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Fascinating article from 1Up on why Japan is "SCREWED"


DCharlie said:
Akihabara still has it's high spots. But it's very hard to be enthusiastic about the place after 4 years of trawling the same stores.

Infact, it's only when i go back to the UK or Europe or the US that i realise that Akihabara is still great (even if it has declined greatly from what it was).

The thing is, Akihabara is changing rapidly. Yamagiwa soft burnt down (a store i didn't particularly like, but hey...) and high rise office and accomodation blocks are going up. This in turn is bring a whole new clientel into the area, and it's now that the major expansion industry in Akihabara is no longer video games, but p0rn.

Infact, a few articles recently have suggested that as the video games stores go out of business (and we have lost a LOT of stores in the last year or two) then the seedier business that can't afford Shibuya and Shinjuku rents, are now looking to expand down from Ueno and into Aki. The Japan times article went as far to predict that Akihabara would over the next year or two become a red light district (rather than red line :) )
Saying that, Super Potato (building on their awesome Osaka store) have just opened a branch in Tokyo. Making them instantly the best store in Akihabara at the moment, especially for retro based goodness. And i will show you guys it if i meet you in Aki.

Outlook wise, i don't know if i would say the industry is screwed just yet but the warning signs are there. Personally, i see it like this - each gen we are seeing costs rising for both the hardware and software developers. However, the thing that should sustain these expected increase in costs is -decreasing- for most people (ie: sales).
It's pretty easy to see that if you have a number of large companies creating big budget games, trying to appeal to a similar audience who now have a number of other things to spend their disposable income on (which has basically been frozen (or in some cases cut) for just about everyone in Tokyo for the last 3 years), that some one some where is going to get badly burned.

This isn't the Tokyo of the 2000 pre-bubble era where every Japanese person seems to be a walking back of spare 10,000 yen bills, where people were more inclined to try out more games (i guess DVDs weren't as . But hell, the signs are there that things are picking up. Just very very slowly.

Good post DCharlie. Very interesting points regarding Akihabara and the state of Japan. Do you feel that if someone wanted to take a vacation out there that they would be let down by all the negativity that has surrounded the country? For example, if somone had visions of going to the TGS or Joypolis and having a good time, would it not live up to their expectations once they arrived there because they already had a preconceived notion of how fun it would be? Are Joypolis, TGS and Namcoland as lively as I'm imagining it?


I was worried I might have goofed the Onimusha thing. Oh, well. Live and learn.

Kingdom Hearts doesn't count as an original franchise, I think. It's a trainwreck between two licenses, which is interesting, but not completely original.

I was using SSX to make a different point on a different subject as opposed to Onimusha -- I wasn't making a point about EA's maintenance of the franchise, since it obviously did drop off between the second and third installments, but rather about EA's launching of the franchise. So far, the PSP and DS alike don't seem to have an equivalent AAA original launch title, although it'll be a while yet until their launch lineups come together.

Cheers to those who picked up on the Quebec thing. It was either not meant to offend anyone or meant to offend either side equally, I'm not really sure ^_^

The slightly hyperbolic opening line, incidentally, is lifted from Hunter Thompson. "The McGovern campaign would appear to be fucked at this point," etc.



isamu said:
Good post DCharlie. Very interesting points regarding Akihabara and the state of Japan. Do you feel that if someone wanted to take a vacation out there that they would be let down by all the negativity that has surrounded the country? For example, if somone had visions of going to the TGS or Joypolis and having a good time, would it not live up to their expectations once they arrived there because they already had a preconceived notion of how fun it would be? Are Joypolis, TGS and Namcoland as lively as I'm imagining it?

I've never been to Joypolis or the other major arcades, but arcades in general are enjoying a modest upswing of late. The three major operators are expanding for the first time in ages this year, and Sega in particular has been bouncing back in terms of arcade revenues.

TGS, however, has been increasingly shitty for the past five shows I've attended, culminating in last year's show, which was a horrific fucking bust. This year's show may spark more interest with the PSP games on display, but other than that I don't expect much from it.

I could do a whole separate story on how fucking miserable TGS has become.



WarPig said:
I could do a whole separate story on how fucking miserable TGS has become.




And even i am moderately surprised
Yeah, TGS has become pretty miserable.
I thought about 3 years back that it was just me getting more fussy,
but it really is missing something.

Surprisingly, the GBA Space world is still the most fun show i've been to.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Phantasy Star Universe will save TGS single-handed this year, which is why I should be visiting Japan again in September. If Sega don't show it though expect some tears! ;) Although PSP/DS games should still ensure this year's show is interesting. And Katamari 2 should be there shouldn't it?

Plus there's always the (very) faint hope of a surprise appearance of monkeys in balls, even if in just portable form ...
Nash said:
Phantasy Star Universe will save TGS single-handed this year, which is why I should be visiting Japan again this year. If Sega don't show it though expect some tears though ;) ..

Well if it's on a system from this generation it should be there in some form, if it's not there then chances are it's going to be on a next gen system. I just want to know 2 things, is it a MMORPG and will they keep the realtime battle system from PSO. Because if they drop that in favor of your typical MMORPG battle system, I won't even bother with it despite how much I love PSO.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Yeah, just some concrete information about what exactly PSU is, and a new trailer would keep me happy.

If it suddenly appeared in playable form on one or more of the current machines the shock could kill me though! ;)
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