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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Anyone here listen to Talk is Jericho? His 2 part interview with Chavo Guerrero was really good. Lots of emotional talk and details regarding Eddie's and Benoit's deaths, and Chavo taking a couple of jabs at John Cena and DX.

I listened to these a few days ago and don't recall jabs at DX or Cena.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
In Memory of Jesus Hubert Christ
2 BC- 31 AD



CWF 9-8-12

Cristian Wrestling Federation comes to you taped from bum frick nowhere Arkansas. The Nitro girl chorus kicks off the show with a beautiful rendition of "Praise to God, Immortal Praise" to get this ruckus crowd going.

This is the night after the big county fair so it's a pretty active crowd.

Pastor Rick comes out to tell us why we are all here tonight...to learn about a man...a man called S̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ Jesus. We all wrestle, we wrestle with the flesh, and the spirit in a three way match for the ultimate prize...our soul. Our main man Rick is interrupted by Rob Vaughn, the owner of CWF who tells the crowd to be a bunch of marks and boo and cheer for who they are supposed to, much like the WWE.

El Ricardo vs. Not Mike Quackenbush
The fake mexican is the heel of course because brown people, but he dominates the match early on with a series of bonita hip tosses followed by five minutes of posturing the crowd, friendly posturing!

Not Quack pulls out the beautful bulldog from the corner

followed by a heavenly Tilt-a-whirl Headscissor Takedown.

Not Quack is rolling as he works his way towards a Twist of fate for the uno, dos, tres!

He celebrates by cupping his hand to his ears and walking the ropes to hear the crowd. Stealing is a sin! See you in wrestling court!

5/5 thorns

THE CHAMP IS HERE! Out comes Ace Al, our reigning champ to cut a promo. Al gets a cheap pop by praising Arkansas and wants to tell the crowd a little story. Ya see, Ace wasn't bad...he was real bad when he was younger. He used to stamp his feet when he had to go to Sunday school! He hung out with bad dudes and did bad things and wasn't down with the big man. He then found God after someone was in a car accident or something. He wants us to date God I think, a lot of talk about being in a relationship with God but it's cool because God isn't exclusive.

PFC Graham and Major Inconvenience (Get it? Because he is an inconvenience because he is a heel? CWF is clever like that!) come out and call the crowd ugly, because lying is a sin. PFC calls out Ace for ducking him and calls him a paper champion before challenging him for the title. Ace asks the crowd if he should give PFC a match and they so no, so Ace agrees to the match anyways.

CWF Title match: Ace Al vs. PFC Graham
Ace starts the match with christian claps to get the crowd going, the first of several times. These two graceful warriors but on a clinic in strong style.

Eat your heart out Arn Anderson.

PFC Slaughter works his way back and drops the leg three times (the same amount of times that Peter denied Jesus) and will be joining not Quackenbush in wrestler court. Ace gets Slaughter in a firemans carry, which causes a ref bump to allow a VICIOUS use of weaponry.

PFC Slaughter uses the Scull Crushing Finale, because why not?

1..2..Ace summons the holy spirit and kicks out!

The match ends with a perfect looking spear and kip-up into a 1-2-3 (the same number as the holy trinity)

5/5 Nails

Flabby Colt Smith runs from the back to beat down Ace with PFC and Major. Inconvenience when Phil "The Real Deal" Bishop, wearing a killer leather vest comes out for the save. Phil tells Colt to "get his rear in the ring" and the match is officially under way.

Phil "The Real Deal" Bishop vs. Colt Smith
The battle of CAW's is a real burning bush. Colt spends the first 10 minutes ducking any physical contact with Bishop before a series of breathtaking catch-as-catch-can wrestling.
Colt takes the upperhand after a devistating SUPERKICK

Colt moves Phil to the top turnbuckle and hits a gorgeous looking superplex. Phil musters the strength to go for the pin first however, that's how much Jesus he has in his heart. Colt eventually gains the upper hand and ends with the Kelly Kelly special.

5/5 crucifixes

Our good friends PFC and Major are back to beat some tookus but don't have long before ACE makes the save and calls for a....


Yes Teddy, someone did say tag team match.

