Started playing this, it's basically my first game of this kind excluding FEH, which was sorta different, so I feel a bit lost. Been a huge Fate fan for a good while though, so it's more lost in the sense that I'm unsure on what order I should tackle quests and if one needs to focus on a single servant rather than building a bunch of them early on etc. Anyone got some general tips for beginners?
Also, how does one acquire the thingies needed for Ascension? I didn't even reroll since on my 1st roll I ended up getting a 4* Tamamo Cat and a 5* Saber/Altria, so I figured I was happy enough with that for now. Been leveling Saber mainly, and using her in conjunction with Shielder and a Support, and so far it's been quite OK @ Fuyuki. But I'd like to Ascend her, so I wouldn't mind starting work on that farming now if it's possible/avaible.
If you continue to do the story you should get enough mats to ascend her once. If you want to ascend her again (2nd time) you will have to farm, farm and farm some nodes/dailies to get mats. Its very hard to ascend high rarity servants at the beginning. Its better to ascend once and focus on other servants while you are completing the story quests and waiting for events.
So do the story and occasional exp daily to level your servants. Tama cat is very good too. Don forget to level her to and replace Shielder with her.