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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Is it racist if I want to see a match between Mark Henry and Biggie Langston?

No, but Mark Henry would make Big E Little E.

New Paige



I bet you like Bo Dallas' "The Bo-neyard" Belly to Belly.

Hey, that move has a great lineage. Mr. Wrestling II taught it to Magnum TA, who taught it to Shane Douglas, who taught it to Judy Bagwell, who taught it to Bo. Have some respect.

As for Khali, he genuinely bums me out. I don't know why they can't just have him do backstage stuff and skits or something instead of wrestling. Even though he rarely even goes off his feet, the dude looks like it takes all the effort he has just to make it to the ring. He looks like he's going to fall over and shatter at any time. Traveling must be horrible for him. Does Big Show let him ride on his giant bus? He shouldn't be on house show duty. Just travel for the TV shows they need him on. Just let him be the full on WWE Indian ambassador and stop making him get in the ring. He's like Andre in 1990/1991.


Looking at those Smackdown spoilers, ADR is well on his way to turning into Sheamus/Cena
Being a jerk and pulling heelish stunts on your heel opposition so they can throw a tantrum is just what modern day faces do.
Be the best bully you can be!

(At least Ricardo gets beat up every couple weeks or so to give ADR some justification for pulling shit like this. That's more of an excuse than Cena/Sheamus ever gave us.)
For the first time in a long time I returned to DDPYoga tonight. I've been sick the last four days and sinuses started clearing today so I jumped in. I started off at 290. Lets see where this goes.
Only issues beyond coughing are this spot on my back that won't pop and has been bugging me and my right wrist hurts going to push-up position. I think that was from face bumps the other week. Not sure about the back. I'm hoping bumping the ring gets it loose. I can usually work any back stuff out between the ropes and the ring.

Hoping for the power of Page!
Kassius Ohno took his name from Cassius Clay and Apollo Anton Ohno.

So did Big E Langston take his name from Biggie Smalls and Langston Hughes?
Not sure about that, but Dolph Ziggler got his from hise heroes, Dirk Diggler and Adolph Hitler

EDIT: Wait, what the fuck, did bean breath forget to change between alt accounts or did he mean to respond to himself conversationally?
Not sure about that, but Dolph Ziggler got his from hise heroes, Dirk Diggler and Adolph Hitler

EDIT: Wait, what the fuck, did bean breath forget to change between alt accounts or did he mean to respond to himself conversationally?

When the thread isn't moving in the direction that you prefer there are four courses of action:

1. Bitch

2. Moan

3. Snitch

4. Quote yourself to give your posts the appearance of a lively discussion.
The Rainmaker is just a normal short arm clothesline, which is a super duper common move in puro. There is nothing about it that sets it apart from anyone else doing it. I don't get it. It isn't even as good as Jake's short arm clothesline. You guys act like it is some super awesome move, but it's just a normal move that pretty much everyone in Japan does.

It's the set-up, which allows for some pretty intricate counter back and forth sequences - go and watch Okada vs Goto from last year, when Okada goes for the Rainmaker (and at this point no one has managed to counter it) and Hirooki just fucking shoulder blocks him out of it, the crowd goes mad. Same goes for the crazy back and forth finishing stretches in his matches with Anderson & Tanahashi. It's awesome because you don't know what's going to happen until he hits The Rainmaker, at which point it's over. Also, I'm a sucker for moves with a lot of impact, and you say it's not a very good short arm clothesline, but I would disagree. It may just be a fancy transition into a normal move, but it isn't built as a normal move and the crowd certainly don't think of it as that.

Whenever Shawn Michaels or anybody who did a super kick, there would be a loud clapping noise on impact, Does the kick actually make that noise? I feel really dumb asking this question for some reason. There has to be an explanation behind this.


So not worth it
Alot of times wrestlers will slap their chest, clap their hands or stomp the mat when doing a move to make it sound like there's an impact, when in fact there is none or a very mild one.


Alot of times wrestlers will slap their chest, clap their hands or stomp the mat when doing a move to make it sound like there's an impact, when in fact there is none or a very mild one.

Some time it better than others. I have always thought that Alberto Del Rio was damn good at the leg slaps.


Looking at those Smackdown spoilers, ADR is well on his way to turning into Sheamus/Cena

Not really, faces not being squeaky clean isn't really exclusive to Cena. That's a whole host of problems, which included their heel enemies constantly being more sympathetic and reasonable than them while they, the faces, were the childish, often racist or ignorant bullies (all while your incredibly biased commentators weakly justified their bullying). Big Show is a straight up asshole as a heel, Del Rio is retaliating in this case.


Not really, faces not being squeaky clean isn't really exclusive to Cena. That's a whole host of problems, which included their heel enemies constantly being more sympathetic and reasonable than them while they, the faces, were the childish, often racist or ignorant bullies (all while your incredibly biased commentators weakly justified their bullying). Big Show is a straight up asshole as a heel, Del Rio is retaliating in this case.

One thing about Big Show that I've always enjoyed are his heel promos. The guy knows whats up.
One thing about Big Show that I've always enjoyed are his heel promos. The guy knows whats up.

