That John Morrison pop.
Made it all the way to Clinton, OK before tapping out for the day. I blasted right through Tulsa because all the tolls fucking everywhere pissed me off so much that I refused to do anything that would contribute to the area. Why didn't you warn me about the tolls, Sunny? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND!
Hung out at the OKC memorial for a bit. What is the big golden dome thing in OKC? I'll probably get to ABQ tomorrow.
Fucking tolls.
That John Morrison pop.
I wonder if the 'Jomosapiens/I'm Gonna Eat Your Lunch' t-shirts are still available?
Doing a quick search...they don't exist anymore?
It's too expensive to leave here!
I believe it cost me $12 just to get in between Tulsa and OKC. And then $1.50 to pull off to get gas. Tolls for the big city is whatever, but I can't believe that all the exits have tolls. Like exits that go to country roads or towns of 3000 people. Also, your radio stations fucking suck. Fuck Oklahoma. Booner STICK IT, brothers. I'll go through Nevada/Colorado/Kansas on the way back.
I believe it cost me $12 just to get in between Tulsa and OKC. And then $1.50 to pull off to get gas. Tolls for the big city is whatever, but I can't believe that all the exits have tolls. Like exits that go to country roads or towns of 3000 people. Also, your radio stations fucking suck. Fuck Oklahoma. Booner STICK IT, brothers. I'll go through Nevada/Colorado/Kansas on the way back.
one of the worst workers i've ever seen and one that makes me think people have been sniffing glue when they say they love him.
horrible wrestler, unsafe, zero personality, short, unimposing hoss.
"but his Twitter!!!" yeah, no one gives a shit.
Our tagline is Oklahoma - Native America. They're native roads.
More like Oklahoma: For whom the church bell toll(road)s
Kensuke Sasaki has just announced his retirement - he was defeated by his protégé Katsuhiko Nakajima at the Diamond Ring show yesterday, which was the first victory Nakajima scored over his trainer.
Also, new botchamania;
Botchamania 243
It's true.I'm sad I don't get to see some STROBelights.
That Houston vs. Austin exchange during the PTP vs. Usos match is pretty damned hilarious.Kensuke Sasaki has just announced his retirement - he was defeated by his protégé Katsuhiko Nakajima at the Diamond Ring show yesterday, which was the first victory Nakajima scored over his trainer.
Also, new botchamania;
Botchamania 243
He announces the WWE Network will show the Hall of Fame ceremony, in its entirety, live that Saturday night before WrestleMania XXX.
Have a link?I never, ever thought they'd get re-hired after they did this shoot interview. They talk so much shit about Triple H. They basically say he ruined Chyna's life by dumping her for Steph and that he only got with Steph for the power.
Have a link?
LOL Cena calling "kick out" after the bulldog.
A couple of junkies whining about someone not respecting them being junkies (even trying to stage an intervention for them). Not saying some of the other shit isn't true, but their drug use was the root of their beef with Trips. He probably forgave them after they got cleaned up and realized how fucking stupid they were being and apologized.
Just listened to the whole thing myself, and yea, I'm sure HHH knew they were saying shit about him when they were in TNA but I wonder if HHH ever actually sat down and listened to this whole thing.
The bulldog thing got me too. Why would he possibly feel the need to tell Randy to kick out from a bulldog? Or of anything since they know what the finish is going to be.
The bulldog thing got me too. Why would he possibly feel the need to tell Randy to kick out from a bulldog? Or of anything since they know what the finish is going to be.
I was thinking, if the reason they aren't pushing D-Bry is because of low merchandise sales (notwithstanding the fact that his merch is awful) what if we could start a Kickstarter for his push?
This Breaking Kayfabe with Cornette
You can literally hear the fedora forming on his head.
Meltzer on the reason behind the Cesaro name change said:Somebody thought Antonio sounded like the name of a guy who wasn't tough. Seriously. And he's in the main event in two weeks and somebody woke up and thought he had a pussy name so we have to change that.
I was thinking, if the reason they aren't pushing D-Bry is because of low merchandise sales (notwithstanding the fact that his merch is awful) what if we could start a Kickstarter for his push?
In less than 24 hours...
(why am i so addicted to these even when i don't understand the language?)
While its not a lock, there has been talk seriously of both Kevin Steen and Michael Elgin being invited to a talent evaluation camp. Steen has known about this for some time and the feeling is that if he shows up out of shape, theyll look down on him a lot. A few years ago, when Takeshi Morishima worked a dark match, and with his flying around at 330 pounds, even though nobody knew him, his match got over pretty big. WWE, however, including Vince McMahon, felt it almost as a sign of disrespect that a guy would come to get a WWE tryout in the shape he was in. Those who have been at camps and noted that they start off testing conditioning making you do stuff designed to blow you up to see who can gut it out the longest, with the idea they can tell from that who wants it the most, feel Steen will need a miracle to get through that aspect of the process. Ive also had guys question that process, noting that a lot of guys on the main roster, if they were put through that, could never pass it either and some have been solid money drawing stars. WCW did that to Dave Bautista before he ever signed with WWE, and he became one of the biggest stars of the last decade.
You're 17 miles west of Weatherford where I grew up.Made it all the way to Clinton, OK before tapping out for the day. I blasted right through Tulsa because all the tolls fucking everywhere pissed me off so much that I refused to do anything that would contribute to the area. Why didn't you warn me about the tolls, Sunny? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND!
Hung out at the OKC memorial for a bit. What is the big golden dome thing in OKC? I'll probably get to ABQ tomorrow.
Fucking tolls.
From the Observer: