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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 03


That was amusing. From overreactions, explosive entries! and general screaming can't say this show doesn't have any energy.

As my suspected, main character isn't sure what to do so it focuses on what he should do, which I like that. Yet, it is still pretty weird when I don't know where this series will go after this. It's quite weird and I'm quite enjoying this.


I don't want to snob out and say, "you didn't get it" or something, but the first episode is parody of anime tropes in many senses. Maybe you picked up on that and I missed it or something, but it seems more like you didn't get a sense of that. Which happened a lot really when the show first aired.

Really it's possibly a failure of the show, though it worked for me so I probably shouldn't be the one to make the accusation.

I don't think the first episode really worked very well if that was the intent. I wasn't a huge fan of the first episode myself.


Yea I disagree with this. Akane does prod him on whether she did the right call and he mentions essentially how he's being doing this for too long. She asks him a retrospective question in that, was he in the wrong, and he gives a retrospective answer. It is obvious that he's been thinking about it especially considering he used the word protect, similar to Akane in episode 1. In regards to him not complaining about why she shot him, I think the conversation shows he's not that kind of person. The line about him becoming a detective again along with putting justice above duty was kinda cheesy though. I do disagree with your saying that he hasn't spent any time with Akane, as most individuals would know the kind of person she was after the events in the first episode.

If you judge an entire persons character from spending a few minutes with them I guess that makes you human but I wouldn't exactly call it a wise move. I really don't like the way his responds unfolds either, it's far too much like a speech and far less like human beings actually talking to each other.


My Little Monster is single-handedly restoring my faith in Japan's ability to deliver a genuinely charming and believable story with lovable characters without ANY hint of creepiness, overly sexualized characters, offensive pandering, or terrible fan-service.

Thank god for this.

Also, the artwork in this series is freaking gorgeous. Especially that ED sequence.

MLM is really great, but have you not seen Space Brothers, because the exact kind of thing you wouldl ike. Nothing offensive about it. Its inspirational, charming, funny, and entertaining. And then you have stuff like Chihayafuru as well. Japan aint dead yet son.

Aikatsu! 3

Aoi hangs out with the "Top Idol" for a day and Ichigo follows her friend out of curiosity while dressed like a Cinderella pre-transformation. Well,
she eventually gets caught in the act. Big surprise.
She should have been expelled!

The tension of the event would have been amplified with some good facial expressions, Paranoia Agent style. Simply Aoi growling at the sight of Ichigo in the back of that vehicle.

For a while, I was wondering if the ugly CG dancing would show up at all...

until Aikatsu! reality hit.

Final Note: Mizuki should get that "CG flowers raining out of her hair" thing checked out. It's unsightly.

This looks so unbelievably cute.
This looks so unbelievably shitty.


Infinite Ryvius 10

Normally I'm not the biggest fan of the way shadows on characters' faces are handled in this show, but this episode made really effective use of them to depict the dark emotions the characters on the bridge were feeling.

I first read this as "I'm not the biggest fan of the characters' faces" and I was going to agree with you whole-heartedly.


Infinite Ryvius 10

I love the irony of
Airs Blue's team having previously taken over the ship in the name of freely sharing information with everyone, but now that they're in power they're concealing information exactly as Zwei initially did. Once you get that taste of power...

Speaking of power, it's not surprising that the immense amount of it that the Vital Guarder contains tempted some people to defect with it. I'm sure there'll be more of that in the future.

Normally I'm not the biggest fan of the way shadows on characters' faces are handled in this show, but this episode made really effective use of them to depict the dark emotions the characters on the bridge were feeling.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, etc.
Of course Airs Blue's gang was never a good choice for power in the first place, even if his ruthless and confident leadership was initially more effective than Zwei's feckless and panicked reign.

I'm sure you've noticed this by now, but some of the names in this series are really ridiculous, lol.


Girls und Panzer 3

I can't say I was expecting much after the last two episodes but this episode was simply fantastic. Everything about this was so incredibly energetic and charming that I don't think I've had as much fun with any other episode of anything in this season. They also seem to be mixing up the little SD tank crews in the ED which is a nice little addition to the show.
Rinne no Lagrange 15


I think I'm gonna puke.

