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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


The concert and the first promo with Punk, I agree. I think he's improved a lot since then, the week before and after the Rumble I thought he was fantastic.

Comedy has been part of Rock's Schlick since like, 2001. I think he's managed to bring the intensity he was lacking last year back though. I don't have much hope for the Cena feud however.

I could have sworn he did comedy way better in 2001. Hell, even his return promo in 2011 was the best comedy he has done until today.


I agree Uber! Is Cena actually getting 450+ day championship run? I don't see that happening personally.
He's got to beat CM Punk's record. Can't let that one stand. If Vince McMahon could, he'd put Cena in a time machine and make him the youngest world champion instead of Orton and have him go over everyone in the Attitude era and give him Taker's WrestleMania streak.


Heels don't print money these days. Legends that people are nostalgic over and babyfaces with a fun chant bring in the dough.


He's got to beat CM Punk's record. Can't let that one stand. If Vince McMahon could, he'd put Cena in a time machine and make him the youngest world champion instead of Orton and have him go over everyone in the Attitude era and give him Taker's WrestleMania streak.

I just think that Cena's time to make that kind of run is over. I would hope Cena knows this as well. Ehh what you're saying rings true though, I hope Triple H can take over for Vince real soon.


Heels don't print money these days. Legends that people are nostalgic over and babyfaces with a fun chant bring in the dough.
All the more reason for Hacksaw to come back and work full-time.
He's a legend, perennial face, has two fun chants ("HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and "USA") and would give the WWE someone fresh they can job Cody to.

I just think that Cena's time to make that kind of run is over. I would hope Cena knows this as well. Ehh what you're saying rings true though, I hope Triple H can take over for Vince real soon.
Is Vince dying? Because that's the only way Trips is "taking over" any time in the next 15 years or so.
All the more reason for Hacksaw to come back and work full-time.
He's a legend, perennial face, has two fun chants ("HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and "USA") and would give the WWE someone fresh they can job Cody to.

I'd quit watching for real-real if Jim Duggan was back in a regular role.


I'd quit watching for real-real if Jim Duggan was back in a regular role.
See? That's another good reason to bring Duggan back. It would get more old school fans like you and me to stop watching the product.
I suppose Plan B would be to make The Great Khali and Hornswoggle the tag team champions and to put them over Rhodes Scholars, PTP and the Shield.


How can there be any money in it? Cena'd be so stale by the middle of that run, he'd be driving even the little Jimmies away.

That's pretty much what I think too. He's already sooo stale at his current state, how could he possibly keep a championship run interesting?


How can there be any money in it? Cena'd be so stale by the middle of that run, he'd be driving even the little Jimmies away.
Cena's already beyond stale and he just won the Royal Rumble and is main eventing WrestleMania.

If you ask me, modern day WWE jimmies and marks LIKE things to be stale. WHAT!
They don't want ANYTHING to change. WHAT!
They want the WWE to be one big never-ending series of Call of Duty games. WHAT!


That's pretty much what I think too. He's already sooo stale at his current state, how could he possibly keep a championship run interesting?

Punk will win at WrestleMania just like when Orton beat both Triple H and Cena in that triple threat many years ago.


Wasn't the whole Hollywood Rock in 2003 happened because he was basically Cena at the end of his 2002 run that ended with Brock getting more cheers thens him during there Summerslam match. Then in 2003 he did a promo via Satelite and was booed again. So him coming back in 2003 as a heel was a great thing to do.

Now in 2012 he can't be a heel because the fans all love him again no matter what he does because he is a huge star now.
Cena's title run is going to be the thing of nightmares for the IWC, because every heel you like will get fed to him.

Bryan, check
Cesaro, check
Henry, check
Punk, check
Jericho, check


Cena's title run is going to be the thing of nightmares for the IWC, because every heel you like will get fed to him.

Bryan, check
Cesaro, check
Henry, check
Punk, check
Jericho, check

Add Ryback (who I can see turning heel eventually) to that list, give everyone two matches and you have a 12 month run.


True but all he has to do is call the crowd fat and dumb and he will get boo'd surely?!

I don't even know if that would make the fans turn on Rock. Maybe if they paired him with Heyman and had Rock turn heel against the WWE. I could see Triple H vs Rock working to turn Rock heel since Triple H is universally liked by the fanbase and is also from the attitude era.

Oh wait, they already did that with Brock.


I can't wait for the triple threat matches with any two of those wrestlers! That'll sure as shit grind my gears.
And when he eventually loses the title it'll be due to a cheap attack by the RAW Money in the Bank winner so Cena won't really be putting the guy he eventually loses the belt to over and they'll be regarded as "undeserving of their push".

(Although we'll all still get a chuckle due to the one kid on YouTube that gets recorded having an emotional breakdown because Cena lost.)


