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Fate/Grand Order |OT| That's Hell You're Walking Into

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Interesting information. The game really doesn't do a good job of explaining anything. It just kind of dumps you in and hopes you can win fights, I think. If it wasn't for Friend Units, there's no way I would have gotten as far as I have in the story. Not sure if I should be doing that, but that's what I'm doing.

Yeah, you kinda have to fiddle around with the fairly messy UI to see the class advantage image in-game. It's located on the support selection screen next to the class icons, and is also available during battle in the top right under the "Battle menu" screen. Oh, and the party setup screen under "See Info" which also shows your party's card set to draw from. There's also an in-game help page that's in your room under "Help". I just remembered it. It's kinda useful, I think? Though it's a little vague in some categories.

Hmmm...good to know. I wasn't all that impressed with the stuff I got, which I assume is fairly standard stuff. It does bring me to the question of what is Ascension? There are two options on the "Enhancement" menu that basically boost maximum level. Why is this split or are they different things?

Ascension is what you do once a Servant reaches their level cap. Palingenesis is really late ascension once you complete the first 4 ascensions for any given Servant. It costs a Grail and a ton of QP, it's nothing you should worry about until late game-ish and it's reserved for Servants you really like. It's not that important compared to normal ascension really.

Hmmm...I guess this isn't like other gacha games where there are flatout shitty characters that are given all the time that aren't worth even bothering with. I got that guy soooooooo many times in my re-rolls that I figured he was just some crappy character that the game hands out like water. On top of not even being a cool version of Julius, I didn't see any point in bothering with him. I mean, in one re-roll I got three of him. Another re-roll I got two. This last pull I got one. Seems to be a common guy that I'll get all the damn time, so I figured he could be sold and I wouldn't lose anything of value. I guess going forward, I'll try to keep one of them...just in case, but I still don't see the point if he drops all the time. I guess people don't do a whole lot of pulls in this game?

A reddit user made this mini-tier list image that shows all the launch Servants. As you can see, there are 0 Sabers that are lower than 3 stars, so it's good to hold on to them right now. Don't pay too much attention to the ratings as even if they have a terrible skill set, it's still worth having 1 of each class just for class advantage. Some quests have literally 1 type of class to fight, so a full party that counters it usually makes the fight trivial.


I'm going to be honest, if you think you're going to be with the game for a decent amount of time, I'd re-roll until you got a 5*. It doesn't have "top-tier" like Waver, just a single 5* will suffice. Depending on your luck it might take a while, but in the long term it's definitely worth it, as the chances to receive a 5* normally (without making use of the limited guaranteed gacha we'll eventually get) are pretty low.

Completely your decision, though!

I'm contemplating starting over and hoping for someone awesome on my first roll. I'm just not happy with how my game is going. I guess I'll decide tomorrow.

A reddit user made this mini-tier list image that shows all the launch Servants. As you can see, there are 0 Sabers that are lower than 3 stars, so it's good to hold on to them right now. Don't pay too much attention to the ratings as even if they have a terrible skill set, it's still worth having 1 of each class just for class advantage. Some quests have literally 1 type of class to fight, so a full party that counters it usually makes the fight trivial.

Just curious, why would anyone want a lower than 3* character? With the sheer amount of damage enemies do, I don't see how lower characters can survive. My dudes get thrashed on a regular basis. No telling how many times my crew has been thrashed only to be saved by overpowered Friend Unit.

Also, with how hard it is to level up units, I don't see how people can keep multiple units. Just to get Emiya to level 15 took a shit-ton of cards. Everything I had as a matter of fact...with what seems like little gain. I feel like my other character has been neglected, because I just don't have enough EXP cards to go around. It really sucks.


