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Far Cry 6, a game about relaxing and exploring and killing and burning



I know many views this franchise as generic Ubisoft hogwash, but I have always liked Far Cry.

You play as a terrorist called Dani Rojas, who kills in the thousands and destroys villages so she can stop the evil president who kills in the thousands and destroys villages.

By the time you are done, you will have massacred the entire country and all its wildlife 3 times over.

But I like nature in video games, I like the feeling of standing under the open sky and being free to follow my own curiosity at my own pace. I want to ride into the mountains. I want to come across a small village, get into a little boat floating by a dock, and race down the coast while the sun sets.

For some players, the world is just a place for the campaign to unfold, but for fans of open-world games, seeing the sights, and directing your time by your own made-up purpose is half the game.


Far Cry 6 is built for this sort of experience. Or more accurately, the world in Far Cry 6 is made for this sort of experience, because there are a lot of things in this game that is not.

For all the beauty to be seen there is an AI system that must be around 400 years old. The AI in Far Cry 6, like in the previous games, doesn't know how to navigate the world. They will shoot anything that it detects as an enemy, which is half the entities in the world, and they will aimlessly run into your kill zone. It's painfully outdated and at times the game feels like a comedy skit.

The developers are aware of this as well, but I assume they consider the time and effort in rebuilding the AI too much or that it is not hurting the game to the extent that it significantly affects the quality. Or, they think it's fine, which I find hard to believe. Either way, I would love to hear why it's still so absurd when it's been a frustrating part of 5 Far Cry games in a row.

The entire game is a complete clusterfuck of enemy NPCs running around and gunning down everything all the time. Including hogs, sheep, and sharks. It's not uncommon to come across a boat with a turret churning 400 bullets a minute into a bull shark in the middle of the ocean.

At one point, the evil president sits in a church, paying respect to one of his fallen commanders, before turning around, and throwing his cigar on the ground, instantly setting the entire church on fire. He's evil and needs to burn shit to prove it.

The voice acting of Esposito is top notch at least.

The combat is still great like it is in all the Far Cry games. The shooting is fun and the Far Cry games are known for having a massive arsenal and a large rooster of vehicles, complete with customization. That is more true here than ever. It's still satisfying to get headshots and try out your new grenade launcher.

My armor-piercing machine gun rips through helmets like a dream.

There are some nice minigames, you can send soldiers out on missions like the old Assassin's Creed games. I like that, I have always wanted that to come back to Assassins Creed. You can play dominos, you can take part in chicken fights, you can fish.

But the beauty and exploration are where its at. It's what makes this worth it. It is escapism. For me, it is the video game equivalent of taking a walk in the forest to clear your mind, as long as you don't run into the dumbfuck AI.






I enjoyed it enough to finish it, but the story and characters were not good.

At one point MC is tortured by the dictator, teeth are ripped, blood splatters, grim stuff. Then you escape, hop to a nearest car to get to your next objective.... aaaaand then a random song starts on the radio and apparently MC does not care about torturing at all, as they happily start singing along.
For me this broke the game more than any AI shenanigans.
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I played this game when it came out on Xbox and genuinely enjoyed it. I bought the PS5 version on black Friday for like 20 bucks and can't wait to start the game on the PS5 . I'll prob 100% the game. I don't know what it was but I enjoyed it


I loved FC5, but I found FC6 to be a slog more often than not. Not really a fan of the gameplay changes - taking away the simple yet effective skill tree and replacing it with the outfit system where you constantly hve to change outfits depending on what perks you want... except I'm pretty sure most players will stop bothering with it almost immediately and just play the game with whatever they think looks better. Then there's the ammo system which is even dumber. While the perks are mostly just bonuses and aren't "crucial" to the game, the bullet types absolutely make a huge difference. Good luck killing anything beyond the first 2 hours with normal bullets. Do the developers really think that most people that play Far Cry games meticulously scan every encounter before engaging, tagging every enemy and keeping track of what bullet to use for each one???

Nah, I'm pretty sure everyone just equips AP bullets for all their guns and then forgets about it. It's an incredibly silly system that has no place in an arcadey game like this.

The game was also filled to brim with insufferable characters. Makes me wish I couldve just sided with Antón, honestly.

It's a shame too because the actual world is beautiful and I really enjoyed exploring it and doing the usual ubisoft checklist stuff thanks to that. But, the main story just sucked. Feels like they just wasted Giancarlo Esposito on a mediocre outing. He certainly tried his best with what little he was given, at least. The man was born to play a villain. Oh, and FC5 had some of the best music I've heard in a videogame, and FC6 has a couple of good tracks, but its largely extremely forgettable.


Far Cry 6 was great. Interesting side missions, nice main mission, 'Gus Fring', beautiful setting and world to explore, useful pets.

I really enjoyed the last Far Crys and ACs a lot. But after those I'm burned out for a few months and can't play other open world games.


