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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

The biggest problem with Cena turning heel is, the company has no one to take his place. When Hogan turned heel in WCW, they had guys like Sting to take his place. WWE has no one on Cena's level to take his place if he turns heel. I think Ryback is being groomed to potentially take Cena's place when he retires five or so years down the line, but he's not there yet.

Sheamus could easly. He is cena lite. .

Heel cena vs super sheamus coil be alot of fun.


Still better than the alternative by a landslide.

I really don't hate Cena that much as a wrestler, I just hate his material and booking. I'm pretty sure he could really shine in a new role.
The alternative being him as a top main event face? I dunno, I guess but that's not saying much. His ring work can be okay in certain matches, but it seems like he mails it in and just falls so complacent in his work. Counts for the most boring of matches.

It's also pretty sad the next in line face would be Ryback.


Face Sheamus vs. Heel Big Show was great. Sheamus makes a good face when they're not making him do dumb shit like steal cars and shoehorn in Irish stories.
Felt better than the Del Rio-Sheamus feud, but that is because they didn't keep jobbing Show out like Del Rio was getting. You ask, why the shit is he constantly getting fed like that? Looks like a fool, circa the Christian-Orton crap they had. Ever since he lost it away to Show, we see Show is still having some success with Del Rio now and Sheamus is just floating with nothing and inserted into the Shield-Cena thing for really no reason.


Hogan still did Make A Wish stuff after he turned heel. I don't see that being a valid argument when wrestling has been acknowledged as fake for decades now.


Hogan still did Make A Wish stuff after he turned heel. I don't see that being a valid argument when wrestling has been acknowledged as fake for decades now.

I agree I don't see the problem either


you'd be surprised how many little jimmies/jennies have no idea wrestling is scripted.


Simply delicious.


If you submit a wrestler, you must also agree that whoever WINS this WrassleGAF Mascot Rumble, you need to change your avatar for a month to that particular wrestler. You "bet" by making a submission, the payout is the winner.


I accept! I accept the match you just proposed, Sunflower.


That's one way to turn him heel. Teaming with the shield since he can't beat the rock or punk on his own( per his recent promos)
Would make for an amazing (and legitimately shocking) turn of events heading into WrestleMania. Cena turns on Sheamus and The Ryback at Elimination Chamber - aligns with The Shield. Electric build to WrestleMania with Cena as heel to face Rock. Rock loses and Cena gets the negative reaction he would have received regardless. Transitions into super hot programs versus Sheamus and Ryback. Dwayne takes out Brock at Summerslam and swears revenge against Cena to set up a final showdown match at WM30 in New Orleans. Cena turns back face after the Shield turn on him ala Legacy. Cena wins against Dwayne again. Next up... we have a face Cena vs. heel Ambrose program.

Yeah, none of the above is happening.



WCW Thunder 10/4/2000

EARLIER TODAY. Torrie distracts the NBT so Shane can talk to Sanders. Not sure why she needed to, since Sanders would have listened regardless.

Wait a second, this is in California. They said multiple times on Nitro that this Thunder would be from Australia. COUNTRY SWERVE!

Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring. Stevie Ray says he's been told that he will be terminated if he interferes in a match again. He's got some words about Sting. Not about Booker, but Sting. They're really running a "is Sting washed up?" angle in 2000 when TNA still uses him weekly in 2013. Lol. He makes a strong argument that Sting lost his love and desire for the business. I agree. Sting looked like shit this year because he clearly didn't give the slightest of fucks about wrestling in WCW. Vince should have made an offer in 2000. I bet he could have convinced Sting to jump to somewhere where he could actually enjoy his job again. Beetlejuice comes out. He's becoming a regular character. This is NONSENSE. He does the Fargo Strut! Jeff is about to put the figure four on when...


TO THE BACK. Booker T was about to head out when Steiner attacked him.

In the ring, Sting is now brawling with Jeff. They go to the outside where a fan in a Sting mask hits Sting with a pipe. It was Shane Douglas! "YEAAAAH, Sting my ASS!" Jeff Jarrett brings the unintentional gay to everyone involved in his segments. Figure four on Beetlejuice.

Stevie checks on Booker getting put in the ambulance. HE AIN'T GOT TIME FOR THAT! Stevie is going to stay and take care of business. Steiner is busting shit up in his locker room because he's happy, I think. Midajah tells him to chill out and says she has a plan.

Jim Duggan vs Sgt AWOL


Duggan points out how stupid and complicated the US flag is compared to the greatness of the Canadian Maple Leaf. Canadian Stampede on the ring post! Reno gets involved and it leads to a Duggan powerslam through the table for the win. HOOOO!!!

TO THE BACK. Midajah says Steiner wants fresh meat. She's got something booked for Steiner. Paula is with Sting. Sting ain't washed up, YAK. He's gonna fuck Shane up tonight.

Did you know that WCW had an online companion to their shows where you could chat with other fans and see exclusive content and interviews? Sound familiar?

Mike Sanders comes to the ring. He's such a douche. Comfortable on the mic doesn't mean good on the mic. Lex is in the crowd. Sanders has an idea to get rid of Goldberg forever. He signed a match for Goldberg at Halloween Havoc. Kronik come out and put Mike in High Times, but let him go. SWERVE! Kronik are heels again. They started as heels, got dicked around with Russo, so they turned face. Then they kind of went back to heel before going full face. Now they are full heels again and not just dudes who take money to deliver beatdowns. They've been around as a team for 6 months.

Paula is with Team Canada. Prime Time built that house. HE AIN'T GOING OUT LIKE THAT. Lance is going to take Prime Time's rematch. David heads to the arena with a dude in a suit.

The Jung Dragons vs Scott Steiner

Those quackin YAKS always causing trouble. Steiner slays the FUCK out of those dragons. Double Steiner Recliner for the win as the YAKS fight.


Konnan is thrown into the NBT office. Ugh. More out of sync audio. It doesn't even make sense that the commercials are cut out, but the audio isn't. Who recorded this shit? You fucking prick! I don't know what was said, nor what Rey and Juvi said to Paula after that. Shane Douglas attacked them, though.

Lance Storm vs Mike Sanders WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Tenay flips out that Lance is way above the weight limit. He was the champ not even a month ago. And Mike Sanders says he weighs 255. Why doesn't Tenay think that is a problem? I don't know what the fuck is going on with this. It looks like 10 minutes were just cut out, but the audio stayed in, because Stevie Ray is now interviewing Lex Luger at ringside with no audio. Hugh attacked him and Lex ran off like a bitch. But this isn't the match, nor did the audio match up to it, so I don't know what the fuck or fuck.

. Konnan checked up on his Animal bros. Awesome now has Crowbar dressing like Fred Sanford. FIVE OF THESE WHERE YOU SNEEZE!

Highlight package of Goldberg's streak and title run. The streak can't work in 2000 when WCW didn't have 3000 wrestlers on contract. They're down to like, 40 tops, but more like 25.

Paula is with Kronik. No sound. Probably a good thing since Wrath was talking.

Lance Storm vs Mike Sanders WCW Cruiserweight Championship

WAT. I can't tell if this was a WCW production fuck up or whoever recorded this 12 years ago. Stevie gets angry that Mike and Tony stand for the anthem, so he leaves. "Are we going to play the whole anthem this time?....we must be really short tonight..." Lance is clearly bigger than Sanders, but Lance says he's 235 and Sanders claims to be 260 (despite the fact his title has a weight limit of 215). Canadians and NBT brawl. Lance gets the Maple Leaf on and Gunns rings the bell, which distracts Lane enough to let go of the hold. He gets rolled up with a rolling prawn hold. Hugh came out and beat up Lance, but didn't bother to take his YAK back.

Shane is talking with Jeff Jarrett.

Tenay talks with the MIA. Crash the Terminator is referenced, and Bill doesn't like being called Bill Demott. Hugh is bitching about all his injuries including brain damage severe enough that doctors told him to retire a year ago. This is stupid. All shooty nonsense about booking and stupid gimmicks or time given per segment. And real names. Chavo says the ratings prove that the MIA are over. Lol. Lash (minus ridiculous Cajun accent) says that they put on the best matches in the business and are the work horses of WCW. LOL. Then they bring it back to kayfabe stuff with Duggan turning on Hugh. Hugh can't walk, can't hear, can't see. What the fuck. He's a zombie, bros. No Tenay faces.


Sting gets pumped up.

NBT vs Mike Awesome/Crowbar WCW Tag Team Championships


Why do they get a title match? This is their first match as a team. "Mike, we are two wild and crazy guys!" *Takes a bump* "Why they britches so tight?" Awesome and O'Haire get into a chop battle. This goes on forever and then the recording ended. End of show, I guess. Remember earlier when I said the guy who recorded this did a shitty job and was a fucking prick? I take it back. He did a good job.


I definitely don't hate The Rock - I have enjoyed him in every movie I've seen him in, seems like a pretty OK dude in real life.

As far as his wrestling character nowadays (and really, back in the Attitude Era), though? Not so much.


The problem with The Rock is that he isn't The Rock anymore. It isn't a PG or Attitude thing. He wasn't The Rock for 10 years, spent that whole time trying to avoid being The Rock, and he isn't that guy anymore.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is accurate. He isn't The Rock. He's Dwayne Johnson, the actor, playing the role of The Rock. Those are not the same.
The problem with The Rock is that he isn't The Rock anymore. It isn't a PG or Attitude thing. He wasn't The Rock for 10 years, spent that whole time trying to avoid being The Rock, and he isn't that guy anymore.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is accurate. He isn't The Rock. He's Dwayne Johnson, the actor, playing the role of The Rock. Those are not the same.

yeah he should be real like cm punk talking about hating wwe man he is so real it hurts my dick from all the suckin i do


Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is accurate. He isn't The Rock. He's Dwayne Johnson, the actor, playing the role of The Rock. Those are not the same.
Of course, he's not the same. It's not even the same gimmick. Even WWE.com acknowledges this.
Do you see a WWE Superstar profile for "The Rock"? No, you don't. You see a profile for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
Wrassle-friends, does IGF stream their cards in the U.S.? Genome 24: Muhammad Hussain Inoki's 70th Anniversary Battle features the great Bob Sapp and some Bad MMA stars, and I'd like to watch.

Nope, as far as I can tell they don't even stream them in Japan - New Japan are the only promotion to do international iPPVs so far. The IGF show should be on the net and up on dailymotion within a month or so, though.

And Stan Hansen's going to be there. Awesome;


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bootaaay what's it gonna take for you to refer to Stan Hansen by his Web 2.0 name, "Stansen"?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Alright my friends, it's time for the WrassleGAF Mascot Royal Rumble! This event will take place IN THE NEAR FUTURE but it needs YOUR help to be a success!

Here's how it works:

You pick a wrestler, current or from days of yore - any promotion, and submit it in the form below along with your GAF Username and your "verification code"

What is the verification code?
YOU will PM -ME- with a special code that you'll put in the box. It can be anything from n#5j190dp to "big dildos" - but the reason you PM the code to me when you fill out the form is so I can authenticate that it's your entry. I don't want someone saying "I pick Hornswoggle, my name is Soulplaya!" - so this adds an extra step, but keeps us nice and secure.

So what happens? I pick a wrestler and wait?
Pretty much. However you enter a blood pact with me and the rest of WrassleGAF - whoever wins the WrassleGAF Mascot Royal Rumble, you have to change your avatar to that wrestler. High stakes - what if Brodus Clay wins?

However, it's up to you if you want to select a SERIOUS WrassleGAF mascot or a SILLY one.

If we have more than 40 entries, people WILL get cut out - namely, ones I can't find in the community creations. It would behoove you and the rest of this event to pick at least somewhat popular or known wrestlers to ensure their inclusion. TNA, WWE, WCW, WWF legends, NJPW, AJPW, anything goes - as long as it exists out there.

So remember - fill out the form, PM me your verification code, and let's GET IT ON.

Here is the form:



Alright my friends, it's time for the WrassleGAF Mascot Royal Rumble! This event will take place IN THE NEAR FUTURE but it needs YOUR help to be a success!

Here's how it works:

You pick a wrestler, current or from days of yore - any promotion, and submit it in the form below along with your GAF Username and your "verification code"

What is the verification code?
YOU will PM -ME- with a special code that you'll put in the box. It can be anything from n#5j190dp to "big dildos" - but the reason you PM the code to me when you fill out the form is so I can authenticate that it's your entry. I don't want someone saying "I pick Hornswoggle, my name is Soulplaya!" - so this adds an extra step, but keeps us nice and secure.

So what happens? I pick a wrestler and wait?
Pretty much. However you enter a blood pact with me and the rest of WrassleGAF - whoever wins the WrassleGAF Mascot Royal Rumble, you have to change your avatar to that wrestler. High stakes - what if Brodus Clay wins?

However, it's up to you if you want to select a SERIOUS WrassleGAF mascot or a SILLY one.

If we have more than 40 entries, people WILL get cut out - namely, ones I can't find in the community creations. It would behoove you and the rest of this event to pick at least somewhat popular or known wrestlers to ensure their inclusion. TNA, WWE, WCW, WWF legends, NJPW, AJPW, anything goes - as long as it exists out there.

So remember - fill out the form, PM me your verification code, and let's GET IT ON.

Here is the form:



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
BTW you can also nominate GWF members if you so desire, since they already exist on my machine :p Except for Beefers and Dragonzord since they're dead.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So far some interesting contributions. You're all fucked if Bo Dallas makes it.
Entered. I was sorely tempted to pick Roderick Strong, just because of how ridiculous it would be to have 40 members all sporting his face as their avatar, but in the end I went for someone who has a chance of actually winning the Rumble.

Actually, now I think about it, I should have picked Zandig;


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I can adjust the entries, if you want Zandig instead...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Is there a Zandig CAW on 360?

I'm sure it's not tough to cobble one together if there isn't, but I bet there is. I'm willing to make a couple if they don't exist (whats up Freight Train) but I don't want to make 40.


Biggest problem I see with WWE turning Cena heel is still the same problem WWE has always had, shit booking/writing. Look at CM Punk. Probably one of the best heels they will ever have walk through their doors and they still cannot do anything appealing with him


*picks up the mic*

I have just given the contract to my client and he has HAPPILY accepted the offer to enter this WrassleGAF Mascot Royal Rumble. I'm going to keep my client's name a secret because I know all of you jabronies - Michael and Jerry "The King" I'm talking to you especially... - will mark out when you hear his (or her...) music after the countdown. Be prepared to give in to the love he deserves when he's alone in the ring pointing towards the NEOGAFMANIA sign.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Cmon guys don't be afraid! What if you WON with Dazzler-Version D. Brine?
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