I didn't even know you could get a 5* on the tutorial summon. I thought we were limited to 4* characters. Thanks for the info.
Sorry, should have clarified. I didn't mean the tutorial summon, but the one that follows (with the use of Star Quartz). I'm not sure how many new accounts receive at the moment, so I'm not sure if re-rolling for a 5* would be feasible for you or not. :(

I'm contemplating starting over and hoping for someone awesome on my first roll. I'm just not happy with how my game is going. I guess I'll decide tomorrow.
Yeah, if you're already having hesitations, it might be worth giving it a try just to see what you can get. With the Orleans event, it (should) be easier to get Jeanne d'Arc, and while she's not an amazing damage-dealer, she's an incredible tank.

At the very least, save your current account and give it a few re-rolls. If you give up and want to return to your account, nothing lost (apart from time).

We will eventually get 5* guaranteed summon, but you'll need to purchase a decent amount of Star Quartz to do it (won't be able to use free SQ for it), but even then re-rolling until you get a single 5* is still worth your time, IMO. Of course, I'm always this way when I begin gacha games (always need at least one of whatever the highest rarity is), so I'm probably not the best guy to ask, haha.


Sorry, should have clarified. I didn't mean the tutorial summon, but the one that follows (with the use of Star Quartz). I'm not sure how many new accounts receive at the moment, so I'm not sure if re-rolling for a 5* would be feasible for you or not. :(

New accounts don't get that extra stuff. I think it ended a while ago, so in order to get another 10 pull, you have to run through the whole Prologue and some extra to get enough summon mats. It's not quick and will take quite a bit of time, and even then your chance of getting something good is small.


New accounts don't get that extra stuff. I think it ended a while ago, so in order to get another 10 pull, you have to run through the whole Prologue and some extra to get enough summon mats. It's not quick and will take quite a bit of time, and even then your chance of getting something good is small.
How many SQ does it give you, though? It might not be enough for a ten-pull, but if you got enough for 5 or so pulls per re-roll, it should still be workable. Not as nice as when it launched though, that's for sure.


Just curious, why would anyone want a lower than 3* character? With the sheer amount of damage enemies do, I don't see how lower characters can survive. My dudes get thrashed on a regular basis. No telling how many times my crew has been thrashed only to be saved by overpowered Friend Unit.

Also, with how hard it is to level up units, I don't see how people can keep multiple units. Just to get Emiya to level 15 took a shit-ton of cards. Everything I had as a matter of fact...with what seems like little gain. I feel like my other character has been neglected, because I just don't have enough EXP cards to go around. It really sucks.

It's not that hard to level up, do the daily ember gathering missions and level up the units you need. Use an OP support if you want. You don't need to be able to do the 40AP right away, just work your way up from 10-40 AP missions. 20 or even 30 should be easily doable with a support and you'll get enough silvers/golds to level quickly. Don't worry about matching the XP card's class either as the bonus for matching them isn't that significant. Just to be sure, the Daily missions are accessed by tapping the top left button to return to your Terminal, then selecting the Chaldea Gate banner, then Daily Quests. Once you start farming the 40AP mission regularly, you'll start leveling up your player character's level (Master Level) quickly, which will refill your AP bar to farm the 40AP over and over until it slows down around level 45 or so. You'll rack up a ton of XP cards to use as needed.

EDIT: Forgot to address the first point. While 3* characters and below are worse in terms of raw stats, some of them have powerful skills or a Noble Phantasm that makes up for their deficiencies. Almost all of them have a niche that can be used to form a powerful party given the right situation.


How many SQ does it give you, though? It might not be enough for a ten-pull, but if you got enough for 5 or so pulls per re-roll, it should still be workable. Not as nice as when it launched though, that's for sure.

Honestly, not that many. I think I got 10 in my mailbox at one point, which helped me get to 30. Without that, it would have taken a lot longer to get 30.


It's time.


EDIT: Forgot to address the first point. While 3* characters and below are worse in terms of raw stats, some of them have powerful skills or a Noble Phantasm that makes up for their deficiencies. Almost all of them have a niche that can be used to form a powerful party given the right situation.

