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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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could never
The chants don't do anything - they'll push who they want.

Seems you swim against the current if you get the fans behind you by yourself, if the E doesn't turn you into a star themselves they seem to resent it and punish guys.

Though it's not working with D Bry lol, thank god.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't remember if it was Vince or stro who said that they need to bring back squash jobber matches, but I 100% agree.

I think we both did :)

But seriously, you have people jobbed out to others with no rhyme or reason and you wonder why they're having trouble being taken seriously?

Even RANDY ORTON jobbed to KOFI, someone who is NOT headed anywhere in the immediate future, and for what?


It's been incredibly hard to get invested in the product when they basically do what they want, when they want. I still catch PPVs but I'm starting to lose interest on that front. If WM disappoints...

I'll probably be back. Damn WWE.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan has been booked to return to WWE TV for the first time since 2007 at the 2/24 WWE Raw taping in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

That, of course, is the WWE Raw the day after the Elimination Chamber leading into the launch of the WWE Network.

Hogan has had an agreement to return to WWE for some time following his TNA departure. He was originally slated to return during the WWE Network announcement in Las Vegas, but the company changed those plans the night before.

As PWInsider.com has previously reported, there's been talk of inducting the entire Wrestlemania 1 main event into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. If those plans go forward, Hogan, Paul Orndorff and Roddy Piper would follow Ric Flair as two-time WWE Hall of Famers.

As PWInsider.com broke over the weekend, The Undertaker is also booked to return that date as well.

WWE has also booked WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart for the 2/24 Raw, PWInsider.com has learned.

going all out for feb 24th, taker, hogan, jimmy hart, and no doubt the usual pop ups from kevin nash, outlaws, piper, (likely ric flair too) also chris jericho is rumored

inducting matches into hall of fame is hilariously sad

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
BTW friends:

I know 0 of you are interested in this but STRONGMAN's DEEP WATER book comes out today! I can't wait to get my hands on it. It's a training book.

Because really, who doesn't want to look like STRONGMAN?


Striations Train starts here!


I think we both did :)

But seriously, you have people jobbed out to others with no rhyme or reason and you wonder why they're having trouble being taken seriously?

Even RANDY ORTON jobbed to KOFI, someone who is NOT headed anywhere in the immediate future, and for what?

Orton, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion jobbed to a guy who wasn't even on Raw last night.

They're really making the WWE WHC look pretty weak and meaningless right now. They've pretty much established that there are two people definitively better than Orton (Cena and Bryan) and Orton has looked weak against the other EC entrants.

going all out for feb 24th, taker, hogan, jimmy hart, and no doubt the usual pop ups from kevin nash, outlaws, piper, (likely ric flair too) also chris jericho is rumored

inducting matches into hall of fame is hilariously sad

Tickets bought, I'll be there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Orton, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion jobbed to a guy who wasn't even on Raw last night.

They're really making the WWE WHC look pretty weak and meaningless right now. They've pretty much established that there are two people definitively better than Orton (Cena and Bryan) and Orton has looked weak against the other EC entrants.

Yeah. I mean, it's one thing to level the playing field - give us an "at anytime, anyone can be beaten" feeling but it's simply not actually there. Nobody believes Christian is walking out of Elimination Chamber, or Cesaro, as champion. It's not working if that's what they're trying to do, and honestly, I don't think they're actually working towards that feeling at all.

That's something I always enjoyed about MMA - anyone CAN win, at any time, and I wish I had that feeling about WWE.


Orton, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion jobbed to a guy who wasn't even on Raw last night.

They're really making the WWE WHC look pretty weak and meaningless right now. They've pretty much established that there are two people definitively better than Orton (Cena and Bryan) and Orton has looked weak against the other EC entrants.

Tickets bought, I'll be there.

Going for a typical chicken heel who cheats to win because he knows the opponents are better?


could never
Orton, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion jobbed to a guy who wasn't even on Raw last night.

They're really making the WWE WHC look pretty weak and meaningless right now. They've pretty much established that there are two people definitively better than Orton (Cena and Bryan) and Orton has looked weak against the other EC entrants.

JR said it's a classic trick of making the champ (esp a Heel) look vulnerable before the title match. I suspect he might win the chamber with how he's been booked lately, it wouldn't make much sense otherwise.