Gold Member
I still preferred 5, but co-op in 6 was a blast. These games are just about entertainment and of all the mainstream co'-op fps if it's not the best it's up there.


Gold Member
Nice post. I'll be picking it up for sure once there is a lul in releases. I always enjoy the hell out of them.


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
I played it, and made a decision that it is very bad game, from top to bottom.
Only nice thing is that it looks charming on current-gen consoles.

My main issue with it is that it is filled with stuff that can be easily ignored, like Amigos or vehicles - you do just fine without it. And like you say - the AI is terrible.


Gold Member
They made the game needlessly convoluted with all the different ammo types for specific enemies and whatnot.

They added too much nonsense, muddling the entire experience. Far Cry 3 is a masterclass compared to what this series has become.

I played every Far Cry and 6 is the first one I didn't buy but play during a free weekend, and I still felt bad. There's just zero satisfaction because everything feels to trite. It's the videogamiest of them all, filled with arbitrary mechanics and half-baked ideas, and poorly thought out and/or executed systems.

Ubi needs to bring this series full circle and go back to basics.
Love posts like this OP. I understand farcry might be getting stale for most, but to those who find joy in it, i totally understand, especially for open world games. You can always escape reality and find the one virtual place where you can just chill and take in the scenary/sound/atmosphere. I do the same when i play rdr/rdr2. GGs to OP.

Edit: BTW what platfom OP are you playing on Bragr Bragr ? Contemplating buying on ser x or waiting for it on gamepass.
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far cry lost its identity in the 4º game and above

pretty much like assassins creed

they just choose a new setting, new villan and recicle the same trash over and over

the 6º game is horrible


I was thinking of picking it up as it's on sale for 20 euros. Just waiting to see if it comes to PS extra this month.


Moderated wildly
a good friend from school when I was a kid was the world director on this game so Ive had it in my pile of shame for a while. I played the opening section but deffo need to get back to it.


Gold Member
There are things to like. But they should fire the team responsible for the atrocious A"I" behavior and A"I" spawn in (same for most Ubisoft games) and start from scratch. Seriously.

K' Dash

I don’t know what happened to this game but Montana looked much better than Cuba, also liked everything there a lot more 🤷🏻‍♂️


I enjoyed my time with FC6, Dani (female) is cool, there's one mission on a field with some music i won't spoil early in the game that was just awesome. The gameplay is similar to previous games and i had fun driving and gunning, tho the story was not so much interesting and overall i liked FC5 more, the Seeds was the best antagonists in the series (before the New Dawn bullshit which ruined it so i ignore it) and Montana was my most liked setting in FC games. For 30 bucks it was worth it and i had my fair share of fun.


Got bored after 10-15 hours, they need an overhaul for this series.

Yeah, I hear that. I wish I had waited and got the game at a deep discount instead of playing at release. It is a fun and scenic island to explore, but by a third of the way through you've pretty much seen all it has to offer. And what could keep the game interesting - combat - falters because as OP noted the AI is pretty dumb, and the game quickly becomes just too easy. With zero challenge your interest kind of fades.
I like your little write up it's actually a pretty funny read and basically exactly how I feel when I play it.

A few things to note:


Though it looks nearly identical to Far Cry 3 just simply with slightly denser foliage and more elevation, is a nice upgrade over the previous three games and certain areas actually feel like real places for once. For example I love the area in the center of the map that emulates the islands in the Bahamas. I also think it's the best looking part of the map. The thick jungle to the south east is also a favorite of mine and I wish it was even thicker and mysterious than it already is. It's nice to walk through there and just relax, you can almost feel the warm sun-rays peeking through the trees. The sub-surface scattering on the leaves is also a wonderful touch.

Though the jungle still doesn't feel real. And I think a large reason for that is the way the trees are spaced. You can tell that they didn't grow naturally and that the they are spaced wide enough for the playable character and the A.I. to navigate through easily. My brain picks up on these types of things easily from playing games for so long and I'm sure others have noticed. Overall it's an enjoyable place to hang out in especially if you just want to do some simple beach fishing during the sunset.


A respectful upgrade over the previous three games especially due to the amount of unique vehicles that have been added as well as the fact that they brought back a wonderfully rendered version of the FN-FAL which originally appeared in Far Cry 2. Other than that in the weapons department some other notable mentions are the Mac-11 (Very similar to the Mac-10 in Far Cry 2), the M60 LMG, and the Bolt Action Sniper Rifle that you can load with poison rounds in order to make it feel similar to the Dart Rifle in Far Cry 2 as well. (Can you tell what Far Cry game I like the best yet?)

The ability to put different weapons in the specific weapon wheel slot that you want is a nice returning feature from previous games. Though I'm not a fan at all of having different ammo types that are used for different enemies. How does it make any sense that shooting an un-armored enemy with an armor penetrating round cause you to have to fire multiple shot at them in order to kill them!? It's ridiculous. Weapons should be deadly in these games.

