Mik is in the blue shorts, Tamura in the red. i always felt Tamura had one of the best physiques in Japanese wrestling.
the action begins. both wrestlers studying each other, waiting for an opening. Tamura chooses low kicks as his primary method of attack. Mik gets a hold of one and counters with a kneebar attempt. Tamura rolls and escapes from the submission. both men are circling each other, waiting for the time to strike. Tamura goes back to his kicks but gets countered with a huge slam.
Mik is now working on an armbar attempt. drags Tamura to the center of the ring but Tamura reverses position and now he's on top. goes for the armbar but loses position to Mik. Mik now on his feet switches to a back body clinch but gets countered with a rolling kneebar from Tamura.
Mik struggles and has to resort to a rope escape to break the hold. Mik manages to takedown Tamura again and goes for a leg lock. Tamura rolls but ends up with Mik on top of him. Mik goes for a standing kneebar, locks it in. Tamura tries to escape but Mik drops down to a full kneebar. not looking good for our japanese warrior. he tries to reach ropes but they're too far. Tamura only chance is tocounter and does! Tamura gets the upper position, drops down for his own cross kneebar!! fantastic sequence.
Mik managed to espace using the ropes. both men are up again. Tamura insists with the kicks and gets countered by Mik. Mik works on the ground and secures a seldom seen calf crusher submission but the far more agile Tamura manages to escape. glorious mat wrestling sequence by Tamura that ends in an armbar attempt, amazing stuff.
but it leads to nothing, as Mik reverses and get Tamura on his back. Mik working on a choke hold, switches to a crucifix. Tamura is one step ahead and immediately counters it with a kneebar. Mik escapes and now has top position but crafty Tamura lures him to the ground and manages a rear neck crank submission attempt. very technical ground battle now, lots of submissions and reversals. Tamura goes for an armbar but fails to secure Mik's arm. Mik is up, goes for yet another kneebar. now working on a STF but Tamura quickly escapes. another leg lock hold by Mik, gives it up in exchange for top control. lapse from Mik and he gets caught in an elbow crusher.
Mik squeezes out of the submission and counters with a nice figure 4 kneebar hold. both men rolls to the ropes and we have a break. both men are back up after minutes of intense ground battle. Tamura hits a push kick to Mik's chest and follows up with open palm strikes. Mik goes down for the count.
man, that count only pissed Mik. he comes in full force and secures the takedown followed by a spinning kneebar.
Tamura escapes but Mik is on top of him again, goes for the takedown but misses. another takedown attempt, this time he gets it. Tamura tries to counter but gets caught in a triangle armbar instead, has to resort to a rope break. both men wildly trading blows, Tamura lands an accidental low blow. Mik recovers and is back on the attack. Mik gets to close and is taken down by Tamura, who locks in a rear naked choke and finishes the bout via submission. a very ground based shoot-style match, very good if you're into methodical ground battles.