El Pescado
I believe it was Jericho who said "We still don't know what happened" and Chavo saying "mhm mhm" - but I may have been misunderstanding. They might have been talking about the why, instead of what actually factually did happen. I dunno.
I mean, I guess Benoit could have accidentally got hung by his bowflex and Nancy could have beat herself to death after asphyxiating her son with the Crippler Crossface. ;/
This is all as ridiculous as the people who clamor for Chris Benoit in the Hall of Fame every year. Yes he was an amazing wrestler, but I never want to see his face again.
Pretty sure that's it, Jericho in particular has always gone on record how much Benoit loved his kid and just couldn't see how that person and the Benoit that murdered his family was the same person.
That I can understand. I can also totally see Chavo denying the whole thing even happened.