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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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WWE '12


Best story put together for a modern day wrestling game. They took everything to the limit, trolled the IWC and then some. They even had Triple H bury fools left and right.

But the quick time events....oh god the quick time events. You didn't wrestle to win matches, you wrestled to get to the next event.......horrible, horrible story telling device in wrasslin'.

But the story was oh so good, I suffered through it.


You guys really don't like the respect the bead shirts huh? I don't really have an issue with those, think the design is pretty good, except for the giant DANIEL BRYAN on the back of it.

Also late but my 5 games of the gen in no particular order

Halo 3
Portal 2
Gears 3
Akrham City
Rock Band

Honourable mention to Crackdown. Also GTA IV. Probably my favourite GTA, dat euphoria engine
Azura's Wrath is yet another game I have yet to finish as with Binary Domain. Aka, under appreciated gems from last gen.

The very ending of the game, which I believe is DLC, is where that game transcends itself to a whole other level.
Even if it was a shallow beat em up type game, it would have worked on the strengths of everything else.

If Brutal Legend was simply a heavy metal themed massive war beat-em-up it would've been greatness. There were points where you summon the rally flag and are carrying it into battle like a samurai warrior with your army behind you and it's pure magic.

Then you have to jump into the RTS sections that feel so detached and all of that magic is lost. They should've kept the strategic elements on the ground and relegated simply to pointing or leading your groups to areas instead of making it about managing resources or spawn points. The game was at its best when you're down in the middle of a big mess of different classes fighting each other, and your combat + guitar solos provide offense, buffs, and new abilities to turn the tide of the battle. There was no need to task players with managing anything else, or to need to fly around the map like a makeshift mouse cursor to babysit the fight. They overcomplicated something that was best left simple, but it isn't actually complex enough to be substantial so it ends up killing the flow.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Top Five Disappointments is an even harder list, last gen was full of them

MGS 4, the most disappointing game of all time.
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Diablo III
Brutal Legend, what a fucking con. Vince Russo would be proud.


Top Five Disappointments is an even harder list, last gen was full of them

MGS 4, the most disappointing game of all time.
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Diablo III
Brutal Legend, what a fucking con. Vince Russo would be proud.

Biggest con since MGS2?

As for MGS4, to me it was worth it alone
going back to shadow mosses. Heck I even paused the game at that point to re-play MGS1.

MGS4 last gen, was utterly unique. Nothing else like it.
Ahh yes, Brutal Legend, if it had to have those RTS parts they should have been toned down to make them more like large scale battles where you just had objectives to complete for success, not having to tell dudes what to do and where to go and all that crap. I also enjoyed the game outside of that. If I wanted to play an RTS I would have bought an RTS. That said, I think I only paid a couple bucks for it and a bunch of other games due to EA having some thing going on at the time that allowed people to buy a shit load of games for only like $2-$5 each.

The best wrestling shirts are the ones that don't scream out 'WRESTLING SHIRT'. Strange.

Exactly but I feel the same with with band shirts too and well just about everything except the House of El/Superman logo on it. I might buy one for support but I'd be damned if I'd ever wear it in public, I don't enjoy feeling like a walking billboard, especially if it also looks stupid. I like it vague to where only those who also like it would get it, I'm if more wrestlers/bands/whatever designed their merch in that way they'd sell more and it could actually be a conversation starter if it's a cool design.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
MGS 2 is at least fun to play throughout with the real disappointing bits being the lack of good boss fights and story issues. MGS 4 has both of those issues and that shitty act 3, plus those gigantic install times and even longer cutscenes than MGS 2 or 3. The end of Act 3 and beginning of Act 4 is basically long ass cutscene, short ass boss fight, 45 minute cutscene, chase sequence, 50 minute cutscene, install time, beginning of act iv cutscene.

The ending is garbage. Sons of Liberty at least has a kick ass ending.


MGS 2 is at least fun to play throughout with the real disappointing bits being the lack of good boss fights and story issues. MGS 4 has both of those issues and that shitty act 3, plus those gigantic install times and even longer cutscenes than MGS 2 or 3. The end of Act 3 and beginning of Act 4 is basically long ass cutscene, short ass boss fight, 45 minute cutscene, chase sequence, 50 minute cutscene, install time, beginning of act iv cutscene.

The ending is garbage. Sons of Liberty at least has a kick ass ending.

Lol. It's all a blurr to me.

Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant - (NJPW 12/08/1982)

Not much explanation I can give this one, it's a Hulk vs Andre match and they do all the stuff that makes Hulk vs Andre matches so great. Hulkamania was runnin' wild in Japan in 1982, it seems, and Andre gets super annoyed at the crowd's chants. The look on Hulk's face when Andre doesn't succumb to the Axe Bombaaaaah is awesome. Also, proper mean looking slam towards the end from a bloody Hogan. Fun match, that spills into the next match afterwards.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
You spelled "Aliens: Colonial Marines" wrong.

didn't even crack my top ten this gen. There's a lot of highly anticipated games that completely disappointed on all levels. This one barely even registered because I didn't even care for it in the first place.


didn't even crack my top ten this gen. There's a lot of highly anticipated games that completely disappointed on all levels. This one barely even registered because I didn't even care for it in the first place.

For me, Colonial Marines is #1 and DmC is #2 on my disappointments list.

Colonial Marines locks #1 down for the deceptive "gameplay" trailers, siphoning that game's budget to fund Boringlands 2, and then Pitchford trying to convince people that A:CM was still good after everyone ripped it apart.
A few other gems I enjoyed even though non got much fan fare or good reviews.


I love how I can look at my Achievement Trophy history to see what I played.

Can't log into Nintendo.com and do that. :[/QUOTE]

Bionic Commando games?

jmdajr is now my main nigga in WrassleGAF. Fuck the rest of y'all.


Not sure about most disappointing. Probably Metal Gear Rising or whatever the fuck it's called.

Played the demo and was like NOPE. This combat system is shit.


Not sure about most disappointing. Probably Metal Gear Rising or whatever the fuck it's called.

Played the demo and was like NOPE. This combat system is shit.

I'm legit shook. MGR is one of the best action games this entire generation.

Granted the demo is of an earlier build of the game, the full game is a lot tighter.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
For me, Colonial Marines is #1 and DmC is #2 on my disappointments list.

Colonial Marines locks #1 down for the deceptive "gameplay" trailers, siphoning that game's budget to fund Boringlands 2, and then Pitchford trying to convince people that A:CM was still good after everyone ripped it apart.

Yeah, it's definitely got its story behind that.

Let me do the rest of my top ten then.

6 GTA IV-Only reason it isn't top five is that the DLC is pretty good.
7 Resident Evil 5-Coming off of four though anything would be a disappointment.
8 Beyond: Two Souls. Fuck this game.
9 Journey short waste of money
10 Final Fantasy:Crystal Bearers. Another decent game like RE 5 but like that can't live up to its prequels.


I'm legit shook. MGR is one of the best action games this entire generation.

Granted the demo is of an earlier build of the game, the full game is a lot tighter.

I will be giving it another chance once it's either

A) Free on PS+

B) Five bucks or less for digital download.

I might un-burry then.
Bootaaay, go to the footy thread, i got a gift for you there. you can do backing vocals if you want to.

Jeeeeeezus. I like that the riff sounds like it's a DOOM .midi, great stuff.

Also, points for calling it the Boleyn and not Upton Park, however, putting trophies on ice thanks to Sam Allardyce? 34 years since we last won anything, staying in the top flight for more than two or three seasons would suit me fine at this point. Lastly, no self-respecting human being would ever advocate anyone supporting Millwall. They are filth.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Serious question, no need to go into a lot of detail but what is it about Nier that has you rate it so highly?
I mean I found it solid enough though not spectacular, the gameplay on its own is in my opinion mediocre (though the way it dips its toes into other genres with the same basic gameplay setup at points is pretty novel).
So I figure it's more of a plot thing that makes it so loved by those that do, the whole experience and all that I guess but help shed some light on the subject for me.

I love Cavia. I loved Drakengard and Drankengard 2, yes, even Drankengard 2. When Nier came out, I was so excited, with it being a spiritual successor to the REAL ending of Drakengard. What I got was a game that was all over the place. I loved the music, which is mostly strings and a made up language.The core gameplay mechanics were pretty standard fare, it wasn't broken, but it wasn't great. Then the gameplay opens up and you are playing bullet hells, text adventures, top down dungeon crawlers, side scrollers etc. The story begins in a dystopian grocery store where you are defending your daughter as a 40 year old man and then the game shoots you 1,300 years in the future, where you journey with a talking book, a hermaphrodite and a skeleton boy. I loved the structure of the story telling, the commentary on game design and JRPG tropes, the second ending shedding light on the events of the second half of the game in a completely different light, the trolling of the player etc. Also, what happens after the 4th ending is ballsy as fuck and I love it. No game companies, to my knowledge, fuck the with the players to the extent that Cavia did. It was interesting and I will always give my love to games that are ambitious and don't stick the landing versus those which don't take any risks and are "better" games.

God bless you, Cavia

Jeeeeeezus. I like that the riff sounds like it's a DOOM .midi, great stuff.

