Famistu Metaphor: ReFantazio impressions, overall gameplay feels almost the same as the Persona series


I think its silly to release 3 very similar press-turn jrpgs in one year.
I mean to be fair there was a point where’s we weren’t really getting any JRPG’s of this quality they were few and far between, I think the distinctive theming music and art style is more than enough to justify its release and I’m always welcome to more turn based RPG’s very few are being made of this quality might I add we should genuinely cherish this period.
Did I hear a SMT MUSOU?
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I was talking about the structure of the game. I think the game play is the best part of the game. Don't change that, Atlus, just get away from the Persona formula a bit more than what they've done here.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
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I was talking about the structure of the game. I think the game play is the best part of the game. Don't change that, Atlus, just get away from the Persona formula a bit more than what they've done here.
Oh come on who wouldn't want to play as all the Demons and kill other Demons. The potential is there.

I'm not sure Atlus will ever change their formula. Even when they could feasibly branch out with Fire Emblem they still chose the Persona RPG format.
Persona 5 has egregiously bad pacing. It starts with a freaking BANG and then meanders for a long time until it gets back on track.
I played 140+ hours of Persona 5 and didn't want it to end. I didn't feel like a single moment was wasted. I can't speak for the "royal" edition.

Since it's exactly the same Press Turn from SMT, if you like it in this demo, grab SMTV:V
I said this somewhere else, but I actually own SMT V. I tried it for a day or two and found it overly difficult and boring. It's like Persona but with all the fun removed.
I played 140+ hours of Persona 5 and didn't want it to end. I didn't feel like a single moment was wasted. I can't speak for the "royal" edition.

I said this somewhere else, but I actually own SMT V. I tried it for a day or two and found it overly difficult and boring. It's like Persona but with all the fun removed.
I mean I get it, if you only had fun with the life sim aspects in Persona and didn't care for the dungeon crawling then you're not going to like SMT because that's a pure dungeon crawler

Personally I found it wholly nonsensical that there's Persona life sim aspects in Metaphor. Bro's literally not a high school student in modern Japan, he's in a fantasy setting and yet he's walking around carrying a school bag while building social links and leveling up social stats. Shit makes absolutely zero sense. When I was in the Guptauros dungeon the game felt good to play because it was basically SMT but then I got back to the city and I was doing life sim shit like I'm playing Persona M and I'm like what the fuck am I doing and why am I doing this shit

Anyways I killed the Guptauros and finished the demo, I think I'm gonna shove this one off to 2025 because of Atlus RPG formula burnout. I still haven't cleared Episode Aigis yet LMAO
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