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Fate/Grand Order |OT| That's Hell You're Walking Into

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150 SQ and no Gil sadly, but I did manage to pull both Waver and Lancelot so not a total loss. Got some CE that seem pretty good too: Prisma Cosmos and Limited/Zero Over. Managed to get another Robin too to feed his NP.

Waver I know I can get some use out of, though not sure yet how good Lancelot is. I just really like the character and design so I'm satisfied. I think I should probably be able to get enough from the story and free quests to do two more free pulls for Gil before the event ends. Think I'm done for now with buying any more.

One thing though: I noticed when I got Waver and I think with Altria too that the summoning animation took on a gold color with the orbs over the blue. Does that always happen when you are pulling a 5* or is it a random thing? I thought I remembered reading some where that it was random but can't find where. It'd be nice to always know there's a telltale sign I'm about to get something really good.


150 SQ and no Gil sadly, but I did manage to pull both Waver and Lancelot so not a total loss. Got some CE that seem pretty good too: Prisma Cosmos and Limited/Zero Over. Managed to get another Robin too to feed his NP.

Waver I know I can get some use out of, though not sure yet how good Lancelot is. I just really like the character and design so I'm satisfied. I think I should probably be able to get enough from the story and free quests to do two more free pulls for Gil before the event ends. Think I'm done for now with buying any more.

One thing though: I noticed when I got Waver and I think with Altria too that the summoning animation took on a gold color with the orbs over the blue. Does that always happen when you are pulling a 5* or is it a random thing? I thought I remembered reading some where that it was random but can't find where. It'd be nice to always know there's a telltale sign I'm about to get something really good.
I think its random, pulled a 4* and it had that gold tint too (4* Archer Atalante -_-).

Ayup, its just the IVS are a complete drag.

It's actually 6% for a 5*, you add up the two 3%. Its 3% only on focus, which you can take advantage of by not pulling nodes that are offcolor during a pull. (For example the current swimsuit banner has 1 blue, 1 green and 2 grey units; the best chance of getting a 5 Star would be grey for this banner and the worst would be red).

I see. Thanks for the explanation.

btw, talking about IVs. The Takumi i rerolled for had shitty ones ;_;.


I think its random, pulled a 4* and it had that gold tint too (4* Archer Atalante -_-).

I honestly think it'd be pretty nice if they had the colors change every time you were pulling a higher level Servant.

FEH has a slight change in the animation for summoning that generally lets you know when you are pulling a 4* or 5* that always made it exciting. I certainly don't think it would hurt FGO at all to do something like that too.


Tragic victim of fan death
The game does have a difference from time to time on the summon animation. If gold ring forms then it's a guarantee 4* or above. Rainbow orb rings mean it's a guarantee 5*. Sometimes you get any rarity with regular summon.


I honestly think it'd be pretty nice if they had the colors change every time you were pulling a higher level Servant.

FEH has a slight change in the animation for summoning that generally lets you know when you are pulling a 4* or 5* that always made it exciting. I certainly don't think it would hurt FGO at all to do something like that too.

I think it does everytime for 4 and 5*, doesn´t it?
I´ve seen it but then I went into reroll hell and just tapped every animation out.
Since then I haven´t rolled yet, I´ll save everything for Jeanne Alter.


The game does have a difference from time to time on the summon animation. If gold ring forms then it's a guarantee 4* or above. Rainbow orb rings mean it's a guarantee 5*. Sometimes you get any rarity with regular summon.

Ah, I do remember the rainbow ring now that you mention it. It must have been with Altria. I guess the gold was with Saber Alter then. Lancelot was just regular. Those are the only higher level Servants I've seen thus far. I think Heracles in my free pull was just regular as I didn't notice anything off.

I think it does everytime for 4 and 5*, doesn´t it?
I´ve seen it but then I went into reroll hell and just tapped every animation out.
Since then I haven´t rolled yet, I´ll save everything for Jeanne Alter.

Seems it's random going by the above which fits when I think back to it, but I haven't gotten that many 4* or 5*. I sometimes think of just skipping the animation, but I kind of like that moment before you find out even if it's disappointing.

I'll probably try a few more times where I can for Gil, but will probably save up too until one of the other Limited ones I really want comes about. And of course most of the ones I really want are Limited haha.


Tragic victim of fan death
Ah, I do remember the rainbow ring now that you mention it. It must have been with Altria. I guess the gold was with Saber Alter then. Lancelot was just regular. Those are the only higher level Servants I've seen thus far. I think Heracles in my free pull was just regular as I didn't notice anything off.