Raw was actually, OK. Imma bullet point my comments

- Emma is never getting over. Sorry dudes. She looks like a deranged fan who leaped over the barricades and doesn't know what's going on, but security feel bad so they don't escort her out.
- The Shield/Wyatt face-off was awesome. Proper build up to a match
- Betty White was useless. If you're not going to get powerbombed through a table then GTFO
- No Barrett. Which was a big plus
- Cesaro is too awesome to be paired for Jack Swagger. He's a big rubbish
- Bryan needs to talk less. He's kinda corny.
- Christian got really ugly. I know ya'll are joking about the blue dot, but I really hope they implement it

Maybe Christian was always ugly, but no one realised it because Edge was so great?


Yeah. I mean, it's one thing to level the playing field - give us an "at anytime, anyone can be beaten" feeling but it's simply not actually there. Nobody believes Christian is walking out of Elimination Chamber, or Cesaro, as champion. It's not working if that's what they're trying to do, and honestly, I don't think they're actually working towards that feeling at all.

That's something I always enjoyed about MMA - anyone CAN win, at any time, and I wish I had that feeling about WWE.

And they're so clearly setting it up for Orton to keep the belt(s) after Elimination Chamber too. The Wyatts/Cena thing hasn't been resolved, so that's going to obviously pop up again. Bryan has a feud with Kane starting. Cesaro and Swagger are likely going to implode. Christian is Christian. And I don't think Shaemus is going to get the belt because I don't think he's even gotten in front of a microphone yet since returning at the Rumble.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, the Shield/Wyatt faceoff was done PERFECT, place was goddamn erupting.

I love that they're ACTUALLY doing a slow burn for the Reigns turn. I mean, it's WWE so it must be a coincidence, but they need to make sure they build Ambrose and Rollins BEFORE they split. I hope they keep working on it.


could never
Raw was actually, OK. Imma bullet point my comments

- Emma is never getting over. Sorry dudes. She looks like a deranged fan who leaped over the barricades and doesn't know what's going on, but security feel bad so they don't escort her out.

- No Barrett. Which was a big plus

BNB and Emma are awesome, you monster.


We're not talking about #1 here.

He's burned out because of the direction of the company and his body, but there's no evidence that says he wouldn't have re-signed if he was being used the way he wanted.

He would just say stuff like "Yeah contracts up in July I don't think I'm resigning, when I'm done I'm done. Maybe I'll buy a cabin in the woods" I don't disagree that he was burnt out or at odds with creative, but who isn't. I really liked what JR had to say in a recent blog as it echoes my thoughts about talent on RAW (I'm paraphrasing) "I remember when talent felt privileged to be on RAW for 5 minutes. They would make the most of their time given and try to attract the spotlight during. Now however, wrestlers are more inclined to think they are 'entitled' to time on RAW and that there is no privilege." I mean the difference to me between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan is: they put DB in an 18 second loss, give him anger management, and team him with Kane, but he managed to make the most of what he was given, make the most entertaining segments of the night with Kane and get himself incredibly over. Punk is given mini-feud with corporate Kane and the idea of fighting HHH at WM30 and he walks out of the company. If it's booking, it's dumb. If it's money, it's unprofessional.


Kind of crazy the same company can book Wyatt's/SHIELD but te main event is a dumpster fire right now

Yeah, the Shield/Wyatt faceoff was done PERFECT, place was goddamn erupting.

I love that they're ACTUALLY doing a slow burn for the Reigns turn. I mean, it's WWE so it must be a coincidence, but they need to make sure they build Ambrose and Rollins BEFORE they split. I hope they keep working on it.

I marked out for the Shield/Wyatt face off. I haven't had a full legit mark out like that in a while. I'm betting that the Shield breaks up the Monday after Elimination Chamber and probably sets up a triple threat for the US Belt at WrestleMania.

I just hope Reigns keeps his Shield attire after the team breaks up.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I marked out for the Shield/Wyatt face off. I haven't had a full legit mark out like that in a while. I'm betting that the Shield breaks up the Monday after Elimination Chamber and probably sets up a triple threat for the US Belt at WrestleMania.

I just hope Reigns keeps his Shield attire after the team breaks up.

Yeah. I mean, when you look back at memorable teams they weren't around THAT long, they just made a heck of an impression. I checked and saw like, Money Inc was only a thing for a few months, yet IRS and Ted DiBiase are etched into my brain as something significant.

