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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Question: Is the European streaming sites as bad as everas opposed to our N. American ones? I have barely watched any Anime these days.


OK, that is just a beauty.

It is. I have a bunch of collections like that. The packaging used to be part of the fun.
I'm glad I got into anime during that phase and had the money to obtain the swag.
Some are sad that moe has taken over everything but I'm uch more sad at the state of anime packaging and presentation. Even the simpler Geneon releases had double sided case artwork and beautiful menus and presentation. I miss the old days :(


It is. I have a bunch of collections like that. The packaging used to be part of the fun.
I'm glad I got into anime during that phase and had the money to obtain the swag.
Some are sad that moe has taken over everything but I'm uch more sad at the state of anime packaging and presentation. Even the simpler Geneon releases had double sided case artwork and beautiful menus and presentation. I miss the old days :(

I recently have gotten into buying Anime and some of those Manga DVDs are just Barren. Darker than Black deserve so much better :(
Haru is bad enough without an English dub. Just imagining it is horrifying.

Haru is amazing, and with a dub would be lovely and more amazing. Hearing him in JPN would just make me wish Kimi to Boku was licensed, since Chizuru.

Tsuritama would have been a good fit for NISA. The show's art would have translated perfectly to the gorgeous flat, rectangular artboxes that NISA uses for their deluxe editions, and it probably would have come with a sizable artbook.

Instead, this is probably what we'll get with Sentai:


(I made this shop months ago but it's suddenly relevant, lol)[/QUOTE]

That would be awful, if [URL="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m590s4uoOr1r2uhlro1_500.jpg"]Yuki and Natsuki[/URL] arent on the cover :(


I recently have gotten into buying Anime and some of those Manga DVDs are just Barren. Darker than Black deserve so much better :(

Ill try to photograph some older releases today so you can see how they used to be. Admittedly each release was 30 bucks a volume so it wasnt cheap but they spaced it out enough to where it was affordable to get each volume. But when completed, even the small sets had a lot of charm. Todays anime market might offer super cheap affordable stuff so that you dont have to be wealthy to enjoy the hobby, and I appreciate that aspect, but it does make the medium seem a lot less special and interesting from a collectors standpoint (unless you go R2 only). I used to spend a lot of time just looking at the artwork, slipcases, booklets, and stuff. Now I open many cases and there isnt even a insert. Just one of those stupid "tell us about your experience" cards. Blah.
opening Aniplex and NISA releases is like Christmas.


It seems if you want a new series, Sentai has the rights for it. I get upset how bare bones Sentai releases are from packaging and extras.

They have no money. Trust me on this. When you fuck up on Blu-Ray you shouldnt even be in business. Why hasnt Criterion got into the anime buisness yet? It will make a fuck ton of money and the subbies will have a respectable buisness partner not named Crunchyroll
I appreciate cheaper releases, but I also like having nice extras.

I wish that getting commentary tracks and interviews was standard, at least. I would be willing to pay a little extra just to have some neat making of features included on the disc, never mind actually having some physical extras.


They have no money. Trust me on this. When you fuck up on Blu-Ray you shouldnt even be in business. Why hasnt Criterion got into the anime buisness yet? It will make a fuck ton of money and the subbies will have a respectable buisness partner not named Crunchyroll

Sentai is ADV. Of course they have no money. they licensed dumb shit for way too much money and sunk. Its a tough market, but if you want to succeed in the anime physical media market, presentation is important. People have access to crunchyroll and funimation and hulu+./ they dont have to buy cheap ass DVD releases to get their fix anymore. The people buying those discs are like me, and they want quality releases. If not on bluray then the packaging better be up to snuff instead.


The Light of El Cantare
Tangential question: manga translations have been funded through Kickstarter in the past, haven't they? Wouldn't it be possible to kickstart a subbed DVD release of a particularly difficult-to-license anime too? I'm kind of wondering why this has never been attempted. The fact that Kick-Heart met its goals is at least some indication that anime fans are willing to crowdfund, I guess.


The last really nice release I bought from Funimation was the Princess Jellyfish blu-ray/DVD box. It wasn't super fancy packaging or anything (pretty manga art on the box), but it did have actually extras on disc! Dubbed extra skits for side characters and a subtitled trip the aquarium with two of the voice actresses.

