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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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You're really missing the point here.

No Im not.
I have simple reactions to things.
Some of you like to analyze shit.
Thats fine.
It doesnt make me less of a fan of anime because I enjoy other aspects of it.
This being a forum with a multi quote function, you have the option to adress specific posts and ignore others.
Nothing I post prevents other people from responding to your analysis.
Theres no reason to drag this out so just leave it be.


I just wanted to know what you liked about the specific character
forgive me if it sounded patronizing but it was a genuine curiosity

The eyes as I said earlier.
I appreciate different eye designs and there are hundreds of varieties.
I like unique eye designs.
Kidxy grade/uta kata had some really interesting ones.
I also like the ones from SSY.


The eyes as I said earlier.
I appreciate different eye designs and there are hundreds of varieties.
I like unique eye designs.
Kidxy grade/uta kata had some really interesting ones.
I also like the ones from SSY.

you must have really loved 90s anime


No Im not.
I have simple reactions to things.
Some of you like to analyze shit.
Thats fine.
It doesnt make me less of a fan of anime because I enjoy other aspects of it.
This being a forum with a multi quote function, you have the option to adress specific posts and ignore others.
Nothing I post prevents other people from responding to your analysis.
Theres no reason to drag this out so just leave it be.

You replied to pizzaroll and then claimed you weren't talking to him. That doesn't make any sense.
No. I was gonna wait for more of the anime. I just cant imagine that the moves and such look just as good in manga form as they do animated or read it without the epic soundtrack :(

It's still fairly gripping, but looking back through what the anime has covered the anime definitely adds to the action a lot -- just some directing decisions, the way some actions actually pan out in motion -- it's awesome and I'm excited for Season 2.

There's one game in particular I can't wait to see animated...
the rematch against Aomine
. Even in the manga it had me on the edge of my seat. So much stuff happens in that game and it's absolutely ridiculous nonstop balls-to-the-wall action.

Kuroko's Basketball. Fuck yeah.


Im cool with big eyes when the anatomy, or style is equally exaggerated
otherwise its really distracting to me ie. akane from psycho pass

I like Akane's droopy eye style a lot.
It works for her character.
I find it to be rather adorable.
Shes kind of like a lost puppy or something, in a place she really doesnt belong.


I like Akane's droopy eye style a lot.
It works for her character.
I find it to be rather adorable.
Shes kind of like a lost puppy or something, in a place she really doesnt belong.

but think about how much of her cranium is taken up by her eyeballs!
sometimes I envy your capacity for suspension of disbelief
Robotic's Notes 1-3

Held off on impressions till now, and I'm glad I did. The show picked up after a slow first episode. Kaito is an asshole in the first episode, I really didn't like him, but his reason and nature is becoming more apparent(and likeable) with each passing episode.

The previous 5pb shows all framed character drama's over a larger moral crisis, and it's clear now that whatever disease the two leads suffer from is tied to this. How Akiho's sister is tied to all this I don't know, but I'm sure she's key to it.

Aside from all that, looking forward to more.


YuruYuri 7

"You're breasts have ruined my Christmas" may very well rank as one of the greatest sentences ever uttered by any human at any time in history.

Also, would Chinatsu be interested in selling me some of her art? I find it quite intriguing. I feel like she wonderfully evokes the macabre stylings of Francisco de Goya in her grotesque yet phenomenally expressive drawings.

The girls go on random dates.

-"We pretty much just sat here the whole time." No, Amano, you and Yui DID just sit there the whole time.

-Okay, the scene where Kyoko was trying to mosey up to Chinatsu in the theater while Chinatsu pulled off brilliantly timed escape maneuvers was funny. Then Kyoko wins her a cat head doll thing. Then they hold hands. Somebody's making progress.

-Akari and Chitose were boring. At least Chitose mixed up her fantasies a bit.

-I was beginning to hate those two rival Student Council VP candidates, but then the above sentence happened. Rivals redeemed.

