I willed her pregnancy brah. It was emaculate.Be ready for an ultrasound photo.
And so The E is getting rid lf two names and just going with one? Paige is starting a trend. "Yo, Adrian!"
I willed her pregnancy brah. It was emaculate.Be ready for an ultrasound photo.
And may you never love in vain
And may you never love in vain
And in my heart you will remain
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
Forever young
Forever young
Be courageous and be brave
IT inspires me. I have to be better. Ihave to become a comics superstar.something about that pale skin that just...
Remember the Nexus' WWE Debut? It's on right now at WrassleGAF TV http://taima.tv/r/wrasslegaf
I'm curious to rewatch this and see if it was as big a deal as I felt it was at the time.
I bought the Best of Raw 2010 DVD in some buy 3 DVDs for £10 and it did still feel huge when I watched it again, especially with Daniel Bryan chocking out Justin Roberts. It was just completely unexpected chaos.
I also got that years Survivor Series and watching the main event reminded me of how it would be a good result whoever won as it'd be interesting to see what happened if Cena was "fired", but even more interesting to see Barret get the title. Of course, I thought they'd do more than they did with Cena being fired.
So Okada and Ibushi will go at it again? Man I wish they get to top the one they did in DDT.
I had more fun with Cena being forced to be a part of the Nexus, but we all knew how it'd end. We just didn't think it would put Barrett underground six feet so bad that he'd need a goddamn riser to get noticed again.
While I was searching for that GIF typing in "Cena bur", Google suggested that I was looking for "Cena buried sandow". I actually thought Sandow came out of the match looking pretty good, but they've done fuck all with him since.
Yeah, poor Nexus and how I loved thee.
#Buried :'(
While I was searching for that GIF typing in "Cena bur", Google suggested that I was looking for "Cena buried sandow". I actually thought Sandow came out of the match looking pretty good, but they've done fuck all with him since.
Cesaro needs an endearing fangirl to follow him around and call him Sezzy
I dunno what happened to Aksana lately but she looks grody.
EDIT: WCW compilation looks solid. Will be free on WWE Network doe.
Yeah, aside from the skits between matches that set each match up, I'm not sure of the value of these sets anymore with the Network.
​Career vs. Career Steel Cage Match for WCW World Heavyweight Championship
​Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair
Special Referee: Mr. T
Halloween Havoc October 23, 1994
Ugh, the Taima channel refuses to load at work no matter which browser I try. Boo, something must be blocking it.
damn, Naomi just keeps getting fucked upKensuke Sasaki has just announced his retirement - he was defeated by his protégé Katsuhiko Nakajima at the Diamond Ring show yesterday, which was the first victory Nakajima scored over his trainer.
Also, new botchamania;
Botchamania 243
Nooo! ;(
I used Google Street View to drive down the road from the coordinates where Snake Bight, Florida (the Wyatt Family's billed home town) is supposed to be and there's a fence with mannequin heads and plundered road signs in the area.
god damn, that's awesomely creepyI used Google Street View to drive down the road from the coordinates where Snake Bight, Florida (the Wyatt Family's billed home town) is supposed to be and there's a fence with mannequin heads and plundered road signs in the area.
Botchamania 243 is up: http://botchamania.com/botchamania-243/
Oh man, kayfabe destroyed: it's a small restaurant and a bar and supposedly the guy living there is a photographer who's really nice. It's just made to look really creepy.
Sister Abigail is actually just the dishwasher.
There's a Bray Wyatt face turn for you. "Come visit my restaurant y'all! All my heel characteristics so far were just an act to drum up interest but I'm actually a really nice guy and I'm not weird at all!"
Its typical E brah.,Ten days away and we have 3 matches for EC????? Last year had 8.
Ten days away and we have 3 matches for EC????? Last year had 8.
That last one. WTF?