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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


NeoGAF's smiling token!
..so why were people excited about her wardrobe malfunction a few weeks ago?


Junior Member
Considering that this is a dark match for NXT I don't have to spoiler tag anything but:

NXT Champion Big E Langston defeated WWE United States Champion Antonio Cesaro.

Dude WTF Big E is still a face on NXT?


BTW, Bret seems a bit obsessed with HBK. He calls HHH Shawn at one point, and he calls "John Cena", "Shawn Cena" accidentally.

I wouldn't be surprised if he calls his wife, "Shawn" or some of his friends.

Yeah, it's weird to be that obssessed with one single wrestler. Don't you agree?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Far from the best wrestler in the world, but man did that girl have the in-ring mannerisms down better than anyone in her division


Junior Member

I will say this about Triple H. His ability to sell injuries and do color to an excessive degree worked really well. I don't know if he is the best but he is up there. Also he had great in-ring psychology.



okay I'm done

for now

That must have happened during the CM Punk feud right (the Triple H gif.)

Far from the best wrestler in the world, but man did that girl have the in-ring mannerisms down better than anyone in her division
I doubt they could get her back now. She seems like she is doing better than when she was in wwe.

Also wwe badly needs a
cunt of a female character.
language for those who may be offended.
Bootaaay, why are those women grappling with each other? I thought women were only supposed to have short matches where they pose for the crowd a bit, walk into the ropes, and then go for a rollup. At least that's what Kelly Kelly taught me.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Eh, a lot of the 'big' joshis are kind of overrated(kinda like Kana is now). Sloppy as hell outside of like Bull. I'd much rather watch Nattie or Jazz than Hokuto

I'll still take joshis over the slow, awkward movements of an Eve, Trish, Kelly, etc though. And I still think Hamada is the best female wrestler in the world.
Bootaaay, why are those women grappling with each other? I thought women were only supposed to have short matches where they pose for the crowd a bit, walk into the ropes, and then go for a rollup. At least that's what Kelly Kelly taught me.

Kelly Kelly knows nothing. NOTHING!

Which is kinda why it's sad that Kharma didn't get to feud with her.

Eh, a lot of the 'big' joshis are kind of overrated(kinda like Kana is now). Sloppy as hell outside of like Bull. I'd much rather watch Nattie or Jazz than Hokuto

Man, you crazy. Hokuto is easily one of the top 3 joshi wrestlers of all time, imo. I mean, if we were talking about Toyota, I would agree with her being overrated, but Hokuto was the complete package. Great technical wrestler who always showed a ton of passion and fire, excelling when it came to in-ring psychology and selling, plus she innovated the Northern Lights Bomb and the gutwrench sit-out powerbomb.


Junior Member
This Hulk Hogan versus John Cena was a thing at WM25 like seriously. If it wasn't I am sure wwe would have came out and said something.

I would have taken that over the snore fest of Orton vs HHH.

Jamie OD

Haven't decided to order the National Pro Wrestling Day shows yet. But I did get ROH Year 1 & 2 and Ring of Hardcore in the mail today plus I got plenty of PWG on tap. So either way a lot of wrestling will be watched today.



WCW Monday Nitro 9/11/2000

EARLIER TODAY. A limo arrived. Crowbar and Daffney (and Ozzy) congratulated David on his big night. WHOOO.

TO THE BACK. Jeff claims all this is "sheer, outrageous vaudeville". I don't think Jeff has ever seen a vaudeville show.

Tonight is the night. David and Stacy get married!

Filthy Animals vs Kronik WCW Tag Team Championships

Got damn, Tygress is looking hot as BALLS! Fuuuck. Konnan is wearing a cowboy hat. Konnan, Disqo, and JB are on commentary tonight. I'm trying to get a shot of Tygress without dudes in it. Disqo says Juvi is "total nonstop action". Lol. They're in a huge arena that is clearly half full based on how dark most of it is. Konnan says something about how there won't be any face full of stuff tonight because Kronik didn't want to sell it. A Harris Brother comes out with a hand held camera when the other hits Crush with the TV camera. Disqo does a Chart Buster on the floor to Wrath, which seems like it'd hurt him more. Juvi hits a 450, but Wrath kicks out. The thought of a Kronik/Harris Boys home video makes me sad for humanity. The worst kind of porn is the kind with 4 stiffs and no one selling. Animals retain.


TO THE BACK. A white limo arrives. It's Stacy and her parents.


The same recap of Wargames 2000 is shown, with the same hornless ska music. The recap is for sure better than the match itself. Tony claims that Nash's win was one of the biggest SWERVES ever.

Show run down. The wedding. An update on Russo's condition. Apparently he's had 3 concussions in 3 months. He had brain surgery and we'll see video of it tonight!

The Cat and Ms. Jones come to the ring. Cat makes fun of brain surgery and says Russo's injunction to get rid of Cat's power was thrown out. The Cat is back in charge, baby! He was only out of control for one show. Nash vs Booker will now be a cage match at the PPV. Nash will have a title match against Steiner tonight! Ms. Jones books herself against Jeff Jarrett. This brings out Double J. He'll handcuff his wrists to prove that men are superior to women. So he's reverting back to his WWF wimyns hating gimmick? Cat and Jeff brawl. Steiner hits the ring.


