Oh, okay. I wouldn't actually be bothered if you did hate it, I just enjoy feeedback. I'm still working through my own god damn thread from 2010:
I should keep this link handy. Though I do have a big list of names I've picked up over the months that I should go through.
Wow i was just going to kindly ask if you guys could recommend a relapsed anime fan some obscure shows he might have missed and here i find this. Thanking you!
Sunred, Mouryou no Hako and Aoi Bungaku instantly caught my eye. Only shows i'm watching this season are JoJo and Magi so it'll be nice to have some others.
Highly recommend this show. Also one of the best OPs and EDs ever.*
*I haven't watched that many shows
I just want to say that I LOVE your rating scale and fully endorse the usage of it
Oh I knew you would.
As do I, but I preferred last weeks, had a little something for everyone.
Well originally my intention was to just post my brief thoughts on Psycho Pass without the rating, but half way through I thought I may as well post about the other shows I watched over the past few days, which is why I didn't bother to go back and make "stars" for each show.
I found these way more amusing than I probably should have.
You most likely did as those jokes were terrible.
I have no idea what you are talking about >_>
Welcome to my world.
Oh you were only referring to the post above and not the whole thread. Oh my, how embarrassing.
No worries it's an acquired taste.
As a Brit I find that there's some sort of obligation to like Radiohead and yet their songs have never caught on with me.
And yet:
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
You'd think with lyrics like that I'd really resonate with them.
Also: Big O ep. 7. Look like Phoenix Wright, Be Batman, Talk Smoooooooth. The only thing I dislike in this show is the OP, and whatever.
I like the OP. It's the only one I learnt all the words to.
its Christmas already?
but I dont want to start hearing christmas carols and seeing advertisements everywhere
Advertising started yonks ago. Advent calendars have been on sale for yonks. The lights have been up for yonks (which is my favourite bit of the Christmas period). I think avatars being used one month before Christmas Eve isn't so bad.
Hey animegaf, still need more impressions for the next OP. It's your chance to shine! Someone will finally read what you write without the need for provocative screenshots! I forgot to include a gif in this post so I hope it doesn't go completely ignored!
Just something concise and brief, along the lines of stuff duckroll and kayos have posted thus far. Posts about shows no one is talking about (but I'm sure someone out there has to be trucking through) like Seitokai no Ichizon would be doubly appreciated.
Does this include shows from the previous season? For now I'll stick with shows that started in Autumn.
If you like KyoAni stuff because it has cute girls, well animated scenes and light hearted humour than this show will be for you. If you hate KyoAni for the aforementioned things; what's wrong with you?
Girls und Panzer
Man was once asked to name the two things he loved most in the world and he said "chicks and fighting innit" before punching his best mate in the face outside an Essex club. Someone heard this and made a show involving girls and tanks. And it was good.
Psycho Pass
If you like to watch nonsensical thrillers then you won't mind this. If you're looking for the next best thing you'll be disappointed. Likes to delve into deep subject that comes off as absolute twoddle. Think of it like a show of CSI. You wouldn't watch that for though provoking drama and you won't do that for Psycho Pass either.
JoJo's Bizarre Aventure
It's JoJo. 'Nuff said.
I can see where this is heading so:
Best ED Rankings:
1. Code: Breaker
2. Robotics;Notes
3. Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
4. Medaka Box Abnormal
No mention of the current Polar Bear Café ED? What's wrong with you son? It has mambo with llamas. You'll have a hard time find something better than that.
Actually he pulled it out before he even saw an Onix.
That sounds beyond lewd.
[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure] - 8
Pretty much everything I could say or post a picture of from this episode would be a spoiler considering that it's packed full of goodness. So I won't say anything at all.
Even the preview is pretty spoilery. Even more spoilery than the average preview.
Oh and this week's lip lick gif: