Yeah, Starlight is great. Built a massive town there during my last playthrough. Really cool.
I actually might try taking Boston Airport. Is that available before the Brotherhood shows up?
How isthe railroad evil? The BoS want genetic purity. The Institute murders in the name of science. What does the Railroad do?
My teddy bear collection so far
yeah walls are almost pointless it's just best to arm your settlers with all that legendary equipment you don't like or use.
Just got the Benevolent Leader, and thus platinum, trophy. Gosh darn it, this really is bugged to the max isn't it? There's no way Bethesda intended for people to spam as many stores and pictures as possible, while not allowing you to stray from the settlement.
Very curious to see how (or if) this will be addressed in future patches.
Just got the Benevolent Leader, and thus platinum, trophy. Gosh darn it, this really is bugged to the max isn't it? There's no way Bethesda intended for people to spam as many stores and pictures as possible, while not allowing you to stray from the settlement.
Very curious to see how (or if) this will be addressed in future patches.
Just got the Benevolent Leader, and thus platinum, trophy. Gosh darn it, this really is bugged to the max isn't it? There's no way Bethesda intended for people to spam as many stores and pictures as possible, while not allowing you to stray from the settlement.
Very curious to see how (or if) this will be addressed in future patches.
I do that with nuka cola quantum since they're pretty worthless in this game. I miss making nuka grenades.
Riiight, I forgot about Starlight. Yep, that's also a great place. I've built a hotel there in front of the screen. It's awesome!
Isn't Boston Airport really, really limited? I think it was from my first playthrough. It is also not available before the BoS shows up. I tried it before with my first character when I was exploring the world.
Edit: Here's a video of a different form of Legendary farming at low levels I think?
It involves the Syringer and a couple of glitches.
I'm kind of pissed at the turn the end of this game is making. It's making me want to just murder everyone and say fuck it. There's not any good choices.
Don't know which faction I want to pick for the ending:/ I feel so meh about all of them.
only if it is explosive!You are in the presence of greatness
I was turning in a minutemen quest to one settlement and the person was swimming across a river no where near her place. I had to wait until she made it across and got out, lol.This game man!
So, a quest contact has decided to go diving in the ocean. I sat down on chair and waited several hours for him to come up again but apparently he was enjoying himself too much! I then joined him underwater but I didn´t seem to have the perk for talking underwater so I could not progress the quest.
Guess I´ll have to sift through my saves!
This game man!
So, a quest contact has decided to go diving in the ocean. I sat down on chair and waited several hours for him to come up again but apparently he was enjoying himself too much! I then joined him underwater but I didn´t seem to have the perk for talking underwater so I could not progress the quest.
Guess I´ll have to sift through my saves!
PA replaces normal armor, they don't stack.Something is wrong, I set myself up with full Deep-Pocketed armor set, but when I get in Power Armor that doesn't have the shock-absorber legs that increase carrying capacity, my total carrying capacity is actually LOWER than when I am on foot. It goes from 390 to 360.
PA replaces normal armor, they don't stack.
I'm kind of pissed at the turn the end of this game is making. It's making me want to just murder everyone and say fuck it. There's not any good choices.
Up until this point, Power Armor always increased my carrying capacity, isn't that one of the underlying features of Power Armor?
Alright then, next question: When you make Machinegun Turrets, some come out Mk 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
I made a 3, and the next one I made was a 5. I've made a bunch at the castle, and had 4 Mk 1 and 1 Mk 5.
Is there any difference? What governs this?
When you equip PA, it unequips the armor you're normally wearing so you lose those benefits. If it used to increase, that's because you didn't have pocketed armor before.
Just started this a few days whats the deal with the Power Armor...? you find one early on doing the first quest in Concord but after it runs out,it's useless for now...? I travelled in it to the Rocket place to try and recharge or whatever but nothing happens...also,in Concord did I really have to kill a fucking Deathclaw at level 3 to finish the quest...? I cheesed it,otherwise it was killing me in one hit lol...
Game seems really hard at first,running out of ammo,I find guns and stuff but there's like no ammo for them.I am not really interested in all that building stuff because first of all its really not explained well(I put up a contraption in Sanctuary but it tells me I better assign a worker for where is this worker...?)...not really enjoying this so far,maybe my head is not into it or something(I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas,finished both of those.)
Just started this a few days whats the deal with the Power Armor...? you find one early on doing the first quest in Concord but after it runs out,it's useless for now...? I travelled in it to the Rocket place to try and recharge or whatever but nothing happens...also,in Concord did I really have to kill a fucking Deathclaw at level 3 to finish the quest...? I cheesed it,otherwise it was killing me in one hit lol...
Game seems really hard at first,running out of ammo,I find guns and stuff but there's like no ammo for them.I am not really interested in all that building stuff because first of all its really not explained well(I put up a contraption in Sanctuary but it tells me I better assign a worker for where is this worker...?)...not really enjoying this so far,maybe my head is not into it or something(I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas,finished both of those.)
How many locations can possibly be uncovered in the game?
Codsworth (Terminator tendency + Awesome Perk)
Danse (Great in battle + Awesome Perk)
Piper (Good Perk)
Macready (Awesome Perk but lousy in battle)
Dogmeat (Cute)
Haven't tried Curie but the others are not that good and Strong is SHIT. SHIIIIT.
Love the hell out of this game but I'm super pissed - down to my LAST bobblehead and it's glitched (Vault 75) and I'm not on PC. This will haunt my bones.
Strong has actually been the best companion for me, just dont let him melee only, it's best if he has both a melee and a ranged weapon, or just a ranged weapon. All the companion AI is shitty.
I gave strong an assault rifle and he was tearing everything up. Only downside is when he taunts rather than attacks, but that scores him badass points. I should mention that I had him equipped with the highest DR super mutant hear I could find. Bladed Helmet, Heavy armor(not the cowl) heavy gauntlets, and cant remember if it was heavy legguards or a normal variation.
EDIT: It just occurred to me that he is pretty shitty if you play a stealth character. I do not.
Just got the Benevolent Leader, and thus platinum, trophy. Gosh darn it, this really is bugged to the max isn't it? There's no way Bethesda intended for people to spam as many stores and pictures as possible, while not allowing you to stray from the settlement.
Very curious to see how (or if) this will be addressed in future patches.
Keep at it, the game is overwhelming at first, but soon it will click, and you won't be able to stop playing.
Power armors run on fusion cores, they're rare and expensive at first, so you're not supposed to use your armor all the time. You can buy them from vendors, or get them from generators in some buildings.
Ammo can be hard to find at first too, you basically have to rely on crappy pipe weapons that use .38 ammo, which is the most common type. If you're really desperate you can get the scrounger perk to help you find more ammo. Also you can sell ammo for weapons you don't like to buy more for the ones you want to use.
To recruit settlers you need to build a generator, and then a recruitment beacon, this will attract generic settlers, but you should have picked a couple of named ones from Concorde that you can assign. Open up the workshop menu (hold V on pc, not sure on consoles) select a settler, and you should see a command option when targeting a settler, hit the button to command, then target what you want them to work on and you should see it say assign.
The game throws a lot of systems at you. These should help:
Power Armor guide:
Workshop Guide:
Supply Lines (sharing resources between settlements):
Serious question...did anyone else's power bill go up exponentially during the last month? I played a lot of FO4 on PS4 and I feel like it may have had an effect on my power bill. If I recall correctly this happened when Skyrim came out as well and I got it on PS3. I feel like Bethesda games push the console hardware to the point where it consumes more energy or something.
Maybe I'm just crazy.
Alright then, next question: When you make Machinegun Turrets, some come out Mk 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
I made a 3, and the next one I made was a 5. I've made a bunch at the castle, and had 4 Mk 1 and 1 Mk 5.
Is there any difference? What governs this?
I think that I've hit the wall, after 55h+ played, where I'm starting to hit the wall with this game. I'm at the point in the main quest where. I'm not sure exactly where on the mapI'm supposed to do the freedom trail quest, to find the Railroad.
While I ought to just continue with the main quest, I am starting to feel a bit to tired ofof encountering super mutants everywhere and just clearing locations fron enemies. Up until about 45h I really enjoyed this, but it's starting to feel a bit too much like Diablo now.
I'm not quite sure how to get the fun back in this game. Any hints on parts of the map I should head to, to explore, where it's just not enemies and loot?