That and the weakness/resistance wheels matter a ton in this game. A 2* servant hitting weaknesses will still put out a lot of damage and resist a lot too. Plus their NPs are a lot easier to upgrade. Don't underestimate a merged Medea's NP spam potential, for example.


A bit disappointed in the Orleans banner. They should have just....skipped it? IIRC didn't it come with Orleans during its release in JP?

For those thinking of rolling on the banner, just....don't (unless you really love Jeanne ofc). She's just a very present passive big meat-shield. other than that and her NP, she's quite sub-par in everything (3 subpar skills, average attack).
Thank you for the list. I re-rolled, and got 3 3* and 3 4*, but none of them were Heracles.
For the 4* i got Sigfried, Stheno, and Deon. Also, the picture you linked says for Stheno, " Just smile...really". What does that mean? Just smile because she is a joke of a character, or just smile because you should be happy you pulled her?


Sig and Deon are pretty situational and Stheno apparently doesn't become useful for a long while.

Sig's main deal is that he has buffs against dragons and... that's it. That's well and good for Orleans, but after that, Dragon enemies are not that common. His fandom nickname is "Sumanai" (I'm sorry), indicating that he didn't turn out as cool as he probably should be.

Deon is probably your most useful roll and their thing is tanking damage. They have pretty good HP and start out with a handy Evade skill, but their most valuable skill is only available when you ascend them a third time. (Looks of Loveliness) This skill will draw all attacks from enemies towards them, and paired with their Evade skill, they can really hang in there.

"Just smile" is a reference to Stheno's Noble Phantasm: "Smile of the Stheno", which causes the charm status effect on and lowers the defense of male units. It does no damage and since some of your tougher enemies will also be female, it's not that great of a special. She comes into her own later, but when starting out, you just don't have the resources to make it happen.

Thanks for the information. I'm playing through the game and it's been interesting, but I doubt I would have been able to really do anything without people's overpowered units. I wonder how folks could beat those wyverns in Orlands without them. My little crew gets thrashed hard if I do it myself. They do a shit-ton of damage and only one heal for 1000 HP is insane.

As for my favorite servants, from Fate/Stay Night it would be Artoria and Emiya, which is why I kept playing after I got him in my first pull. It's funny, my first pull was only two servants...Robin Hood and Emiya. All the rest were cards and I don't know what to do with them. Emiya seems cool, but he feels weak. Maybe I need to level him, but I have so few level cards, I can't really do that either. So I've been using him and the starting lady but they're made out of paper.

I was hoping to get Artoia and Nero as well since I really liked them in Fate/Extella.

My initial pull was Emiya and Robin Hood. I saved a bunch of things to get another 10 pull and ended up with some Caster (I think the one from Fate/Stay Night), Caesar (I sold him because he looks dumb as hell and as fan of Julius Caesar, I don't want to see him), and that's it. A bunch of other cards I have no idea what they do, but they were all cards I have already, so nothing new there. It was a wasted pull with nothing of value gained. Made me want to give up pulling entirely. What a waste.

Gotta figure out how to level characters, because at the moment I don't think they're high enough to move on with the story without being carried.

Go to the Chaldea Gate and look at the Daily Quests. Ember gathering quests will net you experience cards. Grinding Ember gathering quests will also rank up your character very quickly, which will replenish your stamina and even give you a stamina surplus. The 30 and 40 AP quests are the most lucrative, so look for a strong Heracles to carry you through them for huge gains. Clearing each quest the first time every day will also net you Mana Prisms, which can be traded in the Shop for nice things like free rolls in the gacha. (Summon Tickets)

Emiya gets better as you Ascend him. When a servant reaches max level, they can evolve and increase their level cap, provided you have the proper items to do so. Ascension requires Monuments and other unique items that you can get by playing through the story or by farming Training Field Daily Quests. The option to ascend a servant in is the Enhance menu. By the time I took on Orleans, my party were all Ascended at least once. (Except for Mash, her progression is story locked. But she was at max level, so it's all good.)