First half of the episode was pretty boring(not a fan of the DTL crew), but the test and its aftermath were great. I liked how much time it took for Asteria to decide to resume the experiment. It seemed like they were (effectively, imo) putting a lot of weight into Asteria's internal struggle with the morality of the situation, but then it turns out that she was just scheming up a gloriously pandering plan.

the woman with Dizelmine was definitely Madoka's precursor, right? I don't even.


[Infinite Ryvius]

I first read this as "I'm not the biggest fan of the characters' faces" and I was going to agree with you whole-heartedly.

Oh, I'd agree with that statement as well. It's just that perhaps my least favorite aspect of Hirai's designs here is the weird shadows that he uses for noses, and I felt several of the face shots in this episode worked much better in that regard than the usual character art.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, etc.
Of course Airs Blue's gang was never a good choice for power in the first place, even if his ruthless and confident leadership was initially more effective than Zwei's feckless and panicked reign.

A sleazy gang that hangs out in back alleys unsurprisingly does not make for the best leadership. An ideal leadership for the Ryvius would blend their self-confidence with the Zwei's respect for discipline while also genuinely caring about the common citizen, as it were. Juli and Kouji seem the best leader candidates at this point.

I'm sure you've noticed this by now, but some of the names in this series are really ridiculous, lol.

Thank goodness Good Turtleland the Third got the much more palatable nickname of Charlie.


Buy Emma: A Victorian Romance so we can get an anime adaptation of A Bride's Story.

That's how it works, right?

I wish.


[Infinite Ryvius]

A sleazy gang that hangs out in back alleys unsurprisingly does not make for the best leadership. An ideal leadership for the Ryvius would blend their self-confidence with the Zwei's respect for discipline while also genuinely caring about the common citizen, as it were. Juli and Kouji seem the best leader candidates at this point.

I have to admit it's fun reading speculation when you know what's going to happen, lol.

Thank goodness Good Turtleland the Third got the much more palatable nickname of Charlie.

It's an amazing thing when bullies give you a nickname that's actually kinder than your real name.


Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo 3

Theory on how this plays out

He doesn't know what he wants and just doesn't fit in with the rest of the house. Turns out he has a hidden talent like the rest and he falls in love with the weird girl. Also the normal girl is stuck in the friend zone.


When he woke up with the cat draped over his head, NicoNicoers dubbed it the "Nyaavgear."
A fantastic pun.
I assumed it was a generic harem, and the first episode seemed like it, but the second episode surprised me in various ways so now I'm interested in it.
Well, episode one was alright, so time to see what it is about the next episode that's so interesting.

Also, the ED is really good, but it's from that same contest-winning singer who did the great Dusk Maiden OP, so that's not surprising.
Rinne no Lagrange 15

First half of the episode was pretty boring(not a fan of the DTL crew), but the test and its aftermath were great. I liked how much time it took for Asteria to decide to resume the experiment. It seemed like they were (effectively, imo) putting a lot of weight into Asteria's internal struggle with the morality of the situation, but then it turns out that she was just scheming up a gloriously pandering plan.

the woman with Dizelmine was definitely Madoka's precursor, right? I don't even.

Rinne =' (
I miss it already.
Have you read A Bride's Story? If the answer is "no," understand that it is both terrific - outpacing Emma in quality on the whole and particularly in terms of artwork - and published in glorious hardcover format in English by Yen Press.

You know what to do.

I've only seen examples of the glorious art. I will get to it one of these days.
[Tonari] - 4


Oh, I get it, it's like a visual wassaname. [I]Oh ho.[/I] Wink wink, nudge nudge etc.[/QUOTE]
Damn. How thirsty can you get?


Rinne no Lagrange 15

First half of the episode was pretty boring(not a fan of the DTL crew), but the test and its aftermath were great. I liked how much time it took for Asteria to decide to resume the experiment. It seemed like they were (effectively, imo) putting a lot of weight into Asteria's internal struggle with the morality of the situation, but then it turns out that she was just scheming up a gloriously pandering plan.

the woman with Dizelmine was definitely Madoka's precursor, right? I don't even.

Yess yes yesssss
Perhaps her top just happens to be melon-coloured for no reason, which may well be the case. Or not.

mumble mumble pink on the inside mumble


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