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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It's amazing that the Abyss now is the same guy as the Abyss from the mid 2000s. Guy was never a technical genius, but I always thought he played real well, did great mannersims, and for a guy who wasn't really that big, they did a great job of booking him like a mean monster without being 'big guy'. Mask jokes aside, he did feel like an inbetween of early Kane and brown shirt Mankind.

Shoulda put him with Kevin Sullivan instead of Mitchell.
Poor Goto :(

Great match, nonetheless. Hope to see Shibata & Goto go after the tag titles next. Not sure who steps up to face Okada, though - guess that will probably be decided by the New Japan Cup next month.


Missed most of RAW but saw bits of it. The tag match with Real Americans/Christian/Sheamus was great, but goddam the commentary was brutal. Vince is obnoxious. Then Ziggler jobbing to Del Rio, who jobs to Batista.

And did they really do another Cena-Orton match that devalued finishers again? Jeez, what a shittacular finish. Who books this? Orton losing again clean on TV is really killing any prestige the WWE title had left.


So not worth it

All this does is make me wonder what he'll add next.


Okada's entrance has to be a Monster Hunter reference. I have no other explanation.

He has the big ass sword and the monsters in those games are often influenced by dinosaurs.


It's actually promotion for BUSHIROAD's card game, he's the face of the campaign.

For the KinPuro cards? How does a dinosaur make sense in that context?

I am kinda loosing my patience with WWE. There is so little stuff that I enjoy watching right now. This WM season as a whole is so far just dreadful. Maybe I should just stick to New Japan for a while which is much more entertaining.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh my goddamn god, I can't wait to watch this NJPW show. Nothing can compare. Looks so amazing,

Also what's wrong with a baby bump?


For the KinPuro cards? How does a dinosaur make sense in that context?

I am kinda loosing my patience with WWE. There is so little stuff that I enjoy watching right now. This WM season as a whole is so far just dreadful. Maybe I should just stick to New Japan for a while which is much more entertaining.

That's just what they're going for in the commercials. Okada has a giant sword and there's a dinosaur.


welcome to another "wrassler decides to do shoot fighting" edition. love Gary Goodridge, very few guys had more entertaining value than him. look at him measuring his 25 inch pythons, brother.


who remembers this guy, hein? Sean O'Haire, who did some MMA post-wrestling, gonna try his hand at kickboxing. looks soft, no roids destroyed his physique. dude had everything to become a huge star in 2001 WCW but the death of the company put a stop to that. he would go on to have a cool gimmick on the WWE that amounted to nothing.


just want this gif to show how awesome K-1's "VS" graphics were.


fight begins and Sean comes in hard. that Power Plant training coming along well.


that pillow fisted bullshit has no fuckin effect on Gary, come on now. 30 inch python in action, standing 8 count.


Gary remembers he left some shit in the oven, uses his 40 inch python. Sean decides to nap for a good 5 minutes.


HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! oh man, hehe, Gary is awesome. look at him flexing his 50 inch phytons. Gary was glass cannon tough, and was always scorched by any B tier guy. seriously, any semi competent guy would destroy him. Sean found little sucess in combat sports, total can.







Jamie OD

In order to combat New Japan's entrances, at WM30 Randy Orton will enter with Barney The Dinosaur and Daniel Bryan will ride out on the bicycle from ET. Meanwhile TNA will rent out the DeLorean thinking that it hasn't been done yet. Twice.


I wound up falling asleep on Raw last night. Woke up and saw the Daniel Bryan / Kane segment though and fell back to sleep when I realized they were giving Cena / Orton nearly 30 minutes.

Did the crowd at least shit on it or did they get their fill of D-Bry?


So not worth it
I wound up falling asleep on Raw last night. Woke up and saw the Daniel Bryan / Kane segment though and fell back to sleep when I realized they were giving Cena / Orton nearly 30 minutes.

Did the crowd at least shit on it or did they get their fill of D-Bry?

Not too much, but some. Orton is getting increasingly fed up with the crowd reactions to him though (legit I think) so I'm just waiting for the guy to blow and beat up a fan.