-Akari freezing from the shock of Chinatsu's drawing was hilarious. Even better were her younger cousins and such putting stuff in her hair while she just sat there completely frozen.

-Yui's younger relative saying she wouldn't mind getting eaten by Yui grossed me out at first, but then I realized that she's probably too young to understand what she just said calmed me down a bit. At least I really, REALLY hope she didn't know.


Setec Astronomer
There are twelve divisons of land, all to be ruled by GOOD king who then brings prosperity to the people in that land. No kingdoms invade each other because that would be BAD. Some kings do become BAD though, and procede to slaughter their own people. When this happens, the Gods make the BAD king die and get replaced with a GOOD king chosen by a spirit guide. This spirit guide is NEVER WRONG, even when he thinks he is.

Don't ask why a spirit guide gets banished to Earth. It's not important.

I know kemonomimi offends you and all, but it's got nothing on this tripe.
YuruYuri 7

-Yui's younger relative saying she wouldn't mind getting eaten by Yui grossed me out at first, but then I realized that she's probably too young to understand what she just said calmed me down a bit. At least I really, REALLY hope she didn't know.

Your mind is showing signs of corruption if that was your first reaction.

This isn't a bad thing, but you might not have been aware.
Wait, being grossed out is the sign, or assuming(hoping) that she was too young to understand what she just said?

Being grossed out. The fact that that's the first thing your mind went to from what a child said shows corruption.

You're not alone though, so just keep watching.


Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Episode 9

I did not sign up for this.
Two deaths in one episode
Sayaka's basically happened last episode,
but we saw the results of that this time. This is also the first witch we've seen since the revelation of where they come from, and this time
being someone we know, we got to see that the witches "worlds" are all draw from their personalities

The scene in Madoka's room was presented in a way that made me assume there's more to it than just a casual chat. Why does she have so many chairs? And why are they all facing her, and what's with the teddy bears
appearing and disappearing
? My nose is twitching at the smell of symbolism.

Then of course the only characeter who's kept a sort of level head through the whole thing and actually did the most
kicks the bucket, but still goes nobly
. Quite the turn around from someone we thought was a villain when she appeared.

Three episodes left, and Madoka
still has zero powers, and the big one is coming
. I kinda hope my crazy train a few episodes back was on the right track, and the series don't simply take the whole
big villain is here, Homura goes down, it's up to Madoka to super-saiyan out and save the day



There are twelve divisons of land, all to be ruled by GOOD king who then brings prosperity to the people in that land. No kingdoms invade each other because that would be BAD. Some kings do become BAD though, and procede to slaughter their own people. When this happens, the Gods make the BAD king die and get replaced with a GOOD king chosen by a spirit guide. This spirit guide is NEVER WRONG, even when he thinks he is.

Don't ask why a spirit guide gets banished to Earth. It's not important.

I know kemonomimi offends you and all, but it's got nothing on this tripe.

The adaptation clearly couldnt utilize the entire story, but its still more interesting than Dog Days Escaflowne by Fisher-Price.
I think ive seen more creative landscapes at the local park.


chuuni - 04

Best episode so far.


  • Fuck tiny hats.
  • She's wearing like three skirts.
  • It hurts like hell when the cat starts slipping and the claws come out.

Another thing I found funny about the episode was that I've actually hung out with people who dressed like that in public (AND in their early 20's mind you).

I think the slight embarrassment I felt during those times probably has to do with why I don't experience that "wahjah" feeling with this show so much.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Episode 9

Oh man. Please watch the next episode at your earliest convenience.


but think about how much of her cranium is taken up by her eyeballs!
sometimes I envy your capacity for suspension of disbelief

Its not really suspension of disbelief.
I have just seen so much of the stuff that character design doesnt affect my belief of an in-show world.
Style is just style when Im viewing a show.
FUNi's uploaded the first two English dubbed episodes of Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? on their site and YouTube. The dub voices were not as atrocious as the trailer for the DVD release made them seem weeks ago, but I have to say that the original Japanese casts sounds better simply because those are the voices I expect to hear.