The Wyatt/Shield faceoff was just masterfully done, timed, and rehearsed. Fucking amazing. And to be honest I think that's all for Shield - I want to see WWE showcase some Brodie Lee REAL soon, because dude can WORK.


Miz main evented Wrestlemania - it isn't a sure thing for a #2 dude. A #2 dude would get a Taker match, and he did.

Punk can never, ever overtake Cena. Cena just works too goddamn hard. Nobody can top that kind of work ethic. Call Cena a shitload of things, but lazy won't ever apply to him.

Oh yeah, never going to overtake Cena and nor should he with their current target audience, but I don't understand how they wouldn't see dollar signs in a Cena/Punk Wrestlemania main event rather than what it looks like they'll give us? Punks one of the few people to get the upper hand on Cena more than once and although Cena won that last match on Raw, you could still build it up as Cena never beating Punk for the belt (if my memory serves me right anyway) so see if he can bring it on the grandest stage of them all. Hell, have Cena go over at the end of that one for all I care because those two have such great chemistry in the ring I wouldn't care who won, just enjoyed the ride.

And if that were the case, have Punk take some time off to re-energise and heal before negotiating a new contract with the storyline reason that Punk feels that he needs to find himself or something.... Or lost his smile.

"Yeah, I'm not renewing my contract, Vince, but really, put me in the main event and put me over whoever I'm facing"

Because that makes sense.

Listen, guys, you know I love Punk as much as the next guy, but there's really no reason to pretend he's on some big crusade right now. He was as high on the card as he could get, he earned big money and he was burned out by the schedule and just being generally a person that's pissed off alot and he left. That's it.

I don't believe Punk is on any crusade, just pissed off and tired. I just believe the fans who are chanting it aren't really just chanting for Punk, especially with the segment timings when they chirp up.

EDIT: On a positive note, there were a couple of great matches on that Raw. If it was still a 2 hour show, I think it could have gone down as a great Raw overall.

EDIT2: Also agree about the Reigns attire thing. If he just came out in tights and being all standard babyface after turning, I think it would backfire hard.


He would just say stuff like "Yeah contracts up in July I don't think I'm resigning, when I'm done I'm done. Maybe I'll buy a cabin in the woods" I don't disagree that he was burnt out or at odds with creative, but who isn't. I really liked what JR had to say in a recent blog as it echoes my thoughts about talent on RAW (I'm paraphrasing) "I remember when talent felt privileged to be on RAW for 5 minutes. They would make the most of their time given and try to attract the spotlight during. Now however, wrestlers are more inclined to think they are 'entitled' to time on RAW and that there is no privilege." I mean the difference to me between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan is: they put DB in an 18 second loss, give him anger management, and team him with Kane, but he managed to make the most of what he was given, make the most entertaining segments of the night with Kane and get himself incredibly over. Punk is given mini-feud with corporate Kane and the idea of fighting HHH at WM30 and he walks out of the company. If it's booking, it's dumb. If it's money, it's unprofessional.

You're comparing the #2 guy being put in a feud with Kane and some guy way lower on the card who has no leverage over anything creative wants to do with him.

You are silly, pavaloo.


He would just say stuff like "Yeah contracts up in July I don't think I'm resigning, when I'm done I'm done. Maybe I'll buy a cabin in the woods" I don't disagree that he was burnt out or at odds with creative, but who isn't. I really liked what JR had to say in a recent blog as it echoes my thoughts about talent on RAW (I'm paraphrasing) "I remember when talent felt privileged to be on RAW for 5 minutes. They would make the most of their time given and try to attract the spotlight during. Now however, wrestlers are more inclined to think they are 'entitled' to time on RAW and that there is no privilege." I mean the difference to me between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan is: they put DB in an 18 second loss, give him anger management, and team him with Kane, but he managed to make the most of what he was given, make the most entertaining segments of the night with Kane and get himself incredibly over. Punk is given mini-feud with corporate Kane and the idea of fighting HHH at WM30 and he walks out of the company. If it's booking, it's dumb. If it's money, it's unprofessional.

I think Punks point was that it should be time for the new guys and the old guys should step aside. His WrestleMania main event as champ was taken away from him because he had to play second fiddle to a main event featuring a part-timer and a guy who's hogged the WWE spotlight longer than Hogan did at this point. Then he jobbed to a guy who wrestles 3 matches a year. And then he got thrown into a feud with Kane and was probably told he was going to job to another guy at WrestleManiawho wrestles 3 times a year.

