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Far Cry 2 |OT| of Money, Diamonds, and Military Checkpoints


JSnake said:
Something seems wrong. Should I really be getting about 35 - 40 FPS on max settings at 1280x720 (DX10, no AA) on a HD 4850, a Core 2 Duo E8400, and 2GB of DDR2 667 RAM? Guru3D got about 50FPS at this res with the same GPU and CPU.

Anyone got an answer? :(


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
The game does grow on you. Using the buses helps a lot to relieve how annoying the checkpoints are. Instead of running into 10 checkpoints and forcing you out of your car every 100 feet, you now run into one; maybe two checkpoints that offer a chance to restock on grenades, health, and ammo before going into the mission proper.

And it can't be stated enough that the first set of weapons is unreasonbly assy. As people have stated, once you get a silenced weapon or the bolt-action sniper rifle the game fundamentally changes for the better. The first hour or so of the game is way, way less enjoyable than my most recent couple of hours.


JSnake said:
Anyone got an answer? :(

I'm running with an E8500, HD 4850, 4 GB RAM, at 1680x1050. My settings are all Very High, 2x AA, and I've been getting around 40~ or more fps, with a min of around 30.

Edit: Using DX10


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I'd agree the game does grow on you, I guess I went in expecting them to mix in some RPG elements (ala STALKER) rather than just a straight up FPS.


Any word on if there's a compound bow in the game? I would really love to see one pop up as DLC if there isn't.

I didn't like Turok at all, but the Bow in the demo was something different that I wish more FPS set in the real world would use. It's a great stealth weapon and it just feels bad ass.


KrawlMan said:
I'm running with an E8500, HD 4850, 4 GB RAM, at 1680x1050. My settings are all Very High, 2x AA, and I've been getting around 40~ or more fps, with a min of around 30.

Edit: Using DX10

Yeah, something must be wrong. I went down to all Very High with 2x AA (same res and DX setting) and got the same FPS as you.


JSnake said:
Yeah, something must be wrong. I went down to all Very High with 2x AA (same res and DX setting) and got the same FPS as you.

Were you using all Ultra High before? I'm not gonna lie, the difference between Ultra High and Very High is pretty minimal (I can't tell the difference :p)


KrawlMan said:
Were you using all Ultra High before? I'm not gonna lie, the difference between Ultra High and Very High is pretty minimal (I can't tell the difference :p)

I was, but shouldn't I be getting better FPS especially since my res is rather low?


I really like the MP aspect, like how you upgrade your classes and stuff, but the only bad thing is that every time you're finished with a ranked match, it kick you out, unlike a player(which makes sense, but it gets annoying).


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Can someone help a noob out?

The game starts in window mode and I don't know how to get it to fullscreen. Yes, I'm using Vista. I've had the same issue with Crysis too, but there I just double click the screen and it goes fullscreen, most of the time.


ItsInMyVeins said:
Can someone help a noob out?

The game starts in window mode and I don't know how to get it to fullscreen. Yes, I'm using Vista. I've had the same issue with Crysis too, but there I just double click the screen and it goes fullscreen, most of the time.

Try hitting ALT+enter


AgentOtaku said:
I dunno ...I like this game....like ALOT

and I could definitely see myself rebuying for PS3 later on if I could find out if sprint is remappable ...plus there's trophy support!
I have the PS3 version. One of the control schemes maps sprint to L1. That means aim and shoot are L2 & R2, respectively. Nades are R1, L3 becomes crouch (toggle) and megaman slide.

YES, there is trophy support.

The visuals are crisp and sharp (720p support only), but there appears to be no AA, so jaggies are noticeable. Screen-tearing is also very prominent. VERY. You've been warned. I personally don't mind tearing at all. Framerate is alright from the brief time I've played so far, the intro jeep ride does not have a good framerate.

Install takes up 2920mb or something around that.

Controls are for the most part very smooth and responsive. No funky deadzone. I have sensitivity at max. There is a bit of wonkiness on the y-axis (like Saint's Row 2), but its not game-breaking.

I wish wildlife was more ubiquitous.


Will Eat Your Children
JSnake said:
Yeah, something must be wrong. I went down to all Very High with 2x AA (same res and DX setting) and got the same FPS as you.
I was also surprised at my fps. Everything maxed out at 720p got me 30 fps. Using a 4850. I guess that's normal and other reports are just false.


Whats the go with weapons in this game. I bought a new G3 and I have a primary storage case so I figured I could go back and get another G3 or atleast repair it as it's starting to show a bit of fatigue.

Do I have to keep buying new ones all the time or something? Can't I just repair it or something?


Story time!

So I took a call from a cell tower to assassinate a guy. I follow the mark on my map to find him taking a tour of the area around the airfield. He's in an SUV with an armed Jeep in front and behind him. I head into the airfield to stock up on supplies and run into a group of enemies. I kill the first guy I see, but he dies loudly, alerting all the other bad dudes around. After moving around the airfield and dealing with a weapon jam and an ambush, I clear out the area.

I check the map to see the target making circles around the airfield. I start making my way over to intercept him, but suddenly get hit by enemy fire. There's a guy with a sniper rifle up in a tower taking potshots at me. I take him down with a couple bursts from my assault rifle and head up into the tower to take his sniper and scout out the target. He never comes close enough for me to pick him off with the sniper rifle so I move down to intercept him on the ground. I camp up on a small ridge he keeps passing by, pull out my RPG, and wait. A couple minutes pass by before his motorcade starts rumbling up to me. I aim with the RPG and take out the lead Jeep, but it flips out of the way so the target and the second Jeep get by. Thinking quickly, I take out the sniper rifle and take aim at the gunner in the second Jeep. I miss with the first shot, but the second pegs him in the skull and he slumps out of the moving vehicle.

As I hunker down to wait for the target again, I notice that the Jeep I blew up has lit the tree next to it on fire. The fire slowly creeps up the tree until the leaves are ablaze. They burn for a little while until all the leaves are gone, which is right about the time the mark comes back. I'm out of RPG ammo, so I decide to try and toss a grenade into his path. It bounces twice and then explodes right next to the drivers side door. Mark dead. But I'm not done yet. The driver of the last Jeep is pissed. He guns it right at me, but I skitter out of the way and pump him full of lead as he tries to get out of the vehicle.

Sorry about the length, but it was such a great mission and I got to choose exactly how I wanted to attack it. This game can be amazing at times.


Awesome stuff, Oozer. Only in sandbox games can you hear about people's different experiences in achieving an objective. That's why I love them so much - lots of variety and ways you can go about doing things.

Anyone gotten the flare gun yet? At one point a message popped up saying you can use it to alert enemy reinforcements and cause more chaos, but how does that work exactly? Are you alerting guys from the other faction, so they come in and start a gun fight with the faction in your vicinity?
Zeliard said:
Awesome stuff, Oozer. Only in sandbox games can you hear about people's different experiences in achieving an objective. That's why I love them so much - lots of variety and ways you can go about doing things.

Anyone gotten the flare gun yet? At one point a message popped up saying you can use it to alert enemy reinforcements and cause more chaos, but how does that work exactly? Are you alerting guys from the other faction, so they come in and start a gun fight with the faction in your vicinity?

Fire starter :lol So good. :D


VictimOfGrief said:
Fire starter :lol So good. :D

It starts fires, which is awesome, but it can apparently be fired up in the air (I'm assuming) to alert other people. I'm just wondering if that alerts reinforcements from your current faction or the other.


Nice story, Oozer! Can't wait to play more.

How often are people seeing animals running around? I have about 3 hours on the game and I haven't seen one animal yet. I'm hearing all kinds though.


Mohonky said:
Whats the go with weapons in this game. I bought a new G3 and I have a primary storage case so I figured I could go back and get another G3 or atleast repair it as it's starting to show a bit of fatigue.

Do I have to keep buying new ones all the time or something? Can't I just repair it or something?

You get an unlimited supply of every weapon you have bought for free in the ammo shed next to the weapon stores. In order to utilize the storage cases, you have to put a weapon in them. Then you can access that weapon from any safehouse, and when you do you will automatically put the weapon you're carrying at the time into the case, so there'll always be a weapon there. Also weapons you get from the ammo shed or from storage cases will always be brand new.
Zeliard said:
It starts fires, which is awesome, but it can apparently be fired up in the air (I'm assuming) to alert other people. I'm just wondering if that alerts reinforcements from your current faction or the other.

The way I've used it is to get people into a narrow gulch and they start shooting each other. It was near a check point and all shit started breaking loose as I just watched them kill each other. :lol

There are hidden moments like this in this game which put a smile on my face.

Tom Penny

Teetris said:
I was also surprised at my fps. Everything maxed out at 720p got me 30 fps. Using a 4850. I guess that's normal and other reports are just false.