TO THE BACK. Booker and Sting arrived.

Big Vito vs Reno Stick Ball Bat on a Pole Match

Cat decided during the break that Booker will ref the title match and Goldberg will be the special enforcer. Oh hey, another pole match. Oh, Russo. I believe this is the 4th pole match in a little over a month. There is a ref bump, which is completely useless in a match where the point is to get a weapon and hit your opponent with it. This led to JTB returning to save Vito only to SWERVE and turn on him. Reno wins. The rest of the NBT (minus Mike Sanders, who was suspended for his actions on Thunder) and lay a beat down on Vito. They did the Spirit Squad's finisher. Lol.

TO THE BACK. Cat bitches at Booker and Sting. They're calm to the point of not giving a fuck. Torrie heads to the ring. NWO 230498230 AOL V. 6.0 laugh about Cat's beat down. Booker, Sting, and Cat barge in their locker room and Cat says he'll fire them all if they don't do the title match tonight. Paula is with Madusa. She has a match with Torrie. I don't like Madusa. I've never liked her. Be it pre-WWF Madusa, Alundra Blaze, and post-WWF Madusa. I never thought she was a good wrestler.

Madusa vs Torrie Wilson


Mark says he'll lick Torrie's wounds. He also takes a shot at Jim Cornette just for fun. Shane comes in after one move and hits a belly to belly before putting her in the STF while Torrie shit talks her. Kidman hits the ring. Madden says Lou Thesz also beat up women. Madusa wants to add herself and Torrie to the scaffold match. Shane said "bitch" at least 40 times in the ring and on the mic.

TO THE BACK. Crowbar helps David get ready.


Jimmy Hart delivers a letter to Stacy. Her mom is pretty hot. She looks like Stacy, but with a 50 year old face and shorter. But you can tell Stacy is going to age well when you look at her. A limo pulls up, but Mike Awesome arrives in the Partridge Family bus. Steiner freaks out about not getting Goldberg tonight. Nash suggest they do the finger poke of doom finish. Scott doesn't seem to understand that he'd be the one to job.


Jeff Jarrett vs Ms. Jones

Cat puts the cuffs on Jeff and takes some cheap shots. Ms. Jones beats Jeff's ass for a while. She kicked Billy Silverman in the junk and then hit Jeff in the balls. Jeff STILL did a guitar shot even with his hands cuffed. Jeff Jarrett wins. He was going to do something with a chair, but Mike Awesome makes the save. In his blue leisure suit. How is anyone supposed to take Jeff as a serious threat when he can't even beat a non-wrestler woman without having to cheat?

TO THE BACK. Nash makes a diagram of how the match will go. He drew 3 legs for him and Scott's hand is long and next to his hips. Jeff comes in the office asking where his boys were when he needed them. Kev tells Jeff to go explain this to his retarded friend. "Retarded?" "Yeah. He is."


Jim Duggan comes to the ring. Again with the cancer talk? Jesus. Get over it, Jim. My dog had breast cancer 14 times. She didn't talk about it constantly. That bitch just wanted some bacon and a nap. She overcame cancer 2-3 times a year for 4-5 years. My dog was the John Cena of cancer survivors. He's announcing his retirement from the WCW and passes the flag on to General Donger. "They look like mother and daughter!" This brings Lance out.


Lance Storm vs General Rection

Non-title match. They're having a match at the PPV, which is 6 days away. I don't know why they're having a match right before it, but Shane and Kidman had 3 matches in a row before their PPV match. But then, I don't know why they had Nash beat Booker for the title 3 weeks before their big PPV match. Hugh misses he moonsault and is knocked out. Maple Leaf, but his hand is under the ropes. Duggan points it out to the ref. Jim hits Lance with the 2x4 while he was on the ropes, which sent him into a powerslam. Hugh wins. This is 3 losses in a row for Lance.

TO THE BACK. Stacy reads the letter she got earlier.

The wedding starts. Eh, maybe Stacy's mom isn't quite so hot. I believe Stacy will take care of herself a lot more, though. Crowbar is the best man, wearing a top hat and tuxedo shirt. David asks for Arn to come out. I love the late 90s Horsemen theme. SO good. The early 90s one was pretty lame, the mid 90s one was pretty boss, but nothing tops the late 90s one. Arn is telling David that it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. He also tells her to hide some of the money from the wedding. This money is for when he needs to run away. David asks for Ric to come out and be the best man. He's here! Rick now has David's hair cut. So weird seeing Ric with short, spiky hair.


A whole host of lawyers and cops come out to ringside. JB hops in the ring. Vince Russo took out a restraining order on Ric Flair that said he couldn't be within 100 feet of the arena. But Russo isn't there. Do restraining orders work like that? Would Russo need to be there for that? Stacy leaves the ring. Runaway bride!

TO THE BACK. Cops place Ric in a car. Arn says he'll take care of it.