I never thought WWE could get me to accept Big Show main eventing in 2012/2013?!
But it's happened, Show plays his current role well, it's a different kind of monster heel, like he's actually got some grey matter working up there instead of just wrecking shit.


I never thought WWE could get me to accept Big Show main eventing in 2012/2013?!
But it's happened, Show plays his current role well, it's a different kind of monster heel, like he's actually got some grey matter working up there instead of just wrecking shit.

Oh you want a tip?! Get a better job!



WCW Thunder 9/27/2000

We'll find out who actually won the title match on Nitro. But to open the show, we'll get Disqo first. He tries to bring out his new partner, but Konnan comes out instead.

Konnan vs Disqo

Bleh as fuuuck. Konnan. Fucking Konnan. I wish his kidneys had died years earlier. Holy fuck, it's ALEX WRIGHT! Disqo wins with help from Das Wunderkid! The Dancing Fools are back, baby! He shaved off the Berlyn hair, but kept the side burns.


TO THE BACK. Mike Sanders looks for The Cat. He's not in his office, so he looks for Russo. He also isn't in the office. Vince Russo's office is the same as Cat's set up and decorations. Doug Dillinger asks him what the fuck he's doing in there, but Sanders has a note that says he's in charge tonight. Double J heads to the ring. The NBT are watching a replay of Nitro in Sanders' office. Mike decides to make a hardcore tournament to crown a new hardcore champ. Steiner and his YAK arrive. He's looking for Booker and Goldberg. He then beats up the Disqo Duck while screaming "I HATE DUCKS!" Hugh talks with AWOL. AWOL forgot to pick up the rest of the MIA.


Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring. He's bitching about Sting and stuff. Lex Luger comes out of the crowd. Lex says he regrets his decision to help Russo. General Rection also comes out. He forgives Lex because he knows what it's like to have to fight to get back on TV. Lance slips in and attacks Hugh. "The heart and soul of WCW, General Rection." Lol, what? Hugh Morris is the heart and soul of WCW?

TO THE BACK. Lex and Hugh talk. I think they've agreed to have a tag match. The NBT are still watching a replay of Nitro. Leia Meow is brought into the office. I think he's going to rape her. He pulls her off her appearance on the Lava Lamp Lounge. Gene is with the Animals. Juvi challenges Rey to a best of five contest.

Sgt. AWOL vs JTB Hardcore Tournament Semi Final Match

I don't know how it is the semi finals in the first match, but whatever. The Bull press slams Wall. Chokeslam through the table for the win. Screen goes to a tasteful black and white since Wall was busted open. Steiner runs in and gets rid of both of them and starts screaming at the announcers. Stevie Ray wasn't playing that shit and got up, but got hit with the pipe.

. The Love Bus has arrived. He just leaves it running and parked in the middle of a road. What the fuck. This is his normal way to park his bus. In the middle of a road, still running. Sanders sends Reno on a mission. Trainer checks on Stevie. He's looking (coming) for you (Steiner), sucka (nigga)!

TO THE LAVA LAMP LOUNGE. Midajah is his replacement guest. Awesome tries to get a little too close. Leia Meow shows up and YAK FIGHT. lol, Steiner Recliner!


. Crowbar arrives. Jimmy Hart asks him what's wrong. Then tells him that Daffney and Ozzy are heading to Australia. Gene is with Steiner and Midajah. Hacksaw is on WCW.com ranting. He's angry on the internet!

Oh gross, Konnan is filling in for Stevie Ray.

Jindrak/O'Haire vs Elix Skipper/Jim Duggan WCW Tag Team Championships

Scary double hip toss. Elix didn't duck his head until the last second. More of those heel vs heel matches WCW loves. Gunns tries to hit Elix with the 2x4, Duggan stops her, but she crotches him anyway. AWOL showed up to chokeslam Elix. NBT retain.


DURING THE BREAK. Hacksaw and AWOL fought all the way to the back. Sanders Sends Prime Time back out for another match since he has booked himself against Elix next week.

Elix Skipper vs Kronik.

Elix just lays down, hoping that will be enough. Kronik leave the ring, and Skipper stupidly tries to plancha them. He just bounced off of them. Kronik have a new move. Wrath does a Razor's Edge that Crush catches into a full nelson slam. It looked stupid. High Times. Kronik win.

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Juventud Guerrera Match 1 of Best of 5

Juvi appears to have hurt his knee when hits legs hit the ropes off a monkey flip. Rey can still go, but Juvi looks like he still isn't used to the extra muscle he put on while he was out hurt. The match went maybe 3 minutes. I don't know if it was declared a no contest or a count out victory for Rey.

. Stevie Ray is getting taped up.

Crowbar vs Reno Hardcore Tournament Semi Finals

Poor sad Crowbar. He's been friendzoned harder than Zack Ryder. This match was so boring. Reno wins with a Roll of the Dice after JTB interfered. Mike Awesome made the save.

TO THE BACK. Crowbar freaks out about his lady problems, which is good, because that's Mike Awesome's specialty.