That doesn't make sense unless ATI cards don't run the game well. I'm running it on an Nvidia 8800 and I get 25-40 everyting Ultra settings except for shadows on high with 2AA and I know that card is better.


Ledsen said:
You get an unlimited supply of every weapon you have bought for free in the ammo shed next to the weapon stores. In order to utilize the storage cases, you have to put a weapon in them. Then you can access that weapon from any safehouse, and when you do you will automatically put the weapon you're carrying at the time into the case, so there'll always be a weapon there. Also weapons you get from the ammo shed or from storage cases will always be brand new.

Cheers mate.


Zeliard said:
Awesome stuff, Oozer. Only in sandbox games can you hear about people's different experiences in achieving an objective. That's why I love them so much - lots of variety and ways you can go about doing things.

Anyone gotten the flare gun yet? At one point a message popped up saying you can use it to alert enemy reinforcements and cause more chaos, but how does that work exactly? Are you alerting guys from the other faction, so they come in and start a gun fight with the faction in your vicinity?

I have it, it's awesome. When you shoot someone, it sticks to them for a second before they burst into flame :lol Dont't know anything about the alerting thing though.


Tom Penny said:
That doesn't make sense unless ATI cards don't run the game well. I'm running it on an Nvidia 8800 and I get 25-40 everyting Ultra settings except for shadows on high with 2AA and I know that card is better.

That's discouraging. :(


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Ledsen said:
You get an unlimited supply of every weapon you have bought for free in the ammo shed next to the weapon stores. In order to utilize the storage cases, you have to put a weapon in them. Then you can access that weapon from any safehouse, and when you do you will automatically put the weapon you're carrying at the time into the case, so there'll always be a weapon there. Also weapons you get from the ammo shed or from storage cases will always be brand new.

How do I put weapons into the storage cases? Do I have to buy the cases?

Or do I just have to do it in the ammo room and not in one of the safe houses?

BTW, ATI cards run this game fine.

JSnake, it's prob your drivers.
Glad to see people playing the game a bit longer now are getting warmed up to it! :D

YES the flare gun is awesome! And also concerning animals. I've seen them a few times actually. Perhaps their ai makes them run away sometimes if they hear gun fire.


chespace said:
How do I put weapons into the storage cases? Do I have to buy the cases?

Or do I just have to do it in the ammo room and not in one of the safe houses?

BTW, ATI cards run this game fine.

JSnake, it's prob your drivers.

I am running the 8.10 hotfix drivers which are supposedly designed for FC2.
chespace said:
How do I put weapons into the storage cases? Do I have to buy the cases?

Yup, gotta buy them from the arms dealer. Then you can store 1 weapon in your safehouse per case. It still kinda sucks because you can only switch between the stored gun and whichever gun your carrying, if you want something else you would have to go back to the weapons shack.

Tom Penny

Not to sound dumb but i've been pretty much playing the game free form and just cruising around and doing some of the weapon guys missions to unlock weapons. Do you get a bunch of diamonds when you do real missions? I'm running out of diamonds and i'm thinking going to need to actually start playing the "real" part of the game to get money I need to buy stuff.
Tom Penny said:
Not to sound dumb but i've been pretty much playing the game free form and just cruising around and doing some of the weapon guys missions to unlock weapons. Do you get a bunch of diamonds when you do real missions? I'm running out of diamonds and i'm thinking going to need to actually start playing the "real" part of the game to get money I need to buy stuff.
Yes. you get "hired" to do missions and that is your payment. Quite frankly it's more fun to do the freelance for hire shit than the standard story mode stuff.
Okay, I bought Far Cry 2 this morning along with Fable 2, and for half an hour I understood the hate. It's probably the most beautiful console game I've ever played, I really mean that, but I was finding it frustrating and awkward, so I went and played Fable for a few hours (which was great). Then I go back, start playing a little more methodically, pick up a sniper rifle, and... holy God this game is awesome. Fuck the hate, fuck the haters. Truly emergent, dynamic gameplay, and the prospect of all the weapon and equipment upgrades is making me giddy to go back out there and find some diamonds.


This may have been mentioned before, but I missed it...

Anybody else happen to get some occasional skipping of frames?

Ive been using showFPS = 1 in the console, and my framerate is a steady 35-40 fps, but every couple of seconds looks like its skipping a few frames.

My graphics card is the HD 4850, and it happens in both DX9 and DX10. Vsync doesn't seem to have an affect on it.


