fwiw I thought the first half of the show was a fucking bore. Apparently the second half and the follow-up gets good, but it's a chore getting to that part.
Desperately needed a native English speaker to make it good. It could have been one of the truly great EDs, but as it is it just sounds stilted and emotionless, especially with that peppy bossa nova beat keeping the singer from lingering over any of the notes for too long.
I don't think she's any more of a marketing ploy than the other characters in Eva honestly. I do think that she is a gimmick though, but not in a negative sense. Eva 2.0 stuff:
My interpretation has always been that she is the main catalyst for the cycle change in Rebuild. Her introduction seems to have been engineered by Gendou in some ways, and it is her appearance in Japan which starts to cause huge changes from the original series. If it is indeed a loop, and Rebuild takes place after EoE, then Mari is the foreign element introduced into this cycle to change the outcome. I think it's pretty cool!
I don't think she's any more of a marketing ploy than the other characters in Eva honestly. I do think that she is a gimmick though, but not in a negative sense. Eva 2.0 stuff:
My interpretation has always been that she is the main catalyst for the cycle change in Rebuild. Her introduction seems to have been engineered by Gendou in some ways, and it is her appearance in Japan which starts to cause huge changes from the original series. If it is indeed a loop, and Rebuild takes place after EoE, then Mari is the foreign element introduced into this cycle to change the outcome. I think it's pretty cool!
This is really no different from all the speculation that she is Shinji and Asuka's baby from another timeline or some crap like that. My beef with her character is, well, her lack of character and purpose in the movie. The only thing of relevance she does in the entire movie is getting beat the fuck up by Zeruel so that Shinji's bunker gets blown to smithereens and the fucker finally sees how much of a fucking arsehole he's being by running away. Even the intro fight against the snake-like angel is completely unnecessary in the purpose of the overall narrative.
My problem with the movie isn't even the fact that it's a recap episode tailored for the big screen. The climax of the movie, aka the new animation and all that crap, is extremely summarised for the sake of runtime and the action in the final battle rushed over because I don't even fucking know. Great sakuga though.
The final sequence where they pull off that final, huge Giga Drill Breaker and take everyone out was fucking amazing visually. It was also pretty awkward as far as story and pacing are concerned. The fact that Yamaga actually said that people should watch Gurren-hen as an introduction to Gurren Lagann kind of baffles me (then again, that sounds better than "we made a quick recap movie to make a quick buck off the Gurren Lagann name").
While From the New World doesn't have an opening animation, I also just love the chant that plays near the beginning of an episode. Both how it was in the promotional videos and earlier episodes and how it sounded in Episode 9.
While From the New World doesn't have an opening animation, I also just love the chant that plays near the beginning of an episode. Both how it was in the promotional videos and earlier episodes and how it sounded in Episode 9.
I'll never get tired of Anno's hand-drawn explosions. Imaishi's are cool too, but they are of a completely different oomph.
This video makes me wonder why GAINAX never bothered revisiting the Daicon franchise for a full-fledged production with less copious amounts of copyright infringement. It would have been incredible.
such a cheap shot. Honestly I knew a woman who married a forty year old man when she was eighteenish. She honestly loved him, and would have been with him to that day had he not died, and in spite of his death she had never rewed, and the two of them had raised several children together.
AAAAANYWAY. Gundam SEED Destiny 8- Kira is somehow magically cooler than he was in Gundam SEED, but he's still not my main Athrun Zala who's relationship with Cagali actually developed and stuff, whereas Kira's relationship with Lacus was magically ordained by God and couldn't be escaped. Also Shinn Asuka is a strange character because every time I think I'm going to finally like him he opens his mouth and talks. In other words, he's sympathetic when he isn't speaking.
RE: Gurren and Yoko specifically, I honestly liked that in Episode 8
Kamina and Yoko finally resolved the U of their UST. And that Kamina's solution to Simone's being upset over all of it was to punch the angst out of him. And that that worked.
My favorite part of Gurren Lagan (other than the criminally underused Leron) is definitely the use of weird signs in the cockpit. Like when there was a monitor displaying their hunger or Simone's heart's status. It's stupid and hilarious.
To bring this all full circle, I think it's only fair to claim that Simone's affections for Yoko are the typical childhood crush, but on the other hand, in End of Evangelion, Misato's wholly manipulative
"That was an adult kiss. We'll do the rest when you come back."
Pshaw. Shinji's newly grown pair is the best part of Rebuild, although seeing Rei become a character and therefore denying all of her clones would totally make me a happy camper. I do feel like Asuka has been shoved aside in this continuity, though.
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude imagine if they made a Daicon V where they got the old gang to animate it and it was a self-parody of all their catalogue and whatever properties they could get from their buddies at the other studios.
