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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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I can't believe that Matt ended up being more of a fuck up than Jeff.

There are people somewhere who owe money because they lost a bet about this.

I don't think anybody could have seen this coming. And the saddest thing is nobody's trying to help him because of all the bridges he's burned.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
DDP should invite Matt Hardy to the Accountability Crib.


DDP should invite Matt Hardy to the Accountability Crib.

Fuck it. Only one DDP can save Matt:



I'm afraid you can't rock the lumberjack hipster look then.

You can still wear big Wyatt overalls if you wanted to.
Should the WWE give her a gimmick where she loses her voice and has to communicate via sign language? Could bring in that untapped hearing-impaired demographic.

(Ironically, Dolph Ziggler actually DOES know sign language and could be utilized in this fashion as well.)

Would communicating via farting suffice?


So, I'm watching NXT right now, as suggested in the last thread.

Is Tyler Breeze the worst character ever, or what?

And why can't they just let then wrestle? Every other match falls victim to some bullshit interference...


All right ya'll, Big Daddy Disco is back and with a fresh new avatar to boot!

So, I was "busy" this weekend and through Tuesday. Had a lady friend come visit so I've been indisposed for a little bit. "Busy? But how, Big Daddy Disco?" you ask? Let me show you a little glimpse into my life via gifs of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. (I'd like to thank the illustrious Strobo for the GIFs ahead of time) And yes they are shown in order of actual events.





I think I'm a little older than the average Wrasslegafer, so I'm not going to brag or boast. But I will say this. I was doing a lot of "wrasslin" of my own, if you catch my drift.

OK. So I missed the Avatar Rumble, I see Mr. Archibald Peck won which is awesome! I'm not sure if I've told you all this or not, but I actually teach/write drill/judge marching bands for a living. In fact, here's a picture of me in a busby (the big poofy marching band hat, it's not a "shako", that's another thing) stolen from one of the bands I teach.

Me and the lady actually watched the Royal Rumble on Sunday, I didn't think it was all bad. The Bryan/Wyatt match was great. The Rumble itself. Ehhhh... not so much. I did love how the crowd completely shit on the last 15 minutes or so of the PPV. Amazing.

Now, CM Punk is gone? WHAT DA HELL. I really can't blame him though. He's been wanting to main event 'Mania for how many years now? And we get BOTCHTISTA? Jeeeeezus.

Anyway, good to be back. Hope this post isn't too long. I plan on posting a lot more on here. IN FACT, my goal is to be on the Wall of Shame for February, or at least make more of an impact on here.


The dude spent the first 5 minutes of that match taking selfies.


His gimmick is that he's a super self absorbed male model type. And he's great at it. Tyler Breeze is awesome.

Disco, congratulations and going down on some YAK and falling over a few times.

Big One

Ugliest gear I've ever seen on Batista, yuck. And THIS is going to be the guy to main event? Yeah...

Seriously why is Batista wearing psuedo-shorts?! Good lord
Fucking dudes hating on Tyler Breeze, people hating on Enzo in one of the other threads. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!?

As much as I like both of them, they are just a gimmick, at much they will become a joke character.

NXT been pretty bad lately, too much focus on gimmicks and not much wrestling, I guess the golden era of NXT is over.


For a giant muscled up MMA fighting movie star bad ass wrestler, Batista has some of the lamest tats possible. Stars and a belly button tattoo? Is he a 19 year old girl? I bet he has a toe ring tat. How can you support this, Sunny?


I never was much of a Batista fan. Now, after watching the RR recaps and looking at that pic above, I actually kinda hate him...


I never was much of a Batista fan. Now, after watching the RR recaps and looking at that pic above, I actually kinda hate him...

His face looks different to me. Not in the sense that he got older or whatever, but that his features look different. Like Batista's brother or something.


Bo never had an impressive physique, but the dude looks in even worse shape than normal. He should make that part of his gimmick.
Adam Rose debuted with a supposedly insane entrance with groupies made of nxt divas that haven't debuted yet, an entourage including Troy Mcclain with Solomon Crowe as his DJ. lol
lmao. I was alright with the crazy big game hunter but i think I'm SUPER alright with pretty boy rockstar
I'd be a Sheamus fan if he changes his name to Chip and this was his theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eu0PtSdSNo
this is good stuff
We know how this is going.

Fucking dudes hating on Tyler Breeze, people hating on Enzo in one of the other threads. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!?
the Attitude Era was the peak of wrestling, bro. just accept it, modern wrestling is shit


As much as I like both of them, they are just a gimmick, at much they will become a joke character.

NXT been pretty bad lately, too much focus on gimmicks and not much wrestling, I guess the golden era of NXT is over.

Does Enzo even wrestle really? His job is to be a loud mouth asshole who loses all of his matches really fast while Big Cass pulls his weight. And I don't mind that Breeze is having shorter matches because he's learning to wrestle/act in character consistently.

In general, I don't mind the character leaning that NXT's taken. WWE's in some serious need of characters right now because as has been pointed out this past month, they've mainly just got slogans that indicate gimmicks that don't really exist. Maybe things will leak over to RAW and they'll bring back backstage pieces that flesh out motivations, character arcs and build up feuds.

As for 'not much wrestling', they repackaged one of their 'top' guys into Adam Rosewho's yet to see screen time, Zayn's injured, they shitcanned Ohno, Neville's had three decent-to-good matches in the past several weeks and the majority of the remaining male roster are still learning the ropes. I'd mark it as a transition period while we wait for everyone to heal up, redebut and for CJ Parker to go away.

Question: a lot of NXT guys (Rawley and Dallas mainly) seem like they're putting on weight or losing muscle definition. Is there something going on, or are those just problems with the individuals?
Enzo has always been a joke character, they'll probably push him and Cass when he's recovered but they rarely ever won matches, and as heels they were total jokes, getting squashed by Mason Ryan. except they got more popular than him. Breeze, kinda the same. His first feud was with CJ PARKER. Breeze has had like two singles matches that weren't short - the CJP one and the one with Neville recently. let's not forget when his whole team abandoned him in that 4v4 match.


Enzo riding around in his leopard print electric wheel chair and trolling Aiden English was great. Sssssssss SAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFFFFFFFFTTTTTTT


Big Dave's face reminds me of the creepy old dude (aka Mr. Six) from the Six Flags commercials...


His legs are about the same size, too.
Are we seriously shitting on Enzo and Tyler Breeze? Lol. There are tons of great gimmicks on NXT right now and those are definitely two of em. It doesn't matter whether or not those gimmicks will make it to the main roster; they're entertaining in the setting they're currently in.


I don't mind a gimmick-centric focus, either. The problem is when the gimmicks suck and don't add to the wrestling.

In my opinion, acting out a gimmick should not negatively impact a match. Tyler Breeze wasting a large portion of what turned out to be a relatively short match, just to take selfies? The only thing worse than that was the fact that the match was unnecessarily interrupted anyways...
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