Triple H is the best body actor in WWE. I mean he's awful at doing promos, wrestling, putting people over, etc. But his facial reactions and the way he moves his body to show emotion is great.
I remember one time my dad said something similar. In my country, the WWE/WWF was very popular in the Mcmahon/Hermsley era (it was broadcasted in public TV), so basically mostly of people knows who is HHH/The Rock (more than Austin, Taker, etc.); and even my mom still asking me if they are currently wrestling.
Anyway, I was watching Backlash 2000 and my dad said: "I really like to see how HHH is beaten, it seems like he is really hurt. It is entertaining".
I think that time I realized that being a good seller in wrestling was important (even if I didn't know the wrestling term to that feature).