Of course this assumes GAINAX is not in a zombified state, so tough shit.
I tend to find that English songs being sung by non-native singers detracts from the experience. The particulars of Japanese pronunciation of English words just, well, butcher the sound of it relative to several other languages, honestly.
This is really no different from all the speculation that she is Shinji and Asuka's baby from another timeline or some crap like that. My beef with her character is, well, her lack of character and purpose in the movie. The only thing of relevance she does in the entire movie is getting beat the fuck up by Zeruel so that Shinji's bunker gets blown to smithereens and the fucker finally sees how much of a fucking arsehole he's being by running away. Even the intro fight against the snake-like angel is completely unnecessary in the purpose of the overall narrative.
The introduction scene shows that there are Eva units fighting Angels in other countries beyond Japan, and that the organization is much less centralized and coordinated than it should be. It also shows there is a lack of trust between divisions, and that Gendou is sending a spy into another division to cause a disruption and to recover something he needs to scheme behind the scenes.
Does this have any direct relevance to the second movie's core narrative? No. But this is not a series of stand alone movies. Set up is important, and I would much rather they show something like that, than to just talk about it later on like it happened. It's extremely unsatisfying to hear characters talk about cool shit that happened at some point without ever seeing it.
As for her presence in the rest of the movie, I liked it too. She may not have done much directly, but her very existence in Japan and her interactions with the characters already change things. That is interesting to see unfold. It is clear that she has her own agendas, and she's an agent of change and influence from the "outside", so that parallels how she is portrayed for fans of the original show - she's an outsider character created fresh for this new series, and she is "getting in the way" of Shinji's relationships with the pre-established female characters.
I love this sort of self-aware stuff in remakes and reimaginings, where it plays on expectations and preconceptions based on the material, and then introduces stuff which might annoy certain viewers for the express purpose of making a particular point.
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude imagine if they made a Daicon V where they got the old gang to animate it and it was a self-parody of all their catalogue and whatever properties they could get from their buddies at the other studios.
Of course this assumes GAINAX is not in a zombified state, so tough shit.
That's what I like about Rei's character. Seeing the pay psychological damage that being disposable causes a person is interesting. It's probably the only aspect I really like.
As far as I'm concerned, Imaishi is amazing when handling super cartoony character animation. As far as grandiose effects animation goes, people like Yoshinari are more fitting; see the big final explosion in Gurren Lagann. An Imaishi-style explosion wouldn't have done the job as well.
The introduction scene shows that there are Eva units fighting Angels in other countries beyond Japan, and that the organization is much less centralized and coordinated than it should be. It also shows there is a lack of trust between divisions, and that Gendou is sending a spy into another division to cause a disruption and to recover something he needs to scheme behind the scenes.
Does this have any direct relevance to the second movie's core narrative? No. But this is not a series of stand alone movies. Set up is important, and I would much rather they show something like that, than to just talk about it later on like it happened. It's extremely unsatisfying to hear characters talk about cool shit that happened at some point without ever seeing it.
As for her presence in the rest of the movie, I liked it too. She may not have done much directly, but her very existence in Japan and her interactions with the characters already change things. That is interesting to see unfold. It is clear that she has her own agendas, and she's an agent of change and influence from the "outside", so that parallels how she is portrayed for fans of the original show - she's an outsider character created fresh for this new series, and she is "getting in the way" of Shinji's relationships with the pre-established female characters.
I love this sort of self-aware stuff in remakes and reimaginings, where it plays on expectations and preconceptions based on the material, and then introduces stuff which might annoy certain viewers for the express purpose of making a particular point.
Does the Pokedex still do like it did back in the old ones and flat out refuse to tell him stuff about legendary Pokemon? Because that was the major "OH CRAP" moment about his first meeting with Mewtwo. Pokedex was all "I don't got nuttin."
Does anyone really like Marie from ReBuild? Like, she's just Asuka without the character development.
While From the New World doesn't have an opening animation, I also just love the chant that plays near the beginning of an episode. Both how it was in the promotional videos and earlier episodes and how it sounded in Episode 9.
In lieu of an OP I just need to hear that piece from the second movement of Dvorak's From the New World every so often and I'll be happy. It has a special place in my heart thanks to the fact that it managed to creeped me the bloody fuck out in two different Ikuhara shows. I'm conditioned to expect horrible things whenever I hear it now.
The introduction scene shows that there are Eva units fighting Angels in other countries beyond Japan, and that the organization is much less centralized and coordinated than it should be. It also shows there is a lack of trust between divisions, and that Gendou is sending a spy into another division to cause a disruption and to recover something he needs to scheme behind the scenes.