Seems it's random going by the above which fits when I think back to it, but I haven't gotten that many 4* or 5*. I sometimes think of just skipping the animation, but I kind of like that moment before you find out even if it's disappointing.

I'll probably try a few more times where I can for Gil, but will probably save up too until one of the other Limited ones I really want comes about. And of course most of the ones I really want are Limited haha.

So when it comes to 10 rolls you can click the screen during the first summon and from that point on it will skip all 3* rolls (unless it's net new) and only show 4* or above.


So when it comes to 10 rolls you can click the screen during the first summon and from that point on it will skip all 3* rolls (unless it's net new) and only show 4* or above.

I didn't realize that was the case. Thanks for the tip! I guess it will let me get it over quick if it's not going to be a great roll. This would include higher level CE as well?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
So when it comes to 10 rolls you can click the screen during the first summon and from that point on it will skip all 3* rolls (unless it's net new) and only show 4* or above.

Yeah but that's lame! I like watching the animation, praying to RNG for a new 5*.


The best is when it's a silver card and you're fuming, and then all of a sudden it transforms into SS2 with the lightning and shit and it's a 5*.
She was free so she is essentially 3* stats with 10 more levels.

Will there be any events which make farming ascension materials easier ?


She was free so she is essentially 3* stats with 10 more levels.

Will there be any events which make farming ascension materials easier ?

Event missions tend to drop ascension materials like candy.

It's how they get you. Make ascension hard outside of the events with the LIMITED GACHA and RATE UP SERVANTS.


oh my god its finally done, im the EMPEROR OF GAUL at this point


Now i need one more Berserk piece :(


Need those snake things for Gill will today be the only day i can get them or will fridays daily also have ascension mats in three hours


Should I keep my summon tickets, or use them to try and roll Gil?

Edit: Also, which Master Recruitment servant should I pick? I really like Emiya as a character, but not sure if I want him as a gatcha servant if he sucks.


I've been doing the "ember gathering" daily quest, but I'm all maxed out now. Which ones should I be doing for ascension materials or even anything that'll allow me to get more SQ for new Servants?


oh my god its finally done, im the EMPEROR OF GAUL at this point


Now i need one more Berserk piece :(

Nice, I think once I finish getting everyone to max that I currently have, I'll start farming starting with Heracles.

I currently have Altria up for Ascension, but I'm wondering if I should save the figures for Alter.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
where is the best place for unlucky bones? Someone said Singularity X-G.. but I've done it like 4 times (15AP) and haven't gotten any.... :\ is that just life or is there a better place?


Should I keep my summon tickets, or use them to try and roll Gil?

Edit: Also, which Master Recruitment servant should I pick? I really like Emiya as a character, but not sure if I want him as a gatcha servant if he sucks.
Depends on your team really. Do you have a strong Berserker already? Cos if not then Herc is a great pick. Emiya is awesome, though.


Should I reroll to try to get Gil? Is the transfer code how you hold onto an account while re-rolling?

Gil's a monster for generating critical stars because of the number of hits all his attacks do, but by himself he's not that damaging or durable until later. I'm using Emiya as my Archer over him at the moment because of how poor he is at actually killing things.

There's a few units you could reroll for, but Carmilla's a good Assassin (for what that's worth), Altera's a good Saber and Emiya's a good Archer, particularly later. Cu Chulainn's a good lancer, though you're pretty much guaranteed him whatever the account

Chevalier sucks and Tamamo Cat is only okay compared to Heracles, though it's better to reroll for Zhuge Liang (Waver) and Heracles if you're going to bother.

Honestly, I'd just stick with what you've got unless you really want any of the other existing 5* units. You've got a few good units in some good classes and can fill in the gaps later.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Thank you for going into so much detail.

Keep in mind that you can always generate a transfer code for that account to save it, and then re-roll a few more times if you feel like it. You can always go back to this account since you have the code.

If you are going to re-roll, though, I'd aim for Waver unless you just love Gil.


Honestly it also depends how much patience you have. Getting a single 5* can be difficult enough through re-rolling.

What I did was I just kept the first account I got a base 5* servant on(Jeanne), played it and then did some rerolls on the side in case I got anything better. I did about 30-40 rerolls on the side and didn't see another 5* servant so I kept with the original account. Fortunately my luck has been insane on this account I kept anyway so maybe it was a good thing I didn't find anything better in those rerolls, lol.

Otherwise as people have mentioned in the past, you can easily clear content without the best 5* servants. So it's really a case of how much you want a given character.