TO THE INTERVIEW. Tenay talks with Vince Russo. Russo is in possession of the title and says he's the WCW Champion. WCW has this crazy finish for their title match on Nitro with no clear winner and say they'll figure it out on Thunder, and they way they do it is with a prerecorded interview and nothing in ring. Russo is retiring from active competition. Russo has something on Ric Flair and his family, and if Ric doesn't back off, he's going to drop the bomb. He wasn't involved with Lex interfering. Russo says he isn't a woman and Tenay isn't going to talk to him like that, so he books Mike Tenay in a match on Nitro.


. Steiner and Midajah head to the ring. Reno celebrates with the NBT. Gene is with Lex and Hugh.

Scott Steiner vs Stevie Ray

Lol, they cut to a shot of a fan in a Psychosis mask and Hulkamania shirt. Tenay is freaking out that he's going to have to wrestle. Maybe he shouldn't have been a dick to everyone all the way up to his boss. Steiner wins, even though he had to have Midajah, a low blow, and a pipe shot to beat a dude with a concussion.

Lance and Jeff head to the ring. Hugh and Lex look longingly at each other.

Lance Storm/Jeff Jarrett vs General Rection/Lex Luger Non-Sanctioned Match

It's not sanctioned because Lex isn't on the active roster. Since when does that matter? Lex comes back and is immediately in the main event. On Thunder, but still. What a surprise, Lex SWERVES Hugh. He can't even get Hugh up for the Torture Rack. Lex has Ryback muscles. Lance AGAIN knocks Hugh out with the Maple Leaf. That move is like instant KO for Hugh.


Remember that no interference rule? I must have been completely dropped since every match now has interference and weapon shots in front of the ref and no DQs are called. But Vito's sister jumps in the ring and that's a stoppage.


Not really, faces not being squeaky clean isn't really exclusive to Cena. That's a whole host of problems, which included their heel enemies constantly being more sympathetic and reasonable than them while they, the faces, were the childish, often racist or ignorant bullies (all while your incredibly biased commentators weakly justified their bullying). Big Show is a straight up asshole as a heel, Del Rio is retaliating in this case.

Yep. Not striking first or being disproportionate in the return blow is the key here. Big Show assaulting Ricardo several times in a row effectively gives Del Rio enough karmic buildup to blow up his bus or attempt vehicular homicide without diminishing his status as a face.


So not worth it
The WWE tryouts at NXT this past weekend were described as grueling as hell and very physical. One wrestler noted that it was the toughest time of his life.

One talent who paid to be in the tryouts quit in the middle of the first day. There were between 10 and 14 injuries suffered over the weekend and a source noted that most of the guys that got hurt were non-wrestling guys who came in thinking they were tough.

No word yet on who will be offered deals but officials at the tryouts said they would be making offers in 2-4 weeks.

Popular wrestlers who attended the tryouts include ROH TV Champion Adam Cole, Maria's boyfriend Mike Bennett, DGUSA star Samuray del Sol, independent star Ricky Reyes, Northeastern wrestler Smith James and Luke Hawx from Extreme Rising. There was talk that Sami Callihan was there but that's not confirmed yet.

WWE will be inducting a celebrity into this year's Hall of Fame class. There was actually talk of inducting Madison Square Garden as a building. This year's class will be larger than usual.

Hall of Fame doesn't have a physical location, yet they want to induct a building into it. Hmmm.

MC Safety

I watched the NWO documentary on Netflix last night. It was pure insomniac theater, so I wasn't expecting much, but I was surprised at how halfhearted it was. It was only an hour long, featured no matches, and offered very little insight into the group, its formation, the storyline, or the NWO's decline.

Are all the WWE documentaries like that? I mean, a bland sort of cash grab with no real depth? (I probably shouldn't even call it a documentary.)


So not worth it
I watched the NWO documentary on Netflix last night. It was pure insomniac theater, so I wasn't expecting much, but I was surprised at how halfhearted it was. It was only an hour long, featured no matches, and offered very little insight into the group, its formation, the storyline, or the NWO's decline.

Are all the WWE documentaries like that? I mean, a bland sort of cash grab with no real depth? (I probably shouldn't even call it a documentary.)


Try Edge's, Punk's, Stone Cold's or one of the "Rise and Fall" ones.

-edit: Oh, and the Greatest Rivalries Shawn vs. Bret one.


I watched the NWO documentary on Netflix last night. It was pure insomniac theater, so I wasn't expecting much, but I was surprised at how halfhearted it was. It was only an hour long, featured no matches, and offered very little insight into the group, its formation, the storyline, or the NWO's decline.

Are all the WWE documentaries like that? I mean, a bland sort of cash grab with no real depth? (I probably shouldn't even call it a documentary.)

I thought The True Story of WrestleMania was great.


Yep. Not striking first or being disproportionate in the return blow is the key here. Big Show assaulting Ricardo several times in a row effectively gives Del Rio enough karmic buildup to blow up his bus or attempt vehicular homicide without diminishing his status as a face.

What did Del Rio do to warrant his car being stolen by Sheamass
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