I can honestly understand Punk's frustration and if I was in his spot I might walk out too. The company at this point should be pushing the shit out of Bryan, Punk, Cesaro, Ziggler, Sandow, etc and the older guys like Cena, Orton, and HHH should be stepping aside. Instead we're stuck with Cena vs Orton round 210 while the hottest guy in the company gets a 5 minute bit to pacify the crowd.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I miss Nexus Barrett :(

We all miss Nexus B.C. (Before Cena)

That was really a hot angle. REALLY hot.

It's weird how much NXT did for people - let's see here...

Barrett - Did well, isn't being USED well though
Otunga - I miss him, he showed he was awesome
Gabriel - in Limbo on Superstars
Slater - Found his niche
Darren Young - We'll see where he's headed, I loved PTP
Sheffield (Ryback) - Former main eventer, didn't do bad for himself
Daniel Bryan - Yeah, that's successful
Michael Tarver - in NJPW doing PPVs

Kaval/Low Ki - Burning bridges, very good wrestler
McGillicutty/Axel - Ehh
Alex Riley - I'd prefer not to think about him
Husky Harris/Bray Wyatt - Super hot right now, works a hell of a match
Percy Watson - A tragedy, I miss finger rain
Lucky Cannon - MIA
Eli Cottonwood - You have to really suck to be that huge and not be signed
Titus O'Neal - Getting a singles push

Overall NXT picked some great dudes.


Creative can still be shit, but I do feel they're between The Rock and a hard place.

John Cena and Randy Orton are two of the very top full-time performers in the company, in terms of position, salary, longevity, and past crowd reaction. Cena is #1, certainly. Orton was somewhere between #2 and #4, depending on one's thoughts of where Punk and Bryan rank.

Now Batista has returned, as well, and regardless of Creative's preferences, he gets shoehorned into the top 3 category.

Lastly, Triple H (the TV character) lingers. If you believe The Internet, he's there because he's an egotistical douchebag. If you believe Triple H, he's there because USA Network thinks he's a ratings mover (and I'm sure Vince would be 24/7 if USA had their wish).

The audience wants 1) Cena gone, 2) Orton gone, and 3) Batista gone (or heel). The company has far too much money invested in those three, and the first two have been traditionally safe as featured performers for the WWE.

What's Creative supposed to do realistically? We can fantasy book a million ways out of this, but the emphasis would be on fantasy. It's not as simple writing "Punk v. Bryan, main event of WM30, WWE title on the line" in permanent marker and then having Cena/Orton/Batista in a 5 minute triple threat on the pre-show, or turning Cena heel, etc.


Nexus was such a good angle that got ruined because you can't have Cena lose. It was a hot angle that could have produced a fresh new direction and was one of the multiple missed opportunities for a logical heel turn or just general change in character for Cena.

Instead Cena literally buried Wade in chairs and turned the Nexus into just another memory in Cena's rogues gallery.


So not worth it
- Christian got really ugly. I know ya'll are joking about the blue dot, but I really hope they implement it

Maybe Christian was always ugly, but no one realised it because Edge was so great?

Christian is 40, has a newborn at home and a busted eye, of course he looks like crap right now.


Creative can still be shit, but I do feel they're between The Rock and a hard place.

John Cena and Randy Orton are two of the very top full-time performers in the company, in terms of position, salary, longevity, and past crowd reaction. Cena is #1, certainly. Orton was somewhere between #2 and #4, depending on one's thoughts of where Punk and Bryan rank.

Now Batista has returned, as well, and regardless of Creative's preferences, he gets shoehorned into the top 3 category.

Lastly, Triple H (the TV character) lingers. If you believe The Internet, he's there because he's an egotistical douchebag. If you believe Triple H, he's there because USA Network thinks he's a ratings mover (and I'm sure Vince would be 24/7 if USA had their wish).

The audience wants 1) Cena gone, 2) Orton gone, and 3) Batista gone (or heel). The company has far too much money invested in those three, and the first two have been traditionally safe as featured performers for the WWE.

What's Creative supposed to do realistically? We can fantasy book a million ways out of this, but the emphasis would be on fantasy. It's not as simple writing "Punk v. Bryan, main event of WM30, WWE title on the line" in permanent marker and then having Cena/Orton/Batista in a 5 minute triple threat on the pre-show, or turning Cena heel, etc.

