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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Surgery+recovery went fine. It's actually relatively common (via wiki):

So make sure if you notice anything wrong with your balls you get checked immediately.

Was yours painful/obvious to see?

When my balls retract I notice a lumpy area on the side which I assume is my ball hiding...

Man. I should probably go to the doctor anyway.


Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

You'll definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. But don't worry because you are. THAT. DAMN. GOOD!!!


To be fair, regarding Cena on Raw last week, I haven't heard anyone bury the rest of the locker room that much since HHH said he could get a better match out of a broom.
Yea, it's a fucking shambles. 'I would choose the WHC, but it would be too easy!' Fucking shitty Cena.

Edit: Oh wow, all 3 Supermen vs. The Shield. And still The Shield win? Fucking yes!


Miz has been disingenuous and forced and horrible since his Real World days. This isn't new.

Pretty much. I did a Sporcle for WWE Champions yesterday and The Miz was the one guy I couldn't remember even though it was only 2 years ago.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Was yours painful/obvious to see?

When my balls retract I notice a lumpy area on the side which I assume is my ball hiding...

Man. I should probably go to the doctor anyway.
Oh it was obvious when touched, very solid. On the night I went to the ER pain was surging through it the entire day, I'd describe the pain as blunt and sore. I was hoping it would pass, but thankfully I was convinced to go to the hospital.

So if you're concerned, yes do go asap.


I had a wrestling related dream. It was a royal rumble that was taking place in a guys house. Every wrestler was wearing a suit. At one point, 6 people entered the ring including Batista and Daniel Bryan. There was also a moment when Ryback eliminated Cena, jumped out of the ring eliminating himself, and continued to beat up on him. Then there was some sexy girls dancing like the nitro girls... it was cool.


I actually had no pain. Testical not enlarged or anything. It just felt like a lumpy hard vein and not a circle ball/pea lump. I was hoping it be a cyst but no dice.
I had a wrestling related dream. It was a royal rumble that was taking place in a guys house. Every wrestler was wearing a suit. At one point, 6 people entered the ring including Batista and Daniel Bryan. There was also a moment when Ryback eliminated Cena, jumped out of the ring eliminating himself, and continued to beat up on him. Then there was some sexy girls dancing like the nitro girls... it was cool.

Future WWE Booker
(Today, 12:35 PM)


Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Sorry to hear that bro. Hang in there!
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

My thoughts are with you dude. My dad had testicular cancer and beat it's ass. If it puts you at ease at all it's one of the most treatable forms of cancer out there. Any help we can give just ask.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Sorry to hear that man. :(

May HHH bless you with his burying power to beat this.
Psyched for GWF tonight! AAAAH
It'll be better than Raw.

Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Not much I can say here that hasn't already been said especially with all the Cena puns taken but know that i'm rooting for you, hell we all are!
It ain't Game Over yet!


Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

Holy crap that sucks! Stay strong and hope you beat it.
I actually had no pain. Testical not enlarged or anything. It just felt like a lumpy hard vein and not a circle ball/pea lump. I was hoping it be a cyst but no dice.

No pain is good.
To be honest, I just don't want you to lose hope. But I'm not in your head, so I have no idea how you're taking it; and I'd hate to come off like I'm telling you to stay super positive about everything.
So I just say 'stay strong.'
Did you feel any symptoms? Some people dont go until their balls are almost exploding.

I was laying in bed with my GF one night watching discovery Chanel, and I felt a pea sized lump on my testicle. I couldn't tell if it was a vein or what. I always was mindful, because my father had it, and right around my age. I knew before I went to see a Dr. I was fucked. I remember the night I felt it, I told my GF I already know.

Within 48 hours I saw my general Dr. who touched me and sent me to a urologist right away like the same day I think or within a few days. Had to go freeze my sperm, in case I wanted kids in the future.

a Ct scan, ultrasound, and MRI later, and I had a small mass. Surgery within a week, and had it removed. abdomen Stapled shut. God damn that fucking catheter!!!!!!!

30 days later I had exploratory surgery on the opposite side. And that was a pain I will never forget. Imagine them pulling your testicle out through a cut on your abdomen, and the cutting a piece of it for examination by a pathologist then putting it back in its sack. The cord that holds your ball would be sore as a mother after all the tugging and shit. Oh god I couldn't walk for days.

Luckily I was cool and only had one removed, and not both. :(

15 sessions of radiation.
How does it feel Liquid?

I feel uncomfortable when my balls retract and go in. Is it like that now?

That hasn't happened to me in a long time. It feels weird, I considered a prosthetic, but I decided to have a foreign object in my body would feel weirder than the removal of an organ.

It felt strange at first, but only in my mind. physically I could not tell the difference.


So not worth it
I know a guy that had a ball removed jmdajr, it's okay, we make a few jokes every now and then, but he even managed to produce offspring and everything.

I'm sending all my positivity your way, get better soon!


Albert in lingerie? Fuck you WWE. FUCK YOU UP YOUR TIGHT LITTLE ASSHOLE. You have a perfect monster heel, and this is what he's become...


I fully support a comedy character Albert (hip hop hippo even) over monster heel who is a comedy character in disguise.





Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy
Best of luck to you man. You'll beat it.
The only thing offensive to me is the WWE's shitty juvenile conservative brand of humour.

Men in ladies underwear has never been funny, what are we in England or something? Fuck off.


Time for TOO MANY LIMES! Hopefully Sandow put's his pale ass though a table... But I know he's going to get Brogue Kicked though one instead. :(


So not worth it
Guys, have I been sucked into a wormhole, because I swear this stuff Diablo's talking about happened last week already.
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