Also, points for calling it the Boleyn and not Upton Park, however, putting trophies on ice thanks to Sam Allardyce? 34 years since we last won anything, staying in the top flight for more than two or three seasons would suit me fine at this point. Lastly, no self-respecting human being would ever advocate anyone supporting Millwall. They are filth.

i needed something to rhyme with Allardyce.

there's also a metal ballad i did that one of the guys gonna sing later on with erotic lyrics.


i also got some viking metal stuff there.


Top 5 disappointments:

Smash Bros Brawl
(greatest disappointment of all time. dojo hype was a bad idea.)
Grand Theft Auto IV (coming off the perfection of Vice City and San Andreas, we got this sad, boring piece of shit)
Resident Evil 5 (again, coming off RE4, it was going to be hard to follow that one up. But no one knew what the loss of Mikami meant until RE5 came out, and it was mediocre as fuck)
Twilight Princess (nothing was going to live up to the hype of that E3 2004 trailer, but even years removed from the launch of the game, Twilight Princess is a slow game. Not a worthy successor to Wind Waker, let alone OOT and MM)


Not sure about most disappointing. Probably Metal Gear Rising or whatever the fuck it's called.

Played the demo and was like NOPE. This combat system is shit.

I didn't like the demo either way back when. Got the game recently on steam, learned the parry timing and honestly, the game is freaking fantastic. Really addicting, if only it were longer! It opens up after the demo's section, more weapons, combos, etc.


Top 5 disappointments:

Smash Bros Brawl
(greatest disappointment of all time. dojo hype was a bad idea.)
Grand Theft Auto IV (coming on the perfection of Vice City and San Andreas, we got this sad, boring piece of shit)
Resident Evil 5 (again, coming off RE4, it was going to be hard to follow that one up. But no one knew what the loss of Mikami meant until RE5 came out, and it was mediocre as fuck)
Twilight Princess (nothing was going to live up to the hype of that E3 2004 trailer, but even years removed from the launch of the game, Twilight Princess is a slow game. Not a worthy successor to Wind Waker, let alone OOT and MM)

GTA IV might have been meh, but the Episodes were amazing.
MGS 2 is at least fun to play throughout with the real disappointing bits being the lack of good boss fights and story issues. MGS 4 has both of those issues and that shitty act 3, plus those gigantic install times and even longer cutscenes than MGS 2 or 3. The end of Act 3 and beginning of Act 4 is basically long ass cutscene, short ass boss fight, 45 minute cutscene, chase sequence, 50 minute cutscene, install time, beginning of act iv cutscene.

The ending is garbage. Sons of Liberty at least has a kick ass ending.
I agree with almost all of this, MGS4 is okay for like most of the first two acts then the moment you're done with Laughing Octopus and get stuck on that shitty turret section the downhill slide truly begins with only a slight recovery for Shadow Moses Nostalgia pops and the Metal Gear punchup before continuing the descent into cut scene hell for a game where the plot is also utter nonsense and not in the mindfuck MGS2 way, just in a boring 20 minute HHH promo way times ten.

I love Cavia. I loved Drakengard and Drankengard 2, yes, even Drankengard 2. When Nier came out, I was so excited, with it being a spiritual successor to the REAL ending of Drakengard. What I got was a game that was all over the place. I loved the music, which is mostly strings and a made up language.The core gameplay mechanics were pretty standard fare, it wasn't broken, but it wasn't great. Then the gameplay opens up and you are playing bullet hells, text adventures, top down dungeon crawlers, side scrollers etc. The story begins in a dystopian grocery store where you are defending your daughter as a 40 year old man and then the game shoots you 1,300 years in the future, where you journey with a talking book, a hermaphrodite and a skeleton boy. I loved the structure of the story telling, the commentary on game design and JRPG tropes, the second ending shedding light on the events of the second half of the game in a completely different light, the trolling of the player etc. Also, what happens after the 4th ending is ballsy as fuck and I love it. No game companies, to my knowledge, fuck the with the players to the extent that Cavia did. It was interesting and I will always give my love to games that are ambitious and don't stick the landing versus those which don't take any risks and are "better" games.

God bless you, Cavia

I can totally accept this angle even if on that last point I'm all about the finely tuned gameplay approach ( just ignore the Ace Attorney in my fave five).
Cheers for taking the time to explain, for what its worth I did enjoy it, wouldn't have bothered with the second ending If I didn't after all.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
PS+ has changed my spending habits. I no longer support Sony games because I just wait for them to be 'rentals' - Vita's really, REALLY fucking dead now though. After Borderlands 2 hits it, which I will be passing on because jeezus I never want to play it again, well, that's the end.
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