Maybe Maryse has a great personality!
I am not really serious. Someone who mostly posts ass shots of himself is probably really shallow.
Guess that's makes Naomi shallow As well !
The quality on those Thunderlips vs Rocky gifs is unreal. So hi-def. So pretty.
Gifcam can do some amazing things if you already are using HD footage. 33FPS and, you got a stew going.
Why would you think that? How does showing people your ass make you shallow? That's unfair - this is like saying the only people who have depth are prudes. It doesn't need to be church! You can be sexual and have depth, fokes.
I am saying that if you only post pictures of yourself probably a narcissist and/or pretty shallow. At least it doesn't make me think that there is a lot to you if that's what your Instagram looks like. Is that pretty judgmental of me? Probably, but I kinda don't care.
good thing you didn't follow the hashtag #sunnysdickpix
Then you wouldn't take what I say seriously!
I give everyone a chance, but I don't have to socialize with Maryse and most likely never will.
PS: That Alpha Female match was on Xplosion. I just watched it and it was garbage.
buuuut it's Alpha Female. She's beautiful.
Watch WSU tomorrow then!
buuuut it's Alpha Female. She's beautiful.
World's Strongest hUman?
The more I look up Masahiro Chono, the more I wish I was more into Japanese wrestling.He is one of the stylish motherfuckers I've ever known in and out the ring. And his entrance songs hahaha.
I don't know where to start and where to even watch this sort of thing as it goes on.
Dat form , Dat punch . Jordan esq
March is officially roman reigns month
I don't know what the damn letters mean! They're a women's promotion and they're running a show with Alpha Female vs Jessica Havok tomorrow before CZW.
... I know cause we're doing staging and such. I'm going to be bored out of my mind. Savemegaf
VIP Signing Schedule
Thursday, April 3
6 p.m. Randy Orton SOLD OUT
8 p.m. Bret Hart
The fact that Orton is sold out but Bret isn't makes me a sad sad robot police officer.
Do you really want to meet current Bret Hart? When he was on one of the PPV pre-shows that made me sad.
Dope. I may grab it, it's here on iPPV:
Looks to be fun. $15 gets you:
International Dream Match
Jessicka Havok v. Alpha Female
Queen & King of the Ring Qualifying Match
Shanna & Chris Dickinson v. Candice LeRae & Joey Ryan
WSU Tag Title Match
Midwest Militia (Allysin Kay & Sassy Stephanie) (c) v. C.U.N.T.S. (Kimber Lee & Annie Social)
WSU Spirit Title Match - Title vs. Mask
Marti Belle (c) v. Ezavel Suena
#1 Contender Match
LuFisto v. Athena
Uncensored Rules Match
Mickie Knuckles v. Jewells Malone
Grudge Match
Jenny Rose v. Veda Scott
Also - Christina Von Eerie, Nevaeh, Hania, and more!
But AJ forcefully sticking her ass out during random points in a match makes her not shallow.
Gotcha, chief.
She's a TV character, she's not supposed to have depth. It'd be ridiculous to expect more. I'm sure she's a real person with real feelings though. It's not right to pidgeonhole people based on their TV character without knowing them.
Even has forgotten JTG exists. He'll probably be listed on their site for months after he's eventually fired or quits before they realize they need to pull him down.WWE posted an article titled 15 Superstars you forgot existed. I'm surprised JTG isn't on this list.
What are some wrestling podcasts to look out for?
No combo pack because I'm expensive.
... I have no idea why there's no combo pack this time
popozao popozao
goddammit bronson. now that shit's in my head!
What are some wrestling podcasts to look out for?
I'm a big fan of Fight Network's stuff such as Live Audio Wrestling and Review-A-(Insert Wrestling). LAW comes on Sunday night, right after PPVs and it's a great way to get immediate reactions and they always have interesting interviews. The Review-A-Wrestling stuff is great too. They always discuss Raw, Impact, and in Review-A-Wai they talk about random wrestling shows. At first I didn't like it because they always go off-tangent, but it grew on me and a lot of their stories are pretty funny.
Why do the push Big Show again and again?
Only wrestling podcast worth a damn is the Theszcast
I believe that was to be the "CM Punk" signing period
Only wrestling podcast worth a damn is the Theszcast
I believe that was to be the "CM Punk" signing period
Punk was replaced by ric flair
Smart Wrestling Fan is the one and onlyWhat are some wrestling podcasts to look out for?