And when he eventually loses the title it'll be due to a cheap attack by the RAW Money in the Bank winner so Cena won't really be putting the guy he eventually loses the belt to over and they'll be regarded as "undeserving of their push".

Gotta love WWE booking.

They haven't made a single star since Cena.
Surely Cena would turn heel after a 12 month title run, right? That kind of power goes to a man's head.

That would be a really cool way to turn him. He finally stops talking about overcoming odds and starts talking about being better then everyone. He realizes that he doesn't need the fans either because they never helped him win a match. He should also be paired with a hot piece of ass, I say bring back Maria. She smoking hot and her work in ROH has been one of the few bright spots lately. Case in point.


Look at dude in the first row staring at dat ass


That would be a really cool way to turn him. He finally stops talking about overcoming odds and starts talking about being better then everyone. He realizes that he doesn't need the fans either because they never helped him win a match. He should also be paired with a hot piece of ass, I say bring back Maria. She smoking hot and her work in ROH has been one of the few bright spots lately. Case in point.
What's wrong with just bringing back Nikki Bella to serve that role? They can make out in the ring. Cena doesn't neglect his woman (like all of the others) because she'll be on the road with him. It'll make D.Brine jealous. And on-camera relationships inevitably lead to nasty breakups. These are all good reasons to use her.
Cena turning heel at WM would make so much sense from every conceivable angle except WWE not wanting to give up his merchandising.

You could just completely rip off WM17 with Cena doing what he has to to win after failing last year, he'd get a massive heel reaction in NY and he'd be an incredible heel. It won't happen.
Other top-level heels have still had merch sell while they were on top, right? I never bought that excuse for Cena.

Cena is for kids though. I'm sure he could sell tshirts to adults as a heel but children are too stupid to cheer heels like us smarks

I think it has to do more with Cena being their official "Make-A-Wish" guy. Don't really want him being the bad guy, do you?

And this
God, imagine how great a Cena heel turn would be. He could beat the shit out of Rock and brag about how he ended his career to spite the people who booed him.
What's wrong with just bringing back Nikki Bella to serve that role? They can make out in the ring. Cena doesn't neglect his woman (like all of the others) because she'll be on the road with him. It'll make D.Brine jealous. And on-camera relationships inevitably lead to nasty breakups. These are all good reasons to use her.

Good points, but Nikki is no Maria in the looks department and Maria is the best manger in wrestling besides "The Golden Boy" B Arthur

Cena turning heel at WM would make so much sense from every conceivable angle except WWE not wanting to give up his merchandising.

You could just completely rip off WM17 with Cena doing what he has to to win after failing last year, he'd get a massive heel reaction in NY and he'd be an incredible heel. It won't happen.

He's going to get boo'd out of the building no matter what. I'm thinking it will be akin Hogan turning heel at The Bash, except Cena will still be a face. The ring is going to be full of garbage and Cena is going to need a police escort to the back.


Bret Hart said he could tell that Cena is going through what Bret did.

Something along the lines of "fans think he's stale, he's been the good guy for far too long, but he's genuinely a good guy which would make a heel turn hard for him. He would have to turn his backs on all the little kids that like him."

The bolded seemed to be the biggest reason why a heel turn can be hard for a babyface.
Possible Summer Slam spoiler that's gonna make the IWC cream itself.

WWE is already planning for this year's Summerslam event which is scheduled to take place in Los Angeles again, and is looking to possibly book a Brock Lesnar vs. Rock match for the show. The reason being that both have mainstream appeal, and that with them in a featured spot, the local Hollywood community could get more involved with the event. An example would be having celebrities appearing at the WWE AXXESS event.

Nice this will be my 3rd Summerslam in a row. Hopefully Punk is on the show though, at least the preshow
Bret Hart said he could tell that Cena is going through what Bret did.

Something along the lines of "fans think he's stale, he's been the good guy for far too long, but he's genuinely a good guy which would make a heel turn hard for him. He would have to turn his backs on all the little kids that like him."

The bolded seemed to be the biggest reason why a heel turn can be hard for a babyface.

Bret Hart is a mark for himself. It's unbelievable.

Kids could get over your ass turning heel, Bret


I think it has to do more with Cena being their official "Make-A-Wish" guy. Don't really want him being the bad guy, do you?

They don't seem to care about having in-ring bullies do promotional work for their anti-bullying campaign, so what's the difference?


The biggest problem with Cena turning heel is, the company has no one to take his place. When Hogan turned heel in WCW, they had guys like Sting to take his place. WWE has no one on Cena's level to take his place if he turns heel. I think Ryback is being groomed to potentially take Cena's place when he retires five or so years down the line, but he's not there yet.
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