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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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Fav fave?(6)* Hmmm.

In no order

Gears of War
Last of Us
Uncharted 2
Left 4 Dead

honorable mention:
Batman Arkham Asylum
Dead Space
Call of Duty series (story modes)
Halo series


no need to introduce Suzuki. Kanehara is a shoot-style and MMa legend in Japan, fantastic worker. look at that, even Suzuki shows respect.


Hara starts with some stiff kicks to the mid-section. Suzuki ain't having none of it and shoots for a kneebar, which Hara escapes using the ropes.


Hara goes for the takedown but Suzuki counters with a kimura attempt which is countered wiht an armbar attempt which is countered with a kimura attempt which is countered with an armbar attempt. stunning ground sequence.


both men are again trading blows. Hara secures the takedown and goes for a keylock submission. switch for an anklelock. Suzuki has fantastic facials. he gets a hold of Hara's foot and works on an anklelock of his own.


Suzuki gets tangled on the ropes and the ref breaks the action. big axe kick from Hara lands. Suzuki gets a takedown and his working on a neck crank. after some struggle he lock in an awesome crucifix kimura.


both guys on the ground, mat battle. they trade kneebars attempts on each other. Hara switches to an armbar but Suzuki rolls out of it. Suzuki goes for a cradle piledriver but can't pick Hara up. Hara moves fast and switches to a fujiwara armbar.


Suzuki manages to roll out but lands on a worst position, eating some stiff knees for Hara. FLYING KNEE! Suzuki is down for the count.


Suzuki gets up and but bodied with strikes again, Hara goes in hard. down he goes again, another count. Suzuki is up but dizzy. Hara wastes no time and goes in again. HUGE takedown from Hara and a transition to a kneebar.


long struggle on the ground for Suzuki but he finally manages to reach the ropes. both men are up and Hara is landing hard strikes again. big mistake as he goes for the takedown but Suzuki counter wiht a guillotine choke.


Hara squeezes out but gets rewarded with a rear naked choke. escape is impossible and the match ends with the submission. your winner is Suzuki. what a fun little match, great crowd and tons of funs shoot-style spots.


how many people do you recognize on this gif?

We still listin' fave fives of last gen?

Super Mario Galaxy 2
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Street Fighter 4 (and its numerous updates)
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
Valkyria Chronicles or Dark Souls, I'd have to play VC again to see if it still holds up.

I can't deal with a list of mine with no write ups, I'll need a GotG thread somewhere down the line to shower praise.

Logo I made for that countdown:

I definitely DQ HD remakes. That's like putting the Rocky III/IV 4k Rerelease on the movie of the year list. Other people don't feel that way though, and that's ok.

That's why I put them in "Honorable mentions" which is pretty much an "anything goes" section of the list. Like if we were talking top 10s i wouldn't have those remakes in spots 6-10.

RE4 is still a top 3 game across both generations though, so deal_with_it.gif

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That RE4 is one of the last true masterpieces in gaming and I missed out on the others in the PS2 gen?

Just that you're late! It's not our fault you didn't make it in time!

I had high hopes for Icon. Was hugely disappointed... But you did get to beat the piss out of Anthony Anderson. Which is alright.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That's why I put them in "Honorable mentions" which is pretty much an "anything goes" section of the list. Like if we were talking top 10s i wouldn't have those remakes in spots 6-10.

RE4 is still a top 3 game across both generation though, so deal_with_it.gif

Well I guess if your horizons aren't broad enough you gotta go mine the classics...

Just kidding. :)

What's the official day we lose these avatars? Lol. Can we just sync up with the WWE Network countdown?

yep, we are. network release, we release Archie!
One thing for sure about us WrassleGAF folk, we collectively have a very…diverse taste in gaming to say put it lightly, but that's what makes us so great!

Also, UC2 over Vanquish, Net_Wrecker? Fo shame, brah.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
UC2 sucked. Just totally sucked. Anyone who ever complains about games being "hold forward to win" that's UC2, with poor firefights. Fuck UC2.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Uncharted 1 was better anyway

Man I dunno if I'd go that far. UC1 had something about it that didn't carry over to 2 or 3 though. I'm not sure what I'd call it though, but it had AN ESSENCE.

Still wasn't great.


Man I dunno if I'd go that far. UC1 had something about it that didn't carry over to 2 or 3 though. I'm not sure what I'd call it though, but it had AN ESSENCE.