Wyverns are Rider class, so you should keep an eye out for a good Assassin class servant to raise to take them on. Beserkers can also be handy. Good servants of both classes can be found in the Friend Point Gacha, in which you get a free 10-pull every day. Using it, I raised a Kojiro and a Minotaur and Orleans is practically a cakewalk.

Robin Hood and Medea (FSN Caster) are pretty good. RH has a nice single target NP, which makes blasting bosses his specialty. Medea is pretty well known for being able to spam her Noble Phantasm because of her skill, Rapid Words of the Divine. Equip her with a Craft Essence (Formal Craft, Projection, Heaven's Feel, etc.) that boosts Arts and go to town.

If you get dupes of a character, you can fuse 'em all together to improve the card's Noble Phantasm; allowing it to be charged up past 100% for a stronger effect. With all those Caesars, he would have been maxed out...but he's sure to pop up again. The process generally goes: when you get dupes of a servant, go to the Noble Phantasm section in the Enhance menu and fuse them until their NP can't level up any more. Then sell any other dupes you get.


I thought farming monuments was a bad idea?

Depends. I'm not gonna use any apples or anything, but using half AP for farming monuments isn't a bad idea since I'm over Level 100 and using all my AP bar won't level me up.

It's just that using SQ or apples to refill your AP bar to farm monuments is a bad idea especially if you're lower level.

You get tons of QP from events, so you don't really need to farm that much in the Vault.

It's either farming monuments for someone or farming the second-to-last Hands for silver XP cards to burn for mana prisms.


Is there some kind of a damn flowchart I can follow to let me know what's the most optimal daily quest that I should be doing right now?


All right, now it's time to make sure I save my AP for the reset, since Berserker and Assassin monuments will be dropping for the next daily set during half AP.

Need 1 Assassin monument to finish ascending Hassan, and 13 for Heracles.


I am honestly starting to think the best path forward is to always only run the 3rd difficulty level ember daily unless I know I need XP cards for a certain class immediately. This allows for the most efficient gathering of prisms, while still having slow growth of 4* XP cards. It isn't worth fighting the drop rate for anything else.

I'll wind up far, far behind everyone else in terms of team strength, but that's a tradeoff I'm willing to make for my sanity.
Sig and Deon are pretty situational and Stheno apparently doesn't become useful for a long while.

Sig's main deal is that he has buffs against dragons and... that's it. That's well and good for Orleans, but after that, Dragon enemies are not that common. His fandom nickname is "Sumanai" (I'm sorry), indicating that he didn't turn out as cool as he probably should be.

Deon is probably your most useful roll and their thing is tanking damage. They have pretty good HP and start out with a handy Evade skill, but their most valuable skill is only available when you ascend them a third time. (Looks of Loveliness) This skill will draw all attacks from enemies towards them, and paired with their Evade skill, they can really hang in there.

"Just smile" is a reference to Stheno's Noble Phantasm: "Smile of the Stheno", which causes the charm status effect on and lowers the defense of male units. It does no damage and since some of your tougher enemies will also be female, it's not that great of a special. She comes into her own later, but when starting out, you just don't have the resources to make it happen.

Thank you for the great info.


The most satisfying part of monument farming is:
  • Getting a gold chest drop from the class of servant you want which contains another void dust
  • Going an entire run without seeing a servant of the class you want monuments for
  • Gaining less master and mystic code EXP than other highest tier dailies
  • Encountering several of the boss you were looking for but only getting pieces
  • Finally getting a monument then realising that you need several more to ascend
  • Noticing your sanity decrease in correlation with your golden fruit counter

Please select one.


Archive will be full sooner than I thought, maybe 3-4 more runs! I actually might try monument farming after, but I won't even look at what I need in particular so the desire sensor won't activate! That's definitely how it works!
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