I hope NA enjoys the game I certainly have. I hit 100hours last night which is very unusual for me especially in the space of a few weeks (usually I only do that with Pokemon)
So from memory I'm about lvl84 -have been using the double xp shoes (they rock). I have finished all the flutter requests. 1job at god (paladin) another 4 at legend/god in training, 3 at hero, 2 master and 2 expert.
I found unlocking the dlc level cap and respec to a all str and vit build let me plough through a lot of challenges for paladin, merc, miner, blacksmith and woodcutter.
Now I've respec again to dex and vit and going through hunter. With equips all my job levels are over 100.
Tips for people picking up the game
Kill everything - you will need the drops for something
Swap jobs - I found it more fun to switch up through the jobs after a few hours.
Fast travel - In each town there Is a pilot (little propellor symbol on the map). He will fly you directly to the sub areas/dungeons - super useful and easy to miss.