Renee Young ‏@ReneeYoungWWE 32m
I feel like the dog butt combined with the milk bath has reached a whole new level. Let's all get used to it. Together. As a group.
It's her new Twitter avatar.
Probably "the other person in the picture owns the beer".
Meltzer was saying if Punk doesn't come back on the RAW in Chicago he will probably not come back and let his contract expire. Punk was supposed to be on TV tomorrow for some Nerdist show but he will likely not appear.
He's not coming back dude.
We must accept this.
Putting an ounce of liquor in a cup of sugar water is not the same as drinking real whiskey.
Well he is the devil's favourite demon, get exclusive access to the best magic.What's really crazy is that Kane looks to be in as good of shape now as TWENTY years ago. Fucking demon magic.
For those interested, here's the full AJ Panel at Wizard World New Orleans:
Nobody asked about Punk?
They were told not to. (Just like they asked the people at Punk's panel to not ask about "his personal (love)life")
At 1:50 someone plays Punk's theme song and AJ laughs it off. Later on somebody tells her to tell him they love him and that's it.
Was that person you?
Fuck, maybe I'm misinterpreting it but I finished Jericho's interview with Chavo, and my blood boiled when I hear "We still don't know what happened" - fucking stupid, stupid, stupid!
Yes we goddamn do.
For those interested, here's the full AJ Panel at Wizard World New Orleans:
What? About Benoit?
What, he needs to use both hands to operate his smartphone?
Here, I've recreated the rest of the image that's just out of frame:
Yeah. Fucking stupid.
I hate that goddamned show. Jericho fucking sucks.
Lol that was actually AJ's phone going off at 1:51 she has cult as Punks ringtone for a text XD
Nah mate, it was someone in the crowd.
I should get some shoots to listen to for the ride. Zandig is a must. I have the Ric Flair promo comps, about an hour of Macho promos, a handful of Warrior and Hogan promos, HARD TIMES, 24 hours of music, and probably more podcasts than I can listen to. But I like to be prepared. Recommendations please?
Meltzer said last night that pissed upper management in Wrestle-1 called him, asking if it was true that Russo was back in TNA. They said when they asked TNA, "they wouldn't answer."
I was expecting the heels to be like evil satanic dudes or stereotypes of sinners or something interesting, they were just generic jobber heels. They all came out and prayed with people! The fuck man!? CWF needs a new booker and I know just the man for the you for this wonderful CWF review Spider. I was entertained, probably more so than if I had actually watched that show. Question: Are all the heels atheists in CWF?
WWE Network needs an in-house Gif creator app. You know how many subs they would get based on that alone?
I close my eyes, beign to praynow give me that Ric Flair tongue gif.
Yeah. Fucking stupid.
I hate that goddamned show. Jericho fucking sucks.
Could you imagine the hell that would be nothing but Cornette shoots? I love listening to him but only in small doses - anything more and it just wears me out.
I think I remember Bam Bam Bigelow's shoot as being alright-to-good. Kind of in the realm of shoots, there's a lot of good Off The Records up in Canada that are on youtube that you can rip. McMahon, Taker, and more.
Chavo's an idiot. He's always had this inflated sense of self worth that is just baffling. A jobber to the stars with a modicum of skill that thinks just because his uncle was a huge star that he is too. "We still don't know what happened..."? He actually said that? What did Jericho say?
Jericho used to be in my all time fav five, but after his boring last comback and all his lame non-wrestling ventures I'm liking him less and less.
It took me 4 sessions to listen to his latest shoot on his time in TNA and ROHI would head for the nearest cliff and gun it.