Dieuseul Berto, what a name. Flynn was one the best martial arts guys on pro-wrestling, shame he never got a decent push. strikes to open the action, lovevly spinning kick by Flynn.


hooks the arm, locks the head and gets a takedown on Berto.


awesome armbar attempt by Flynn.


Berto escapes and they're up. Berto tries to pull a kneebar but gets countered with a kneebar by Flynn. rope escape and we're up again. another takedown by Flynn, working on an armbar. loses position and Berto attempts a kimura but gets reversed into an ankle lock. rope escape. both man start trading strikes again. Flynn gets the upper hand an lands some stiff knees, Berto goes down for the count.


Berto answers the count. they're trading blows again. Berto got some decent combos in. Flynn starts throwing high kicks. spinning heel kick misses bu Flynn locks in a rear naked chokoe anyways.


Berto reverses the choke into an ankle lock but Flynn reaches the ropes. they're stood up and Flynn shoots for the double leg takedown. Berto manages to get on top and locks in a kimura, forcing Flynn to use the ropes to break the hold. another ground skirmish and see Berto locking in a triangle choke of which Flynn escapes. Berto gets in with the striking but is countered with big knees and a bitch slap from Flynn.


Flynn clearly had enough of this shit and after Berto tries to finish him with a kimura he goes ham and puts his opponent down for good after a series of vicious strikes.



Another week, another bland Raw.

At least we got some cool matches this episode, even if nothing advanced story-wise.

Sheamus still won the match even if Cesaro was the clear fan favorite, Orton vs Cena was the usual bore-fest but at least there were fewer rest holds when compared to the Rumble match. Tag team matches all delivered, great division we have right now even if the NAO are champions.

Shield vs Wyatts was the moment of the night and the match will be amazing for sure, there's a great future ahead with those men and hopefully the WWE won't drop the ball on this one.

Bryan vs Kane will probably happen at Elimination Chamber now that they have a spot to fill in since Punk left and Bryan can pick up the double duty easily. He will probably take Punk's spot and face HHH at Mania.

So, normal Raw. Some cool moments but nothing really moved forward.


Everything is going to be status quo till February 24th. They're just treading water till Mania season really starts and the Network launches.


I really don't see the problem with Sheamus winning that match. You had Cesaro, Christian, Sheamus and Swagger in the match. Three of those men are in the main event of the next PPV, the one that isn't is in a "weak link" story right now. Of course he will take the pin.

They're building up Cesaro splitting from Swagger and going solo.


I really don't see the problem with Sheamus winning that match. You had Cesaro, Christian, Sheamus and Swagger in the match. Three of those men are in the main event of the next PPV, the one that isn't is in a "weak link" story right now. Of course he will take the pin.

They're building up Cesaro splitting from Swagger and going solo.

For me Sheamus winning is just another sign of the WWE not listening to the crowds.

The Real Americans are having a great reaction, clearly better than Sheamus, but they are still fed to them.


For me Sheamus winning is just another sign of the WWE not listening to the crowds.

The Real Americans are having a great reaction, clearly better than Sheamus, but they are still fed to them.

Well, they're not getting fed to them, that's the point. If Cesaro had lost, you'd have a point, but he didn't, he was protected and the match was certainly a showcase of him.

Swagger is meant to seem weaker than Cesaro, that's the story.


Well, they're not getting fed to them, that's the point. If Cesaro had lost, you'd have a point, but he didn't, he was protected and the match was certainly a showcase of him.

Swagger is meant to seem weaker than Cesaro, that's the story.

Yeah, you are right. I take that back.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Vinnie Mac, check out these lost pieces of late 80s goodness:


Bootaaay, a forgotten classic for you:


Wow, I never did even hear of Princess Whatsit from back in the day. It belongs at our state fair, the only place where music like that THRIVES.

Isn't it wild how the best power metal is still totally appropriate when it comes to carnival rides?

Okay. That's it. I must watch Japanese wrestling.

Fucking finally. All it took was a buster sword and a goddamned dinosaur!
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