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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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JoJo's Bizzare Adventure 3

This is the manliest show I've seen in a long time. Maybe ever. Can't wait to see more!

Armored Trooper VOTOMS 3

Pretty low-key episode, at least until Chirico got back into the Scopedog and started blowing shit up. Fun times :).
Ebiten 04


I don't even know anymore.

I think they are cramming a bunch of parodies every once in a while, but I really have no idea anymore. There was also something about cats, no pretty much everything in this episode was about cats.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Oh wow, they actually changed the Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai opening animation! It no longer flashes pictures on alternating sides of the screen during the first bit, now it keeps the credits on one side and the images on the other; there seem to be a few other subtle changes too. I guess there were enough people complaining after all...

So they were afraid of Porygoning their audience.
Oh wow, they actually changed the Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai opening animation! It no longer flashes pictures on alternating sides of the screen during the first bit, now it keeps the credits on one side and the images on the other; there seem to be a few other subtle changes too. I guess there were enough people complaining after all...

And I was just starting to get used to it...


Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! 4

Shinka Nibutani >>>>>>>>>>>>> *

Although the scene that almost had me collapsing with laughter was when
Dekomori gets shoved into the locker near the start. Flawless scene transition


Thought i'd pay respect to Scorcho's passing away. Thanks for the welcome!

Oh, that's a nice gesture then. I hadn't been reading off topic so I didn't realize that had happened. :(

I hope he's in a better place, whatever the afterlife brings.
Woah the journey where everyone is fighting their inner persona continues.

This is much better than i anticipated ..primary because sonia is so intresting as a character ..i realise now that she is doomed to a sad fate , unless some serious deus ex machina arrives .
The flashback was pretty well done .. including the truth about
soma father and sonia .
We get more insight on the mars faction as a whole ..and it's great to see that they aren't one dimensionnal vilains .. they have some nice motives/fears and for some some pretty depressing circustances ..sain seya is slowly but surely shapping up to be something more much better than many arcs of the original if this continues ...

About soma :
His deicision to save sonia , as she would have fallen into the darkness trap , was also great ..
this is great IMO as he shape to be something better than a generic character blinded by revenge that so many characters would have been in other show , even better is the fact that he realises this by himself !


i guess the next episode is still a shadow inner battle flashback ..
I guess it would be intresting to see more of eden as IMO he is doomed to
join the group at some point

PS: wait was that some serious cliffanger ( again ? ) as the end ... i need to watch another episode


Oh wow, they actually changed the Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai opening animation! It no longer flashes pictures on alternating sides of the screen during the first bit, now it keeps the credits on one side and the images on the other; there seem to be a few other subtle changes too. I guess there were enough people complaining after all...

That was incredibly fast.
Only took 3 episodes!

I fucking hate whoever pointed out the ricebowl meme.

Dont hate chickdigger :(
That particular gif doesn't look like one. Only when they have the rounded mouths.

Thought i'd pay respect to Scorcho's passing away. Thanks for the welcome!

That depressed me so damned much.


I definitely knew it was a catgirl.
The ears are the giveaway.
I am rather obsessed with catgirls though so I am able to tell these things.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Chuu2 Byou 04:

OP Changed so that the flashes don't switch sides. It's much easier on the eyes. :D Though for those who liked it, no more double skirt bounce.

Rikka and Emi Sanae are doing a "summoning". I don't approve of their sacrifice, but it's still funny how it's set up.

I KNEW that chant sounded familiar when she started! XD

Nibutani glace! I knew it! She's up to something! But Rikka remains an obstacle. That is, until Yuuta plays Rikka like a fiddle. I actually feel bad for Rikka here. ;_;

Yuuta, I totally know what you're going through. Bringing a girl over the first time is REEEEALLY nerve-wracking. Nibutani is so cute, even when she's up to no good! She reeeeeeeeeeeally wants that book though.

Oh, oh my. Embarrassed mode activate! Limiter, OFF! Personality, CHANGE!

Well, that happened. Nibutani's got her reason for staying with the group, though I'm pretty sure Yuuta is not on her list anymore, assuming he ever was.


Subete no aware
Chuu2 Byou 04:

Well, that happened. Nibutani's got her reason for staying with the group, though I'm pretty sure Yuuta is not on her list anymore, assuming he ever was.

She's basically Saki from Genshiken. Which means cosmic (or was it someone else?) would hate her! lol
I've never seen Hanamaru Kindergarten before but I already like the blue haired girl. With and without dead eyes.

Hiiragi's the really smart one of the group, always explaining what certain words or phrases mean to the other kids, mainly to Koume who happens to be the most normal of the three main girls. They never do explain why Hiiragi's face is like that, but she always dresses up in cute costumes.
Haha, I don't know about that. I haven't really done anything special have I? I'm just trying to be myself.

The fact that you like Mio is more than enough for me.
Ginga e Kickoff 24

I didnt even know Blind Soccer was real but more power unto them irl who play it. That just seems totally mindblowing to know where the ball is, and dribble, and defend, and etc. Good episode.

I guess I did end up seeing the preview clip for episode 26...
Finally the Reika chan in the op!


Chu2 4

Oh man, this episode was great. I kinda figured that
Nibutani had something to do with that gigantic book
but I never expected
her to be the one that wrote the entire bloody thing!
The ending battle was great as usual and the fixed OP is also a nice welcomed change.

nibutani > pillow > *


Fuck this thread, I'm making a Pumpkin Scissors |OT|.
But Glass Fleet is legitimately entertaining.


Positive, negative, mixed. It's a little weird to look through my own old posts, but you asked, and these were the first three I found!

As you can imagine, my negative reviews were also my most popular. Probably because I was one of (maybe the?) first guinea pigs of gaffu's experiments in awful anime.

I was always a fan of your Yami impressions and your work on Kafka's A Country Doctor was greatly appreciated.

The Qwaser of Stigmata did it better.

I'm gonna have to take your word for it.

Wow .. i mean wooooow ..did they just freaking do that ..

DID they ?

Congratulations sain seya omega ... you became awesome as an anime ..


But first let's recap because they sure put a lot of things in this episode !!

Man this anime sure love to throw little unexpected things on the way ... this anime is nothing but goodness on that aspect ... i was expecting something generic .. and i got something wacky yet serious , but aware of his legacy ..and not really afraid to really evolve ( or at least they try to ) the formula .. Some things are bad .. some are equally awesome and i'm enjoying it ..

The revelation about koga
actually having a darkness cosmo
was correctly done .. it didn't surprise me , since i had my doubts from the start and i have to admit that the hints were there in the early episodes ..this is a situation that wouldn't have been possible IMO in the old serie , but this kind of twist is common occurence by today standards .. Everything considered , that make the new MC very intresting to see .

Now the facts between aria and eden were properly done too .. aria finally ( twice even )
managed to shape up and progress as a character , even more since she did help eden and koga .. her final decision to stand up to mars was also excellent
I was dubious about aria at first , but overall she managed to be a good character .

that episode was great and then :


NEVER say that to bronze warriors ... that's a death flag !! ( unless you're plot protected )

I was more expecting a rematch between eden and koga , or at least co operation since they would have to escape the ruins somehow ...instead i got ...BETTER


don't they look badass ?

Man this was good stuff .... given each character status this was pretty good ,especially given the formation used .

For the rest of the episode is just can't believe they [VERY serious sain seya omega spoilers]

killed aria ... i was liking her ..the touching last words scene was perfectly done ..
i do feel that she will be back ( it's still possible ) but man i wasn't expecting that twist

now that's said and done 10/10
This episode had everything ..a perfect conclusion to lots of bluid-up and a insane twist at the end .. This anime is great
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