It really depends on the show, it seems.

EDIT: I do have the LAIN set ordered, but it hasn't shipped yet.


I don't want to hate on Sentai too much because at the end of the day they are one of few companies bringing anime that I enjoy over to the United States. I know it's getting harder for them to negotiate with companies in Japan but don't be afraid of making a premium release along side a bare bone release. You will find customers willing to spend a couple more dollars for a good product.
Sentai is ADV. Of course they have no money. they licensed dumb shit for way too much money and sunk. Its a tough market, but if you want to succeed in the anime physical media market, presentation is important. People have access to crunchyroll and funimation and hulu+./ they dont have to buy cheap ass DVD releases to get their fix anymore. The people buying those discs are like me, and they want quality releases. If not on bluray then the packaging better be up to snuff instead.

I dont know, consistent consumer outcry over Anime prices, Aniplex (at least on other sites, any aniplex release discussion or license gets hundreds of responses, and on twitter hundreds of complaints), indicate that people prefer lesser priced releases even if they come barebones. Interface issues and site reliability and stability (funi), ads and availibility of HD video (hulu), and video quality, delays, license removals, and ads (crunchyroll) are not really, in my opinion, worthwhile alternatives over a disc release even if barebones.


Tsuritama would have been a good fit for NISA. The show's art would have translated perfectly to the gorgeous flat, rectangular artboxes that NISA uses for their deluxe editions, and it probably would have come with a sizable artbook.

Instead, this is probably what we'll get with Sentai:


(I made this shop months ago but it's suddenly relevant, lol)

I might swear off Sentai forever if they pull this shit.
This would be inexcuseable. At the very least they should treat it like TWGOK which had some nice artwork.

I dont know, consistent consumer outcry over Anime prices, Aniplex (at least on other sites, any aniplex release discussion or license gets hundreds of responses, and on twitter hundreds of complaints), indicate that people prefer lesser priced releases even if they come barebones. Interface issues and site reliability and stability (funi), ads and availibility of HD video (hulu), and video quality, delays, license removals, and ads (crunchyroll) are not really, in my opinion, worthwhile alternatives over a disc release even if barebones.

I'm probably just spoiled. but Im willing to spend more for better quality. There IS a market for that judging by how well the Fate Zero and Madoka sets sold, as well as NISA's apparent success.


I dont know, consistent consumer outcry over Anime prices, Aniplex (at least on other sites, any aniplex release discussion or license gets hundreds of responses, and on twitter hundreds of complaints), indicate that people prefer lesser priced releases even if they come barebones. Interface issues and site reliability and stability (funi), ads and availibility of HD video (hulu), and video quality, delays, license removals, and ads (crunchyroll) are not really, in my opinion, worthwhile alternatives over a disc release even if barebones.

My feeling of Aniplex releases are over my budget on what I would like to pay (even though they are very good packages)but I feel NISA is the sweet spot for me. I can honestly say paying $15 more (Sentai bluray come around $40-$45) for the deluxe packaging is worth it.


Tangential question: manga translations have been funded through Kickstarter in the past, haven't they? Wouldn't it be possible to kickstart a subbed DVD release of a particularly difficult-to-license anime too? I'm kind of wondering why this has never been attempted. The fact that Kick-Heart met its goals is at least some indication that anime fans are willing to crowdfund, I guess.

It's notoriously difficult to get people to pay for anime. Kick-Heart's success was a big surprise. For licensing and translating, you have to deal with the licensor and it typically ends up pretty expensive. Given all this, I guess people just assumed there was no chance of getting funded. It'll be interested to see if this changes. I assume not as it looks like there's a big crowd funding crash coming soon, so I wouldn't expect to see someone attempt that before it all comes crumbling down.

I guess I'm the enemy for all you physical media buffs. I just don't want it. I don't rewatch stuff. I don't care if I lose access to something I've already seen. All that stuff just doesn't bother me. I will say, if I like something enough to buy it, I sure as hell want the biggest, most high-quality release possible.


One of the issues is that anime has become in a way TOO cheap.
Its nice for sure, but how realistic is it? You have to factor in the cost to license, translate, package, distribute, and stock the stuff. Slightly higher prices wouldnt really hurt much at this point. The cost of legit anime is already around what people pay for pirated bootlegs as it is.