What guaranteed 5*?

edit: I hope they restock the summon tickets more often.
Sorry for the delay. It's already been answered, but in the Japanese version (on special occasions) the game offers you a guaranteed 5* pull through the use of purchased Star Quartz. It doesn't take free Star Quartz into account, but at least it's a way to spend money and know for sure you'll get at least one 5* out of it (and not simply a chance).

I'm okay with spending money, as long as there's a guarantee in place.

BTW, thanks again for the Waver/Gilgamesh account yesertday. Been in-talks with my friend (busy day yesterday) and I'm almost tempted to keep the account for myself and give them my current Waver/Vlad account. They really just want a two 5* beginning so either one would work, and I am a pretty big fan of Gilgamesh. I would be losing the Kaleidoscope as well as Limited/Zero Over 5* CE on my Waver/Vlad account, but those don't seem nearly as difficult to pull (in theory) than the Servants (especially 5* Servants). Do I really want to start all over for a third time, though? I mean, I'm just now working though Orleans again for the second time, so a lot of time wouldn't be lost, and I do really want Gilgamesh...

Whatever happens, we'll decide later this evening so they can begin playing the game in earnest (either on the Waver/Gilgamesh account you gave, or I'll keep that one for myself and give them my Waver/Vlad one). Choices must be made! :)

Nothing wrong with bragging.

What bugs me is when someone complains when they didn't roll a character when they only had a 22% chance to get said character. Sometimes I just have to question if people know what odds are.
I'm okay with bragging, if someone gets an in-demand character on their first ticket or whatever, good for them! What I don't like is when they do a multi-pull, get a handful of great characters in it (for example, two 5* including the banner character, as well as a couple 5* CE to go along with it), and they say "Hey guys, I just pulled this on the current banner, are these any good?". Like they don't know they had a great pull, they just need/want re-confirmation of it all. :/

I do like to see great luck in here, specifically. RNG can be a fickle mistress when it comes to these games, so any time I see a few GAF members get lucky, it warms my heart.
Not having that much luck with the material grind, got like 3 dragon teeth from 8 or so runs, is it much of a difference to farm in those events people keep mentioning?
Not having that much luck with the material grind, got like 3 dragon teeth from 8 or so runs, is it much of a difference to farm in those events people keep mentioning?

You really need to farm the 5AP monsters quest for the best chances.

But there's less than 20 minutes left on that and it won't be back until next week.
Is there a list of what materials are required for asending and where to find them?
Both of the popular english wikis have what materials are needed:

There's also a calculator that lets you keep track of what servants need to ascend and skill up:

For item locations, there's the google spreadsheet from the reddit:


I picked Herc but later pulled Lancealot.

I know Herc is way better and I should use him even just to get his CE bond.

But Lancealot is so funny, I love that dude.

Hmm maybe I can make a team of Berserkers for fun.


So I discussed it more with my friend and they're fine with Waver/Vlad (my current account, well former now I guess), so I'm starting over (...again...) for the third time, thanks to the Waver/Gilgamesh account elty gifted me yesterday. I'm giving up 2x 5* Craft Essences that was on my Waver/Vlad account (one of them being a Kaleidoscope), but I don't care. I'm playing this for the characters not the CE, and Gilgamesh is one of my favorites (I just love his smugness). Plus, by doing it this way the Gilgamesh "remains within GAF", so there's that too. :)

So, that's right. For the third (and final!) time, I'm in need of friends. I have Waver, Saber Lily, Gilgamesh, Lancer, Marie, Amadeus, Jing Ke, and Heracles set as my supports, although they obviously need to be leveled (which, good thing for the half AP dailies, shouldn't take too long at all). My ID is: 703,331,943.

As for my former Waver/Vlad account, as mentioned my friend will be playing that one as it's now theirs, so feel free to remove that one from your Friend List or keep it there, it's up to you.

Sorry for all of the confusion to those who added my prior accounts, but it often takes me a while to settle into a gatcha account (it's difficult to please me, I guess). Anyway, I promise that this is the last time I re-roll/start over. I really do mean it this time. Honest!


I picked Herc but later pulled Lancealot.

I know Herc is way better and I should use him even just to get his CE bond.

But Lancealot is so funny, I love that dude.

Hmm maybe I can make a team of Berserkers for fun.

I honestly love Lancelot's armored look, and his fighting style (in Fate/Zero anyway) is really sweet. I mean dude turns everything from a light pole to an F-15 into his noble phantasm. So cool.