Shake Appeal said:
Okay, I bought Far Cry 2 this morning along with Fable 2, and for half an hour I understood the hate. It's probably the most beautiful console game I've ever played, I really mean that, but I was finding it frustrating and awkward, so I went and played Fable for a few hours (which was great). Then I go back, start playing a little more methodically, pick up a sniper rifle, and... holy God this game is awesome. Fuck the hate, fuck the haters. Truly emergent, dynamic gameplay, and the prospect of all the weapon and equipment upgrades is making me giddy to go back out there and find some diamonds.
Glad to hear you like it. I'll be probably doing the same (Far Cry and Fable) today now that midterms are over.



Shake Appeal said:
Okay, I bought Far Cry 2 this morning along with Fable 2, and for half an hour I understood the hate. It's probably the most beautiful console game I've ever played, I really mean that, but I was finding it frustrating and awkward, so I went and played Fable for a few hours (which was great). Then I go back, start playing a little more methodically, pick up a sniper rifle, and... holy God this game is awesome. Fuck the hate, fuck the haters. Truly emergent, dynamic gameplay, and the prospect of all the weapon and equipment upgrades is making me giddy to go back out there and find some diamonds.

Yep, FC2 suffers from The Witcher Syndrome. The first hour or so is quite poor and gives a horrible impression of the actual quality, depth and scope of the game. Once you get past the tutorial and it opens up, and you start getting better guns, Far Cry 2 becomes pretty fantastic.

I like the whole objectives system in FC2 considerably more than Crysis, especially since you essentially get to go out and choose from several different missions all over the map, and in Crysis it was the complete opposite - not only were they were fed to you, rather than you going out and choosing them, but you only got two at a time at the most and it wasn't up to you whether or not you wanted to go through with it (except for the fairly trivial side missions).

Tom Penny

Is there a way that you can see the whole map? Maybe they tell you in the tutorial. I'm so far away from the beginning of the game that I don't know how to get back to Mike's bar. I randomly helped some dude and he said to go back there :lol


Tom Penny said:
Is there a way that you can see the whole map? Maybe they tell you in the tutorial. I'm so far away from the beginning of the game that I don't know how to get back to Mike's bar. I randomly helps some dude and he said to go back there. :lol

On the PC, press R (default) to switch between three different maps. One of them shows the entire thing.
The AI is sort of kooky in this game. Not bad necessarily, just weird and very inconsistent. Sometimes I could swear enemies have stalked me: I've lost track of them, headed off in a different direction, only for them to creep up behind me, holding their fire until they're close enough to kill in seconds. Other times they've effectively navigated a mazey shantytown and flanked me, much to my dismay.

Then again, I've also seen a guy stand behind a building aiming at a wall, happy to let me walk up and stab him in the heart. And their driving behaviour is very, very strange. Ramming into walls, careering into river beds... But for the most part they're fun to fight. While they seem to have eagle eyes for me at range once they know I'm there, they are easy (and entertaining) to outwit if they are unsure of your location. I'm finding this game plays best when you use misdirection and stealth, picking enemies off at range. The sniper rifle I have is great, and I can't wait to unlock a better one.

I don't understand the complaints about the inventory system, it makes sense to me, and once you unlock the ammo boxes in safehouses it becomes a lot easier to manage. Someone was complaining that the MP5 was a primary weapon while the MAC-10 and Uzi were not... isn't that because the MP5 requires two hands? The tutorial specifically says that all the secondary weapons are one-handed.
To back up what a bunch of others have said, the game gets much better once you get past the tutorial missions, especially after you get the first sniper rifle.

Is there a way to tell the difference between story missions and side missions on your map? I have done a few missions for weapons merchants, which are obviously side missions, but how do I know which missions will advance the story?


Nardonicus said:
To back up what a bunch of others have said, the game gets much better once you get past the tutorial missions, especially after you get the first sniper rifle.

yup, it's a lot better now, I turned the music off capped the fps to 30 and set everything to maximum settings with AA/AF 1360x768 with the 360 pad working flawlessly except for the lack of rumble, maybe I'll buy my own copy when I return the rental.


The past posts are very encouraging and I like hearing that it gets better. I will play some more tonight when I get home from work.
Nardonicus said:
To back up what a bunch of others have said, the game gets much better once you get past the tutorial missions, especially after you get the first sniper rifle.

Is there a way to tell the difference between story missions and side missions on your map? I have done a few missions for weapons merchants, which are obviously side missions, but how do I know which missions will advance the story?
I believe the story missions are red and the buddy missions are blue, side missions are green.
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