Does this have any direct relevance to the second movie's core narrative? No. But this is not a series of stand alone movies. Set up is important, and I would much rather they show something like that, than to just talk about it later on like it happened. It's extremely unsatisfying to hear characters talk about cool shit that happened at some point without ever seeing it.
assumes her character purpose and the supposed fighting between the different factions will be fulfilled in the following movies, which is a perfectly fine approach to take. I cannot buy it, however, because the material we get right now gives us nothing to work on that, and I frankly see her standing in the movie we get as minimal and of little relevance to the main plot of Shinji You Are A Dick.
As for her presence in the rest of the movie, I liked it too. She may not have done much directly, but her very existence in Japan and her interactions with the characters already change things. That is interesting to see unfold. It is clear that she has her own agendas, and she's an agent of change and influence from the "outside", so that parallels how she is portrayed for fans of the original show - she's an outsider character created fresh for this new series, and she is "getting in the way" of Shinji's relationships with the pre-established female characters.
I see no way in which Mari supposedly interferes with Shinji's relationship with either Asuka or Rei in 2.0. Not only does she not meet either character in the film, but she makes no real approaches towards fostering a real bond with that dick, fanservice aside.
Never mind, I see what you are talking about here. From a meta perspective then yeah it's kinda ingenious.
I love this sort of self-aware stuff in remakes and reimaginings, where it plays on expectations and preconceptions based on the material, and then introduces stuff which might annoy certain viewers for the express purpose of making a particular point.
I'll never get tired of Anno's hand-drawn explosions. Imaishi's are cool too, but they are of a completely different oomph.
This video makes me wonder why GAINAX never bothered revisiting the Daicon franchise for a full-fledged production with less copious amounts of copyright infringement. It would have been incredible.
I tend to find that English songs being sung by non-native singers detracts from the experience. The particulars of Japanese pronunciation of English words just, well, butcher the sound of it relative to several other languages, honestly.
With movie 2, they legitimately wanted to go out of their way to do a genuienly good job at both the writing and the animation, to make it a worthwhile experience on its own.
For what it's worth, I certainly don't think that Mari is an amazing character or anything. I personally like her because I'm totally biased towards Maaya I like her design, glasses are always cool, and Engrish is sexy. But I do think that her role in the Rebuild series is pretty interesting when you look at it from a certain perspective. Of course for those who dislike her as a character, those same reasons also probably cause you to dislike her even more. But I think that's... the point. Lol.
For what it's worth, I certainly don't think that Mari is an amazing character or anything. I personally like her because I'm totally biased towards Maaya I like her design, glasses are always cool, and Engrish is sexy. But I do think that her role in the Rebuild series is pretty interesting when you look at it from a certain perspective. Of course for those who dislike her as a character, those same reasons also probably cause you to dislike her even more. But I think that's... the point. Lol.
All this Eva 2.0 talk as I watch that film right now is kind of surreal. As for Marie, I don't like the character, but love the fan troll bait Anno intends her to be.
All this Eva 2.0 talk as I watch that film right now is kind of surreal. As for Marie, I don't like the character, but love the fan troll bait Anno intends her to be.
It's a bit like when people were discussing Utena because of Penguindrum. I'm actually setting myself to watch Honneamise for the first time tonight. Topical!
I just find it hard to care much about Mari after 2.0. Maybe the third movie will change that, but she just didn't get much of a reaction from me in the second movie.
The idea of
having some new rogue element that's causing things to go off the rails compared to the original version
is interesting, I just don't feel at this point that I have any real investment in the character.
The second Gurren Lagann movie is bad. It is a poor movie, and the only people who like it are those who either have no regards for pacing, editing, and direction, or those who are unable to discern poor editing, pacing, and direction. It added a ton of "cool" action set pieces and bloated the entire film up with nonsense that runs on and on towards the end. Awful.
Parts of it would make for really good music videos, but as a film, it falls completely flat.
It's a bit like when people were discussing Utena because of Penguindrum. I'm actually setting myself to watch Honneamise for the first time tonight. Topical!
It's a bit like when people were discussing Utena because of Penguindrum. I'm actually setting myself to watch Honneamise for the first time tonight. Topical!
All this post does is remind me of how the 1up eva cast sounded exactly like a gaf conversation, down to the offhand mention of Honneamise and a brief chat on how the
All this post does is remind me of how the 1up eva cast sounded exactly like a gaf conversation, down to the offhand mention of Honneamise and a brief chat on how the
It's a bit like when people were discussing Utena because of Penguindrum. I'm actually setting myself to watch Honneamise for the first time tonight. Topical!
If the "Rogue Element" in Rebuild is anything, it's clearly Kawrou. His presence and actions are what really set things off the rails. He also seems to have some concept of what has happened and will happen. Marie just seems to reinforce the fact the train is coming off the rails.