Anyway, still need some advice as to who to pick for my free 4*. I've got Herc already, I was leaning toward Tamacat as I love Tamamo, but I'm fairly set for berserkers, really. I know EMIYA is really good, so maybe him, but I've heard Martha's quite good with debuff removing and healing (and honestly I do dislike how kinda fragile Herc can be, though once I get his third skill and eventually his CE, it'll be better).

So who should I choose? Go with my heart and Tamacat, go with the bone of my sword for EMIYA, go for my homie Marie, or shore up my team with Martha?

Also speaking of bond CEs, I was wondering if there was some sort of barrier between 5 and 6 until I looked it up and realized that its a lot more bond points between 5 and 6, oof.

And also speaking of Berserkers, got into a conversation with a friend who was shocked by how Herc doesn't actually say anything, which amused me as the concept of Berserkers who can speak (outside of a few choice words/names like Lancelot and "ARRRRTHURRR") is still very strange to me.


So I discussed it more with my friend and they're fine with Waver/Vlad (my current account, well former now I guess), so I'm starting over (...again...) for the third time, thanks to the Waver/Gilgamesh account elty gifted me yesterday. I'm giving up 2x 5* Craft Essences that was on my Waver/Vlad account (one of them being a Kaleidoscope), but I don't care. I'm playing this for the characters not the CE, and Gilgamesh is one of my favorites (I just love his smugness). Plus, by doing it this way the Gilgamesh "remains within GAF", so there's that too. :)

So, that's right. For the third (and final!) time, I'm in need of friends. I have Waver, Saber Lily, Gilgamesh, Lancer, Marie, Amadeus, Jing Ke, and Heracles set as my supports, although they obviously need to be leveled (which, good thing for the half AP dailies, shouldn't take too long at all). My ID is: 703,331,943.

As for my former Waver/Vlad account, as mentioned my friend will be playing that one as it's now theirs, so feel free to remove that one from your Friend List or keep it there, it's up to you.

Sorry for all of the confusion to those who added my prior accounts, but it often takes me a while to settle into a gatcha account (it's difficult to please me, I guess). Anyway, I promise that this is the last time I re-roll/start over. I really do mean it this time. Honest!

So, that's right. For the third (and final!) time, I'm in need of friends. I have Waver, Saber Lily, Gilgamesh, Lancer, Marie, Amadeus, Jing Ke, and Heracles set as my supports, although they obviously need to be leveled (which, good thing for the half AP dailies, shouldn't take too long at all). My ID is: 703,331,943.

Sorry for all of the confusion to those who added my prior accounts, but it often takes me a while to settle into a gatcha account (it's difficult to please me, I guess). Anyway, I promise that this is the last time I re-roll/start over. I really do mean it this time. Honest!

Added you, I appear as Aldo, I have a 60 Jeanne.
I honestly love Lancelot's armored look, and his fighting style (in Fate/Zero anyway) is really sweet. I mean dude turns everything from a light pole to an F-15 into his noble phantasm. So cool.

Anyway, still need some advice as to who to pick for my free 4*. I've got Herc already, I was leaning toward Tamacat as I love Tamamo, but I'm fairly set for berserkers, really. I know EMIYA is really good, so maybe him, but I've heard Martha's quite good with debuff removing and healing (and honestly I do dislike how kinda fragile Herc can be, though once I get his third skill and eventually his CE, it'll be better).

So who should I choose? Go with my heart and Tamacat, go with the bone of my sword for EMIYA, go for my homie Marie, or shore up my team with Martha?

Also speaking of bond CEs, I was wondering if there was some sort of barrier between 5 and 6 until I looked it up and realized that its a lot more bond points between 5 and 6, oof.

And also speaking of Berserkers, got into a conversation with a friend who was shocked by how Herc doesn't actually say anything, which amused me as the concept of Berserkers who can speak (outside of a few choice words/names like Lancelot and "ARRRRTHURRR") is still very strange to me.

Just so you know, Martha isn't that good at keeping other people alive initially. The party heal is only like 300 HP at first. There is supposedly a quest that pumps it to a 1000, but I have no idea if it is out yet. The first interlude is available but the recommended level is 70 (!!!!) and I haven't dared to try it. She works best paired with a Jeanne since they both have 3 Arts cards, so you get lots of healing. They are both self sufficient in terms of healing, so your Master spells are free to be used on Herc


While the half AP is great I'll have worn a hole in Zafir's Jeanne by the end of it, tempted to try different team combinations just for variety.
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