Still wasn't great.

Uncharted 2 lost me when it pussied away from it's supernatural plot twist with the beast-creatures when
they're just humans on macguffin steroids

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I do agree with most of Net_Wrecker's disappointments though. The tears of Crackdown 2! But Max Payne 3 on the other hand was frigging fantastic, I loved it - but kept to only playing through it once. That may have colored my feelings a little. That fucking soundtrack though, shits all over everything else this year except maybe FTL. And yeah, Metal Gear Rising's soundtrack was merely ok. Just ok.

Is Ryback good-looking? I get that he's a big rugged-looking muscular dude, but I didn't think it would be at the level of the 19-year-old fangirls he's re-tweeting.

He's not an attractive man.


So not worth it
FTL, Prison Architect and Europa Universalis IV have been pretty great this past year imo.

Though I don't consider any of those games last-gen. Not really such a thing on PC anyways.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
FTL, Prison Architect and Europa Universalis IV have been pretty great this past year imo.

Though I don't consider any of those games last-gen. Not really such a thing on PC anyways.

FTL is so good. So so good. It's weird, last gen ended up with me mostly swearing off competitive fighting games because I hate everyone in the world, which used to be my favorite genre...to falling in love, 100%, with tower defense games and roguelikes.

I still remember how excited I was for SF4 vanilla and by the time Super's expansion came out, how much I hated competitive fighting games. Injustice is fun with people who don't care about winning, because I don't play to win anymore. I just play to have fun. Yknow, video games.


So not worth it
I tried exactly one online game of Injustice, got utterly annihilated and gave up. I'm entirely too old to get to that level of play anyways.
Also, UC2 over Vanquish, Net_Wrecker? Fo shame, brah.

I struggled with that decision, but aside from the stupid blue enemies and the final boss (which only makes up like 30 minutes of the total game), I absolutely love UC2. It's one of the best examples of that narrative driven shooter campaign as we come to know them in gen 7. Although I hate what it did to the industry, I can't hold that against it, and I can't act like I wasn't having a great time with it just to be a hipster.

Vanquish is amazing as well and I could just as easily swap it out with UC2.
I do agree with most of Net_Wrecker's disappointments though. The tears of Crackdown 2! But Max Payne 3 on the other hand was frigging fantastic, I loved it - but kept to only playing through it once. That may have colored my feelings a little. That fucking soundtrack though, shits all over everything else this year except maybe FTL. And yeah, Metal Gear Rising's soundtrack was merely ok. Just ok.

Concerning Max Payne 3: That game had a legit shot at being one of my favorites of ALL TIME, but the storytelling screwed the experience up that much. The way they structured levels and told the story through these long unskippable cutscenes is so anti-Max Payne, and completely wastes his detective background and the use of internal monologues. I wanted to enjoy that game so bad because the details in the gunplay are top notch, but the game just won't let me play it.

Yes the soundtrack is tremendous though. I still listen to it even though it hurts to think about the game.


Junior Member
Is Ryback good-looking? I get that he's a big rugged-looking muscular dude, but I didn't think it would be at the level of the 19-year-old fangirls he's re-tweeting.

They think he's cute mostly because of the mannerisms and how he is hungry all the time.


Heh, I love how iOS-GAF is all like ANDROID HAS NO GAMES as if they don't see the irony in that statement on a gaming forum.

I'm probably going back the other way. Went iPhone 3G>4>4S>Galaxy S4 and Samsungs customer support has been shit. Had the common USB port destroy on me so tried to get it done under warranty and because the logo on the back is faded, they're claiming that it was dropped and won't touch it unless I hand over £50 and wait up to 4 weeks to get it back. Had to fix it myself for £10. Then the 4.3 update came and destroyed my phone to the point where the software wouldn't make calls, so had to flash a custom ROM for now.

I'm tempted to try another Android manufacturer as I do like the software when it works, but I remember when I dropped my 64gb iPhone 4S down the toilet when it was still the latest phone and went into the Apple store. "This had a swim, can I get a replacement?" "Sure, we may be able to do it under warranty if the water indicators didn't fire... Nope, they have unfortunately, but it's only £60 for a replacement here and now". After dealing with Samsung, I might go with iPhone just because of that customer service I received.
Fave 5 of last gen:

DMC - absolutely had a blast playing this. Dat club level

The Last of Us - Amazing opening. Amazing world. The characters felt...real.

