I haven't watched wrestling since the attitude era. The announcement of the network made me start to feel some nostalgia, so I watched the History of the WWE on netflix, then last weeks RAW to see what's going on. I was actually surprised that it was pretty good. The guy that really stood out to me was Roman Reigns. He looks like a star. Think I'm going to try the network out and start following a bit more.
Welcome and shake hands. Don't shake hands with Vince McMahon though, he prefers a good old punch to the gut so he can tell who is a real man.
Mr. Luchador's Attitude Fave Five
1. Owen Hart
Despite not really being a real Attitude Era guy, and only being in the first year or so (98-99), his work with Jeff Jarrett was so good I actually liked Jeff Jarrett for a little while. Besides he's the guy that broke Austin's neck and helped Austin become super over. He was also part of the Nation of Domination, a Slammy Award Winner and The Black Hart. He was not a nugget.
2. The Headbangers/The Oddities
Yeah, I went there! In similar vain I really liked The Oddities because it was stupid and daft. Sure they were gimmicky as hell, but they lived those gimmicks to the point they made them sort of cool. Everyone doing the Public Enemy hand waving for The Oddities looked great too.
3. D'lo Brown
Seriously. Wiggly head and chest protector frog splashes. I remember that going on for years, but seemingly it only lasted a few months.
4. Kurt Angle
Why? He was the 'legit' anchor in the attitude era. The Olympic Medalist who was so out of his depth in the bizzare word of wrestling, but was so pompus and goofy. He transformed into this comedy great alongside Steve Austin and Vince McMahon.
5. Steve Austin/Vince McMahon
I'm cheating my grouping these two together, but I have to. You can't have one without the other in the attitude era.
Honorable Mentions:
Spike Dudley
Crash Holly
The Hurricane