There are EIGHTEEN towers? God damned. I gasped when I saw "4/18" after climbing the latest one. Holy shit. I was thinking 7-8 based on how big I assumed the map to be... guess I was wrong!
There are EIGHTEEN towers? God damned. I gasped when I saw "4/18" after climbing the latest one. Holy shit. I was thinking 7-8 based on how big I assumed the map to be... guess I was wrong!
What's the point in taking photos?
Also, goats are masters of stealth. Been looking for a goat for awhile now... they don't exist.
There arestory missions as well. Game seems pretty lengthy.38
What's the situation for buying this digitally in the UK?
no, just to into offline mode for Steam.Aw yeah, unpacking the game now.
So, do we (US'ers) still need to keep using VPN to play the game until the 4th?
Dem Komodos. They are indeed nasty.
Brunettes FOR THE WIN.Liza is HOT, jesus. So is Daisy by the way, but Liza takes the cake.
Jason is one lucky mofo.
So it is "Skyrim with guns"
Well it's the 30th in the UK, no mail from Ubisoft, no game on uplay, no download button on their order status page. Seems to be no help on their forums. *thumbs up*
Framerate on the PS3 version is pretty much shit. I'm loving the grenade launcher but EVERY SINGLE TIME I take a shot with a decent amount of stuff on the screen, there's almost a full second pause right before the explosion. Kinda ruins the moment. There are less severe drops littered throughout the experience, sometimes for seemingly no reason at all. Isn't it funny how a choppy framerate can be reason enough on its own for a game to recieve a measurable critical backlash (Silent Hill Downpour) and then somehow, a few months down the line, it can be completely swept under the rug by reviewers? I find that troubling.
When it drops mid-battle, it'll often cause the quick-heal to not register. It doesn't register a lot actually, and this is pretty much the only reason I ever die. In the ps3 version you have to hold triangle to quick heal, and for whatever reason it's not programmed to recognize it if you were "already" holding it down coming out of a reload or other animation (or during choppiness...) which results in way too many of those "WTF I'M PRESSING IT" moments... with what is one of the most critical inputs in the game. Thankfully the checkpoints are well placed, but a dumb design choice really shouldn't be my primary cause of death.
Other small gripes:
- The vans can be ridiculous. They come down the road, see me, get out and start taking shots, so I kill them all, reload, get in their car to drive away... and another one is already behind me. Multiple times in a row. I literally sat there just blowing up truck after truck for the multi kill bonuses.
- A bit too easy, even on the highest level.
- Protagonists are massively annoying and obnoxious cunts
Other than that though, I have nothing but great things to say about this incredibly fun game.
Wtf seriously I don't understand, why did I loose half my FPS overnight?
Wtf seriously I don't understand, why did I loose half my FPS overnight?
I dunno guys, this game looks pretty amazing to me. ok the frame rate hovers around 25 - 30fps but it doesn't dip that bad.
im callng the ps3 version the best console version here. ill wait for digital foundry but I am really curious which version comes out better. not much screen tearing.
fixed, and even then I doubt it.
I mean out of the console versions. of course the PC version will always be superior.
Wtf seriously I don't understand, why did I loose half my FPS overnight?
Framerate on the PS3 version is pretty much shit. I'm loving the grenade launcher but EVERY SINGLE TIME I take a shot with a decent amount of stuff on the screen, there's almost a full second pause right before the explosion. Kinda ruins the moment. There are less severe drops littered throughout the experience, sometimes for seemingly no reason at all. Isn't it funny how a choppy framerate can be reason enough on its own for a game to recieve a measurable critical backlash (Silent Hill Downpour) and then somehow, a few months down the line, it can be completely swept under the rug by reviewers? I find that troubling.
When it drops mid-battle, it'll often cause the quick-heal to not register. It doesn't register a lot actually, and this is pretty much the only reason I ever die. In the ps3 version you have to hold triangle to quick heal, and for whatever reason it's not programmed to recognize it if you were "already" holding it down coming out of a reload or other animation (or during choppiness...) which results in way too many of those "WTF I'M PRESSING IT" moments... with what is one of the most critical inputs in the game. Thankfully the checkpoints are well placed, but a dumb design choice really shouldn't be my primary cause of death.
The same thing happened to me, try setting the ingame vsync to 1, see of that works.
Not really surprised based on the comments in that other thread by the guy who worked on the ports. He said something to the effect of "the worst port this gen".
Black that is a terrible port.