Now don't get me started on how horrible the weapon unlock system is in this game. You can unlock weapons by randomly finding them in chests throughout the island. That's fine I guess and promotes exploration.

But if you want to build a specific loadout faster, you can build a weapons shop in one the HUB world "camps" and buy the exact weapons you want with in game currency.

This is where the major problems with this system come in, there are multiple "camps" throughout the world. But you can only build one shop at one "camp".

Meaning if you're in a region across the map from where you built the weapons shop, you physically have to open the map, scroll over to the other "camp" where you have the shop built and fast travel there in order to access it. It's tedious, atrocious and honestly ruins what little flow the game has for me. What was wrong with having the weapons locker at every outpost like in Far Cry 3?

On the vehicles side of things it's wonderful being able to fly planes again which was a feature in Far Cry 5 as well as being able to cruise around in a bunch of cool looking, brightly colored cars from the 50's and 60's. They add a nice touch to Cuban theme of the game. Which leads me to another major complaint.


The game takes place in a fictional Cuba right??? And Cuba has/had revolutionaries that fight/fought against the government because they hate Communism right???


In this game you play as a revolutionary in a fictional Cuban setting fighting Facism... and they make sure to remind you of that every chance they get.

It's honestly pathetic that they went this route but it's not surprising since Ubisoft is French/Canadian and they more than likely have a massive market in China.


The game is decent looking, though it does have some screen tearing on PS5 (correct me if this has been patched out). It can be enjoyable to hangout and explore the world. The combat is decent at times and silly things can happen that will give you a laugh. Although this game is the closest thing to Far Cry 2 that we've gotten in terms of exploration and weapons, it isn't saying much because the negatives out-weigh the positives in that regard.

If you haven't played a Far Cry game yet. Just play Far Cry 2 and thank me later.


King of Gaslighting
AI spawning kills what I consider the best FC not named 3. You're not going back to the magic of the game (that existed in a non-GaaS obsessed Ubiworld), but at least FC6 makes the most of what it knows it has to deliver for UBIExecs.


Love posts like this OP. I understand farcry might be getting stale for most, but to those who find joy in it, i totally understand, especially for open world games. You can always escape reality and find the one virtual place where you can just chill and take in the scenary/sound/atmosphere. I do the same when i play rdr/rdr2. GGs to OP.

Edit: BTW what platfom OP are you playing on Bragr Bragr ? Contemplating buying on ser x or waiting for it on gamepass.
I played it on PC, you can get it relatively cheap these days.


Gold Member
FC5 irritated the shit out of me in the way it spawned stuff like every 3 (not even kidding) seconds.

I just want to walk down this beautiful road for a second but within two minutes I get 2 cultist vans shooting me, a big rig and a mountain lion fucking my day up.

Ultimately I ended up downloading a really good mod which cut down on this and I enjoyed the game.

Is FC6 more of the same in this regard?


So were the previous Far Cry games. Kinda gets boring without a strong leitmotif

3 is still the only one I really liked a lot


Gold Member
AI spawning kills what I consider the best FC not named 3. You're not going back to the magic of the game (that existed in a non-GaaS obsessed Ubiworld), but at least FC6 makes the most of what it knows it has to deliver for UBIExecs.
Yeah the spawning was fucking terrible.

Last far cry that i had real fun with was primal, not a perfect game but at least felt a bit different.
Far Cry 6 just dropped on Steam for $15. Is it worth it? I enjoyed Far Cry's 3-5, but not sure if this one does enough different.


Far Cry 6 just dropped on Steam for $15. Is it worth it? I enjoyed Far Cry's 3-5, but not sure if this one does enough different.
It is more of the same, the villain is good but not used nearly enough. At $15 it is worth it for sure if only because the far cry sandbox is great and the content thats there is interesting enough.


I thought it was the worst Far Cry of the series, but still had its moments.

They should go the open world future sci-fi route. Sure, it would be mostly a reskinning, but they could add a lot of new mechanics to the game world.

They're probably too scared to make a Far Cry western to compete with RDR.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Far Cry 6 just dropped on Steam for $15. Is it worth it? I enjoyed Far Cry's 3-5, but not sure if this one does enough different.

It doesn't do anything different in terms of mechanics, but if you liked 3-5, then $15 is a great price for a full sized game with a new location and story with similar kind of beats/characters.
Finally getting around to playing this, after spending $15 for a month of Ubisoft+ to try out Avatar.

It's more Far Cry!

Did anyone else find the PC graphics really scratchy/grainy? I thought it was the FSR or CAS, but I tried it with those off, and it's still got this weird over-sharpened look to it. Maybe I'm just used to the softening of DLSS at this point.
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