Hickbilly Deluxe
Really underrated comic, a shame it's going on impossible to find now.
The Question is like C or B tier with S tier influence because he's a Ditko design and because Rorschach is the Question. Though my favorite incarnation of the character is the left-wing '80s one and Renee Montoya. The character is underutilized by DC themselves, that's for sure.I don't really have any ideas about tiers or what have you, but The Question from JLU is my dawg.
mr fantastic WISHES he was this cool
The Question is like C or B tier with S tier influence because he's a Ditko design and because Rorschach is the Question.
mr fantastic WISHES he was this cool
Yeah but she was in at least one X book up until that point. Astonishing X-Men, New X-Men, Wolverine and the X-Men...Does Armor count as D-list? I don't think her existence has even been acknowledged anymore since Secret wars.
You get welcomedDo I get beat up if I say Goldballs?
Yo Rom is A-list. HE HAD TOYS!
Yo Rom is A-list. HE HAD TOYS!
Would Squirrel Girl count as a d-lister? She was a regular during one of the Spider-man cartoons, and recently got a push in the comics though.
The Question is like C or B tier with S tier influence because he's a Ditko design and because Rorschach is the Question. Though my favorite incarnation of the character is the left-wing '80s one and Renee Montoya. The character is underutilized by DC themselves, that's for sure.
Does not compute.
Cassandra Cain(Batgirl, Black Bat, Orphan)
Might be B/C-tier but DC sure treats her like she is F-tier.
Wild Dog
Thanks to season 5 of Arrow.
Why Butterball of course.
That sounds great and all, but I've been hurt by that rhetoric before.Arrow has been genuinelly awesome this season. I don't remember the last time any show has pulled itself together from such depths as Arrow did.
That sounds great and all, but I've been hurt by that rhetoric before.
I liked her very short-lived arc.