Sentai is ADV. Of course they have no money. they licensed dumb shit for way too much money and sunk. Its a tough market, but if you want to succeed in the anime physical media market, presentation is important. People have access to crunchyroll and funimation and hulu+./ they dont have to buy cheap ass DVD releases to get their fix anymore. The people buying those discs are like me, and they want quality releases. If not on bluray then the packaging better be up to snuff instead.

So wait, what is Sentai's problem? Is it that they don't release stuff or that they only do barebones, half-assed DVDs?

Also, what's Sentai?
My Little Monster 3:
Natsume is hilarious. Her reactions were great throughout the episode, and I thought it was especially funny when
her fear of guys just running after her because she looks cute came true
. There were a lot of good gags in this episode, particularly Shizuku's coldness, and her line about
how she can get things accomplished without doing any work herself
. I find myself just loving seeing how these characters interact.

The standout scene of the episode, though, was the staircase scene. I loved the way the music played throughout that scene, with the dramatic buildup and then the stop as
Shizuku starts spilling out her feelings to Haru. But then they also mix some comedy in as the scene goes on, and we get a sense for the different ways that Haru and Shizuku deal with their feelings. Shizuku's facial expression when Haru randomly mentioned having naughty thoughts about her was excellent.

The visuals didn't seem as consistent in this episode as in the first two, but there were only a couple of moments where that really stuck out to me. Although one of those was near the most dramatic scenes in the episode, so that was a bit of a shame.


So wait, what is Sentai's problem? Is it that they don't release stuff or that they only do barebones, half-assed DVDs?

Also, what's Sentai?

They only do barebones halfassed super cheap releases that are an embarrassment to the industry. They dont even dub half the time. They just sub a terrible quality source and throw it into the most bargain bin looking disc case they can find. Whether the particular anime in question deserves a release like that or not, I cannot recall any series in the past getting released so pathetically.


The Light of El Cantare
It's notoriously difficult to get people to pay for anime. Kick-Heart's success was a big surprise. For licensing and translating, you have to deal with the licensor and it typically ends up pretty expensive. Given all this, I guess people just assumed there was no chance of getting funded. It'll be interested to see if this changes. I assume not as it looks like there's a big crowd funding crash coming soon, so I wouldn't expect to see someone attempt that before it all comes crumbling down.

Yeah, I had zero expectation that Kick-Heart would meet its goal, much less (modestly) exceed it. Granted, the appeal of an entirely-new work is higher than what boils down to essentially paying for packaging (see: Vic Ireland's catastrophic failure in kickstarting an LE for Class of Heroes 2) so perhaps it's not any guarantee that crowdfunded licenses have any likelihood of success.

I'd still like to see at least one attempt at it before this "bubble" bursts, although I don't keep up with all of the kickstarter news on gaming side so I don't have any knowledge of the situation.


They only do barebones halfassed super cheap releases that are an embarrassment to the industry. They dont even dub half the time. They just sub a terrible quality source and throw it into the most bargain bin looking disc case they can find. Whether the particular anime in question deserves a release like that or not, I cannot recall any series in the past getting released so pathetically.

So they're a licensing and localization company? What licenses do they have?


The Light of El Cantare
One of the issues is that anime has become in a way TOO cheap.
Its nice for sure, but how realistic is it? You have to factor in the cost to license, translate, package, distribute, and stock the stuff. Slightly higher prices wouldnt really hurt much at this point. The cost of legit anime is already around what people pay for pirated bootlegs as it is.

Well, when the anime boom died, people simply fell out of the hobby--it wasn't an issue of price. I could be entirely off base on this, but it seems to me like the move to appeal to people who were still interested in anime but couldn't afford it at 90s/early-mid 00s prices was necessary for licensors' survival. They're not rolling in cash like they were ten years ago, but higher prices for licensors that don't solely cater to hardcore collectors might be financial suicide at this point.


Well, when the anime boom died, people simply fell out of the hobby--it wasn't an issue of price. I could be entirely off base on this, but it seems to me like the move to appeal to people who were still interested in anime but couldn't afford it at 90s/early-mid 00s prices was necessary for licensors' survival. They're not rolling in cash like they were ten years ago, but higher prices for licensors that don't solely cater to hardcore collectors might be financial suicide at this point.

