes Ron, which is a shame, because he is legitimately the funniest part of the entire show.
Seriously, Leron is a criminally under used character. Everything he does is hilarious, from hitting on Kamina to HITTING ON LAGAN.
Hmmm i actually got episode 6 mixed up with 4. Takami Akai the producer stepped down because there was a lot of shit about the production values used on that episode and some stuff to do with 2ch. He made a pretty funny comment about 2ch being like having your nose next to a bum and breathing deeply. Lots of drama.
You know I was going to do a Rebuild double feature, I couldn't. It was late and I forgot that Rebuild 1.0 is kind of a weak movie. I did come to some revelations that made me feel really stupid.
1. I've been mixing in small changes from the rebuild series in with my memories of the old series. That's why things like the Human Instrumentality council, lack of a red ocean, and lack of that scene with all the kids visiting the aquarium to be super confusing when I rewatched the original.
2. Rebuild 1.0 is a freaking trap. It's kind of genius on Anno's part. This is my 3rd time watching and I'm just now starting to comprehend its purpose. Rebuild 1.0 is a really weird movie. It's mostly just a retelling of what we know, with some tiny changes, and a huge change at the end. I've always been confused by why it was so similar. I'm now realizing that its to lull us into a false sense of security. It leads us to make false assumptions that should be coming back to bite us soon. For example, I always assumed Human Instrumentality and the whole Eva
thing to be exactly the same in the Rebuild series. Why do I assume this? Nothing in Rebuild leads me to this. It's the lack of changes to other aspects that seem to cover what may be much deeper changes underneath the surface. New attitude with these films going forward for me is to distrust everything. I no longer will take anything from the Eva series for granted.
Overall, its similarity may have a purpose, but boy does it make Eva 1.0 a boring watch. The mecha action is amazing, especially the night battles. The way they illuminate parts of the Eva while the rest remains black is such a great bit of styling. CG only really bugged me in the 2nd angel fight. The giant Eel one. Some aspects of the CG on that looked off. Other than that, CG looked great. Didn't bother me like usual. Still, the story remains mostly the same scenes I've watched probably 6 times now. That, and some awkward pacing, can make 1.0 hard to watch at times. Still, those mecha battles justify this film's existence on their own.
I'll check out 2.0 tonight. I know this is were things really start deviating, so I look forward to it. I remember a lot about it, but I think seeing it in a new light of just watching the series should really help.