Ace Al & Phil Bishop vs. PFC Graham & Colt Smith
Ace and his patented christian claps start the match against Smith. This match is a real classic, I'll just let the gifs. speak for themselves.




Dominating the top rope like Jesus dominates the Devil!

Ace hits PFC with the spear/Jack Hammer combo which earns his team a victory, and him an appearance in wrestler court with the rest of his buddies.

5/5 cat of nails tails.

Real Deal grabs the mic and is ready for some real talk. Bad things happen. Satan is looking for a door to interfere in your life, much like Major did throughout the night. Life is a lot like wrestling, you need to prepare for your opponent. You may have a good job or get an A on a spelling test, but there is always the chance that something bad could happen in this eternal match for your soul and things could take a turn for the worse. Satan could pull a foreign object from his tights, which ultimately keeps the lord from winning.

JOHN 3:16 SAYS For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Question: What is sin?
Answer: Knocking over a 711, kicking a dog and video games.

"If you put video games before God, that is sin" - Phil "The Real Deal" Bishop

The crowd is getting rowdy at this point , so Phil tells them to "hush" because "This is the most important thing you will ever hear" PHIL IS SAVING FLIPPIN SOULS

Pastor RIck comes back and prays for 300 hours and asks people to raise their hand if they want the wrestlers to save their souls. At the end of the night, he claims that 50 people were saved , which is incorrect, it was 51.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Jericho is absolutely the worst thing about his podcast. He sucks. Chavo's nice, but Jericho is trash as far as podcasts go. He could learn a lot from Colt Cabanner.


Jericho is absolutely the worst thing about his podcast. He sucks. Chavo's nice, but Jericho is trash as far as podcasts go. He could learn a lot from Colt Cabanner.

Wrestler podcasts are exactly what you'd expect: Putting themselves over constantly, exaggerating things that were video taped and readily available to watch, and shilling for anything that will give them a buck.
Smackdown on NBC would pretty much mean Cena would start spending all of his time there, no?

Well, you want people who have actually proved they could draw on a national stage that look like stars instead of some weirdo that looks like he's in a alt-bluegrass band in Portland and works at a vegan co-op grocery store during the week.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ryback, you're wonderful.


"The Wake Up" so good.

Trojan X


Why on earth are people nitpicking about this picture when you have people like Stone Cold drinking beer, hardcore style, right in people's faces in many many matches and even hosing people with it? Who the heck care about the picture other than Punk and his sister looking very happy and they look great?! Gosh, people can be so stupid. Even if that was his bottle, don't you know that a bit of alcohol is actually good for your blood? Excessive and addictive alcohol drinking is the issue. Buka.


----- ------
Why on earth are people nitpicking about this picture when you have people like Stone Cold drinking beer, hardcore style, right in people's faces in many many matches and even hosing people with it? Who the heck care about the picture other than Punk and his sister looking very happy and they look great?! Gosh, people can be so stupid. Even if that was his bottle, don't you know that a bit of alcohol is actually good for your blood? Excessive and addictive alcohol drinking is the issue. Buka.

He's straight edge and better than you


lol Ryback's new move names

(In other news, I had no idea CWF was a thing.)

Why on earth are people nitpicking about this picture when you have people like Stone Cold drinking beer, hardcore style, right in people's faces in many many matches and even hosing people with it? Who the heck care about the picture other than Punk and his sister looking very happy and they look great?! Gosh, people can be so stupid. Even if that was his bottle, don't you know that a bit of alcohol is actually good for your blood? Excessive and addictive alcohol drinking is the issue. Buka.

It's because he's known for being Straight Edge, which means he refrains from drinking alcohol, among other things.
Why on earth are people nitpicking about this picture when you have people like Stone Cold drinking beer, hardcore style, right in people's faces in many many matches and even hosing people with it? Who the heck care about the picture other than Punk and his sister looking very happy and they look great?! Gosh, people can be so stupid. Even if that was his bottle, don't you know that a bit of alcohol is actually good for your blood? Excessive and addictive alcohol drinking is the issue. Buka.

2nd time in 5 minutes i use this gif:

Meltzer was saying if Punk doesn't come back on the RAW in Chicago he will probably not come back and let his contract expire. Punk was supposed to be on TV tomorrow for some Nerdist show but he will likely not appear.
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