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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Undertaker at the Superbowl? lol

lol that whole incident was great. as soon as the lights went out I did my best Cole impression and yelled THE SHIELD!

good thing I was watching it with people who would understand my reference so it wasn't awkward.





So not worth it
In a major development, we have learned EXCLUSIVELY that the WWE writing team has been told Undertaker is “less than 50 percent for WrestleMania,” and that before the writers can present a “grid” (long term storyline planning) to Vince, HHH and Stephanie for review, Undertaker needs to be examined, as he is “not medically cleared” as of yet.

A member of the writing staff told us “this is going down to the wire, and members of the team actually joke that we’ll find out on the Internet about Taker before we’re told definitively here!”

No word yet on when Undertaker will be evaluated for medical clearance.



PWInsider already said a while ago that he's not having a match. No surprises if he skips this Mania.

They did say he's likely to be at the event though.

I'm guessing referee for the Brock vs HHH match.


PWInsider already said a while ago that he's not having a match. No surprises if he skips this Mania.

They did say he's likely to be at the event though.

I'm guessing referee for the Brock vs HHH match.

Undertaker as a special referee? That's the most absurd and non-realistic idea ever for Wrestlemania.

It looked locked on for CM Punk vs Undertaker a while apparently, so i'm interested to see what happens with CM Punk now. Really wish Stone Cold did their match now, but i guess not.
Undertaker will probably do 'Spooky Shit' promo at Mania telling whoever has the titles not to forget about him. Or his souls. Or his druids. or his dog who hasn't fed for a while.


So not worth it
Heh, so I finally got around to watching SMS. I love how AJ's stomach is apparently too hot for Saturday Morning TV and she suddenly wears an oversized t-shirt. :lol


Calling this now...

WWE is going to fake a power outage tomorrow night on RAW.

I would not be surprised to see a match wrestled under a spotlight, or something similar, just so Vince to brag that "Unlike NFL, nothing stops Mon-Day Night RAW"

You can all applaud me tomorrow.

This is so stupid that it has to happen.

LAW said Heyman will be on Miz TV tonight. It's like a charisma yin yang. Miz was actually quite good in his rise and WWE title run and at the time I thought he could be a very good face, but he is so disgenuine and forced. I feel the same way about Del Rio but at least he has had his good moments (LET ME SEE YOUR FACE). Miz is just one of the many people that have been booked terribly these past few years.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Full card for next Sunday's New Japan iPPV is out!

Hiroshima Sun Plaza Hall

Okada vs Suzuki! Fuck yes! That's going to be a great match. Big opportunity for K-Dojo's Kengo Mashimo, also, as he takes on the IWGP Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura. Also, glad to see Laughter7 back after there was some doubt about their future with New Japan. Looks like another awesome card, altogether. Should be a great show on Sunday.

Ridiculously excited for this. Ready to see more TenKoji ass-kickins! And Nakamura and Okada waving the banner for CHAOS, aw yeah. They're gonna continue to get along well :p


You guys must have missed when The Shield attacked The Rock at the Rumble.

They were also in a backstage video with Brad Maddox and "Paul Heyman". There are a lot of subtle hints out there that make me think not everything is what it seems. It stinks of corruption and I have a feeling it goes straight to the top. Hopefully we start getting some answers soon because this is a devastating time for the WWE Universe™.


This is so stupid that it has to happen.

LAW said Heyman will be on Miz TV tonight. It's like a charisma yin yang. Miz was actually quite good in his rise and WWE title run and at the time I thought he could be a very good face, but he is so disgenuine and forced. I feel the same way about Del Rio but at least he has had his good moments (LET ME SEE YOUR FACE). Miz is just one of the many people that have been booked terribly these past few years.

Miz has been disingenuous and forced and horrible since his Real World days. This isn't new.


Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy


Just caught up on a few weeks' worth of WWE.

First of all, holy shitting fuck, I can't believe that they went for the most obvious, lazy results possible at the Rumble. Cena vs. Rock 2 is not a match I want to see. Rocky's already proved he is better. Never before, never again. Awful.

But then Raw happened. I hate the roulette stuff, and it was largely a meh show, but Punk's rant at the beginning and Heyman's review were really excellent. Heyman's performances are just...the best. And I marked out hard for Brock. I sort of saw it coming as soon as Heyman skipped Lesnar in his brief list of accomplishments that otherwise consisted of Punk and ECW. But yeah, Brock.

Am I just clutching at straws, or does this open up Mania a bit? Assuming they're not just gonna go with the other most obvious thing and get HHH back to seal the deal, there are some possibilities for some...unpredictable match-ups?

I mean, if Heyman, Punk, Lesnar and the Shield are now a "thing"
I daren't utter "faction"
then they could at least get involved in each others' otherwise uneventful, predictable builds to mania. I mean, can Brock interfere at Elimination Chamber in Punk's favour? Is there a chance we could see Rock/Brock instead? What if the Undertaker's around? Brock/Taker? Any chance of a Punk/ Rock/ Cena/ Lesnar 4-way? Or Ziggler/Cena?! Anything but Brock/HHH and Cena/Rocky again. :(

Edit: Just noticed the post above mine. Sorry dude. Stay positive. And take it easy.

Mr. Sam

Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Stay strong, man. I hope you'll be alright.
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Rise above man!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Well that blows - BUT.

Testicular cancer, even if it's found, is easily treatable. So don't sweat it. It's just your balls - they do nothing except get hit in unfortunate shopping cart hijinks if you're the right height.

Hopefully it isn't cancer, but if it is, you can easily Cena-ize it and rise above cancer. So don't worry too much, man - your life isn't anywhere near over, and it's just balls. Balls to that.

On a more serious note, I'm hoping for the best and that it isn't cancer. But I'm taking heart that even if it is, you'll be fine and get the treatment you need to keep your life functioning as normal. :) Positivity! Where's Laserfrog and his copy of Positively Page to brighten your day?

Mr. Sam

I've a friend who lost both his testicles to cancer and he says it's much more comfortable without them. Sunflower's right.
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy
You will be in my thoughts.


No One Remembers
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

That sucks man, hoping the best for you! <3


Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

I'm hoping the best too.


Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Good luck man. :(


drawer by drawer
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Good luck man. Hoping for the best.
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Sorry to hear that :( Your testicles will be in my thoughts.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy
As someone who has been here, very, very recently I'm wishing you the best of luck.
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Bro Listen, I had the same thing 4.5 years ago, and mine was cancerous. I had two surgeries, and radiation. You will be fine. I walk the earth now with one testicle, and so far its been enough.

Don't worry. It sucks, and it will not be fun; but its not the worst thing that could have happened. PM me if you want to know or need anything. I can help you the best I can.

I went through it all

Why me.
I cried.
Then I became immune to it.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy
Sorry to hear man.
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Keep Calm and Bury that tumor like HHH buries talent when the time comes. Best Wishes


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Hope it went well for you Ply.

I have concerns about my balls every now and then. It's scary.
Surgery+recovery went fine. It's actually relatively common (via wiki):
Over his lifetime, a man's risk of testicular cancer is roughly 1 in 250 (0.4%). It is the most common cancer in males aged 20–39 years, the period of peak incidence, and is rarely seen before the age of 15 years.
So make sure if you notice anything wrong with your balls you get checked immediately.
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