Im gonna take osme photos today of how companies used to package anime vs how they do it now.
Gotta get my stuff together from my parents place first.
Give me a few hours.


As streaming takes an even bigger hold and print on demand becomes an actual viable option, I suppose this will sort itself out. At some point, the people that want physical media will be the ones willing to pay for it. The people that just want things as cheap as possible, like me, will gravitate to streaming. The problems of mass production and the fact that streaming hasn't come fully into this own are contributing to the issues we have today.


As streaming takes an even bigger hold and print on demand becomes an actual viable option, I suppose this will sort itself out. At some point, the people that want physical media will be the ones willing to pay for it. The people that just want things as cheap as possible, like me, will gravitate to streaming. The problems of mass production and the fact that streaming hasn't come fully into this own are contributing to the issues we have today.

Correct. It puts collectors in a bind because they dont really want digital collections but they cant get the good quality stuff either. We are stuck in bargain bin hell for the time being :(
Correct. It puts collectors in a bind because they dont really want digital collections but they cant get the good quality stuff either. We are stuck in bargain bin hell for the time being :(

You're free to import if price is no object. You can even get English subs on several Japanese releases these days.


Correct. It puts collectors in a bind because they dont really want digital collections but they cant get the good quality stuff either. We are stuck in bargain bin hell for the time being :(

As fast as things are moving, I don't think this problem will last for too long. 5 years at most, but probably will sort itself within 3. Still a long time, but not so bad in the grand scheme of things.


You're free to import if price is no object. You can even get English subs on several Japanese releases these days.

For a handful of releases sure.
But not most.
NISA is probably the sweet spot for Us market.
Im not asking for super expensive releases of Mayo Chiki here but some series deserve a lot better than they get. For throwaway fluff series, a cheapo release is OK. Akikan is fine being in a bargain bin case for example.
Ill show you what they did to Princess Tutu and it will make you furious guaranteed.


It could be worse. Anime could be facing the same troubles as the manga industry. Lack of support for physical releases+high piracy rates+few publishers+no real good avenue for legal digital as of right now=a dark future.


One of the issues is that anime has become in a way TOO cheap.
Its nice for sure, but how realistic is it? You have to factor in the cost to license, translate, package, distribute, and stock the stuff. Slightly higher prices wouldnt really hurt much at this point. The cost of legit anime is already around what people pay for pirated bootlegs as it is.

You have to treat it the same way as the US does the Boxset here. But that means they have to get back on the TV trail. But the major problem with that issue is the advertisers talking out there ass about "them yellow preds" when they do worse with live action and not just Honey Boo Boo - when Icarly was around they did whole tumblrs of all the shit they pulled.

So conserning selling the Blu-Ray - im half of a mind to let the Major Hollywood players have a go at it again like they did in the mid 80's. CBS Films (the original one not the Les Moonves lead bullshit thinking he wants to buy Columbia Pictures version) used to do a bang up job with the stuff they had. (But then again CBS was awesome back in the day when it had the NFC and afficates that gave a fuck) Sentai and Funi are nothing more than Vivid and Joey Silvera but cant break the law. Otherwise they wouldnt even be touching moe.


It could be worse. Anime could be facing the same troubles as the manga industry. Lack of support for physical releases+high piracy rates+few publishers+no real good avenue for legal digital as of right now=a dark future.

You are right that we should be happy that it gets released at all, but the collectors market is suitably large even in the case of anime and can be used to offset the costs of cheaper releases. If some are willing to pay for it there should be provisions. Maybe make a super cheap dvd for those who dont care and a better features bluray at a substantial markup for the collectors, like with videogames. We shouldnt HAVE to resort to importing to get good quality releases of something.


It could be worse. Anime could be facing the same troubles as the manga industry. Lack of support for physical releases+high piracy rates+few publishers+no real good avenue for legal digital as of right now=a dark future.

Manga IMO will be fine. One Piece once it ends wiill right the ship because its only them now selling and a little Naruto on the side. Once both series end then manga will get its act together. It has always been that way.

My main consern is that the anime studios are acting like the rest of wall street is now - knowing that the business model needs to be 10% digital and 60% TV worldwide with the last 20% being discs. Instead they have gone all in with digital and NOTHING coming back. This is a joke. There is a reason why Hollywood isnt totally digital yet. The Internet has a massive credibility problem that cant just be solved over night.


