Hey animegaf, still need more impressions for the next OP. It's your chance to shine! Someone will finally read what you write without the need for provocative screenshots! I forgot to include a gif in this post so I hope it doesn't go completely ignored!
Just something concise and brief, along the lines of stuff duckroll and kayos have posted thus far. Posts about shows no one is talking about (but I'm sure someone out there has to be trucking through) like Seitokai no Ichizon would be doubly appreciated.
Show is retarded, but oddly addicting. Has action, mmo aspects, incest, bouncy boobs, round bottoms. It's everything one needs out of anime.
Girls und Panzer:
Cute girls doing cute things, but now with tanks ripped from Valkyria Chronicles.
Season 3 of the show. If you haven't read the manga, nothing makes sense. New art is ugly.
Tonari no kaibutsu
shoujo ass shoujo. Good cast, cute girls, sexy males. Fun show with a romance that naturally never progresses.
kyoani shit. It's often soo cute that it hurts. Seems like stuff is getting heavier now, which not everyone likes.
It's standard ass adventure shounen. Girl has nice thighs. Aladdin also likes boobs.
It's barely 'animation', but it's packed full of yelling, manly tears, manly men doing manly man stuff.
Medaka box abnormal
Shounen nonsense. Like real nonsense. It's quite enjoyable though.