Rummy Bunnz said:
There's a rainbow colored potion in the castle that turns enemies into chickens. I dunno if you have to meet certain requirements before it appears. There are also bombs that blow up real good. I think they drop from the worker building. It would be nice if they were a different color from the advanced worker bombs, but maybe they're supposed to blend in?
It appears when you've upgraded the Mage Hat Machine. The bombs will appear when you upgrade the Worker Hat Machine. As people have said the blast radius is slightly larger than the throw distance so get out of there after you toss it or throw it off a cliff at people or something.
Of the other complaints that have already been voiced the one that kind of gets to me, though minor, is that the trophies are all bronze. Some of the later ones (e.g. kill 88 people in one match without dying, hit 6+ people with all the area effect attacks in one match, etc.) are really tough and deserve at least a silver or possibly a gold in some cases. I mean, some of them are well thought out, but it feels like they just couldn't be bothered to attach any different values to them although they clearly indicate seem to recognize the tougher ones via the icons.
I'm also not being able to join games. It'll try to connect and then just drop me out. I'm in NAT Type 2 already and everything else seems solid, but it just doesn't want to go. A shame it doesn't even pull up a server list, but just does automatic only. I'd like the option to pick among servers a little bit more rather than just setting it as search parameters.
It's a lot of fun, but some of these things really make it feel a bit like it still needed a bit more polish. Yes, it was hotly anticipated, but considering the beta apparently had some trouble it might have needed a little bit longer before it was ready. For something like this you'd think they'd have run a second beta just before release to be certain that these issues were solved out in the wild and not just internally.