We see all 3 of Russo's concussions. The cage match with Flair, Vito beat down, and during Wargames 2000.

TO THE BRAIN SURGERY. Russo had a blood clot in his brain. This doctor is boring as FUCK. He should have had charisma surgery. There weren't even clips of a brain. Just x-rays.


Sting vs The Harris Brothers

Russo booked this from the hospital or something. You know the spot where a guy gets in the ring and his opponent kicks or lifts the ropes to rack him? Sting did that spot. The main difference was that he grabbed the second rope when the Harris Brother stepped over the top rope. They beat on Sting with chains until Kronik hit the ring with chains of their own. Sting wins.

TO THE BACK. Jeff tries to convince Steiner to do the job. Stacy paces in her locker room. David has everything reset and wants to redo the wedding. Stacy is iffy on it all.

. This minister is clearly a Southern Baptist. So hammy. Stacy objects to it all. She reveals that David is not the father! YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER! Stacy runs away again.


TO THE BACK. Stacy hops in a limo and bolts. Awesome brings Paula to his bus. He was totally going to hit that. Jeff ambushes him, fights him off, and then the NBT attack. Gene is with Steiner. He ain't laying down for nobody. I can't understand ANYTHING he's saying. Even more than usually. Something about the axis being at 47 degrees vertically because his freaks can see the big dipper and know size matters horizontally and everything is fine when he goes behind....I don't fucking know. It made less sense than normal. It was awesome. I want him to go on the Rogan/Deathsquad podcast circuit. Can you imagine a podcast with Joey Diaz, Scott Steiner, and Bert Kreischer?

Scott Steiner vs Kevin Nash WCW Championship

Booker is ref, Goldberg is enforcer. Nash tries the finger poke. It doesn't work. Steiner pokes back. They have a real match until the attack Booker. Why isn't Goldberg stopping this? He does, eventually, after Charles Robinson comes out. Nash beats up Goldberg on the floor, Steiner beats up Booker on the floor. Now they're double teaming Bill. Seems like Booker should have called for a DQ 3 minutes ago. It might as well be a tag match now. Steiner gets knocked off the apron into Cat. Someone throws something in the ring. Goldberg sees who did it and SCREAMS at the guy, who clearly shit his pants and tried to hide behind his woman. The bus arrives with Jarrett and the NBT. Nash slams Book's head through the windshield of the bus. Goldberg is handcuffed to the grill so Steiner can beat on him. Goldberg RIPS THE GRILL OFF, but we're outta time!


The card for Fall Brawl is looking like this:

Booker T vs Kevin Nash WCW Championship Caged Heat
Scott Steiner vs Goldberg
General Rection vs Lance Storm Canadian Championship
Filthy Animals vs NBT WCW Tag Team Championships
Shane Douglas/Torrie Wilson vs Kidman/Madusa Pittsburg Plunge Scaffold Match
Harris Boys vs Kronik Chain Match
Sting vs The Great Muta vs Vampiro
Jeff Jarrett vs Mike Awesome Bunkhouse Brawl

Besides the chain and scaffold matches, this is a pretty good line up. Steiner/Goldberg was probably the only real "holy fuck, I have to see that" match WCW had at the time. It probably should have been done at Starrcade.



Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You know what I would like to do? The reverse of Strobogo

Recap Heyman era OVW, but finding all the episodes would be impossible. I could relive Matt Cappotelli's really sad progress, Damien Sandow's terrible gimmick, Mark Henry eating pizza, Punk and his guyliner.
stro, i had Scott Steiner vs Goldberg on my "match of the day" list. have you seen it yet? if not, i'll hold off to avoid spoiling it.
I have. It's awesome.

nice. it's one of my favourite late WCW matches. just 2 huge dudes ragdolling each other around the ring.

match of the day:

Goldberg vs Scott Steiner - Fall Brawl '00


"(...) see, there's only two things i care about, Mean Gene... my freaks and my peaks! and after i beat his ass, i'm going back to the hotel, because i'm a loaded sex pistol and i'm ready to explode."

Scott Steiner, a poet.


nice. it's one of my favourite late WCW matches. just 2 huge dudes ragdolling each other around the ring.

It's probably the best match for all of 2000 and 2001 from WCW. Bret vs Nash in January was really good, Sid vs Benoit was really good, Steiner vs Jarrett was shockingly good, but Goldberg vs Steiner was balls out awesome. I remember Nash vs Booker from FB being really good, too, but we'll have to see.

Steiner vs Goldberg is the perfect template for "big dudes throwing bombs sprint" match. Cena vs Batista came close. Goldberg/Brock could have been that. There aren't nearly enough of that style of matches.
Seeing Goldberg just makes me dislike Ryback.

What a difference.

it's not hard to book Ryback like Goldberg, but Vince screwed up.

Goldberg didn't talk, didn't need "feed me more" style chants, didn't need to get mixed with main eventers early on or fight local 100lb talent. he just showed up and destroyed someone while screaming at the audience:


the moment Ryback went "FINISH HIM", he jumped the shark.
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