You are right that we should be happy that it gets released at all, but the collectors market is suitably large even in the case of anime and can be used to offset the costs of cheaper releases. If some are willing to pay for it there should be provisions. Maybe make a super cheap dvd for those who dont care and a better features bluray at a substantial markup for the collectors, like with videogames. We shouldnt HAVE to resort to importing to get good quality releases of something.

The only people who can do that sort of work is the Major Hollywood Players/Crition. I dont trust Funi, Viz, Crunchy or Sentai to do anything but sell sexuality. If that was the case there is still a whole bunch of hentai they can sell and make a killing. Leave the real shit to the pros.


Tangential question: manga translations have been funded through Kickstarter in the past, haven't they? Wouldn't it be possible to kickstart a subbed DVD release of a particularly difficult-to-license anime too? I'm kind of wondering why this has never been attempted. The fact that Kick-Heart met its goals is at least some indication that anime fans are willing to crowdfund, I guess.
A somewhat recent start-up company here in Spain, called Anime Project, is going to try something like the idea you mention for The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya series. Not necessarily because it was that difficult to license 'per se' (well, it was for the kind of company they are at the moment... too ambitious commencing as they are), but to maintain their promise afloat after negotiations turned awry, along with budget concerns that probably made more difficult to meet their initial expectations and capacity to reach the upcoming demand:

Anime Project: Haruhi Suzumiya se financia por 42.000€ » Deculture.es — Anime, manga y videojuegos

Their estimate includes licensing, dubbing, Blu-ray discs pressing, DVD discs pressing and different expenses associated to the project like the translation, an included part in concept of commission for verkami (the crowd-funding platform in charge of presenting/initiate this plan), shipping costs, etc., approximately 42000€ as the expected total to reach for the project complete funding (with their own share of 8000€ discounted from the first estimate of 50000€ they are currently working with).

All in all, there is also a rather strange objective they have related to the material that will be used and how it will affect the quality of the release, but I'll leave that matter aside for now without seeing more information to come about all this.


kickstarter isnt going to do shit - look what Molinenux is doing even though he has a fucking war chest. Its a licence to steal money.

If you want to save the business in the states - go look what Obama did in his campain. thats the future of advertising. NOTHING we do as those that want to buy stuff has to change - they have to go and do some math FIRST and STICK with it. Change the whole convention amophere in the states into an actual business venture where they sell it like they do in TCA and MIPCOM.

But the leaders of the business in the states and those in the ani-conventions are so fucking racist.


The only people who can do that sort of work is the Major Hollywood Players/Crition. I dont trust Funi, Viz, Crunchy or Sentai to do anything but sell sexuality. If that was the case there is still a whole bunch of hentai they can sell and make a killing. Leave the real shit to the pros.

I dont think the fanservice aspect is what most people look for in anime. Its gotten pretty old and tired, and like you said hentai provides that shit in spades anyway.


I dont think the fanservice aspect is what most people look for in anime. Its gotten pretty old and tired, and like you said hentai provides that shit in spades anyway.

of course it got the fuck tired. then why they still get that shit though? they stuck behind their illy-white conservitive bullshit that doesnt make them any fucking money and in larger terms loses elections when everybody agrees with them moraliy but those fuckers slap them down for being called Taquisha and overweight by 80 pounds. Thats not how you sell anything and thats not how you going to run a country.


of course it got the fuck tired. then why they still get that shit though? they stuck behind their illy-white conservitive bullshit that doesnt make them any fucking money and in larger terms loses elections when everybody agrees with them moraliy but those fuckers slap them down for being called Taquisha and overweight by 80 pounds. Thats not how you sell anything and thats not how you going to run a country.

Sometimes I wonder what the hell you are ranting about, but I love you all the same.


Wait? The manag industry is in trouble? Isn't strifing off Naruto which the kids are eating it up?

Naruto and One Piece are all that sells. Even than, the Naruto generation has grown up. They've either grown up, or have become fed up with being behind Japan constantly. Viz's Shonen Jump Alpha initiative is not good or aggressive enough. They aren't in deep shit yet, but the trend is certainly not promising.
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