There are plenty of things you can do with Cena and Orton that keep them around without putting them in the main event championship spotlight. Put them in the Punkverse and keep them busy with people like Brock.


Cena fans actually turned out last night. It seems these days smarks buy all the tickets and little jimmy is left out in the cold.
Raw was actually, OK. Imma bullet point my comments

- Emma is never getting over. Sorry dudes. She looks like a deranged fan who leaped over the barricades and doesn't know what's going on, but security feel bad so they don't escort her out.
- No Barrett. Which was a big plus

Where's that GIF of Del Rio making that face on the ramp in a wheelchair so I can properly register my feelings?


Nexus was such a good angle that got ruined because you can't have Cena lose. It was a hot angle that could have produced a fresh new direction and was one of the multiple missed opportunities for a logical heel turn or just general change in character for Cena.

Instead Cena literally buried Wade in chairs and turned the Nexus into just another memory in Cena's rogues gallery.

I'd love to see a picture showing all the people Cena buried.


You're comparing the #2 guy being put in a feud with Kane and some guy way lower on the card who has no leverage over anything creative wants to do with him.

You are silly, pavaloo.
I'm comparing two wrestlers who have "paid their dues," worked around the world, and are arguably the best wrestlers in the world. I'm comparing how two wrestlers work with what they're given. One makes gold, the other gets upset.

Is it really "beneath" CM Punk to fight legend status superstars? I wonder if Kane feels slighted.

I think Punks point was that it should be time for the new guys and the old guys should step aside. His WrestleMania main event as champ was taken away from him because he had to play second fiddle to a main event featuring a part-timer and a guy who's hogged the WWE spotlight longer than Hogan did at this point. Then he jobbed to a guy who wrestles 3 matches a year. And then he got thrown into a feud with Kane and was probably told he was going to job to another guy at WrestleManiawho wrestles 3 times a year.

I can honestly understand Punk's frustration and if I was in his spot I might walk out too. The company at this point should be pushing the shit out of Bryan, Punk, Cesaro, Ziggler, Sandow, etc and the older guys like Cena, Orton, and HHH should be stepping aside. Instead we're stuck with Cena vs Orton round 210 while the hottest guy in the company gets a 5 minute bit to pacify the crowd.

1) You guys need to seriously get over the fact that CM Punk ended his historic title reign by fighting The Rock. Literally the only one who could stop CM Punk is one of the biggest superstars wrestling has EVER seen.

2) He fought Taker, took a big break, fought Lesnar, went after The Shield and went over ALL 3 of them by himself, AND NOW he's working with Kane. Give me a break.

3) I agree I don't want to see Orton vs Cena 211, I still enjoy older stars and they can still wrestle well, but I would like to see them not fight each other anymore. Orton vs Cesaro was a lot of fun last year

Bryan is on his way up. Punk is there. Cesaro was put with Colter and is given crazy amount of screen time every week. Ziggler must have pissed someone off hard, maybe Sandow did too lol


could never
I have no idea where they are going with the Miz right now other than a new attempt at a heel push. Love how no one cares when he walks down to the commentary table, and no one cares as he walks back to the ramp.



1) You guys need to seriously get over the fact that CM Punk ended his historic title reign by fighting The Rock. Literally the only one who could stop CM Punk is one of the biggest superstars wrestling has EVER seen.

2) He fought Taker, took a big break, fought Lesnar, went after The Shield and went over ALL 3 of them by himself, AND NOW he's working with Kane. Give me a break.

3) I agree I don't want to see Orton vs Cena 211, I still enjoy older stars and they can still wrestle well, but I would like to see them not fight each other anymore. Orton vs Cesaro was a lot of fun last year

Bryan is on his way up. Punk is there. Cesaro was put with Colter and is given crazy amount of screen time every week. Ziggler must have pissed someone off hard, maybe Sandow did too lol

1) Rock/Punk should have been the WrestleMania main event, not Rock/Cena. Punk would have had his main event, Rock would have had the title and spotlight, and Cena would have gotten the belt at the next PPV. Nobody really wanted Cena/Rock II and a historic title reign should end at WrestleMania.

2) Old guy, part timer, and then Kane. I loved his Shield feud though.

3) Yeah, I'd love to see Orton and Cena start putting over some more of the younger talent at this point.
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