That's not a nice thing to say, I will remember this.I'm pretty sure he does. He just has the common sense now to keep that little tid bit to himself.
That's not a nice thing to say, I will remember this.I'm pretty sure he does. He just has the common sense now to keep that little tid bit to himself.
It honestly amazes me that if Taker never has another feud with Kane, then technically, the saga ended with Kane thoroughly beating him.Damn right, and currently this is how the saga ends, with old man Taker thoroughly whupped 3 events in a row.
But that Edge feud really did suck, the character roles were reversed, it was silly.
Botchamania 243 is out and I always enjoy when they come out on a more frequent basis. I would rather Maffew just release them with clip compilations instead of waiting for the latest WWE PPV to happen and then releasing them a week later. I like having botches pointed out to me from WCW and ECW instead of just current WWE.
Am I alone in this?
Botchamania 243 is out and I always enjoy when they come out on a more frequent basis. I would rather Maffew just release them with clip compilations instead of waiting for the latest WWE PPV to happen and then releasing them a week later. I like having botches pointed out to me from WCW and ECW instead of just current WWE.
Am I alone in this?
That's not a nice thing to say, I will remember this.
Spider from Mars said:Lock the playlist and give me control of Taima. That channel needs a strong leader and I don't believe you are the man for the job. Miz and Ahmed Johnson aren't going to put butts in seats.
Shine tag title tourney tonight
Plus Serena in action
Should be a good one
It honestly amazes me that if Taker never has another feud with Kane, then technically, the saga ended with Kane thoroughly beating him.
I need to check this out on the Network. This and Jericho-HBK.
Really, a lot of WWE between 2003 and early-to-mid-2011 is one big blur to me. Stopped paying attention in that time and never went back to see what exactly happened or what big matches took place. Anyone have any notes on worthwhile feuds from that period?
I need to check this out on the Network. This and Jericho-HBK.
Really, a lot of WWE between 2003 and early-to-mid-2011 is one big blur to me. Stopped paying attention in that time and never went back to see what exactly happened or what big matches took place. Anyone have any notes on worthwhile feuds from that period?
How do you instruct someone to pose like that?
I need to check this out on the Network. This and Jericho-HBK.
Really, a lot of WWE between 2003 and early-to-mid-2011 is one big blur to me. Stopped paying attention in that time and never went back to see what exactly happened or what big matches took place. Anyone have any notes on worthwhile feuds from that period?
You should watch these promos to set it up.I need to check this out on the Network. This and Jericho-HBK.
Really, a lot of WWE between 2003 and early-to-mid-2011 is one big blur to me. Stopped paying attention in that time and never went back to see what exactly happened or what big matches took place. Anyone have any notes on worthwhile feuds from that period?
I miss Winter ;(
Pretty sure the camera man would throw his back out with a demonstration.Why the cameraman presents the pose first of course.
Pretty sure the camera man would throw his back out with a demonstration.
What's the schedule like for NJPW guys? Sure, the WWE style is more forgiving, but the schedule is notoriously grueling. Also, the entirety of Japan is the size of a small to medium sized US state, so the travel is going to be considerably worse as well. He'll make more money for sure, but I'm not convinced that it will somehow give him more longevity.The Willow the Wisp character was so amazingly bad - I don't know what Jeff was thinking when he brought it to ROH. He'd just left WWE and gave a bunch of interviews about how wrestling sucked these days and he'd fallen out of love with it, so when he showed up in ROH with one of his awful students in tow (Krazy K, it was his first proper match) he got absolutely booed out of the building. Huge "DON'T COME BACK!" chants. I felt bad for the kid, although he never amounted to much. Joey Mercury was in the match as well, if I remember rightly, and he just looked embarrassed for Jeff.
I don't know if anyone's happy, exactly, it's just that we acknowledge that WWE's the only place to make REAL money in this business. The Japanese style isn't the most forgiving and there's only so many years Devitt can keep wrestling at that pace, might as well try and cash in while the offer's on the table.
He can be an Irish separatist who feuds with Wade Barrett and other UK & commonwealth wrestlers he deems to be Royalists.
What's the schedule like for NJPW guys? Sure, the WWE style is more forgiving, but the schedule is notoriously grueling. Also, the entirety of Japan is the size of a small to medium sized US state, so the travel is going to be considerably worse as well. He'll make more money for sure, but I'm not convinced that it will somehow give him more longevity.
Also that gimmick would go over every WWE fan's head. They'll give him a Braveheart gimmick because Vince just saw the movie and doesn't know the different between Ireland and Scotland.
Impact is the best televised weekly wrestling program.Perhaps you've just underestimated their flexibility and pursuit of true photographic art of which they will put their spine in jeopardy for.
Of course no one would do such things for TNA so...
Ace's and 8's funeral now.wooo's currently playing a WWF Superstars of Wrestling from 1990. WrassleGAF's currently playing some Garfield shit.
Letting the side down, guys.
Impact is the best televised weekly wrestling program.
Believe dat playboy
wooo's currently playing a WWF Superstars of Wrestling from 1990. WrassleGAF's currently playing some Garfield shit.
Letting the side down, guys.
I'd rather watch ROH TV, to be honest.
Not that I do, but if you put a gun to my head, I'd watch it over Impact. See, the worst thing TNA does is occasionally show glimpses of a quality product, which only sets you up for further disappointment when, inevitably, everything collapses in spectacularly stupid TNA fashion, leaving you feeling like an idiot for wasting your time on such dreck.
I'm going to put some serious work into WrassleGAF TV when I get home, if I can stay away from that Titanfall. It's the shit!
I will also create themed playlists.
We -WILL- have a Bootaaay Deathmatch Screening sometime though. It's perfect for us!
I'm going to put some serious work into WrassleGAF TV when I get home, if I can stay away from that Titanfall. It's the shit!
I will also create themed playlists.
We -WILL- have a Bootaaay Deathmatch Screening sometime though. It's perfect for us!
More like Hobofall.
Is the Bad News Lawler gif as funny for you as it is for me?
This gif tells a story about a dork who thinks he is one-uping you. But he's not. He's telling a zinger, and instead of being embarrassed you make Barrett's "huh?" face.