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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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Well Austin won't come back for Punk or Cena just yet, but remember when he came back for Santino?

edit: LOL his fucking stunner sell


Santino was legitimately one of my favorite wrestlers for about 2 years. He made me laugh for real every time he was on screen. I don't know how he picked up multiple injuries with his style, but he hasn't been the same for quite a while. Still, dude was one of my favorite comedy guys ever for a 2 year period or so. His one sided feud with Austin was so good. At one point, a legit dream match for me was Colt vs Santino. I wish I still liked Colt as much as I used to. I think AOW kind of ruined his wrestling for me. Not because of the ads or anything (thankssssssss), but because it made his in ring character seem very..forced or something. I would have loved to seen 2004-2005 Colt vs 2007-2008 Santino.


Enzo favorited my tweet about opening up a SAWFT SWERVE ice cream shop after his wrestling career ends! It's the closest thing to Kanyon responding to me.




Santino was legitimately one of my favorite wrestlers for about 2 years. He made me laugh for real every time he was on screen. I don't know how he picked up multiple injuries with his style, but he hasn't been the same for quite a while. Still, dude was one of my favorite comedy guys ever for a 2 year period or so. His one sided feud with Austin was so good. At one point, a legit dream match for me was Colt vs Santino. I wish I still liked Colt as much as I used to. I think AOW kind of ruined his wrestling for me. Not because of the ads or anything (thankssssssss), but because it made his in ring character seem very..forced or something. I would have loved to seen 2004-2005 Colt vs 2007-2008 Santino.

Awesome gif! And yeah he is one of the comedy acts that can make me legitimately laugh on his own accord. It's a hard thing to do consistently, but he is so spot on with his mispronunciations, fake accent, corny PG friendly jokes, his actual move set and ring psychology, and his fantastic comedic timing. Yeah he's just a "comedy jobber," but he is so damn good, any belt run he would ever have he can make feel legitimate. I like his character so much I have no problem "yeah, sure Cobra, whatever, of course it does like 1000 damage."

Also feel the same way about Colt. I was introduced to him via AOW and interviews so watching his comedy act was super odd to me. Still enjoyed it, but I don't feel inclined to look up any of his matches.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Now is the absolute best time for a guy like Ziggler to push himself back into the spotlight. Go straight to Triple H and say, 'Punk's gone, Batista's terrible and can only work certain days, Del Rio gets zero reaction... I want another shot. I will bust my ass for that shot.' Unfortunately, that's not how WWE works now. Instead, Dolph will whine on twitter and whine on radio reviews instead of just manning up and telling Triple H upfront. Who has said multiple times in interviews, he responds more to guys who come and take the push rather than just expect it. (which makes sense given a certain KLIQ member's history of demanding pushes)



If you go back and watch Ambrose pin Langston, you can see Dean dragging his elbow over Big E's face and saying something to him.

Or in the parlance of Bryan fans, burying him.

He yells "That's what you get!"

It wasn't really Big E's fault. Reigns catches his eye on Big E's boot when he runs into Big E. It was a mistake and I'm sure Reigns isn't too upset about it.


If you go back and watch Ambrose pin Langston, you can see Dean dragging his elbow over Big E's face and saying something to him.

Or in the parlance of Bryan fans, burying him.

Ambrose was all like "wait till I tell my buddy Daniel Bryan and his dear friend Vince McMahon what you did, you're DONE, E."

The politicking never ends


Hulk's loyalty to getting Brutus as a tag along wherever he goes is one of the few admirable qualities Hulk has. I think it is interesting that Vince has never brought Brutus back even for a cameo.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Gotta be honest with you guys.

I had no idea The Disciple was Beefcake. How come Hogan couldn't get his more talented relative Mike Awesome a deal?


Finished RAW. Thanks a lot Punk, now we've got the Big Red Moron mixed up with Bryan? Ugh...

Yeah, finding out Brutus was the Disciple was pretty mind blowing when I was a teenager. His beard was legit.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It's like I've discovered yet another avenue to hate Beefcake for.



People didn't know Disciple was Brutus? It was mentioned on screen a lot. I guess if you didn't know his SHOOT name, maybe it didn't click. Especailly once the NWO angle died off and he was explicitly referred to as Ed Leslie.
Guys when does Archie time end, i'm going nuts over here. this was a bad idea. JTG didn't even make it halfway and he didn't even get his own music
Watching NXT and this is my first time seeing Bayley, I'm a fan
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's Bayley! Yeah i dunno about her once she debuts, but at least it could only be better than Emma's main roster debut
Serpentine, please. They were muted.
I could tell during the last match, they really jacked up the JBL! chants and muted the YES chants. fuck this company.


People didn't know Disciple was Brutus? It was mentioned on screen a lot. I guess if you didn't know his SHOOT name, maybe it didn't click. Especailly once the NWO angle died off and he was explicitly referred to as Ed Leslie.
There's only one "Leslie" in my book.


its bad enough that king's commentating has turned to shit, stop getting involved with wrestlers damnit!!! i suspect barrett will make a dodgy in ring return and have a mini feud with lawler until some cunt like kofi makes a save and hence buried
Raw sounds Awful. Emma debut botched? Dabrine feusing with Kane to setup HHH Mania match? Barret about to get buried by King? God fucking damn it. Panic mode E ia not bes E.
Just juxtapose Emma's silly dancing with her being a great wrestler in the ring against a heel diva. She'll get over real quick. Just saved The E two days worth of work.


So not worth it
How is her debut botched? They introduced her, they showed her dance, they've told commentary to put over her dance (unfortunatly they're 45+ year old geezers so that didn't quite work, but I appreciate the effort) and now they're doing the most entertaining match Emma did in NXT on the main roster.

The crowd isn't going to instantly care about a joke-character like Emma just because she has a funny dance, that works great in the NXT arena in front of a hundred people, but to get that to work in front of 10.000 people is a whole different ballgame.


How is her debut botched? They introduced her, they showed her dance, they've told commentary to put over her dance (unfortunatly they're 45+ year old geezers so that didn't quite work, but I appreciate the effort) and now they're doing the most entertaining match Emma did in NXT on the main roster.

The crowd isn't going to instantly care about a joke-character like Emma just because she has a funny dance, that works great in the NXT arena in front of a hundred people, but to get that to work in front of 10.000 people is a whole different ballgame.
Nice to see you throwing in your lot with a new diva crush now that AJ's about to be sacked courtesy of Baked Potatogate.

Meltzer is backing the "RAW crowd was muted" theory on today's Observer radio.
Reading about RAW.

Yup. Seemed like WWE got nothing. They just kicked the ball forward another week while they mull things over. Only thing for sure is AJ is about to get buried.


Thats if it doesnt get moved between now and then. Would not put it past the E.


If they were kicking people out for chanting CM Punk, then it makes sense why those chants didn't last long. Get a couple of chants in "oh shit they're coming, stop".

Wonder if they'll bother doing that in Chicago.
I doubt they'd bury AJ. Would they really want to piss off Punk and put a stamp on him not coming back?

It would be a really stupid move on their part.....though this is the WWE....so.......
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