Hey animegaf, still need more impressions for the next OP. It's your chance to shine! Someone will finally read what you write without the need for provocative screenshots! I forgot to include a gif in this post so I hope it doesn't go completely ignored!
Just something concise and brief, along the lines of stuff duckroll and kayos have posted thus far. Posts about shows no one is talking about (but I'm sure someone out there has to be trucking through) like Seitokai no Ichizon would be doubly appreciated.
I figured I'd cover some of the less popular series instead of shitting on
Magi some more:
Kyousogiga II
A nice collection of shorts acting as a continuation of the original OVA that helps flesh out this incredibly weird and out there take on Kyoto. Well, not really but it's fun as hell to watch thanks to it's incredible animation, great character designs and the charming as hell writing. Definitely worth checking out for those looking for something that'll put a great big smile on their face.
Chiisana Ojisan
30 second shorts about a "Little Old Man' who finds himself chilling out in other peoples pockets and winning the hearts of women over by flaunting his manly back.
Lychee Light Club
An utterly woeful collection of "comedy" shorts loosely related to the incredibly disturbing and profound manga of the same name. This is definitely one for the squat toilet.
Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter
An incredibly silly and energetic children's show involving transforming AI CG cars beating the shit outta each other and
dancing. Highly recommended for people looking for something straight-up fun and are already watching the commendable
Girls und Panzer.
Kamisama Kiss
Your typically boring mystical bishie of the week but with some incredibly charming reaction faces added to help and spice it up. You'd have to be scraping the bottom of the barrel for your shoujo (josei?) fix to watch this given that better shows like
My Little Monster and
Say "I love You" are airing in the same season.
Bottom Biting Bugs
Mix in some bad flash animation with an incredibly high concept and add just a pinch of unfunny and you end up with these incredibly absurd and unsatisfying 5 minute shorts.