Journey - very unique experience

The Walking Dead Season 1 - no game has ever made me break into tears. This game accomplished that

Metal Gear Solid 4 - say what you want, I really enjoyed how they brought everything together and closed Solid's story even if it resulted in only a few hours of gameplay


Super Mario Galaxy - impossible to play without smiling
I downloaded DmC for free on PS+ last month and can't even bother to finish it. I don't like how that game feels, or the annoyingly try hard teen atmosphere it has. DMC4 even with its ridiculous "play the same game twice" game-ruining backtracking was much better.

I can feel the snitches breathing down my neck so I'm gonna stop with the vidyagame talk though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member

Those are the the non handheld games I actually played the most and enjoyed the most from last gen. The only thing that's on a 360/PS3 that I enjoyed that almost made the list was Borderlands 1. Oh, Megaman 9 was multiplatform and was 6th on the list. If you don't count RE 4 Wii Edition for being a port and all you can put that in there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I downloaded DmC for free on PS+ last month and can't even bother to finish it. I don't like how that game feels, or the annoyingly try hard teen atmosphere it has. DMC4 even with its ridiculous "play the same game twice" game-ruining backtracking was much better.

I can feel the snitches breathing down my neck so I'm gonna stop with the vidyagame talk though.

What snitches? No snitches. Omerta.

For what it's worth, I played DMC on PC with its silky smooth 60 fps

Yeah, it's fantastic on PC. So fantastic. Goddamn it was great.


Both those games(dmc 4/dmc) are are a good romp.

I guess the new ones are not hardcore enough for the sadomasochistic gamers.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Then you be cray cray. His work with Tobacco alone proves that wrong.

Beck and Radiohead have always been two peas in a pod. "Don't mistake lack of talent for genius" - but keep in mind, Batista is a wrasslin god.

Hey, let's talk some wrestles.

Most disappointing debuts?

1. Sin Cara


Hmm. Almost forgot Bayonetta in my fav games, but maybe I didn't.

The game is lots of fun to play with just some outrageous sequences, but at the same time the story mode and character design is well.. pretty much trash. Reject Devil may Cry material. I remember after playing it a few hours I was almost embarrassed. Obviously I got over it and continued through and I don't regret my time with it.
I would much rather have Vanquish 2. Probably not even the same team or anything, but I'm just saying.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hmm. Almost forgot Bayonetta in my fav games, but maybe I didn't.

The game is lots of fun to play with just some outrageous sequences, but at the same time the story mode and character design is well.. pretty much trash. Reject Devil may Cry material. I remember after playing it a few hours I was almost embarrassed. Obviously I got over it and continued through and I don't regret my time with it.
I would much rather have Vanquish 2. Probably not even the same team or anything, but I'm just saying.

I can only play Bayonetta when nobody's around me. Too much wahjah.

Still, for a M2F character, she's a great step in the right direction for real equality.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Geometry Wars 2 is pretty close to perfect. I could play that game every day and not get sick of it. What a goddamn game!


I skipped out on games like Fallout,Skyrim, and Mass Effect simply because I thought it would take too much time to finish them. Outside of that I think I played most of the big hitters.

I'm surprised Black Ops is sill like over 30 bucks. Sucks, I just want to play the story mode. For real I would pay 20 bucks a la carte just for simply story mode in that series. That's all I care for.


Honestly, I don't think Mass Effect is really worth it (at least the first game). The story and universe is pretty neat, but the gameplay is so awful. I've heard the sequels made the game more fun to actually play, but I cant' be bothered to stomach through the first game.

I'm happy to see Vanquish get its proper love. Best third person shooter of the gen.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I skipped out on games like Fallout,Skyrim, and Mass Effect simply because I thought it would take too much time to finish them. Outside of that I think I played most of the big hitters.

I'm surprised Black Ops is sill like over 30 bucks. Sucks, I just want to play the story mode. For real I would pay 20 bucks a la carte just for simply story mode in that series. That's all I care for.

Skyrim is garbage, you're missing nothing unless you go uguu for dragons. Such a clunky piece of shit. Its narrative was bunk too. Everything was crap.

New Vegas though...that shit is worth spending time on. Goddamn. Obsidian! Best Fallout.
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