For whatever reason, if I watch a series subbed first I usually enjoy it more than the dub and if I watched the dub first than it is better than the sub. Does anyone else have similar beliefs on the whole sub/dub debate that I do?
FUNi's uploaded the first two English dubbed episodes of Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? on their site and YouTube. The dub voices were not as atrocious as the trailer for the DVD release made them seem weeks ago, but I have to say that the original Japanese casts sounds better simply because those are the voices I expect to hear.

For whatever reason, if I watch a series subbed first I usually enjoy it more than the dub and if I watched the dub first than it is better than the sub. Does anyone else have similar beliefs on the whole sub/dub debate that I do?

If I watch the dub first then I never touch the subs, seems it'd be difficult to get used to the voices downgrading from eng to jpn. However, apart from really distinctive jpn voices, I think I prefer dub more, and enjoy dub more.


Its not really suspension of disbelief.
I have just seen so much of the stuff that character design doesnt affect my belief of an in-show world.
Style is just style when Im viewing a show.

it most definitely is suspension of disbelief in Psycho-Pass
The show is so serious in setting and tone that these things do stand out
just like the awful female characters faces in Fate Zero that looked like they were from a different universe


it most definitely is suspension of disbelief in Psycho-Pass
The show is so serious in setting and tone that these things do stand out
just like the awful female characters faces in Fate Zero that looked like they were from a different universe

Urobuchi only made Akane cute so it will hurt more when he brutally kills her off.
If I watch the dub first then I never touch the subs, seems it'd be difficult to get used to the voices downgrading from eng to jpn. However, apart from really distinctive jpn voices, I think I prefer dub more, and enjoy dub more.

When I purchase a series I make sure to watch all language tracks available at least once. After that I will watch whatever language track appealed to me more. There have been some series that I just cannot choose between, such as Code Geass, so I alternate between the sub and dub after rewatching.
Naruto Shippuden Movie 3: The Will of Fire

So far of the Naruto Shippuden movies I've owned (only the movies dubbed), Id rank it as Will of Fire > Bonds > first one. Mainly, although Bonds had some Sasuke, he wasn't really in a main role, but it was Sasuke, but it was lacking in the action department. So it is my second favorite.

Will of Fire is easily the best of the bunch overall, though it may lack Sasuke, at least having litrally every main squad member get into a fight and have plenty of screentime really worked wonders. Even TenTen finally had some sort of relevance and an attack, and the best one was
Primary Lotus x 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation
for Lee's team.

The whole movie looked great too. I imagine people who actually did follow the anime episodes were possibly in tears at how much of a step up this is in HD and animation quality in terms of what we get weekly.
Rasenshurkin looked fantastic even
. All the fights were great.

Like part 1 the best fight here was still Naruto v
. Just something about characters fighting and how it appeared. Much aerial combat even.

So a 9 I guess, if it had some Sasuke, an OP song maybe, then it'd easily be a 10 or so. Now to wait for Naruto Shippuden Lost Tower is it?


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Episode 9

If there was ever a time that I'd be pushing someone to continue a show, now would be it. Keep going!

Robotics;Notes - 02



Ohoo~ Do I see a possible ship? :D

Man aside from him
making a few calls
, Kaito sure is a lazy, unmotivated bastard. Here's hoping he gets his shit into gear in the next episode and quit it with that "beat me at this videogame" bullshit.


When I purchase a series I make sure to watch all language tracks available at least once. After that I will watch whatever language track appealed to me more. There have been some series that I just cannot choose between, such as Code Geass, so I alternate between the sub and dub after rewatching.

I normally watch dub if its available, unless Kana Hanazawa, Haruko Momoi, Kana Asumi, or Chiaki Omigawa have roles.
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